You did it. You’re committing to making a leap from your comfort zone. You’re making an Edge Move! Maybe you’re proposing a new project at work or applying for a new position within your company. Maybe you’re taking the lead on a campaign or managing a client meeting. But as you execute your Edge Move, implementing new action by new action to get there, the voice of doubt, fear, and uncertainty consume you. “I can’t do this.” “I’ve never done this before.” “I can’t fail.” Dialogue along these lines are self-limiting beliefs: assumptions we have about ourselves and our work. And if you listen to them, they can hold you back in your comfort zone, stopping you from accomplishing your goals.
I’m going through this right now. From July and now into August, I’ve been preparing and creating a client presentation that’s has undoubtedly left my knickers in a knot. I was excited when signing the contract, and now I’m full of second guesses and worry. After using three tactics that I’m going to share with you today, I was able to uncover and face my self-limiting beliefs, not letting them get in the way of me rocking this keynote presentation.
The three tactics include:
Feeling the squirm.
Reflecting on your emotions and finding the source.
Considering the passengers in your vehicle.
What do these tactics mean and how can you apply them? Tune in to the newest Your Brilliant Difference Podcast episode to find out.
What to Expect
00:00 — Introduction: Self-Sabotage and Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
02:41 — Feeling and Navigating Internal Struggles
09:01 — The Power of Reflection and Contemplation
17:26 — Uncovering Different Versions of Self
33:49 — Taking Control of the Wheel: Trusting Yourself for Desired Outcomes
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