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Episode 269: DVC Resale Market, D23 Preview & DCL Japan image

Episode 269: DVC Resale Market, D23 Preview & DCL Japan

Welcome Home: A Disney Parks & DVC Podcast
1.1k Plays6 months ago

On This Episode

The guys are joined by special guest Dani from DVC Resale Market to discuss the state of the resale market, pricing specials, Reflections, and member lounges. Disney announced the panels coming to D23 this year and the guys recklessly speculate on what the poster for the event means. Disney Speedstorm is now on mobile devices. Disney has expanded their deal with the Oriental Land Company to bring Disney cruise ships to Japan. With DOLE Whip day coming up soon, Disney has released some special treats to celebrate.

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Introduction and Hosts' Banter

This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, broadcasting on the DVC to all points unknown. If you're within the sound of my voice, you're listening to Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC.
Hello and welcome home. Thank you for joining us on episode 269 of Welcome Home, a Disney Parks and Vacation Club podcast. I'm Tom here with Trevor. How's it going, Trevor? Pretty good. How are you? Good. I feel like we just, we just talked for like 15 minutes. ah What do you mean we talked before the show? You know, it's just, we just turned the mics on and this is the first time we've spoken to each other breaking the fourth wall, I guess. right yeah I was just telling you, go

Inside Out 2 and Movie Theaters Revival

ahead, sorry. I was going to say, not any planning at all that goes into this. No, no planning. I mean, really, really, there isn't that much. But I was just telling you before the show how I'm going to see Inside Out 2 tonight. And we got talking about movies and why we don't go to movie theaters anymore. But I kind of feel like movie theaters are coming back. But I'm looking forward to seeing that tonight. It does seem like it's, I mean, I've heard a lot of great things about it.
Yeah, actually, and yeah I guess this is a bit of a follow up from our you know last conversation about Avatar and all that. We were talking about like why you know why that didn't click, it but you know something like inside out to me, it's like, yeah, you know that that's that to me makes sense. like you know I expect Disney to hype it and I expect them to you know invest in it because it has like it has the the right amount of hype around it, whereas I feel like Avatar, like it made a bunch of money, but I still don't understand. out and made all of its money, right? yeah Yeah, yeah. Anyway, yeah, but yeah, but glad you're going to go see it. i We're going to wait for it to come out on Disney Plus because, yeah, movie theaters. You know, it's so it's funny you say that because I was we were going to do that and then my wife's like, we could really use like a date night and like, let's go watch this. And I'm like, OK, that sounds good because I usually just wait for it to come to Disney Plus, you know, but, you know, anyway, we should we should introduce our

Listener Reviews and Guest Introduction

guests. But but before we do that, let's ah should we do our review with that? But then we'll ah yeah.
yeah um So, yeah, this week we got one from Ashley Fen, five-star review. Thank you for that. um It says great dynamic. Love the show. All the guys are great. Really enjoy hearing all of their different opinions on various Disney topics. So, yeah, thanks for that, Ashley. sir glad Glad you're enjoying it because we're enjoying it. We do, yeah. yeah yeah ah is ash that's this Is that the same Ashley that just posted in our Facebook group? Yeah, oh no yeah it is. that She did a ah one-day trip to Disney from from Philadelphia, flew down, did a day, and then flew back again, which is crazy. I respect that. That is that is cool. like you know yeah Good for you for doing that. Good for you is right. Good for you.
So let but let's go ahead and introduce our guest. we' We've got Danny from DVC Resale Market on here. Danny's been on many times. Thank you so much for having me. It's so great to be back. And by the way, Ashley, you are my hero. That's the coolest thing ever. What a adrenaline rush. like You get up early, super early in the morning, you hop on a plane and you go to Disney. like You just open your eyes in the morning and you're like, What do I want to do today? let's go to Let's go to Disney. What a rush. That's so cool. I mean, that's like something you local Floridians can do, right? But like from Philly, like there you got to get on a plane. You got to go. Yeah. that's Yeah. So my best memory growing up, so I grew up in South Florida, like in the Fort Lauderdale area.

Disney Childhood Memories and Road Trips

And my best memories were you know in the middle of the night, our parents would wake us up. We were so disoriented. They would put us in the car in our pajamas. We had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. I'm like, am I going to school right now? What is happening? And then we're driving and 20 minutes, 40 minutes later, I'm like, where are we going? And then all of a sudden, you know, they surprise us with Disney World. And I mean, I grew up going to Disney probably, oh gosh, more times than I can count every single year. And still, every time it was just such a rush. It was so cool. I i've think I've talked about this in the show before, but when I, you know, I grew up in New Jersey and my my family never flew anywhere. Like we drove everywhere. So we we would drive to Disney from New Jersey, which is like, I don't think it's like 20 hours or something like that, right? It's it's a crazy long ride. but i
I remember when I was a young kid, ah my dad had one of those vans where you could like take out the back seats and you know remove them completely. and so He used to just remove all the back seats and we would put like sleeping bags in the back and we would he would drive all the way there. and I'm like, that was a poor idea. We probably shouldn't have done that like as an adult now looking back. you know yeah ah We fine have this TV i like I don't know. I guess it was meant for the car because it had like the cigarette lighter Jack. Oh, yeah. And so it was like this big white TV that had a VCR in it. And so we would put that in the car because like that was before, I mean, I guess they had some cars with the little TVs on the back headrest, but those were really fancy cars. You didn't get those in this. Yeah, exactly. So we like kind of you know we still wanted to have the experience. So we got this like massive ah white TV with the VCR and we would we would set it up in between the two pilot seats and like sit all the way in the back of the car so we could watch movies on the way to Disney.
Yeah, my dad had one of those and I feel like we the only VHS we ever had in the car was like George of the jungle for some reason and you just watch it over over and over and and over and over and over and over. Yeah. but like Like the Brendan fraer brendon Fraser one. Yes, the Brendan Fraser one. Sorry, I asked because there's a cartoon that spawned that, yeah and yeah that's actually what I watched when I was a kid, was the original cartoon. No, it was the Renner Fraser one. I remember this very distinctly. I don't know why that was what was in the car, but that's what was there, right? so I think ours was the parent trap.
how does face Yeah, I and you know, nowadays, my my daughter just has a tablet and she's you know, that's that's it for the whole whole way there. and She wants right at her fingertips. but's you know I tried to tell her before too. is like you know When I was a kid, we didn't have the tablet. We had you know ah was it brain quests or mind quests. Did you guys ever do that? the It was the trivia game for kids. Oh man, we used to have that. We had kidding. I think my parents had one of those. Yeah, coloring books. Yeah, I think I'm the oldest one here. So yeah we yeah, we had coloring books and maybe they would let us put on our the mixtapes that we had. But you know, mom and dad would only let us on for a little bit.
Oh, no, we didn't even have that. we We just had like tape decks in the car like when I was a kid. OK, yeah. Yeah. Did you have like the book that had like the invisible ink thing where you have the the marker? Oh, yeah. you Yeah, yeah. Everyone had that for road trips, right? That was. Yeah. yeah Or later you do like the Mad Libs. You know, you had the book that with the Mad Libs. We'd always do the license plate game, too. You know, we try to find license plates from all the other states, which I tried with my daughter the last time we drove to Disney and she actually really enjoyed it. And then she got bored of that. And then I was like, okay, well, how about you count how many campers you see? And so that became, you know, like we just, we're trying to try different things cause you can only do the tablet for so long. yeah So anyway, we have Danny here. We should be talking about DVC resale market. I and know people enjoy when we just talk about random things, but i you know what though I would love to hear from people like when you were a kid, what was the thing? Like if you were driving to Disney or flying to Disney, like what was the thing that kept you occupied when you were a kid?
And what I want to hear too, what was like the best memory of maybe like a road trip that you went on or like a surprise trip that you went on? Because those are always my favorite. Like I love watching those videos on YouTube of the parents surprising the kids and then they yeah start freaking out. I love this. Oh, yeah, those are cool. i

DVC Resale Market Insights with Danny

See, I feel like my parents never did that. My mom is like a hardcore planner. Like when she would like our Disney trips were planned down to like the half hour, you know, so you had like the calendar on your fridge that counted down the days. Oh, like yeah, 100 percent. Like there was never like a get in the car. We're going somewhere. Like it was like my mom had an itinerary. Like where we were, you know, and we knew like probably a year ahead of time every time we would
Yeah, I will say what one memorable thing ah driving to Disney was we were driving through a storm in Florida one time and we were driving right next to the water and we saw ah water spouts. We saw like several of them like right next to our car, which was both ah equal parts scary and cool. But yeah, that's pretty terrifying. I mean, I live in Florida. I actually live right on the beach and I don't think i have nor do i ever want to see that would be absolutely terrified yeah it was it was i remember it like very vividly and this is probably is probably a teenager when this happened but it was.
Like I said, equal parts, terrifying and kind of cool. Who's like, Oh, look at those. They're over there. But oh, wait, they're like over there. And then did you think that that just happens like all the time in Florida? Yeah. I just assumed that Florida is constantly water spouts and and turkey tornadoes tornadoes. I'm envisioning like Twister. Like, yeah, yeah, exactly. There was a cow floating through one of them, and a shark, you know, shark NATO. It was a shark NATO. That's what it was. Of course. Anyway, Danny, it's been like 20 episodes or so since you've been on. So you never know when we have new listeners. So you want to give just a brief intro of yourself, what you do, what your background is, just for anybody that doesn't know you. Absolutely. Yeah. So I work with DVC Resale Market. I'm a sales agent over there. I absolutely love it. I get to work with some of my best friends. I previously worked for Disney directly as a DVC guide, and I was actually on the cruise team. So when I was over there, I spent a lot of my time at Walt Disney World, but also out on the cruise ships. And I spent, I think it was about 10 years out on cruise ships, out on the high seas. No spouts out there, thankfully, or at least that I saw. But yeah, I have
spent quite some time around the the Walt Disney Company and in many different facets. That's great. Yeah. So, i you know, we always like to bring you on to kind of get an idea of what's going on with, with DVC resale or, you know, we, lost we also like to ask you random DVC questions too. Cause that's always was fun. Uh, and to make you, to make you guys speculate that stuff. and Although I feel like every time we bring Derek on, Derek won't speculate on things. He's I'm like, I just want you to come up with the craziest idea you can. Cause that's what we do. Um, but yeah, but the reason why he doesn't do that is because when we used to work for Disney, like, You you can't do that when you work for Disney because people are like well Derek said they were building a new resort
like Antarctica, and I still don't see that resort. So it's just ingrained in him. He can't, yeah. Yeah. Then they should give that training to the bus drivers and boat drivers then, because I feel like all the misinformation out there comes from the boat drivers and the bus drivers. They're the ones behind all the blogs. Oh, yeah, seriously. I mean, I think everyone that's listening to this has had a bus driver or boat driver tell them something before that was completely incorrect. That is so funny. Yeah, anyway. I agree. So what's going on with the resale market? I know you're telling me that you guys were doing those deals before and and I guess that's coming back or what you tell me about it. I don't want to. Well, since the last time I was on, so um the row for monster was fast asleep for about a year and a half. And that was pretty crazy. We haven't experienced anything like that for as long as I can remember. ah They weren't buying back. Disney wasn't buying back anything. And so for those of you that might not be
As familiar with the Rover Monster, right of first refusal, ah Disney does have the right to buy back resale contracts. And they typically in a normal market will buy back about 10 to 15% of all resale contracts. And so if you've bought on the resale market before, you know, like, yeah, you're going to get an insane deal, you're going to get 50 to 60% off of direct pricing. It's still a little bit of a game you know you have to put your offer and it gets accepted it goes to row for and if your offers were you know if your offer that you got accepted was really great there's a very good chance you can get bought back by disney but they weren't doing that for awhile and.
The Rofer Monster has woken up. So they have started buying back again. They've bought back, you know, some Polynesian, some Old Key West, some Grand Floridian, or yeah, some grand Grand Floridian, some Animal Kingdom. um So that has definitely shaken up the market a bit. ah We're still in a buyer's market at the moment. I do have... So I'm going to give you some predictions here.

Impact of Polynesian Tower on DVC

Oh, I love this. Yes. so I don't usually like to do this. Just, you know, as I said, you don't hold me to this, but I'm just going to... Nobody holds us accountable on this show for any of the things. You're good. You're good. I'll put some information out there and then we can kind of, you know, speculate together. so
at Disney has started a new promotion over the summer where they're selling sold out inventory. So for a while there, if you went directly to Disney and you said, hey, like I want to buy an old Key West contract, they were like, nope, sorry. you know We have these four resorts that we're selling right now. It's considered our live inventory. This is what's for sale. And that was for quite some time. And then just this summer, they started doing you know, sold out inventory at Animal Kingdom, Saratoga, and Bay Lake. Well, my thinking, so they haven't been buying back really at any of those three resorts, but I'm thinking that we might start to see a shift in that because
That promotion has been doing very well. People are definitely taking advantage of buying sold out inventory direct. And so I'm thinking that we might start seeing some row for buybacks there. What do you guys think? No, that's that's interesting. do it So do you think part of it, like especially for Polly being one, is because of the new tower coming online? 100%. Yeah, that's it, right? Polly is you know definitely a member favorite. I would say, might even be one of, if not the most popular resort at Walt Disney World um for DVC. And so I think they're you know once they announced the new tower being built, it was
taken very, very well. Everyone was super excited about it. There's been a lot of talk around it. And I think they're projecting for it to sell out very quickly, probably similar timeline to the new rooms that they sold at the Grand Floridian. So I think they're just they just need some inventory for that. They want to make sure that they you know are padded this time because they just sold out at Grand Floridian so fast. I mean, that makes sense. too Sorry, Trevor. Go ahead. I was just going to say, so so even though there is a bunch of new rooms coming into the Poly contract, your thinking is is that they want to have existing ones as well because they're expecting that the demand is going to be way higher than most places. Yeah, because you also have to remember, this isn't like the Disneyland Resort where you have restrictions, resale restrictions. Yes. this is
one a favorite hotel amongst members, a favorite resort amongst members. yeah And no yeah you don't have those res retail restrictions. you can So if you buy at the new Poly Tower, you will be you know you'll still have the same deeds, same expiration date, 2066, and you will be able to use those points at any of the 14 classic DVC resorts. So that's huge as well. Well, and I will tell you ever since those pictures came out of the rooms in the resort itself, my my wife's like, that's where we're staying next. like She's like, it looks incredible and we need to stay there. like and I agree. Polynesian is a member favorite and right now they only have studios and bungalows. yep Now you're adding a whole new tower with all these different you know types of accommodations.
It's going to be big. Yeah. Because that's going to open it up to new members that maybe didn't buy in Polly before because the studio didn't work for them. Right. Like so now there's going to be different people buying. And I know Trevor's probably sitting here going like, no, stay away from my resort. I mean, i mean and you know what? I the the thing is, is that I can still stay at the existing ones because I fit into the studios like the studios work for me. So I mean, I'm not mad about it. It's just, you know, it's ah Like it's good that we're getting all of the, you know, the different room types, but it's still, I find it funny because it doesn't apply to me at all. Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't matter to you at all to have those room types. Yeah. I always felt so bad when I would meet a family of six and they were like, our favorite resort is the pollination. And I'm like, do you have a kid maybe that you don't like as much as the others? Because I hate to bring it to you, but you're not going to fit.
that's some hunger games level i i do i mean I do wonder if they're going to keep ramping up ah you know Rofer for for Polynesian now because because of that new tower coming online and because there is a lot of hype around it. And like you said i think like i mean that and it's and it's a monorail resort too, right? And like those are always in high demand just by virtue of being on the monorail and being so close to Magic Kingdom. And I mean i also noticed too when I was at Disney last time, I was just at random places in Magic Kingdom and I could see the Poly Tower from the park and I'm like,
Wow, this is going to this tower is going to have the best views, I think, of all the resorts like, you know, it's it's pretty amazing. Fireworks will be worth it. Yeah, guarantee you. Absolutely. no, it's it's going to be big. So, you know, we'll see what happens there. um They've been selling a ton of Old Key West there as well. So that there's been a lot of buybacks at Old Key West. And then Grand Floridian just is super consistent. um And they're buying back at Grand Floridian as well. So that's been interesting to see. It's definitely created, you know, this floor. So that's what Rofer does is it creates a floor in the resale market. You know, if Disney's buying back at
let's say $165 per point at whatever resort, you're not going to put it on offer for $150 because you know it's going to get bought back. So it just slowly kind of you know creates this floor, increases the market a bit. And so we definitely felt that in the resale market. Um, and then you, you also feel it kind of at some of the other resorts too. So even though they're not necessarily buying back at all those other resorts, it's kind of, kind of that like looming, you know, worry of is the road for monster waking back up completely. And I've been looking at this contract and, or been looking at this resort. We need some more points, you know, might as well do it now while I know we're still in a buyer's market and before that flips. So.
Good time to buy. Then we have some really exciting news that I was given permission to share with you guys two days early.

DVC Promotions and Market Speculations

Look at that. All right. Starting July 15th, we are having our favorite promotion of, well, I guess we had it earlier this year and we're doing it again summer edition and that is Red Hot Deals. Red Hot Deals will start on July 15th and it will go until August 31st. Basically, if you go to our website, you look at listings, you sort by red hot deals, you're going to see this red kind of tag next to the listing. And that's going to let you know that that listing is part of the promotion. And all of these listings are already marked, excuse me, 10% below the market. But just keep in mind, these are buy now, no haggle, you know, their firm price first come first serve.
and they go so fast. Last time we did this, guys, we sold over $500,000 worth of contracts within 24 hours. That's crazy. Of launching this promotion. So it goes really fast. But the last time that we did this promotion, we had, so back in January, we had over, I think it was like over 800 listings on our site. And right now we have, closer to like three, 400 listings. oh wow So yeah, um, they're going to go fast. So if you were looking for, you for specific contract, you know, definitely sort by red hot deals. Those ones are, are awesome. Um, yeah. Look out for it.
Yeah, that's that's exciting. i was I was going to ask you, have you had any, ah have we had any cabin contracts show up yet? the The cabins? No, we have not. But to be honest, it's it's early. It's early, right? But I also haven't really heard of anyone buying them. I mean, I don't know. I saw that they just declared some more inventory. So I don't know if that means that people are actually buying it or they're just I don't know. I'm not sure. I want to stay there. I definitely want to stay there because that is so my vibe. I really I love. Yeah, I I might like, you know, like to dress up a little bit, but I also I like to rough it. I like especially at Disney. Like that's that's glamping. You know, that's that's not even the real stuff. So and yeah, that's the best glamping you can get. right Yeah.
Yeah, and i I stayed in the old cabins. That was kind of rough in it. So I'm excited yeah to stay there, but I don't know that I want to pay those dues. so ah Are they high dues? I haven't even looked at the dues. I'm going to be honest. They're high dues, really. Yeah, they're high dues because the the property is so big. there's a yeah I mean, just so you know you know, annual dues are true operational costs of the resort. So there's no like added fluff in there. it's just It's expensive to upkeep that resort. I get that. That's fair. do you Do you feel that, uh, or I'm getting the impression that the, the cabins are going to probably fall into the same category as like a Lonnie. Where you're just going to be on sale forever. Yeah. It kind of feels that way. If if people aren't reacting to it right off the bat, but I guess Danny, do you feel that that's.
a potential or no. So my view on these cabins is just because I talk to all different types of families, right? And so I think that this resort definitely fulfilled a need for a lot of families, you know, there's It is the worst feeling when you are a family of six and you come in and I have to tell you, oh, yeah, no, you can't do a deluxe studio and you can't even do a one bedroom. You got to jump to a two bedroom or do multiple, you know, multiple rooms to fit your family. And it's like, oh, we're just like one more. We just have one more. And so I think that these accommodations are going to definitely help those families.
I just don't know how many of those families there are. you know I don't know if there's enough of a need to fill the whole resort. i you know i'm not going to lie to like even if i had a family of that size like ah Camping is not my thing. like even even like this is you know You're not really camping, but like you're you're still out on a campground. It's just not my thing. They're it's they're small. It's close quarters, so yeah you better really love your family.
I mean i so i mostly love them the you know like generally though you know it's good to be able to go away from them sometimes. but like but do but How much do you love them after all a long day in the park you've been up since you know the park opened and you're cranky and you're hungry. you know it's funny you say that because i said to my wife on my last trip like we were getting like a little snippy with each other you know because it's like hot out and and stuff and i just stopped for a second i was like and and we never do that like that's not my wife and i and

Disney World Summer Experiences

i'm like disney's just designed to have marital problems like come on like this is just like a
And it's such an oxymoron because you're at the happiest place on earth. Yeah, but it causes yeah conflict. If you're one of those brave families that that goes to Disney in the summertime, that is not me because, you know, I live here and I know better. um I will not do that. If you want to ensure that you are going to fight with your family, go to Disney in the summertime. Well, I went that we were it was like the first week of May and it was high 90s still. It was it was awful. um Yeah, I know I was it was just funny, though, because you you see it, you know, as you walk around, you see like couples fighting and parents fighting with each other. It's just it's it's stressful. It's stressful with the kid and the heat and you know everything. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And it's for those of you who have never been to Florida in the summer, let me just paint a little picture for you. So imagine you walk you just you know got ready for the day, you're looking all cute, you just you know took a nice long shower, you put your makeup on, and then you walk outside and it it actually just feels like you stepped into a sauna. um You stepped right back into the shower, you are just drenched, you are hit with this suffocating heat.
you know Am I making you want to go? ah Yeah. you far You know, circling that back to talking about staying at the cabins, I think that's why a proper hotel is probably a little more appealing because like like you said, you know, I can get up and I can, in the poly, I can make my way through the buildings to the ceremonial house yeah to get my food and stuff. when it's really hot out and I won't die of heat exhaustion. Whereas if I was staying in a cabin, it's like you have no choice but to you know brave the heat, right? You gotta have the golf cart. If you don't have the golf cart, you're you're done for. it I think the cabins go during Christmas time. like That is going to be such an incredible experience. Sit by the fire, roast some marshmallows. But any other time of the year, just go to Copper Creek cabins. du it Just go to the Cascade cabins at Copper Creek.
that's That's maybe a ah bushier cat for you. i've done I did it i did one night there. It was it was amazing, yeah but it was also crazy expensive. um It's funny though, because like you know my mom growing up, like you know she she went there when it was you know just Magic Kingdom, and they would go they would stay at Four Wilderness. and and ah and you know they had I asked her this recently because she has three brothers and sisters, and you know of course, you know her parents. So there's you know six of them. And I was like, how did you like, where were you guys staying? they they're Like, oh, we had like a pop up camper. I'm like, ah what? Like six of you were staying in there? And she goes, Yeah, with the dog too. And I'm like, what? and Like, it's just funny how we like, you know, we're talking about the space. And I'm just like, that must have been crazy. I can't imagine six people in that small of a ah camper. But and also DVC members, we
are spoiled and we forget because yes but I haven't been a DVC member

Affordability and Value of DVC Resale

my whole life. i mean my My parents you know should have joined when I was three years old, but you know we would walk back yeahos we would walk past the kiosk in the park and my dad would be like, we should really check out. you know We come here quite a bit. My mom's like, no, they're just trying to sell us something. um And so we didn't join till much later. And so I know what it's like to you know sleep everybody in the same room. My dad is snoring. I end up in the in the bathtub because I can't stand the snoring. and so
I take my pillow and blanket and I sleep in the bathtub. I know what that's like, and but you forget as a DVC member. And then you walk into like a regular hotel room, not Disney, and you're like, ah excuse me, where's the full-size kitchen, the washer dryer, what's going on here? We forget. that's not you're You're totally right about that because my wife and I prior to DVC, we were value resort people, right? like We would be like, oh yeah we're not we're never in the room. We're open to close people, right? like we're We're out all day. We just need a place to sleep. And then on our honeymoon, we stayed in a deluxe resort. And i I remember saying to my wife like three days in, I was like, we can't go back now. like we You can't go back after this. like It's just... you know
Yeah, that that would be absolute torture to have to go back after that. And, you know, you say, oh, yeah, I stayed in a cabin or, you know, I've stayed in a three bedroom grand villa. Who says that? Like, yeah we we say it so casually. Like, oh, yeah, we stayed in a Mickey mansion. We stayed in a three bedroom grand villa. Twenty five hundred square feet. Like, what ah at walt Disney World at like the most expensive place on Earth. Yeah. We get to do that because we're members. How cool is that? When I tell people about what I do and then they're like, yeah, I looked up you know where you stay and are you spending $1,000 a night to stay there? And it's like, no. What kind of secret life are you living?
you know it's It's funny you guys say that because I don't remember if it was a comment in the group Trevor or if it was one of our reviews where the person said, you know I always thought that DVC was just for super rich people. right and It's really not. right like it Especially when you buy resale right like because resale is such a a value that you get right and and so much cheaper. and it's it's just like It's attainable for a lot of people, and it's but you don't realize it you know and unless you you know do your research and and look into things like resale where you can make it a lot more affordable for yourself. i mean the bres you danny That's we talked The break even on a resale contract is three to seven trips for most people. i mean That's nothing. If you think you're going to go to three to seven trips to Disney in 30, 40 years, then
you're you're actually already a member. Even if you're not a member, you're just not getting any of the savings. It's a pretty low bar, if you really think about it. like That sounds like the sales tactic. My guide got me to buy direct because she said, you know you're giving us our your money your money anyway. She's like, you're already you're already giving it to us. You might as well you know give it to us and own a piece of it. Exactly. I was like, you know what? You're right. I know. It's the hardest thing to sell. Yeah, exactly. um Interestingly, though, i'm I'm looking at the average resale price charts that you guys put out because you guys put out a lot of good data on like you know different ah the different resale prices and what the market looks like. And you know we were talking about Poly. Poly is the one resort that just like has skyrocketed over the past couple months. Yeah, I think people are projecting you know what the what the direct pricing is going to be. um I don't
think that Disney is going to make the mistake that they did with Grand Floridian. I mean, if you bought Grand Floridian last year direct, good on you. You did amazing. Congratulations. yeah It will probably never happen again. um So I think, yeah, I think people are just kind of anticipating that and want to get in. You know, Disney's a multi-billion dollar corporation when they promote something and they put money into marketing, yeah the word gets out. So right now, you know obviously, if you're in the Facebook groups, if you're watching the YouTube channels, listening to the podcast, you're in the know. You know that the New Tower is coming out, but not everybody does. And so when Disney starts marketing that, the word is going to get out and the demand is going to skyrocket for that resort. So I think it's just that that anticipation.
Yeah, I just I just think it's interesting that the two most expensive resorts you have right now on average rate are it looks like Grand Flirty and I think is that blue color and and Polly and Polly started going up like significantly in April and it's up like at least more than $20 per you know, a point per contract. yeah it's which is yeah So when I bought my last poly contract, which was quite a few years ago now, um I bought it at, it was about $150 a point. And I don't see anything less than 175 at the moment. yeah no So yeah, that's that's a pretty good jump.
You know what, though? like You just did a great advertisement right there for for the value of your contract. right You bought it at $150, now it's worth $180. Your contract is appreciated. And you used it. yeah Exactly. yeah Yeah. I mean, the the value I've gotten out of it is huge. um And you know for anybody listening to this, you know we're talking about, yes, these prices have gone up. But to exactly what what Tom's saying, you know if you buy in now, you're like you're protected from any price hikes or anything else with related to the Polynesian, right? Yeah. Yeah. And the way that I like to explain it, look, like I definitely do not sell a DVC as an

DVC as an Investment

investment. I mean, I would never, because we don't have a crystal ball. I don't know what it's going to look like, but
The cool thing about it is like I said, you know a majority of DVC members when they buy especially resale break even in three to seven years So or three to seven vacations if you know, you're gonna do three to seven vacations within the life of the membership You you broke even already. So even if the price is plummets completely and it sells for $2. Those $2 you're still making. Those are two so still $2 you would have never gotten if you just went and paid rack rate and gave Disney your money, did those seven trips, and then, you know, you obviously can't.
turn around and sell them after, whereas this you can. So it is it's pretty cool that you know you've used the membership for all these years, you've broken even on it, and now you can turn around and sell it for more than you bought it for. That's like an unheard of concept in the industry. Absolutely. And not not like Trevor's going to sell his quality contract, I just hope. No, no, it's it's not going anywhere. it's but But yeah, you're right. You're right. It is crazy that like ah I if I had to, I could sell it right now and I would have like I've I've had like five years of vacations out of it and I would also make a profit on it right now. right Like, yeah, like, yeah, that's that's crazy.
Looks like you should have bought your additional an additional contract a few months of ago there, Trevor. Yeah, I know. but i mean yeah we we actually I don't need it is the yeah the only you thing. it It would have been nice, but I don't need it. um so so Danny, we have a couple of random questions on here. I don't know if you if you have anything else about like the market trends or anything like that that you want to talk about. No, i think I think that's about it. We do have ah another promotion called, the a speaking of, the Add-on-itis promotion, and it's really cute. If you see any ah of the ah listings on our site that say Add-on-itis next to it, ah you're going to get this exclusive bag that you only get by purchasing one of these contracts. You can't buy it anywhere else, and it says
Adonitis with the definition of Adonitis, which I absolutely love. um So that's just another little fun promotion that we're doing. But other than that, I think we've kind of covered everything. I mean, I think we're at a point where, you know, if you're a kind of on the edge, like you're you're thinking of doing it, you're kind of watching how things are going. I would say keep your eyes very, very, very wide open. um The resale market, when things change, they change very, very fast. So like as you could see with
Polynesian, one day you could buy a poly contract for $139 a point, and then the next day you're paying $40 or $50 per point more. So ah that's the important thing with the resale market is if you're thinking about it, make sure you're watching it extremely close and you're paying attention to those trends so that you don't get kind of left in the dust you know wishing that you bought it when you were looking at it the first time, you don't want to be in that woulda, coulda, shoulda club. So just keep an eye on the trends. I think that we are going to see a lot of changes in the next few months. So just keep an eye on on all of that. but
yeah and Listen, if if you're interested, if if if somebody is interested and and you know you may be even been looking at it and you're not really sure, like reach out to DVC Resale Market. They will help you. They're not going to like pressure you into anything. No. They're going to answer your questions and and help you out. and Maybe you're not ready now, but you will be in a few months. i mean They'll still be there waiting for you. so but yeah there's There's really no pressure. We've all been doing this for a very, very long time. And our goal is really just to educate you so that you can make the best decision for yourself. So and we're always available. I think we're one of the only companies open seven days a week from 9am to midnight pretty much every day. um You can even text me any day you want and I'm always available. So we're
We're very very available for you and we always say the more questions the better. So if you're sitting there and you have questions and you don't know who to ask, just ask the questions. I promise there will be no pressure. Yeah, you know if you want, i'll just I'll just give out Derek's personal phone number on here. You guys can just call him at any time that you want with that question. Absolutely. You can have my phone number. I can give you Derek's as well. You have lots of resources. Well, see, I would only want prank calls to Derek, though. So like that's... You would love that. ah Okay so random questions. and This is what we like to call reckless speculation always. you know we we love We love speculator things.

Future of Disney Resorts and Lounges

So do you think Reflections is dead or do you think that they're still going to develop that area with some sort of resort? I have not heard a single peep about Reflections. Actually you just said that and I was like
Reflections. We're talking about reflections right now? No, I don't know. I have no idea. um i I don't even have speculation on that. i just yeah I have no idea. I haven't heard anything about it. Have you guys? We saw that there was like a permit that Disney filed to extend their construction permit on the site so that because they said it. In the permit, they said something like, are our construction got paused due to COVID and they wanted to extend it for a couple more years. I also tend to believe that that is such prime real estate that I feel like
they'd be kind of crazy not to put a resort there. yeah know But like, it got paused, but yet, how many resorts have popped up since then? I mean, COVID, even though it sounds like it was just a year ago, that was four years ago. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. That's true. I guess it has. Yeah. Forget how long ago it was that reflections was on the. day I know. Cause it was like a blip in the universe. It was like, to what, what they probably announced that like 2019, right? And I think it was before the pandemic pandemic. Yeah, it was, it was like right before. Yeah. so i Yeah. I remember announcing it on our member cruise. That was while I was still with DVC. Yeah. It must've been.
Yeah. 2019, but it was not even right before COVID, so we knew about it for quite some time. Truthfully, though, for the most part, this new stuff that they've built since then has been additions onto existing resorts. Additions, yeah. They haven't built a brand new resort, except for Riviera, but that was already in the pipeline. That was already built. I'm sure it's much more difficult to build a resort from scratch. A thousand percent. It is, and it's much more expensive too, so it could also be a funding thing. That could yeah could be. i just i I'm a of the belief that they're going to develop that space. I don't know if it's going to be anytime soon. But I it's you know but i don't know that it will be reflections.
Well, a lot of people thought it looked like a, like a, ah like yeah a lot of people didn't love the design. I heard people some say that it looked like a dorm ah building, which I didn't think it did. I thought it looked really nice and also reflections. I it looked cool. Yeah. I thought it was cool too. I was actually pumped for it. Cause I, I love that little area like where, where wilderness lodges and like where you're close to magic kingdom, but you're still kind of ah detached from it. You know, you're like in a quiet corner. So. um So the other question I had too was, what do you think about the lounge in Magic Kingdom where they're putting it and how they're taking over the arcade there? you know We've talked about this a couple times about the size of it feels like it's going to be way too small for Magic Kingdom, but I'm curious that to know what you think. Okay. So we actually talked a little bit about
the lounges and what our speculation was last time it was on. Did we? Did we? Yeah, yeah we did yeah because we didn't know that this was coming. We didn't know it was. No, they just said they were going to do one. We just didn't know where. And we were just throwing things out there and it was just being silly. But um I was telling you guys that when I worked for Disney, we got to have a lot of our events in some really cool areas in the park, some like rooms that you probably don't even know exists that are, you know, behind rides and um I just think that there are so many amazing spaces that it could be, and I was just shocked to hear where they were putting it. um so I I wasn't like... Not your first choice. No. no okay That's fair. It is centrally located though. It's a good spot.
Yeah, sure. And look, like the lounges, I also think there's a lot more that they could do with the lounges because, you know, like I'm a big traveler. I'm a big air airport lounge girly. I love my priority pass lounges. And, you know, I have my favorite ones in certain countries. I think some do. do it a lot better than others. And so I love the concept of lounges, and I just think that they could take it a lot further. um You know, it's really cool the first couple times you go, but then it's like, okay, it's a room with
goldfish and some soda and and a place to charge your phone. And so I just, I want them to do more. Like I want more. I know that there's a lot more potential and I don't think it would, you know, be insanely expensive. I think they have the resources and yeah, I just want, I want more. I want some more theming. I just, I want more of an ex like a Disney experience inside the lounges. Okay. Yeah, that's fair. All right. Let me ask you this then. got sure um Um, so it, since you, it sounds like you've been to a lot of different lounges. What's the best feature of a lounge you've seen so far that you would like to see in a Disney lounge? I like that. Ooh. Hmm.
feature in loud because we we had suggested free du whips in this magic kingdom one but yeah because it's right by allloha it's right by la right it's right there free dolips yeah free doops is i mean i fear a feature in an airport lounge is like a massage there
It's the best thing when you're on a long haul flight and you could take a shower in between flights. I think that would probably be a little awkward at Disney. A shower in Magic Kingdom for a while. Yeah. That's really weird. So for for me, for the lounge at Disney, for me, it would be all about the the experience and the theming and just like maybe something a little interactive. maybe a little storytelling um and experience. you know I think experience at Disney adds so much value. you know when When people talk about Disney, it doesn't make financial sense for anybody to spend the amount of money that we spend when we go to Disney. But when you experience what you do, when you go to Disney, it's unlike
anywhere else. I mean, even if you stay in a five-star resort and you spend insane amounts of money, you know, at at other non-Disney resorts, you're never going to have the experience that you do when you come to Disney. And so that's just what sets Disney apart from everywhere else. And and I just love to see it everywhere, you know? And I think they could that there should be more of it in the lounge. So not just goldfish, but also like Disney-themed goldfish. Yeah. Well, no, we need somebody there like selling us on why we should have the goldfish, I guess. Yeah. like yeah and like yeah i'm trying to think of how like Because it's like Frontierland slash Adventureland. I'm trying to figure out how you like work that into a
interactive thing. Well, that's all I have for you. da I don't have any additional questions, Trevor. I don't know if you do, but um Trevor, if you do you have anything else? No, I just, yeah. Thank you again, Danny, for coming on and talking with

Listener Engagement and Contact Information

us. It is always so much fun yeah there's so much fun being here with you guys. i And you have such an amazing, fun community. And I love whenever I do your shows and I get calls and emails from you know fans of yours. And they're always the coolest, greatest people. So love chatting with you guys. um If anybody you know has any questions or you need to reach me, you can either send me a text message. I'll give you my cell phone. So if you have a pen, you could
Write it down. um It is 954-257-2425. So 954-257-2425. You can text me anytime um or you can send me an email at I'm always here for you guys, always here as a resource to help answer any questions that you have. So thanks so much for having me. I had a ton of fun as always. I really appreciate you coming on. We we always have fun with you, so um you know thank you for taking the time today. I'm sure our listeners enjoyed it as well. We we definitely had had some fun topics today, so. Yes, absolutely. All right, thanks, Danny. All right, well, danny Danny's always fun.
Yes. I will say I love Danny and I love having her on the show, but I also kind of miss Derek and I want Derek to come back on the show. ah Yeah. I mean, yeah, we'll, we'll get Derek back on, but, uh, in the meantime, I guess since we just finished all that up, we should probably just do our ad and then we can, uh, go on to yeah stuff we have. Right. Yeah, and actually, you know, it's the ad this week is for DVC rental store. And I, you know, one of the things that's interesting, and and I didn't know this before I became a DVC member, is that you can rent DVC from a member before you buy, right? So it's like, try it before you buy, right?
So like that's that's ah part of why we partnered with World of DVC because they have all this stuff. So so so the DVC rental store, a World of DVC company, offers magical vacations at incredible value, save up to 60% off retail rates at premium Disney resorts. DVC rental store now includes deposits as low as 25% at the time of booking, and a built-in cancellation policy for every reservation. And as always, DVC Rental Store pays out the most to members looking to rent their points. Want to learn more? Go to slash welcomehome or call 1-855-DVC-RENT. That's 1-855-382-7368. And be sure to let them know that Welcome Home sent you. Like I said, if you if you're interested in DVC and like you'd want to see what it's like,
You know, it's a great way to do it and also save a lot of money too. I mean, yeah and honestly, you know, like, yes, they they are a sponsor of the show, but we are we are picky about our sponsors and we would never you know, tell you guys about something that we ourselves are not, you know, interested in or you know, believe is a good thing. So you know, we're like, Tom said, you know, world of DVC is that they offer a lot of great stuff. And you know, we've, we've both bought contracts through through world of DVC. So yeah no I think that says something. And yeah, you know,
you know Definitely check them out if you're if you're not sure. you know know Try renting it first and see if it if it's something that works for you and your family before you buy it. Yeah. and i mean i even ah you know i I even did a rental through through rental store too. so i i put my ah my I had some extra points one year and i couldn't there was nothing I could do with them, so I rented them out on on rental store. and and the The thing I like about them and you know I hate when people think that we're trying to show for the sponsor. but We actually like these people and they actually do good things and and that's part of why we do this. But the process is just so easy to do this and like the whole setup is so easy and they give you instructions all the way through and they're just super nice too. like it's it it's They're the best people to work with. That's that's that's all I'm going to say. so
and i Listen, they've we've been partnered with them now for seven years. i mean like Our first guest on the show was the owner of d World of DVC. Yes, it was. That was before it was World of DVC. At that point, it was just DVC resale market. They didn't even have rental store or Monera or any of the other you know companies. right so it's It's almost like they've grown you know at the same time that we have. so Yeah, it's been great to kind of be with them along that, right? Yeah. You know, we've we've all grown up and changed over time. Yeah. Well, and that we're still friends. Yeah. and and And, you know, the funny thing is too, Trevor, and I don't know if if you feel this way too, before I bought direct, I had no idea that there was a resale market. No clue. oh Yeah. that That was even an option. I thought I could only buy from Disney. Like I had no idea there were other options.
Yeah, we same for us. like we We started investigating it and then like as we were going through the process, our guide actually mentioned about resale, but we were already like convinced at the time that you know we we wanted our first contract to be direct. But then once we had that contract, all of a sudden I started looking closer at the resale market and it was like, oh they're like theres there's actually a lot more options here than you realize. So yeah, yeah absolutely it's good to know everything that you can do upfront. Like, you know, there's nothing wrong with, you know, if you want direct by direct, but you know, resale gives you a lot of options.
Well, and and, you know, listen, it's it's a big expense, right? It's it's you're buying, you know, you're buying real estate, essentially, and it's it's it's not cheap. So like it's important to do your research and know exactly what you're buying into it. And, you know, I did some research when we bought direct, but I was also like, you know, feeling the Disney glow, you know, and it was like, you know, didn't do as much research. It was just kind of like, yeah, we should totally do this. we should be Yeah. Yeah. There is definitely an aspect of um yeah. Yeah. It's it's that um It's almost healing your your post-Disney trip depression. as you're like You just need something to make sure that it's like, well, I know I'm going back again.
Well, and you know i i I've joked about this before, but it's true. It's like it's it's scary easy to buy a contract right like from resale market. like It's it's like the easiest way I've ever spent over $10,000 in one sitting before. you know like It was too easy. I was like, wait, did I just spend that much money? you know like and It was just so simple and straightforward. and it's yeah Yeah, i yeah, me too. I mean, like I, you know, when or should find trying to remember what episode it was where we had Marissa and Derek on and I bought the contract as we were talking. show yeah Yeah, like you it was it was that easy where I was like, you know, they they were telling us about how they were changing the.
the stipulations around the resale stuff. And I was actually talking to my wife. I was texting her and saying, we should really get into this. And she was like, find a contract. And I'm like, OK. So then I just bought it on my phone as we were talking on the show. Yeah, that's so easy to do. It is that dangerously easy. Uh, okay. Well, let's, uh, let's talk about a D 23.

Anticipation for D23 Expo Announcements

Yeah. Yeah. So, so yeah, this is, uh, uh, so anyone that doesn't know, I mean, yeah, I guess if you're listening to this, you probably know what D 23 is, but, uh, this is like Disney's big.
um it's not or I guess it's an expo. like it's sets yeah it's yeah yeah know it's It's them showing off new things that are coming. and so let's start with so It's called Horizons. and the so so First disclaimer, Horizons does not mean returning up. You don't know, Trevor. It could. It could. I don't think so. But let's let's talk about the the picture that they put out for this. this is Okay. So first, but this this one is the one with Josh Diamaro, who is the the head of Disney Parks and Experiences. And this is probably the one we're going to expect them to announce all the projects, right? Yeah.
but But so did you look at the the picture? Yes. Yeah. the The artwork. So so like I was it took me a little bit to kind of process everything that was going on in it. Yeah. But they actually represent. So in the picture, they represent all of the castles. Yeah. And um I didn't realize this at first, but the EPCOT or um Spaceship Earth is actually behind all the castles. It is. Right. Yeah. And and then a sun. I don't know. but I feel like i I feel like with the color palette, it's meant to be Spaceship Earth. Well, and the fact that they're calling it Horizons and Horizons is a famous EPCOT ride. So yeah. Yeah. um But but yeah. And so and then they also have like like it's it's interesting choices on the the
um So, they're showing off all the six castles. So, so like all the castles across North America and the international parks are represented here. But then they show um Mickey's Fun Wheel in California Adventure, Tree of Life. Which is like the emblem of that park, right? is Yeah. you know Tree of Life in an Animal Kingdom. and then um So, the Mickey Ear water tower, that's in Paris, right? Yeah, but ah I almost wonder if they're referencing. Do you think they're referencing Hollywood Studios? they but Well, no, because they have the Chinese theater behind it. Yeah. right Yeah. The Chinese theater is the Hollywood Studios icon now. So that yeah that has to be Paris. And then and then Big Thunder is like big off to one side. Right. It's interesting. I didn't notice that until just now that that Big Thunder is right there. Yeah. Which is interesting. Like like I said, that this this is the thing is that, you know, when you start looking at it, it's like
What are they and you know, let's let's think about, you know, what we've talked about is, you know, we know about Animal Kingdom with ah with the the Dino Land redo and we know about beyond big thunder. So. But then I'm trying to think what what else they would be showing at these other parks, right? well Well, I mean, that's that's what all we're going to hear about, right? All the projects that they're goingnna they're going to start doing that we just don't know about yet, right? Yeah, like but but we've been so focused on those ones that I'm like, okay, what else are they going to do, right? Yeah.
Yeah, because obviously, you know I mean, if we're going to take this as they're hinting at things, right? Yeah, yeah this this picture is entirely them hinting at what's what's on the the ah the agenda, right? Yeah, because they they've got cruise ships in the in the foreground too. Yeah, that too. Yeah, I i almost forgot about the cruise ships. Yeah, so we know there's new cruise ships you know that they're probably going to announce new things for cruises. um you know The big thunder thing is very interesting because like you said, it's It's, you know, it is big thunder, but I almost like it almost looks too like the concept arts of like the the villain lands that have like the far off like castle on top of a big hill. But it's, you know, it's definitely big thunder. But when I first looked at it, I was like, Oh, is that like the villains land thing? But no, it's big thunder.
um But yeah, Trevor, you're it's a good point. It's going to be really interesting to see what's announced here. And I i also just think the name itself, Horizons, of the of this particular showcase, ah you know, this this panel, I guess it's not a panel, it's just, you know, Jesse Amar doing his thing. um You know, and And so this is going to, you know, I'll read really quickly what it says. Saturday, August 10th, he's going to welcome fans as he takes the stage. We're surprise stars, special guests for a live celebration of music and the creativity that power our stories. And of course, news and updates about the projects and the development ah and in development around the world. So that's what we're you know obviously really waiting for. um What I, you know, I was thinking to myself what they've done in the past with like the special appearances.
And I'm like, wouldn't it be cool if they brought out like some of the cast members from Encanto because they're obviously doing an Encanto thing, right? And like they're talking about a celebration of the music, like, Encanto, right? like That would be kind of cool if they did that. But we'll see. And then it says, the future is bright for Disney experiences and this can't miss showcase. And that you've probably seen stuff from this it's they They name it something different every a year. right It's like not the same thing, but this is the one where Josh Umar comes out and and says all the stuff that they're working on. This is where they announce Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land. and yeah you know This is where they do it. yeah um I feel like the the difference here. so so you know that You're right. They do this every year, but the last couple of years have been very like just blue sky stuff. right yeah yeah you know we're We're thinking about a thing or you know we're we've got things coming for you guys. I feel like
The way that they're like I said, just from the hinting on the the picture and everything, I feel like this is going to, you know, be the very deliberate. This is what's coming. You know, you know, these are planned in the next two or three years because now they have money. So yeah. And and I'm really I'm sorry. i'm I'm really hyper focused on the fact that big thunder is actually taller than all of the castles in the picture. Like it's further in the foreground, yeah which is like Why? It's taller than the Chinese theater, too. And Mickey's Fun Wheel. Mickey's Fun Wheel's super small compared to everything else. um Yeah. and And the thing is, too, is that like you you kind of think, and go well, it's you know it's a mountain. you know you know They're showing off something in Magic Kingdom. It's like, yeah, but they have all the castles there. And also, there's no sign of anything like Space Mountain in here. like It's very deliberately big thunder, and it's like like kind of like hitting you in the face almost. Again, that that's where it's kind of like, i'm I'm very intrigued by the choices of what they picked for these, these icons in this picture is, you know, how is that going to translate to this, this panel that Josh is going to do?
Well, and and you know maybe even the fact that the middle is is Spaceship Earth-ish, maybe we'll finally get the Spaceship Earth you know yeah for the the overhaul. um you know Because now that the rest of the work has been done in Epcot, and now they're going to a different phase. right I wouldn't say phase two, because there's probably like phase four at this point. right But like now they're doing redoing test track. right So you know they could also redo Spaceship Earth at this point, too. They really need to. At some point, they have to do it. right it's it's it's show It's been showing its age for a while. Absolutely. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, I think it'll be, this is going to be, I like this poster a lot, by the way. I love when they do D23 because they, especially like when they have a lot of like parks announcements, because they always make these really cool posters and like, you know, these really, really interesting, ah ah you know, different pieces of ah ah different images that they come up with. You know, I remember years ago when they announced a whole bunch of stuff they had, remember they had like the attraction posters?
that they made for like all of these things that they announced, even though like a lot of them didn't come to fruition, but they have these really cool posters. um But yeah, so this is the one and I'm so mad about this Trevor, because this is the first day I'm on my cruise, I'm going to miss all of this, I'm going to not have internet, I'm not even going to know what happened until a week later. So mad. Well, I would say I wouldn't message you, but you're not going to get the messages. then No, I'm not going to get the message. I'm not paying for internet on the cruise ship. ah That's unfortunate. Yeah. I know we definitely have a couple of listeners that are going to D 23 because they've mentioned that they're going. So, yeah um, I'll be interested to hear what they say. You know, maybe we can even get somebody on to talk about it because there's other panels, you know, obviously I think the panel that everybody's, you know, most excited about is the Justin Murrow one, right? So because they that's where we find out about the park. But there's also like an Imagineering one, where they, you know, you it's like a panel where they, you know, talk to Imagineers. um There's ah bringing the... Go ahead, sorry. costume Yeah, so so there's costuming, there's um ah magic after dark, which is talking about the nighttime spectaculars.
I'd actually be interested in seeing that one. That sounds kind of cool. Yeah, for sure. um The there's Disney ambassadors panels, Disney, Disneyland foods. I like that they specifically called out Disneyland. Yeah. So it's um but but or they describe it as um yesterday, today and tomorrow. So I guess it's talking about like, you know, classic things at Disney and then, you know, current and then what they're doing next. So, you know, you know because they have some really talented chefs there. and yeah so so that would be ah That would be one that I would like to see as well, as you know kind of like what's coming. the other one Let's also not forget that Doritos were created at Disney too. Exactly. so yeah yeah Yeah, Doritos are a thing because of Disney. um the The other one though that I'm actually really curious about is the it says the world of Disney, the product experience.
And yeah, I know. that And you're going, what? um but Because it's they say, the must-see D23 shopping and immersive destination showcases with new and limited edition products and experiences across your favorite Disney brands and franchises. So this is them previewing all the new merchandise that's coming. And the reason that I care about this is on my last trip, the merchandise felt very flat and very uninspired. so um you know i did This is where you know Disney might be able to redeem themselves if there's hope of you know some some better stuff coming from a shopping standpoint. because you know Let's be honest. You know you know you can say that, you know well, you know you don't have to buy anything at Disney. Come on. We all want to buy stuff at Disney. like don't worry Don't tell me you don't want to buy, not just souvenirs, but you know you know clothing, you know household items, stuff like that. like i'm I'm really hoping that
You know the the fact that they're highlighting the city twenty three that you know maybe they have some interesting stuff coming and it's not gonna be you know it i was talking to my wife is that you know you know the thing she hit the most was that everything had like. Yeah twenty twenty four slapped on it and it was like. yeah And it was the same thing across every park. Like it didn't matter where you went. It was just the same stuff in every park. And it was all dated to like the current year. And it's like, stop doing that. Like, I don't just don't do that. anymore I don't need the number on it, please. Yeah. So, yeah. Yeah. Well, we'll see how that goes. Like I said, yeah, a lot of a lot of a lot of good panels here. And ah yeah, it's ah
Hopefully it'll be ah it'll be a good time and yeah, you know you'll you'll get to find out about it later, but I'll be paying attention to it the day of. Yeah, no, I'm i'm not pleased with myself for not thinking about D23, but it's fine. I can find out a week later. Are you really going to like postpone a cruise because of D23? Yeah. so No, no, I need a acc cruise. I need to need to disconnect from the world for a little while. So, yeah. So, I mean, listen, is that a casualty of of that? Yes, it is. um But you know you know you know what this is? I'm just looking at this even more, Trevor. You know what this is reminding me of a little bit is the remember the scuttled plans for Westcott? Oh, right. Not that I think they're bringing back Westcott, but I'm just saying like the the sphere looks like Westcott.
Yeah, that that that's fair. as you know you know maybe yeah yeah you know Again, this maybe goes back to you know we we have our speculations on you know things that we know about and things that you know have kind of been alluded to that are happening. but Disney is also good at, you know, sometimes hiding stuff up until the point that they're ready to fully announce it and blow everybody away. So maybe we'll get maybe it won't be Westcott, but something like that where it would be, a you know, as a space that none of us expected to happen. Actually, and I just realized in Westcott, I just realized what the ah what why um Mickey's Funwheel is in there because they're um the Pandora
experience yeah in ah in California Adventure, which I'm still i'm so puzzled how they're going to do that because there's not like not a lot of space there. It's all that space that they've marked off, though, in that Disneyland Forward proposal, right? I don't even know if it's technically going to be part of California Adventure. It might be a whole third park altogether, right? you know That's true. Yeah, yeah i mean maybe yeah maybe this is maybe this is where they announce a third gate cause bird for Disneyland. um By the way, if you don't know what Westcott is, Google it. is ah It was supposed to be westco West Coast Epcot. This was ah one of the concepts for the second park at Disneyland you know that eventually became California Adventure, but Westcott was ah is is one of those things that's like
Disney lore at this point, you know, it's like, yeah um you know, because it was it was a really cool design and it would have been like you it even like an improvement on Epcot. Like I think the thing that always gets me that I like hope they still do someday is like all of the countries would have had like hotels in them and like you'd be able to walk around at night like just, you know, like you're like you're in that place. You know, that was the the idea behind it. And that would have been cool. um Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure operationally nightmare, but but um But yeah, anyway. so Okay, so hold on. um I'm trying to, or I'm looking at the the castles in this picture. so Okay, so there's- I'm trying to figure out which one's which. Yeah, so so there's Disneyland and Tokyo Disney are the two smallest ones. Yeah. And then I think the next highest ones would be um Disney World. And shanghan Shanghai. And yeah oh Shanghai is the tallest. Okay, so yeah so so Disney World- Shanghai is the one over to the right, I think, is is the one all the way to the right. Yeah.
All right. And then, um, what else? Okay. And then Hong Kong and Paris. I guess Paris paris is pretty big too, isn't it? It is, but I don't know if it's, I think it might be smaller than the distance. I wonder if, I wonder if Hong Kong and and Shanghai are the two biggest ones. That would make sense. Cause it's like those parks are, I just found an infographic on this. It goes Shanghai, Disney World, Tokyo, ah Disneyland Tokyo, Disneyland Paris, Disneyland Hong Kong, Disneyland Anaheim. yeah okay yeah So Shanghai and then Disney World.
ah all right There's actually not that much of a difference. There's only an eight foot difference between the two. But Shanghai's is much wider. like it's It's much bigger just generally. you know ah yeah so yeah i think that's I'm looking at it as Shanghai's all the way to the right, Disney World's maybe all the way to the left. I don't know because it it doesn't look like the right castle. Yeah, I don't know. I always or yeah, it's hard doing it by the silhouettes,

Disney's Future Projects and Releases

right? Like, yeah, it is. Yeah, but it is. I guess the the other thing that I get from this is that because they're showing off or they're they're specifically representing each of those parks. um I feel, you know, you know, everybody says, you know, ooh, you know, fifth gate in in Florida. I don't think that's on
like still talking here at all yeah I I know some of our listeners want to believe that there's gonna be a fifth gate. I'm still not convinced that, you know, I'll be pleasantly, you know, I will admit I'm wrong, you know, if they if they do it, you know, yeah, hey, you were right, I was wrong, but I don't see there being a fifth gate. I don't see, at least not, not not announced at this particular, none of that's this one. Yeah. Cause if they're designing a whole new park, I mean, that's going to take a while. Right. yeah Um, but yeah, I don't know, man. We'll see. I guess. Right. Who knows? We could be completely wrong about this. I mean, they, they in the past at D 23, these panels, they've announced a lot of stuff that was not speculated about but beforehand, right? Like they they do, they do keep some stuff pretty close to the vest, right? Like it's it's yeah.
Yeah, i just I feel like that the the fact that they're highlighting so much other stuff in this particular um announcement, um it it feels like if they were lining up for a fifth gate, they wouldn't have all this other stuff yeah there too, right? like it It doesn't make sense to me that they would be like, oh, we're doing all these things and a fifth gate. like it's It's spreading themselves way too thin. Yeah, I would agree with that. I would agree. I guess we're going to see on August 10th though, aren't we? less than a month away. Yeah, less than a month. Yeah, less than a month be here before you know it. It will be both here before you can know it. um So yeah, so let's talk about a few other things and and we'll get out of here. But first of all, Disney Speedstorm is now on mobile, which is actually good for me because I'm really bad about console gaming. And I've wanted to play this game. And now that I can play it on my phone, I will
Probably do that, you know, whereas I'm I probably wouldn't have on console just because I'm I'm so bad at playing games I just like I just usually have my phone, you know That's fair. Um, I I guess or well, I guess the the thing about mobile is that ah so sorry. I'm a bit of a I'm a bit of a gaming purist in that. Yeah, I get it. If I'm playing a racing game, I do need a controller. like and i'm honest I'm not the steering wheel racing guy, but I definitely need a controller. like I just imagine you with a little steering wheel on your desk. just Yeah, no. i yeah i've I've never wanted to invest in the in the full that kind of setup. i've i've you know
I've instead spent all of my money on VR. Yeah, yeah yeah well they yeah yeah yeah exactly. um But you know i that my only thing with this is that you know it's it's great that they brought it to mobile. I just hope, control-wise, that the the controls are good on mobile because I've seen like racing games are kind of hard because you you do need you know quick reaction times, right especially because it's an arcade racer and you got to be you know dodging stuff and all that. I just hope that they they you know made the the racing controls decent on it. Alternately, though, you can, of course, connect like a Bluetooth controller to your phone and then you know you know play with a controller on your phone. But yeah yeah I feel like like what you're saying is you know you know people that that play exclusively on the phone, they you don't want to be hauling around a controller to just play
a racing game, right? Yeah, that's what it is. Listen, I'm not going to lie to everyone. I saw this headline. I was like, I'm going to open this up and it's going to be iOS only, isn't it? Because Disney tends to do both for this kind of stuff, but not for phone cases or anything else fun for phones. It's always iOS. The Android people always get left behind. Which is silly because Android's a larger market share. worldwide, it's just iPhone is bigger in North America. but And also because you know Apple people sit on the board of Disney, I'm sure it probably helps too. Oh, probably.
um but yeah now I'm going to check this out and also they just added ah anxiety from ah from Inside Out 2, which you know I've seen a lot about on social media and I've seen the movie today. so you know I guess they will know more about this character then. but um I don't know how I feel about anxiety driving a car. I mean, have you never had anxiety driving in a car before all the time, but yeah, you don't want it there. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Um, yeah. Okay. All right. Just funny. Like, like it's, it's great. I just find it funny. You know, anxiety driving a vehicle. I thought it was funny too, but I'm sure like, once I see the movie, I'll understand more. Um,
All right. So this was an interesting announcement, right? Um, do you want to, do you want to say it or did you want to talk about? Uh, go ahead. Cause I mean, you're, you're the cruise guy now. I'm, I don't know. I'm a cruise guy. Okay. Yeah. I've never done a cruise and you know, you, you've got, you're more qualified than me to talk about this. All right. Well, I've only been on one and it was like 20 years ago. So, uh, actually probably longer than 20 years ago, but I am going on one in a few weeks here. So, um, but Disney and the Oriental land company, uh, are expanding their relationship to launch a Disney cruise vacations in Japan. So Disney Cruise has been, you know they've been expanding quite a lot. Disney Cruise Line has. They've been adding new ships and you know now they they bought that one ship that was like done that got abandoned and they're doing that one. ah you know They're redoing that one and I think that one's going out of Singapore. right This is different though. this is
so The way that Disney, I don't know if everybody knows this, but the way that Disney operates and in like Japan is they don't they basically license out there their and their, and and Imagineering to a company there who pays for pretty much everything. And then Disney just gets a ah piece of the profits and you know all that kind of stuff. Which is why you know whenever you watch stuff from the other parks, ah you're always like, why do they get all the nice things? And the answer is because Disney doesn't have to pay for it. but yes yeah the The other company is spending all of their budget. or not i mean yeah about it Oriental Land Company has lots of money. but They do. yes and they and they tend to spend more and and ah you know Again, I always go back to Imagineering's story. They actually talk about this, that some of the Imagineers
like really like working on the Asian parks because their budgets are so much bigger than for the domestic parks and you know they get kind of jealous sometimes like the ones working on domestic stuff get jealous of the people working on um ah you know the international ones because they so much more of a budget to work with so um but so this is similar so Disney's entering basically expanding the relationship they already have with the Oriental Land Company because they They do already ah you know do this with Tokyo Disneyland Resort, Tokyo Disney Resort, sorry. um So, OLC already owns and operates ah Tokyo Disney. And so, obviously, they um they decided to expand this. And you know it's going to be interesting. They're going to launch a a Disney branded cruise in Japan beginning in early 2029. So, we're still pretty far off from this, but maybe five years is not that long, I guess.
but It says a new Disney cruise ship to be registered and based in Japan year-round will be constructed in Germany. That shipyard is where they do all of their boats. And they're going to design it while Disney Imagineering is going to design it. And it looks like it's it's going to be a sister ship to the Wish. um So, you know, it's going to be interesting to see if they, ah you know, if this is going to be just like a copy or are they going to go crazy with the budget on this and like really blow it out and it's going to be the best cruise ship they have. And we're all going to be sad because it's all the way in Japan.
like You know, I have no idea. Okay. The next part of that, the the statement they released though, it says, it will feature many guest favorite venues experienced from that ship with select modifications specifically designed with Japanese guests in mind. Okay. Yeah. which i I don't know that they'll, you know, it'll be like head and shoulders above what is out there now. But it's interesting that they're specifying with Japanese guests in mind, because like, I mean, I don't know how much you look at like how tourism and stuff works in Japan. Like yeah the way that they set up like hotel rooms and stuff is very different than how we do it. So it'll be but I get the feeling it's going to be like like a
Bizarro World version of the Disney Wish, right? like Like the same way that like going from like Disneyland to Disney World, it's like, oh, it's almost the same, but not quite. I feel like it's it's not going to be better, but it's going to be like, yeah, this is like the wish, but not quite. she yeah Yeah. I mean, and that's not a bad thing. Like, like, like, don't get me wrong. I don't think that that it'll be bad. I think it's just going to be funny that, you know, people will have an expectation of it. And it'll be like, no, this this is designed for people in, like, it's going to be touring mainly around Japan. So it's going to be designed with that region in mind. So yeah, which makes sense. I mean, you know, Disney's kind of, you know, Tokyo Disney is is um
you know, very similar to other parks that Disney already has, but they kind of put a you know Japanese spin on it, right? Like it's yes it's it's a little it's a little different, right? And and that's they specifically cater to that audience. um One of my favorite things about the Oriental Land Company thing was like they talked about in the imaginary story where it was like, hey, this company is like reaching out to us. And you know, this is 40 years ago because Tokyo Disney has been around for a long time. And, uh, you know, the guy that was like the, I forget if he was like the head of Imagineering or if he was like the COO or whatever, but he's like, yeah, this guy in Japan keeps reaching out to us. They want to build a park. And, and the CEO at the time was like, I don't want to do that. Like, I don't, want I don't want to do that. It seems like a you a lot of money, a lot of work. And he's like, and he like jokingly said something like, tell them if ah they pay for everything, uh, then, you know, then we'll do it. And then he came back and he said, yeah, they agreed to that.
And they're like, oh, I guess we got to do this now. yeah It's actually a pretty funny part of an imaginary story if you if you look at it. Because like literally, you're just like, yeah, tell them we'll do it if they pay for everything. And then they're like, yeah, sure, we'll pay for everything. So um yeah. The other interesting thing about this, though too, their their relationship with OLC is their construction standards. And because they weren't paying for everything, it like required imaginary to actually like turn itself into like a record-keeping business. like you know Basically, everything they did before was like a one-off, where they just like yeah they made it that one time and didn't keep any records of it and they would never make it that same way again. and like They talk about this in the imaginary stories that they this their relationship with them, for because they had to document everything, it forced them to become a better organized organization, which is I thought was kind of interesting and cool.
So yeah anyway, I mean, it's, yeah, you know, if, if we didn't have that, like, you know, that that's actually an interesting point. You know, you know, some of the old rides actually would not exist anymore because they were done one oven, you know, nobody bothered to write down how they did it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, uh, all right. So the last thing we got on here, i don' I don't have anything else about this cruise ship. I don't know if you do, But it is cool. It's cool for DCL fans. like ah you know it's It is amazing to me how Disney keeps sprawling out and you know and and you know their empire is getting larger and larger. It's just everywhere in the world, basically. so Yeah. Anyway. so Trevor, it's dole whip day coming up soon. It is. Dole whip day. On July 20 or 18th, 18th, July 18th. Sorry. Yeah. The fourth annual dull whip day. So this is a made up holiday. Yeah. And sorry, it runs from July 18th through July 21st. That's why I was thinking. So, yeah. I mean, I don't know that I would go to Disney this time of year specifically for dull whips, but it's probably melted by the time it gets your hand. Like, yeah, it's like the person hands it over the counter and it's already melted, you know?
Yeah, but but there is ah there is definitely you know, if you are in the area, there is lots of different things to try in the in this. ah um Or, you know, for those couple of days that they're they're advertising here, obviously, you know, you can always go get a classic dole whip yeah um or the pineapple upside down cake, which I honestly don't I don't want a cake with my dole whip, but I mean, that's just me. I mean, I'm sure there's people that like it. I've just never seen anybody buy one. um But they got a Raspberry swirl going on too. Sorry. They they do. the The one thing actually so I had um I had the I lava you float at at Sunshine Tree Terrace. So so that they're advertising both at Aloha Isle and Sunshine Tree Terrace. um The lava you float actually is um so it has the orange dole whip on top.
Which is the one I like, yeah. Yeah, which I hadn't had it up until that point. And that, yeah, that, that orange dole whip is actually really good. Delicious. And then it has Fanta strawberry in there too, right? so Yeah. I mean, I mean, it was, it was a good float all around. Like me and my son both had one and we were like, that was really good. Um, but, uh, but then I realized like, Oh, you know, maybe, you know, I, I was always like, you know, pineapple or nothing, but you know, but, but, but that's cause like, I tried like lime and stuff in the past and didn't have great experiences with them. Um, the orange is lime. I liked the lime. I had it went off with you actually. Yeah. I, our, I had lime before you and I got, went that one time and it was not good, but I think it was just, I caught it on a bad day where like,
I don't know. they they didn't but like it was It was too icy is what it came down to. okay so so um yeah i Orange, though, is definitely worthwhile. but like yeah One of the new things on this, little show Trevor, is a cherry pineapple swirl. Cherry pineapple. Yeah, I would try that. I don't know how I feel about that because ah and conceptually I like cherry as a flavor, but then I find that I never actually want anything cherry flavored. I had some cherry pie last week for 4th of July. so i Yeah, you see, i I don't like cherry pie. like like that like Like actual cherries I don't like, but if it's like
Like, ah like cherry flavored candy. I'm okay with it. So, I mean, this might be okay, but you gotta be careful with cherry flavor because it could end up tasting like cough syrup. Like if you're not, yeah you're right. I think that's the problem is that, that like cherry almost, it gets like a medicinal flavor if it's done wrong. So yeah exactly. and And yeah, so that one's at a refreshment outpost in Epcot, by the way, for anyone who's looking for it. There's a couple of new ones on here. Maybe we just go through the new ones since these other ones have been done in the past. But you mentioned dull whip limes. So there's a dull whip lime, a key lime sundae. It's in a waffle bowl with whipped cream and a lime garnish. Basically, they're just throwing the lime one in the in ah in a waffle bowl, right? like That's all they're doing there.
And then they have an orangebird cone, which is ah the orange, right? And an orange cone with sprinkles and a chocolate piece. Okay. This falls under our category, Trevor, of things they just threw a logo on. Yes. ah yeah I mean, there's a little more to it. There's a little more to it, right? I mean, like, it's a different color. you know Okay, so so that that's the cone. the The float though is a little more interesting. That's true. Because that's an orange and watermelon swirl. So that's that's an interesting pairing. And then with Fanta orange in a souvenir cup. That sounds good actually. Yeah, that sounds really good. I'm surprised they didn't add alcohol to that.
what Yeah. Yeah. It specifically says non-alcoholic, but you know, I'm, no, actually I would not say bring your own. Trevor always sneaks a flask into the park. So, uh, you know, since it's a, you know, alcohol eyes, the non-alcoholic. You got to make sure it's a plastic flask so you don't get caught at security. Don't listen to any people. Yeah. You don't want to, you don't want to get caught. This is a bad idea. Yeah. Don't do this, please. do Do not say you heard me and yeah no and tried this. okay Please don't sue us when you get when you get banned from Disney property. All right. Well, that's all I have on the Dole Whip Day. There's a bunch of stuff on here. I'll put the link out if you haven't seen it. And if you're going to happen to be at Disney between the 18th and the 21st, it's a very short little celebration there. So it's one of those ones that they don't come up with a lot of new stuff for. Most of it is existing stuff that they just you know throw in in different ways. but
yeah Yeah, but and also, I mean, some of the stuff is things like it is like dole whip flavors that you don't find common like throughout the park. So, you know, if if you are looking to try something different, you know, even if it's stuff that's come back more than once, it's, you know, it's always good. You know, it's always good to have a dole whip. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. And I always like it just because, you know, it is dairy free, which, you know, ticks a box for me because I can't do a lot of dairy. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. All right. Should we wrap this one up? Yeah. Um, yeah, that was, uh, that was a good episode today. So, so just, so fun it was, uh, and you know, just thanks again to Danny for, uh, for hanging out with us and and talking about, uh, resell market and everything. Um, but, uh, you know, in, in the meantime, if you guys have any questions about anything you heard on the show or you just want to, um, you know,
share your own thoughts or you know you know ask us about you know stuff for the next show. You can always find us at We do love hearing from you guys and you know just just talking with you. um In that same vein, we are also on social media, on Facebook as Welcome Home Podcast. You can find us on YouTube as Welcome Home Podcast. and Instagram is Welcome Home Picks. Make sure you check out our group, the Welcome Home Disney Waitlist, where ah you know a lot of our listener questions come from there, but we also have you know people sharing their own um expertise on Disney because you know we are we are not the smartest Disney people out there, but we have very smart people in our group, so and we got that going for us. and
um But yeah, no it's it's a good it's a good group and you know you know we very much enjoy um all the the discussion everybody has and also the memes. you know you know we've We've got some great people that post very funny stuff um about the show and about Disney stuff in general. So you know please check that out. and also um To help support the show, we do have a store, so you can go to You can check out our different merch that we got there. There is t-shirts and mugs and stuff like that. Anything you buy there, it just helps us keep doing what we're doing here. Keep the lights on. Yeah, exactly. Please check it out.
And um yeah, I think that's right. And we also have a Patreon. I almost forgot about the Patreon. Don't forget about the Patreon. Yeah. the ah So yeah, the Patreon is patreon slash welcome on pod. Our Patreon listeners do get exclusive merch that you can't get in the store. So we have an exclusive logo for our Patreon listeners. And ah Patreon listeners also get access to the Discord server, which is yet another place that we have great conversations about um you know things coming up like D23 and ah Cruises and all that other kind of stuff. that you know you know It's an it's a another place like the Facebook group where we have great conversations about Disney. So you know please consider joining us there too.
Yeah. and And the discord group is where I found out there's no way I'm getting a cabana and a castaway key. So yeah, yeah exactly. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You find out crucial information like that. Yeah. I want a cabana, but I'm not getting one. So yeah, exactly. and so Yeah. ah Yeah. you you You can tell us after you go on your cruise next year, how much it was, how awful it was. um No, not how awful. I just heard the cabanas are hard to get. I want to hear a whole thing about why your whole trip was ruined because you couldn't get a cabana. That's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to complain the whole time because I couldn't rent out $1,000 cabana. Don't be that person. exactly exactly anyway We're just joking. yeah um but yeah you know last Last but not least though, um you know as we read at the beginning of the show, you know we We love hearing reviews from you guys. So, um you know, leave us a five-star review on Spotify or iTunes. And, you know, on on iTunes, you can write us a review. And, you know, we love seeing those. We love hearing what you guys think about the show. And it helps the show, um you know, get around to more people because of the way the algorithms work. And, you know, if we get enough five-star reviews, maybe we'll get that legendary 4.7 rating someday. So, you know, keep it coming. Yeah. And also, the other way you can help us out is to subscribe to Welcome Home Podcast. So you can be reminded every time we release a new episode, you can find our podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, just about any podcast app that's out there. You can find us. And just a reminder to our listeners, Welcome Home Podcasts is for entertainment only. We are not employed by the Walt Disney Company, and as such, all opinions were expressed on the show.
our own, so please consult a DVC cast member or Disney cast member for more information about anything we talked about today. Or call DVC Resale Market if you have a question about resale, because Disney's not going to be able to help you with that. um So called called call Danny. So thank you again ah for Danny for showing up on the show today and and doing a great job and and being fun. We appreciate it. Anytime somebody can come on the show and be fun with us. That's that's always always a requirement, right? so So big thank you to Resale Market for sponsoring the show and Danny for giving us some time ah this for this episode. So join us next time for more Disney Parks discussion. Of course, more DVC talk. We hope to see you all real soon. This is Skipper Albert A. Wall, the voice of the jungle, signing off from Welcome Home Podcast on the DVC. When we hit a tear, how she can cuddle is not
I looked around from pole to pole, found a really sugar bowl. Really, look out, it's my ball and chain.