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35 Plays3 years ago

Josh informs M about concert tones, Nazi tones, love tones, and basically gets very tonal.

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Introduction and New Patron Welcome

Well, we missed a new patron alert last week. The buzzer seems to be on the fritz. Anyway, Kay, welcome to the conspiracy. Okay. Anyway, unless we have nothing else to announce this week, I say we get the episode rolling. Sure.

Are You Okay? Addressing Paranoia

You okay? Am I okay? Yes. You seem... perturbed. Worried. Cautious. Even, dare I say, a little...
paranoid. I'm just trying to work out what your game is, you magnificent bastard. My

What The Conspiracy: Segment Tease

game? Yes, it's a What The Conspiracy week, and every time we have one of these episodes, one of us tries to get the other to accidentally reveal the topic ahead of time, so what are you playing at? Don't you think that shtick is getting a little old? I mean, if we do it every time, it does kind of lose its luster.
I don't think you can play me off with some claim you aren't up to something. I am up to something. I'm trying to get past this intro so we can get to the good stuff. Yeah, see what you're doing. Past good stuff. You're trying to trip me up to see if I'm going to talk about some putative future conspiracy or some conspiracy of goodness.
I've read your dossier. I'm really not. I'm just looking forward to sitting back and finding out the where the conspiracy, the when the conspiracy, and of course, the what the conspiracy. Well, the where it's at the no. No, you can't get me that easily. I wasn't trying to get you. Sure you weren't. Sure you weren't. Look, should we just play the theme and get on with the episode? Okay. This isn't a ruse. Good, because I'm not saying anything.
It's going to be a very frustrating episode. You better believe it. The Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy, brought to you today by Josh Addison and Dr. M. Denton.

Global Chit-Chat: Auckland to Zhuhai

Hello and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. I am Josh Addison in Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. M. Dintethun Zhuhai, China, sipping warm beer like some sort of an Englishman. It's not warm beer. It's a warm, whatever it is, vinegar drink. But it is warm. One thing I've discovered about China is that when they think it's getting cold, and it is now autumnal, so it's 22 degrees out today,
they turn off the refrigeration units in their convenience stores, because you don't need to keep things cold now when it's cold outside, which means that what I thought was going to be a delicious, cool, refreshing beverage turned out to be a warm, vinegary apple drink, which is not quite what I wanted, but it's what it's got. Yes, 22 degrees is sort of pleasantly warm in New Zealand temperatures.
There are people who are rugged up outside because it's cold. Yep, that's what you get. Climate's a good thing. They'll never change. Precisely. So we have a new patron. We've gone over that. I don't think there's anything else to cover before we start this episode.
No, no I think we should just get straight into a classic what the conspiracy episode were you Joshua are going to tell me him about a conspiracy presumably committed by someone else entirely or as far as you know of people who helped us and as you say as far as I know I might be wrong

Musical Tuning Conspiracy: 440 Hz

about that
Are you about to finally reveal the conspiracy you're involved in? Well, you'll just have to play the sting. All will be revealed. Fine. It's time to put the fortress up around our hearts once again. It's time to play What the Conspiracy! So...
what the conspiracy and it's my turn. But of course, it's your turn to answer the first question. So before I begin, I'd like your hypothesis on when the conspiracy, where the conspiracy, and most importantly, what the conspiracy.
Okay, so when the conspiracy I'm going to say is after the dawn of human civilization, so sometime last November, the where the conspiracy I'm going to say is on the planet Earth, possibly Africa,
and the want the conspiracy, it's going to be some kind of revisionist history hijinks or shenanigans. Well, I mean, you're disturbingly close on several fronts, but I can't help it feeling like you've cheated slightly. The win? It's possibly the 1930s.
It's possibly the 1930s. Yeah, it's possibly the 1700s. Possibly the 1930s, possibly the 1700s. Well, I mean, it kind of depends how far back you want to go. I know we've talked about the fact we're not particularly good at math.
But from memory, there's quite a long time period between... Well, I mean, depending on how you want to look at it, it could go back to before the beginnings of recorded history. It could be as long as human beings on this planet, which is basically it's a worldwide phenomenon, have been making music because this is a musical conspiracy theory.
Not like your musical conspiracy theory from last time about a particular band. This is about music in general. I'd like to talk about the 440 hertz conspiracy. You don't want to talk about the brown note? No, no brown notes here. Your bowels should remain unmolested. No forbidden chords? Not as such, no. No, they do mention the devil's interval or something at one point, I think, but we'll...
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. No, so this is all about music and the tuning of instruments. So obviously instruments need to be tuned so they stay nice and they kind of need to be tuned consistently.
obviously, so that certainly the advent of recorded music has meant that you can record something once and it will sound the same every time you play it forever after. But when it comes to performing music you do need to make sure that your instruments are tuned kind of the same way if you want to produce the same sound every time and if you've got
a bunch of people performing in a band or even in an orchestra, they all kind of need to be tuned consistently so that they're all in harmony with one another. And it's a little bit arbitrary how things, you know, I mean, music rather is maths a little bit. There's some mathematics involved in music and the intervals and tones and semitones and all that business, but there's still
some degree of arbitrariness about how you actually tune a particular note. And there are plenty of options. And as we will see, people do tune things differently for different circumstances. But there is a standard pitch, which is sometimes called concert pitch, which has just been decided upon, and we'll get into how and when and why, as just sort of the standard, just because you need a standard.
Right? It's all a little bit arbitrary in the same way that in New Zealand, the speed limit is 50 kilometers an hour. There's no mathematical, physical reason why it couldn't have been 49 or 51, but 50 is a nice round number. And so the standard pitch for tuning instruments currently is you start by tuning middle A, which is the A above middle C, to 440 hertz. Now, in fact, I have a piano in this room.
If you could hear that, that was me playing middle A on that piano, a piano which is old and almost certainly out of tune, so it's possibly not the best illustration of what I'm talking about. So that's the standard concert pitch, is you tune middle A to 440 Hz, and then the rest of the notes you tune based on that.
Now, like I say, this is just a standard, and there are plenty of other options for how you might want to tune it. And there's a bit of disagreement in the music world as to whether or not 440Hz is the best pitch to tune it. It is an arbitrary decision. And in what seems to be fairly recent times, I don't think this goes back particularly far.
there's been a movement that specifically says 432 Hz would be the better thing to tune it. Now to give you a bit of an illustration, can you play that first tone? Right, and now the second. Now, possibly you think those two were identical because you heard them just a little bit apart. Play them straight one after the other.
I could certainly pick up listening to that, that the second one was slightly higher than the first one. That's because the first one was 432 hertz and the second one was 440 hertz. You hit a 432 hertz tone and then a 440 hertz tone. Like that doesn't sound like a big difference, but if you hear a whole tune or a decent amount of music,
in those two different pitches, you can actually hear the difference. If you go on YouTube, you can find, just search for 432 hertz on YouTube and you'll find a bunch of examples of this. You can find people, I've seen shots of a guy playing the same tune on his guitar, the first having tuned it at 432 hertz and first having tuned it at 440. There's a difference. People have even gone so far as to, I mean, some people think all music should be 432 hertz whereas 440 is the standard tuning.
Some people have gone so far as to actually take popular songs and actually retune them or pitch shift them or whatever the sound engineering term is to actually shift them down as though they had been tuned at 432 Hz to

432 Hz vs 440 Hz: Sound Quality Debate

begin with. And again, you can hear a difference, but some people have fairly strong opinions.
about which one it should be. And some people think 432 Hz is definitely superior. Having listened to a few tunes where it chops and changes, I mostly kind of find that whichever one I hear first sounds better. You just sort of hear one tune tuned one way, and then when you hear one with the other tuning it just suddenly sounds a little bit out of tune compared to the first, but I'm pretty sure if you played them in the opposite order it would sound the other way around. And that's a little bit, I think the, it depends a bit on the music as well, I think, for sort of louder
uh music the 440 can be a bit better and for more sedate music 432 and what have you but some people go a bit more say it's more than just a matter of of personal preference some people think that that 432 hertz is has a significance
all its own, which is the reason why we should be using it. We're getting into numerology and alchemy now. Numerology will feature into it, yes, yeah, there's a bit of that, but it's also, it is very new agey, I'll give you that. 432 hertz is supposedly the beat of the earth, it's the natural tuning of the universe. Listening to a 432 hertz tone has healing properties or meditative properties. Now the earth does have, the earth's magnetic field
resonates at about eight hertz, and 432 is a multiple of eight, so that's something. 432 is indeed numerologically interesting. It's the sum of four consecutive primes. I mean, that is actually meaningless, but at the same time it sounds important. Yeah, I didn't think it deserved that at all. You know, 103 plus 107 plus 109 plus 113,
comes to sums to 432. It is three gross. I don't see why that's important. A gross is a fairly arbitrary measurement. Apparently, if you have an equilateral triangle whose area and perimeter are equal, the area and perimeter of that triangle will be the square root of 432. But that's, yes, that's if you're into that sort of thing. There are also claims that
various famous historical composers plus more modern musicians all tuned their instruments to 432 because they knew it gave the best sound and what have you. So so far so interesting I suppose. Yes I mean so far
What you're discussing here is there's a kind of social contract that we tune things in a particular way. It's arbitrary. Some people have found neurological significance to one of these particular tones.

Nazi Influence on Tuning Standards

That neurological significance seems absolutely pointless. But I'm not seeing a conspiracy here. Yes, you're quite right, because the conspiracy is this. The conspiracy is that the reason why we decided on 440 hertz as the standard tuning
for modern music is because of the Nazis. Yes, the Nazis deserve the sting. So supposedly, Joseph Goebbels in particular and the Nazi Party were the ones who advocated for a 440 hertz tuning. Supposedly, the more discordant 440 hertz tuning makes people more aggressive and easier to manipulate.
and depending who you listen to, the good old the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. You say Rothschild or Rothschild? I've visited Rothschild. I think I think I think that's actually more correct. Rothschild is more German. David Icke. I'm fairly sure he sees Rothschilds as well, but I'm also not going to say that David Icke is an authority. If you can't take David Icke so much. But he claims that alien chepshifting lizards who are definitely not evil Jews, even though often they feature as evil Jews,
in his story about alien chapshifting lizards. Yes, no. So apparently the reason why we use this tuning, which is not only inferior, not only missing out on these healing properties that it could have had if we'd gone for 432 hertz, but is actually destructive for society, is because of the Nazis. Now, it is true that there was an international conference in London in 1939, just a few months before World War II kicked off. So basically when the Nazis were, I guess you could say, at the height of their power,
things kind of went downhill a little bit after the war started. That was when it was decided that 440 Hertz would be the international standard. So the time frame is kind of there. And this is something that's been talked about a little bit. In looking this up, I found there's a recent documentary called, Oh, it Hertz, with Hertz being the H-E, not the H-U Hertz.
hilarious by a man called Gunnar Hall Jensen, premiered at film festival back in October of this year. The documentary itself seems to be mostly just about sound and the sensation of sound and the history of sound and stuff like that. But at some point they do in the trailer, they mention people wanting to use sound as a weapon and this theory that the Nazis had been behind.
the popular tuning of music in the current age. But as I've sort of read around trying to find a bit more details on this theory, it seems everything comes back to a paper called Musical History and Cult Control, which was written by a Dr. Leonard Horowitz.
not too long ago. I've found the text of the paper, it doesn't have a date on it precisely, it has references to things that were written in 2010, so it's at least more recent than that, one link to it, linked to a web archive link, which was from 2012, so maybe that's the earliest version of it, but so it's early, early 2010s is when this paper came out, and apparently it's also a chapter in his book, The Big 528, Prosperity Key of Love,
528 is another number that he's interested in. He's interested in numbers, as Dr Horowitz, we'll get into that. And he's an interesting fellow,

Dr. Leonard Horowitz: Tuning and Health Conspiracies

Dr Leonard Horowitz. Apparently his doctorate is in dentistry, but he has retired from dentistry to pursue a new life as the nemesis of big pharma. Now I'm thinking you mean the pharmaceutical company? Pharmaceuticals, not people who work on farms.
no a giant farmer because if he's the enemy of big pharma so who's big farmers now there's big farmers yes a big big farmer would have to have a very big pitch for exceptionally large tractor i wouldn't entertain all of that but no the big anti-big pharmaceuticals um he is a christian spiritualist who believes in the healing power of sound
and always writes love in all caps for some reason but that's really, that's neither here nor there. You mean he writes love? He is in his own words a highly credentialed vaccine industry investigator and along with his associate Sherry Kane, who is apparently a Fox News defector and investigative journalist, the two of them together are apparently big farmers Bonnie and Clyde
Not quite sure what it means. These analogies are here. So, she defected from Fox News? Yes. And now they're blowing the tide of the pharma industry, so they're going around in a car killing people? Something like that? Or robbing people?
I don't know. Are they robbing on behalf of Big Pharma or are they robbing Big Pharma? I think they're very definitely against Big Pharma. Well actually we'll get on to the sorts of things. Are they also there? Have they been shot to death? Not as yet. Not as far as I know. So how are they the Bobby and Clyde? I don't know because Big Pharma think they're evil and they're a man and a woman and Bonnie and Clyde were a man and a woman and people thought they were bad. I mean this is as weird as saying yes he's the Ed Gein of the of
don't I think they've just taken famous criminal as in oh I'm famous too without going and they think I'm actually entail anyway so yeah everything seems to come back to this paper and it makes for an interesting read in places um so he starts by basically trying to establish the case that that sound
and music and vibration can have an effect on physiology, which I guess is true.
As he puts it, water, nearly 80% of human body weight, is a liquid crystal superconductor. Structured water science, as well as the field of electrogenetics, proves the thesis adequately given light, photons, and sound, phonons, have been shown to signal communications within and between cells via a liquid crystal proteoglycan matrix in cells and tissues.
The strong evidence is the theory of hydrosonic creationism involving DNA and structured water. Thus, biocreation and health restoration may have more to do with frequencies of sound energy or music than has been thought. Now, I just want to interject here and say it's a really good thing that there aren't any biologists listening to this podcast, because I suspect if there was a hypothetical biologist who, say, lives in Wellington, New Zealand, listening to what you just described there,
it is quite possible her head, her hypothetical head, may have just exploded at this particular point in time. Right. Well, I would advise that hypothetical biologist to buckle in because it only gets bigger from here. Actually, there is
There's a line in the book of Genesis about God's breath moving on the waters or something, isn't there? There is, yes. I have a feeling he may be coming from that angle to it as well. He doesn't mention that specifically in this paper. Then he talks about the conspiratorial history of the world, basically. He says, throughout history, there have been persons of wealth and power engaged in war-making, profiteering, and various methods of population control.
In 1770, for instance, Maya Amshil Bawa, aka Roch Shilt, developed plans for the creation of the Illuminati, advancing the mission of global domination through a network of central banks that his family and their silent partners controlled. So things start getting overtly conspiratorial, as he says, we are engaged in a conspiracy reality in which ultimate power and control is waged bio-energetically, i.e. biospiritually,
through frequency modulations or electromagnetic manipulations affecting consciousness and impacting biology, physiology and human behavior. More specifically, he says that between World Wars I and II, accelerating during the 1930s, scientific studies and musical frequencies best suited for war-making were funded by the Rothschild-Rockefeller Alliance, represented by the Rockefeller Foundation and the US Navy.
And so he talks about the effect. I mean, it's certainly, there's no denying that sound and music especially has an effect on us. I mean, we wouldn't listen to it otherwise. Music can stir emotions, it can make us feel certain ways, it can make us feel good, it can make us feel bad. He goes even further and says that the whole development of music and
the the the riling up of the masses through these discordant tones he says these revelations best account best account for the mass hysteria demonstrated by audiences responding to rock and rollers initially Elvis Presley followed by the British invaders it was recently revealed that the Beatles were barred from performing in Israel following an investigation that prompted the education ministry
to conclude the Beatles' performances caused, quote, hysteria and mass disorder. There is no musical artistic experience here, but a sensual display that arouses feelings of aggression replete with sexual stimuli. Now, apparently that's actually true. I looked that up. The Beatles were indeed banned from Israel. And it's apparently because Israel was afraid of the hysteria and the mass disorder they would cause with their racy, sex-charged anthems like, I want to hold your hand.
that's essentially pure pornography, I'm sure you'll agree. So he talks about the history of sound and of music and so on and so forth. And then we start actually getting into the, so he refers to A equals 440 Hertz, this being the tuning of middle A to 440 Hertz.
He says, in 1910, motivated by a grant provided by the Rockefeller Foundation for the American Federation of Musicians, the initial effort to institute A equals 440 hertz standard tuning had limited success in America. In Europe, the initial effort had near zero impact. Additional promotions were needed to secure the music world's acceptance of A equals 440 hertz that was perceived as less pleasant or dull being compared with other frequencies described below.
Ironically, at most revealing about the Anglo-American Cartel arrangement, to persuade European musicians to accept this tuning, and the British Standards Institute, BSI, adoption of it in 1939, Rockefeller Rothschild Black Op officials employed Nazi Party propagandist Joseph Goebbels. At that time, Goebbels was advancing to become England's greatest media nemesis. So there we get the Nazis coming into it.
prodded by those evil Rockefellers and Rothschilds. And their Black Ops teams. And their Black Ops teams. And so then we get into a lot of description about why 440 hertz is very bad, and why a better, a different frequency would be better.
So at one point he says, according to preliminary research, analysis, and professional discussions by Walton Curler Reed and others on the web, and there's a list of references to all that, A equals four fully frequency music conflicts with human energy centers, i.e. chakras, from the heart to the base of the spine. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left brain function, suppressing the heart-mind intuition and creative inspiration.
Not coincidentally, metaphysically, the interval between A equals 440 Hz and A equals 444 Hz is classically known as the devil's interval in musicology, due to its highly aversive, disharmonious sound made when these two notes are played simultaneously.
Now he's talking about the difference between 440 and 444 because he thinks 444 is the ideal frequency for the world. So now if you could play that tone number two. That's your 440. Now play tone number three. Do you feel more harmonious and at peace with the universe, having listened to that second one, which I can now reveal is 444 hertz? I'll play the second one again just to check.
And when I hear the third one, I think... And so I can't help but think that it's... Yes. Yeah, so then we get into why 444 is the best.
So he's already talked about how 440 disrupts your char- how your chakra is feeling now. It's spiky. I've possibly been jiggled around a bit by playing the evil 440 and the good 444, but so he's decided 444 is the best.

Exploring 444 Hz: Healing Harmonies

He compares 444 to the preferred 432 of some people to basically say that they are harmonically related.
and therefore in both reportedly therapeutic. Now you can prove that 444 and 432 are harmonic because he or he attuning that where A is 444 makes the next C 528. And 528, if you'll recall, was the title of his book.
the book of 528, Prosperity Key of Love. So I think 528 is the, it seems to be his ideal one, but it's on the correct tuning if you have A equals 444. But just if you don't believe that 444 and 432 are naturally harmonious, just get a load of this. Prove the harmony yourself by simply subtracting 432 from 444. It yields 12, where 1 plus 2 equals 3 in Pythagorean math.
Now take 528 and subtract 444 and you also get 12 or 3. Next take 528 and subtract 432 to get 96 where 9 plus 6 equals 15 and 1 plus 5 equals 6. The result is identical to 5 plus 2 plus 8 equals 15 or 6. Now he does miss a couple of steps there because for a second I was like hang on you take... That definitely is number one. Yeah 528
528 minus 444 is not 12, but then I got out my handy calculator. It's 84. 8 plus 4 is 12. 1 plus 2 is 3. I assume I've convinced you now that these numbers are essentially identical.
And he says, notice the set of numbers 3, 6, 9s and 8s are always exclusively represented by these special natural pure tones, their scales and their harmonics. This is precisely what Leonardo da Vinci's mentors emphasized about cosmic scales and mathematics.
Nikola Tesla too taught his students about this unique set of numbers and always applied this math in his research and inventions, including free energy machines also suppressed by the same petrochemical pharmaceutical corporatists that advanced A equals 440 hertz standard tuning and nuclear energy.
At this point, maybe this hasn't interested you up to this point, but here's where he starts getting into epistemology. So here, I think, is where your world is about to be turned upside down. Because a man called Tobias, whose reference I can't be bothered going down to look up, in the context of reviewing Rockefeller Foundation and US Navy funding for militaristic music wrote,
In the course of this large-scale historical transition in which bioinformatic epistemologies drew from and displaced bioenergetic ones, historically visual music theorists have attributed such attempts at writing sound in magnetic, electrical, electronic, or digital media as indebted to a larger history of color organs, alchemy, or Pythagorean or Neopythagorean epistemologies. Here, though, we see the temptation in clear detail. At stake is a historical transition between essentially bioenergetic epistemologies after Helmholtz
and bioinformatic epistemologies emerging with Turing, Wiener or Shannon. So there you go. I hope you're incorporating bioenergetic epistemologies and bioinformatic epistemologies into your work from this point on. Well, I have to say my world is shook. I am shaken. I probably have to give up being an epistemologist now because I feel that what you've just said is nonsense.
And obviously these esteemed people writing on the power of numbers know a lot more about the world than I do. So obviously the fact that I've seen their work as nonsense indicates that I am the charlatan. I am the fraudster. They are the warters. Cuckoo cuckoo. You know who else is a fraudster?
Is it Elon Musk? Probably, but not because of anything we've got here. I'll give you a guess who one of his recent targets were. People who've possibly turned their minds towards debunking certain things in more recent times due to a television show that the pair of them
Oh, they don't like Penn and Teller. They don't like Penn and Teller. No, so after all your numerology and your bioinformatic epistemologies and what have you, he gets back to the US Navy's musical manipulations and all the bad things they wanted to do.
And then he gets on to the Rockefeller Foundation and Eugenics, where he says the Rockefeller Foundation has been a prime sponsor of the United Nations depopulation program, terminating six billion people on earth as their current objective. Although most people find this hard to believe, thanks to media propaganda, massive depopulation is being advanced by the world's wealthiest industrialists, among them Bill Gates, who promotes poisonous vaccinations. He lectures will reduce nearly 900 million people
in the coming years, as shown in the documentary, the documentary film, Farmer Hores, the Showtime Sting of Penn and Teller. So, Farmer Hores. Farmer Hores. That's Farmer Hores with a pH rather than. With a WH, yes, yes. Although I can also see, you can also do Farmer Hores, which actually turns out to be Farmer Hores. Well, that was another way that farmers use hose to hose the ground. Yes.
There's got to be a way of working in the old Simpsons clip about, here we go to a sex farm for sex hookers. I keep telling you, we just saved sorghum here. Where do you keep the hookers? Roundback? No. Anyway. No, so this I had to, he just drops it in as a reference here, but I had to look this up. So Farmer Hores, the Showtime sting of Penn and Teller, is a documentary Dr Horowitz and company have produced.
anti-pharma documentary, a big anti-big pharma documentary. Now on the IMDB reference entry for it, it has a trailer which is nine minutes long, which made me wonder if it was the entire film, but I don't think it is.
And it's basically what happened was, Penn and Teller were what I don't know exactly what they were talking about specifically, I think this guy obviously being anti vaccine and so on puts a lot of stock in, in your sort of colloidal silvers and weird things that you can take to make yourself healthy that aren't vaccines. And so they
They had organized him to be interviewed. Now, obviously, when Penn and Teller, when they do these interviews, Penn and Teller don't go on and interview the people because they would kind of tip them off with what's going on. They'd send just another production crew from the Showtime network. But they, having been asked for this interview, basically worked out that they were going to be interviewed to appear on Penn and Teller's bullshit and realized that Penn and Teller were wanting to make fun of them and their beliefs.
So they basically set up a, as they said, they set up a counter sting for the sting. So basically, they went, they had footage of them, they went to some pen and teller shows and got them to sign t-shirts for them, which they then went and had printed on top saying, farmer whore, pharmaceutical whore for something like that. Basically, they took a pen and teller t-shirt and
printed extra uncomplimentary things about it on it. And so when the when this camera crew arrived, Dr Horowitz had his own camera crew there to film the film is and had set up made made sure they had got that he put pictures all over the walls saying all these people wanted for genocide, which are all the usual
your sauroses and your Rockefellers and the Queen of England and so on and so forth. He had all sorts of stuff there and was very pleased with himself. And basically, so the showdown crew, they talk about some stuff a little bit in the guy's sake, we're just going to go out and check on some stuff and then basically just leg it. He goes out to them in their car and he's like, are you guys leaving? And they're like, yeah, no, we called, we called home office and yeah, no, we don't want to be on camera. And
I mean, I kind of see his point a little bit. He's like, you know, you wanted me to be on camera for possibly nefarious purposes, but you can give it, but you can't take it. And they're like, yeah, no, we're not going to do this. But essentially, they realized the jig was up. And I guess obviously, they weren't going to come up. I mean, I would have thought surely a decent storyteller would be able to take that and spin an interesting episode out of it. But I guess they realized they weren't going to get
the material they were wanting to get for the episode of Bullshit that they were filming, so they just legged it. And of course Dr Horowitz portrayed that as a massive win for him. And certainly the way he does it, he comes off looking better than them, but he's very smug that, look, he tricked them, he stung the stingers. So his interaction with the Penn and Teller crew is the only thing shown in this trailer.
including a lot of footage directly from the Penn and Taylor's Bullshit show. He keeps having clips from them and has the theme music of it playing all the way through, which there are a couple of comments under it for the movie. They're basically like, I'm pretty sure this is massive copyright violation that you use the theme song from their show the entire way through the film and have lots and lots and lots of footage from the show.
Anyway, that was just a digression. That might be one of those cases where the people who made the documentary might go, yeah, but it doesn't matter, because if they bring it up, then they have to show that we showed them up. So they're more likely to ignore our copyright infringement here, because otherwise they have to recognize that they tried to sting us and we stung them in return and they couldn't take being stung.
Anyway, so basically, there's a lot. This is a long paper. It goes and it goes and it goes and it goes. But I think you've pretty much heard, I think you've pretty much got the gist of it. So it concludes as follows. He says,
Many musicians, mathematicians, physicians, physicians, physicists, and even geneticists now celebrate the emergence of truth about A equals 440 hertz or C5 equals 528 hertz as an apparent carrier wave of love, again all caps, broadcasting universally from the heart of the electromagnetic energy matrix. The vast majority of objective investigators now view these revelations as an opportunity to rediscover our spiritual roots in music in accordance with an accelerating spiritual renaissance.
The emergence of this knowledge is perfectly timed to remedy otherwise impossible problems imposed on the world by unelected leaders of economic and geopolitical chaos. Thus, musicians, vocalists and audiences are urged to discuss these findings, reject the militarization of music that has been secretly administered, and retune instruments' voices and ears to the frequencies most sustaining and healing. Restoring integrity to the performing arts and scientists this way will impact populations most beneficially.
And then he talks about a not-for-profit service operating by donation to provide A equals 4 Hz frequency transpositions of every genre of music, as apparently under construction.

Horowitz and the Healthy World Revolution

And he links to the Healthy World Revolution, which goes to, which when you click on the link, brings up a page entirely in Russian.
which makes me think perhaps he forgot to renew his domain name and now it's just a spam site. That happened a lot. So that's his argument for the fact that 440 hertz is an evil conspiracy that's been foisted upon us by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds using the Nazis as their tools. To make us more compliant. To make us more compliant.
I'm sure you're wondering right now, could this be true? I'm actually not. I'm not wondering that at all, but let's pretend I am. I know I've sowed the seeds of doubt. You may not be able to admit it to yourself, but you're there. But don't worry, because I can tell you that
In short, no, none of this is true because, first of all, the use of 440 Hertz, while it's true, there was that conference in 1939, just before the start of the Second World War, where 440 Hertz was sort of adopted as a standard. It had been used in various places and in various times all over the place. So the history of standard tuning apparently is
fairly all over the place, hence the need to adopt a standard eventually. Apparently, the Baroque period for 15 Hz was the standard tuning, although again, that was a little bit tricky because the Baroque period, which I think went from sort of the mid 1600s to partway through the 1700s, it wasn't until 1711 that the tuning fork was invented. So that's when it became possible to actually sort of
be a bit consistent in your tuning. Going by the tuning forks that Mozart used, he tuned to about 421 and 422 hertz. You had issues with what they called pitch inflation, which sounds a little dirty, but what it actually was, which is in the 19th century, people found you got a bit of sound for
from the more the more tension was on a string the better sound it gave but obviously the more tension you put on a string the higher it goes so you can counteract that by having a thicker string that you put more tension on but then thick strings are more expensive and so essentially to suppose you get a bit of sound orchestras started tuning higher and higher and higher
until apparently the opera singers were complaining that music was tuned too high. This is all a little bit hard to tell because the terminology and what have you isn't what we use today. If you have a tuning fork from the period, you can find out and so on.
It's a little bit contradictory. Some people say in 1859 France was using 435 hertz, but then someone else said that in 1885 they were using 432, and Italy was using 435 hertz, but at that stage in 1885 the Italian government decided on a 440 hertz tuning fork as being the standard.
In Britain, for a while, it was 439, due to some sort of a misunderstanding, apparently, about the French. They tried to copy the French one, but did it differently, or I didn't even know what was going on there. This is a very British thing to do, though. Supposed to do.
It'll be fine. It'll be fine. There was some misunderstanding about how some comment about whether the strings were wet or dry or something like that. Apparently they misunderstood slightly the method by which the French had arrived at their standard and tried to do the same thing but ended up doing a different thing.
Now, in either 1926 or 1936, I've seen two different dates. The American Standards Association adopted 440 hertz. So that was the 20s. The British actually adopted 440 hertz themselves as the standard in 1938. And there were issues around the fact that, back to your, not actually numerology, actual mathematical concerns,
Using 439 hertz as a standard, 439 is a prime number. And when you come to electronically generate frequencies, having a prime in there actually made things a little bit trickier. So they had actual mathematical reasons for wanting to bump it up to 440. But anyway, then you had the infamous conference in 1939, where an international organization decided 440 hertz would be the standard. And finally, this was codified by the International Organization for Standardization.
in 1955 and actually made part of the ISO 16 standard in 1975 establish 440 hertz as standard. So it's the history, it's all over the place basically. And so to actually point at that one time
when the Nazis could have been involved, isn't exceptionally significant. Another thing of course is, as I said at the beginning, not everyone uses 440 hertz anyway. 440 hertz is kind of the standard for commercially produced contemporary music.
But despite it being called concert pitch, many orchestras use a different pitch. Apparently, the New York Philharmonic uses 442. The Boston Symphony Orchestra uses 441. There are various symphonies in Europe that use 443 or 444. And because, as I say, in previous times, they've used different tunings or overplays, sometimes when people want to make sure that the piece, the music they're performing will sound the same as it was when it was first performed, will tune their
Use the same tuning as whatever was being used at that time So it's it's a little bit all over the place and still a little bit arbitrary and someone else is ignoring the elephant in the room Which is that Western scales are not necessarily the scales that are used outside the West anyway. Well, exactly Yeah, even more than that for while you can bring up all sorts of sorts of numerological Significance of various numbers Hertz is still that number per second and there isn't really anything significant about the second
It's a sort of arbitrary, was it Sumerians? I can't remember who first divided up time that way. And they just kind of did. And these days, it's, you know, what's the second? It's like, you know, point some mess of a long decimal number. I think it's one vibration of a cesium atom.
that's it's not exactly it's it's easy matters but it's it's like something point blah blah blah blah blah blah blah it's a ridiculously long floating point number so yes it's all very arbitrary in that case and then the other thing is so play play one of those tones take your pick
Which one was that? That was number one. So that's your 432. So have you ever heard a song that sounds like that? I mean, that is a pure tone, but no actual musical note played on any instrument or produced by any human voice actually sounds like that. When you have an instrument tuned to 440, when you play that note, look at the spectrogram of frequencies it produces, 440 might be the biggest one kind of in the middle.
But it's a whole range of frequencies produced by any sound, because basically individual tones themselves are just part of the picture. And indeed, I was listening to a podcast a while back, and I actually can't remember which podcast it was now, talking about the way that we generate tones, and how by actually changing the number... I mean, a tone is basically a series of beats, as you say, played very quickly.
And so you can actually make a tone sound different by increasing or decreasing the intervals between the beats. I mean, if we're talking about resonances and sounds and the like, as you say, the Hertz thing is either so slightly weird because the
What we're looking at is kind of an arbitrary, oh, we've decided that X number of tones in X number of, sorry, subdivision of a second, but a second itself is a completely arbitrary invention. Yes, I mean, people are looking for significance in these things, but
When you come down to it, it's all just a little bit arbitrary. And I think in terms of music in general, it's all just a little bit subjective and just down to individual preference. So maybe you might want to go out and look up your favorite songs and see if someone's produced a 432 version of them. You might find it better. You might find it worse. You might actually not notice a difference unless you play the two of them side by side.
But that is the 440 Hertz conspiracy theory. Well, I have to say, I don't think it's very likely as conspiracies go. Well, possibly not. No, you're not. But it is very interesting. In part, I suppose, because it's someone kind of backporting their own particular theory about something they think is really important about the world, which is the number of love.
and then trying to find a way of going, well, why don't we love one another? Oh, it must be due to an ancient Jewish conspiracy involving the Nazis. That's the reason why there's so much conflict in the world. How can we explain that? Oh, there was this conference in London just before World War II where some people decided that arbitrarily a concert tone for certain performers would be this particular thing here.
Oh, that's probably the explanation as to why we had a world war. Case closed, case closed. Yeah, I mean, I should say I've seen nothing that would give any sort of evidence for how the Nazis influenced these things. It's simply stated that they did and the timeline matches, but that's
That's literally all there is to it. So yes, it's always fun looking at these sorts of things. I hope I didn't short-circuit too many brains with your liquid crystal proteoglycan matrices and the cells and your bioinformatic epistemologies or what have you. And those bioinformatic epistemologies.
in your biological functionings whilst performing your epistemologies. I do it all the time. I know as well you should. So that's the end of this episode. We of course are about to go and record a bonus episode. What are we going to be talking about?
Well, our bonus episode this week is primarily going to be talking about Abby Richards' 2021 version of the conspiracy chart. Now, historically, I didn't think much of the conspiracy chart when it appeared in 2020, but there's a glaring issue with the 2021 version that we're going to talk about. And we should probably also talk about some local political news back home in Aotearoa, New Zealand, which is the
the very quick demise of one Judith Collins leader or now former leader of the opposition, which there are conspiracy theories about exactly what went down and they're all kind of interesting.
So, if you'd like to find out what's wrong with that upside down triangle full of conspiracies, enter your patron and then just listen in to the bonus episode that's gonna be coming your way very shortly. If you'd like to become a patron, go to and search for the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy and you'll find us just perfectly easily. And if you don't want either of those things, good day to you, quite frankly. We're glad you listened in. Good day. Good day. I said good day, sir. Yes.
You get away from me to say something.
No, you're not going to interrupt with another Ise- Okay, that's fine. Good, good, good. Yep, so anyway, end of an episode, and I will end this episode in the traditional method by simply saying goodbye. Good day, sir. You've been listening to a podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy, hosted by Josh Addison and Imdentive. If you'd like to help support us, please find details our pledge drive at either Patreon or PodBen. If you'd like to get in contact with us, email us at podcastconspiracy at