Lean Not On Your Own Understanding: Learning to Trust Yourself After Evangelicalism with Alanah Sabatini image
S1 E10 · Now I See: Eye Opening Stories from the Formerly Faithful
Lean Not On Your Own Understanding: Learning to Trust Yourself After Evangelicalism with Alanah Sabatini
Lean Not On Your Own Understanding: Learning to Trust Yourself After Evangelicalism with Alanah Sabatini

Churches that behave like cults are typically quick to quote scriptures  like “the heart is desperately wicked, you can’t trust it” or “you can’t lean on your own understanding.” As a consequence, those who grow up in these churches have a hard time learning to trust their intuition and who they know themselves to be deep down.

In this episode, I’m talking with the woman responsible for Now I See’s intro music, Alanah Sabatini. Alanah is a beloved TikTok and Instagram creator who rewrites the hymns we all know and love with new lyrics that reflect the healing journey many of us former faithfuls are on. Together, we discuss the power and magic of learning to trust yourself, building community, and what she’s up to next.

Resources from Alanah


444 Plays
1 year ago

Churches that behave like cults are typically quick to quote scriptures  like “the heart is desperately wicked, you can’t trust it” or “you can’t lean on your own understanding.” As a consequence, those who grow up in these churches have a hard time learning to trust their intuition and who they know themselves to be deep down.

In this episode, I’m talking with the woman responsible for Now I See’s intro music, Alanah Sabatini. Alanah is a beloved TikTok and Instagram creator who rewrites the hymns we all know and love with new lyrics that reflect the healing journey many of us former faithfuls are on. Together, we discuss the power and magic of learning to trust yourself, building community, and what she’s up to next.

Resources from Alanah

