This week the guys discuss the potential for a Palworld comic series, Gerard Way returning to Dark Horse, and more! Also this week the guys are joined by Senior VP of Business Development for Mad Cave Studios Mark Irwin. Mark has had a long career in comics and his recent venture with Mad Cave has been a huge success. We discuss how Mad Cave got to this point and hint at some future announcements! Find Mad Cave with the link below.
Don't forget the guys talk about the comics they are reading off the shelves from last week, and as always all of the news fit for print.
Comics we discuss in this episode:
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25
Justice Society of America #9
Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #6
Blade #9
Jango Fett #1
Beware the Planet of the Apes #3
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #3
The Weatherman Vol. 3 #3
Spillblood #1
Where the Nightmares Are #1
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Mike twitter @fortressricker
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