A woman’s menstrual cycle is her fifth vital sign. In this episode, Krista talks with Nicole Bendayan, Holistic Nutritionist & menstrual health expert. As the founder of The Sync Society, Nicole helps women support their bodies through cycle-based nutrition & other lifestyle factors.
Episode Timeline:
00:00 Cycle-Based Nutrition with Nicole Bendayan
00:45 Nicole’s experience with eating disorders & hormonal birth control
05:37 Toxic cultural programming about our periods
07:20 Informed consent for hormonal birth control
10:40 Menstruation as biomarker for women’s holistic health
14:22 Fertility & weight loss superseding overall health
17:40 Phases of the menstrual cycle
23:26 Hormonal fluctuation & brain function
26:35 Five types of PMS
28:31 Endocrine disruptors & effects on women’s hormones
32:45 Habit stacking to support lifestyle changes
36:21 Menstrual nutrition, fitness & hormone balance through the Sync Society Academy
41:46 Impact of gut health, nutrition, & food sensitivities on hormones
45:33 Envisioning life with a healthy menstrual cycle & balanced hormones
47:00 Leveraging strengths of menstrual phases to improve overall life
On She Lived, Krista Hernandez helps women manage & heal chronic illness through holistic means.
Visit the webpage for a full transcript of today’s episode & a free copy of Krista’s Weekly Sanity Planner™
Follow Krista on Instagram & Pinterest
Follow Nicole Bendayan on Instagram and TikTok
Get access to Nicole’s free Get Synced Masterclass and check out her line of Sync’d Supplements
Click here for the 2023 lists of the Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen
Got feedback or a story to share? Send it to krista@kristahernandez.com
Krista Hernandez, Nicole Bendayan, chronic illness, holistic wellness, alternative medicine, integrative health, women’s health, birth control, hormonal imbalance, endocrine disruptors, biomarkers, synthetic hormones, menstrual nutrition, habit stacking, holistic nutrition, food sensitivities, gut health, PMS, cycle syncing, PCOS, endometriosis
#KristaHernandez #SheLived #Nicole Bendayan #chronicillness #holisticwellness #alternativemedicine #integrativehealth #womenshealth #birthcontrol #hormonalimbalance #endocrinedisruptors #biomarkers #synthetichormones #menstrualnutrition #habitstacking #holisticnutrition #foodsensitivities #guthealth #PMS #cyclesyncing #PCOS #endometriosis