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Ep. 5 - The Color of His Skin image

Ep. 5 - The Color of His Skin

S1 E5 ยท Brother, Mine - An Audio Drama
330 Plays2 years ago

Malcolm's management style causes upheaval. Actions have consequences. Irony is a demanding guide.

With Drew Drake as Malcolm O'Brien and Rob Karma Robinson as Raymond Aurum.

Oh my god.

The Firing of Crystal: Justified or Not?

I've got all sorts of great stuff to talk to you about when you're ready. Good. You have the schedule for next week. Yeah, I put it on the wall. Crystal called me. Said you fired her? Yeah, had to.
Man, I gotta put her back on the schedule. Yeah, right. That's funny. She is terrible. Well, if you talk to me about it, I might've been able- I didn't want to bother you with it. You made me manager, so I'm manager. Well, Shaqueline told me she's gonna work Friday and Saturday. Well, she's fine.
I wish I could do that, but it won't fly. So I saved you the trouble of having to fire yourself. Where's my race? You can't see any other way. There's no other way. I have to let her go. Period. You know, she's more interested in singing than waitress. And lastly, she didn't do any side work. This week, she wouldn't take any shifts I scheduled her for.
Yeah, I know, but she's been with me for a long time.

Job Market Realities for Waitresses

Why? She's got attitude. Well, she is, Crystal. Oh, I get it. Man, you could have just told me you were sleeping with her. That's not what I'm saying. My fault, Ray. Hey, I'll call her back and give her some shifts. I'm not sleeping with- It's cool.
Crystal has talent. Sure. She can sing. I bet she can. She has other aspirations besides being a waitress. I understand. I know you do. She's a great singer. She's just not a great waitress. She pays her rent by working here. Great, Raymond. Should we feel guilty for that? Absolutely not. Then what?
You want me to hire her back? I'm surprised it was that easy for you to fire her. It was. If she wants to sing, nobody stop it. But we can't work with someone who's not going to do the job expected. No, we can't. Exactly. I'm glad we agree on that.
We can try to work with her. And give her a free ride? No way. So you're going to teach her a lesson? Maybe. I mean, I didn't set out to, but maybe this way she'll learn to work harder. If she wants it badly enough, she will. Unlike you. What do you mean? Unlike you, Malcolm. I heard what you said. I just don't get your point. I see that.
You think you can just get another waitress easy? Yes, we can. But you don't think about the fact that she can't get another job easy. And obviously that's her own fault.

Addie's Loan: Malcolm's Solution

I had a meeting with Addie this morning. Yeah. And? And what did you tell him? What's this have to do with Crystal? What did you tell him?
I told him that he'll get alone and not to work. I took care of it. Now, see, he told me that you talked to your father and that he took care of it. Well, that's not exactly how it worked. Then how exactly did it work? I took care of it. Are you helping Addy find a solution to his problems? Yes. He's going to get alone. Oh.
And that's his problem? Yes. No, it's not. What is this? Do you want me to hire Crystal back? Listen to me. Addie needing a loan, that's your problem. And I solved it. Addie not having the tools to get a loan for himself? That's...
I don't really see the difference, Raymond. He's getting alone in the most efficient and easy way possible. Then you do see the difference. It was the most efficient and easy way for you, Malcolm. You didn't even think about Eddie. I didn't think about him. I solved his problem. I solved both our problems. I solved them. So I take it the next time Eddie needs something, he can count on your father to help him out? Will he know how to go about getting alone for himself next time?

Malcolm's Departure: Fair or Unfair?

I don't know.
Well then you're fired. What? You're fired, Malcolm. You're crazy. You almost got me. And you're fired. Over this? Yes. It was just a miscommunication. Apparently, I didn't understand what you wanted me to do. You told me you wanted to help Five Points. I am. You said, what was it?
Oh, that you wanted to really make a difference. Am I correct? Yes, that's true.
Well, you've just proven with the first two people you set out to help that you're really just out for yourself. What do you want me to do? Nothing. You're fired. You're not going to fire me.

Crystal's Potential Rehire and Accountability

Well, you don't expect special treatment, do you? I mean, you were so adamant that, Chris, I'm not getting on. This is different. You don't do the job that is required of you, period. I have to let you go. What about the coalition? The what? The coalition. OK, then.
If you want a ballot enough, you'll learn to work harder, right? So, what did you tell Addy? He's filing a discrimination complaint with the Office of Housing and Urban Development. Against who? The bank. But he's getting a loan from another bank. No, he's not, Malcolm.
He's 903-ing them. And from now on, he'll understand how to take action. How he can take for himself. This way, he can utilize his own assets, not yours. In Addie's case, his asset is the color of his skin. Do you want me to call Crystal and ask her to come back? Yes. You don't look like an idiot.

New Opportunities at Lyrie Air Force Base

We are not afraid. I'll find a way to work that out. So, what's your good news? You have an idea for the coalition? Well, yeah, but... Well, let's hear it. It still needs some thinking, though. I'll tell you about it later. Is that what you're working on? These are just some notes. Well, talk me through what you got.
You know that Lyrie Air Force Base is being redeveloped? I heard about it. Prime Contractor is still in need of some skilled subcontractors. I didn't know that. It's usually a tough door to step through if you don't know something. Well, who do you know? My buddy, I used to work with him. We played basketball the other day, and he said he heard it through the grapevine. You know.
friend of a friend. And who does this friend of a friend know exactly? Guy doing the hiring. Oh, okay. And what's this got to do with the coalition? I suggested that I knew you and that we could get a meeting set up between the coalition board and the prime contractor. We could step through that door. We? Of course.
I told him that I had to talk it over with you first. So you're telling me that you can fix it so all people get first crack at those jobs? They'd interview here first, and the coalition will be the connection. So that's your proposal. You and I take this to the coalition. Absolutely. Together. This will be a huge opportunity for the coalition to extend their reach.
How many jobs are you talking about? That's what I'm getting together now. What I do know is that it's a huge contract. Millions. And when can you give me the exact numbers? In the next few days. Well, then I'll round everyone up. But I want you to present it to the board. Just me? By myself? This is what you are? Isn't it? Yeah, absolutely.
It's a good idea. We'll see what everyone else thinks.