Funding through Established Businesses
Key to raising major cash resources is bringing in established businesses. Established? Yes. First, start thinking bigger. Outside of five points. Outside of five points.
We push to find a sponsor, a donor willing to take a risk and advertise down
Jazz Club Expansion and Festival Ideas
here. Advertise what? Who cares? I'm assuming the coalition's budget right now for marketing itself is, what, close to zero? Now, I got some thick skin, son, but not everyone you're going to be talking to does. Not personal. If it's necessary, I can end my pitch by incorporating everybody's emotions.
Working in that order is proven more successful. Continue. Take the jazz club. I own the jazz club. And you seem to do good business. Now, imagine the growth by reaching out to the downtown community. The working professional is your untapped market. They wait for the next exotic hotspot, okay, to spend their money. Way it is.
Rob's costumes and animals. Be real. You pride yourself that it's a regular place. I heard you. I respect that. But you see the limit, right? You said it yourself. People don't come down here unless they have a reason
Strengthening Black-owned Businesses
to. You can't sell the neighborhood by being a regular place. What about a festival?
a jazz festival. We can call it, we have a specific mission. Yes, to strengthen the community around the Welton Street development. That's on paper. How does the influx of revenue from outside the community deter from that? It doesn't. You want the value of things to increase. You want homeowners to increase their equity. You want to remodel, send kids to college.
We want to focus on tightening our community infrastructure. We need to strengthen our Black-owned businesses. Those are our goals.
Presenting Ideas to the Coalition
We're talking about the same thing. The reason to reach out and form relationships with people beyond Welton Street is to do what you want. Make business to strengthen business. Everyone benefits.
Did you get a chance to meet Crystal again? Who's that? Macaulay. Haven't met him. He's got a great voice. Oh, she's a singer. Yeah. Good. Great. Is she going on tonight? She slings drinks till 1 o'clock, then does her set. You mean the waitress? Yeah. She does that too. If you stick around, we'll catch her. Maybe.
If you want a more detailed presentation or a specific fundraising plan, I'd have to know the coalition's financial reality. I'm going to get you a drink. That's all right. So set up a time for me to meet with your board, and I will make the pitch. I can tell you right now we're not looking to expand like you're talking about.
Malcolm's Role in Business Management
You just have to open your mind to it. The question is how to focus on what we have.
I agree. But to be honest, that's nothing. Not nothing. That's not what I meant. I mean, bare bones. Let me get you. You know what, Raymond? My brother's home from rehab, and I don't want to walk in the door smelling like booze. Maybe some coffee. We are not afraid. What?
We are not afraid. I don't follow. I want us to be on the same page here. Me too. Strengthening infrastructure. Presenting your ideas to the Coalition is definitely something I see happening in the future. But there are steps now. And that's not the first one. Steps? Yes. Fine.
But I should know who I'm working with, though, and they should know me. You agree? I do agree, Malcolm. That's why I want you to focus on the club. The jazz club? Yeah. You'll get firsthand experience on how business is done down here in five days. Braven, with all due respect, I study business, finance, marketing,
I want you to be involved. And this is the first step. So you want me to work in a nightclub and at the same time develop business plans and build a financial model for the coalition? I want people to trust you. Build a reputation by managing the club. What reputation? I don't see how a reputation as a bartender is going to help.
You'll be the manager. You'll keep the books and set schedule. Most important, you learn how to work with the employees and start getting to know the clientele, the people.
Impact of Light Rail on Community
Let's bring money to the people. Then they'll actually have an opportunity to compete.
The last time some money trickled down into the points, a few people got a taste in running for the sufferings. That's going to happen no matter what. The rest of us, we're still here. You've got to get over that. Families are suffering. You and I suffer, and that can't happen again. You understand? The coalition asserts devotion and loyalty to five points, like a nation.
turning hearts and minds into a fist. Listen to this kid. He's legit. When I was a kid, I heard stories about all the artists and musicians who came here from Chicago, St. Louis, and all of this. This neighborhood used to be their stop.
This building was their home. And when I took to bringing it back to life, it couldn't be anything other than what it was, a jazz club. When I was a kid, my dad took us to the lake to sail our model boats. I have no memories of this neighborhood, Raymond. No stories, no stops, no home.
Do you really want to be a part of the coalition or not? I do. Start by finding the personality in the community assets. Did you ride the light rail down here? No. I drove. That light rail is supposed to be a lifeline to this community. It's meant to bring business, but it doesn't. Because nobody rides it.
And now they're trying to build a new line and circumvent us entirely. It doesn't get out to Crestmore Drive. You should ride it. I'd have to take two buses or park and ride just to get to the station. That's the problem. If you don't care about the light ring, then you don't care about five minutes. I do care that it doesn't get out to Crestmore Drive. And I still want you to ride it here. It's all about it. OK.
Building Community Ties through Personal Engagement
I know you don't want to manage a club. How long? Until you know each and every person who steps foot in their space. Each face and each product. You're my son. You'll learn quickly. My brother played alto. This kid on sax? His name is Eddie. Practice every day. The whole band.
I think you two are around the same age. Same song. Over and over again. And then one day, he just quits. Addie's got a situation. I want you to talk with me. What kind of situation? He and his wife had a problem at the bank. He's married? With two of his own. And we're gonna help him keep it together. He's trying to buy his first house. What happens?
His loan wasn't approved. Because of his credit? Because of... something. I want you to listen to
Community Skills and Personal Boundaries
him. Get to know his situation and see if you can help him out. Alright. I'll talk to him. Coalition! Our skills and services bartered, traded, infested. You do what's necessary. The board.
You start in the trenches, son. You can't call me son. It's just an expression. Maybe to you. But I have a father. I can't promise it won't happen again.