Welcome to the Video Gamers Support-ish Group After Party! Join us AGAIN on this short adventure as we dive deep with our party guests to find out the answer to a big question, what is the consensus of movie or TV show adaptations of our most beloved video games... Enjoy! Use our special link (PLB9) to save 10% at wongopuzzles.com. The discount will be applied at checkout! Thank you for supporting us visit the link now to get your Wongo Puzzle today: https://zen.ai/pleaseleaveby91 Hosts: Anna - @annabohigian Cheryl Bauder - @Cherylannbauder Tatiana - @_tatiana_ Sarah - @saradipityy Guest: Ben, Tem, and David
Produced by Daniel Farias @danielfarias4444 & Tatiana Goldman More Info: Follow us at PleaseLeaveBy9.com @_pleaseleaveby9_ on Instagram @pleaseleaveby9 on Twitter & Like us on Facebook!!