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Join us as we learn what's what on Quarantine's favorite app TikTok. Everyone has a favorite creator from soothing vegan cooks to one-legged comedians there is a Tik Tok creator for everybody.
Enjoy friends!
Tik Tokers featured in this episode: - @beerbongjohn - @officiallymomingyou - @tabithabrown - @josh.sundquist - @BarChemistry - @ProbablyThis - @chakiraclark - @Ironsanctuary - @babysp1ce666 - @yaagirlsastar - @thatmikeydude - @aniraaak_ - @themindfulmermaid
Hosts: Sarah Bradley - @saradipityy Anna Rose - @annabohigian Cheryl "Cher Money" Bauder - @Cherylannbauder Tatiana Goldman - @_tatiana_
Produced by Daniel Farias @danielfarias4444 & Tatiana Goldman
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