Felix's Introduction and Move to Japan
Comes to our set, plays with our toys. He's kind of like... Welcome back to this episode of Trash Taste and with the boys as usual, Jerry and Garnt. And today we have Felix.
All of you in the comments can shut the fuck up now. We got him. 6'9", like we promised. I don't want to know what episode this is. 120 something probably. We should have just waited. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's double of 69 probably. Yeah, this is like the build up since I think episode one. That's people have been asking for you to come on. Is it really?
Yeah, you're the goat. So everyone's always like, oh, okay. Now you guys are hyping me up right away. I appreciate it. Such a great guy. People just love you on your own marriage. Yeah, but thank you very much
Cultural and Logistical Challenges of Moving to Japan
for coming on. And I guess this is a late welcome to Japan because you've been here for like, how long have you been here now? Like a month or two? We left when you got here.
Yeah, it was so fun. I was so excited to finally come on trash tape, meet you guys, and then you guys just took off. We heard you were coming. We heard you were coming. We were like, nah, I don't want to fuck with this guy. So much time to not go anywhere.
But yeah, like how has your Japan experience been so far? Pretty good, pretty good. Having a lot of fun. You're basically retired at this point, I feel like. That's what everyone says where the belongs I'm doing. You're just like enjoying your retirement in Japan now. Yeah, well, we have a lot of, you know, chill to catch up with. I feel like I'm doing more stuff here than I've done like the last three years in UK.
Well, there's not much to do in the UK. If you don't drink at pubs, there's really options eliminated. And even if you do drink at pubs, it's just like how many times a week can I drink in a pub and do something new, you know? Let's go to the next pub. To be fair, even Japanese people are like, you're doing more stuff than I've done for years. Well, it's because they're working all day. They don't stop. They have to do this thing called work.
Well, that's why I move into Japan, right? As a YouTuber, it's like, it's great. You get like the best of both worlds. You get to enjoy the really cool parts about Japan without having to partake in the normal work culture. Which is notoriously one of the worst in the world. That's really bad. Were you always, did you always have like a fascination with Japan? I can't remember if you did or just kind of like you just came here once and you were like, yeah. Yeah, it was my wife Marte wanted to go and I was like, sure, whatever. And then I really liked that.
I've always been into anime, but I never had like a big obsession with Japan. I feel it's just, you're probably just like, we're, you know, exposed to a lot of Japanese like culture, right? Like, you know, like obviously the anime, but also like just the games and stuff like that. So I feel you kind of just like naturally. I feel like everyone kind of. That's why there's a lot of curiosity. Yeah, definitely. Was there a point where you came to Japan and you're like, shit, I can see myself. What was the tipping point? Yeah, that was actually four years ago.
driving like that. We were here for a month. And we, yeah, after that, we were like, damn, we really don't want to go home. This is actually really good. Was that the trip by Mitchell? Or was that after that? No, it was after that. We used to come here every year. And then, yeah, we had that, we stayed a little longer, like a month. And then we were just like, damn, it's actually really nice. So we had a meeting with people. I'm like, oh, how's the visa going to go? And like, they were like,
like a couple months and then we're like okay great so we were planning our wedding at the same time yeah and we were like okay let's keep we're gonna make this work we're gonna do it as fast as possible and then yeah obviously covid hit and two years i think three years three it's close to three years yeah it was pretty brutal yeah yeah it was not fun
but now I'm here. So yeah. And no one else can enter still. I was going to say, I was like, everybody thought that you just like did it on a whim. I feel like in some, in some groups on YouTube, they were like, what does he get to go in? I I've been trying to go in for the past two years. Maybe. I don't know. Like.
It took a long time, but we didn't really talk about it. I was so fucking pissed off having to wait too. And I was just so mad, but I was trying to hold it in. Cause I didn't want to be entitled by entering a country, but it was, yeah, it was rough. People are already picky about it and they're really like, Oh yeah. You have to deserve to come to Japan.
He can't just like anime and play Nintendo. You need to really enjoy this. That's the problem. If you do only like anime and you want to go to Japan, it's like, you're everything that's wrong with tourists who go to Japan. We don't warn you here. Well, because the thing is like, you were waiting for two years to come in Japan. I think we were waiting two years to leave Japan. First opportunity, we're like, all right.
Yeah, but like now that we're back, like I've really, really missed a lot of like little things in Japan, like traveling out there. I can't imagine how it's been for you just like experiencing, just living here for the first time for the first four months. Has there been like any like different like little things that you've noticed living here that you've really enjoyed and maybe some things that you haven't? When there's a lot of fucking paperwork.
Welcome. First time? Someone understands the pain. Yeah, but we got a taste of that before, obviously, getting the visa. You kind of realized, Jesus Christ. I had to resubmit it three times as well, because it kept expiring. And so it's like redo all the papers. But even like getting Edgar over sounded like that sounded twice as worse than getting you over. I mean, you have to rent out a fucking private jet for that.
Yeah, we did get in. Yeah, so it's a real alpha move. I actually we thought about it quite early. Like, okay, how can we make this easier to bring our dogs over? Cause it was such a hassle. And then Marta proposed like getting a private jam. I was like, no fucking way I'm paying.
Why would I ever do that that's so stupid, but then the whole process is so complicated something easy Yeah, my dog was one kilo over overweight for all the airlines in the entire world like swear. I've called every airline ever There's one airline that was like it's okay, but if people have a Falcon on board then you can't go
Falcon yes, I'm like Eastern countries. They prioritize Falcons on the watch like what are these rolls? We go by the predator list on top gets first. I mean, you know put them in a pen see what happens Rolling the dyes on the Falcon. I like other just like Falcons pretty sick
Like I was specifically a falcon, out of everything. No other predator. How many people are transporting falcons out there in the world? They have a lot of falcons. But yeah, so we didn't risk that. And then my dog was one kilo too, too fat. And we had already dieted him once. It was really slim and ready for the flight, but then obviously everything got delayed. Was there a part of you that didn't want to tell YouTube that you got a private jet? Because you didn't want to deal with people being like, oh, you got a private jet, so how to touch?
Yeah, it's, well- Cause people, I feel a little bit weird about that, you know, being like, oh, I was just trying to- How much do you have to pretend like you don't have money? You know what I mean? I just don't like the whole, like, for the environmental reasons, I guess. That felt a little bit shitty, but I felt like we had a decent- I mean, you're not Elon Musk taking a nine minute jet ride, so I feel like that's, you know, you took one of the longest possible rides you could have. I'm not trying to justify it for you. It was a good purchase. I mean, investment, quite frankly, I mean.
I mean, all the dogs, I would do exactly the same thing. All the dogs, okay. I'll allow it. They're basically a children at this point. I'd do it for my kids. I wouldn't do it for my kids. Dog though, maybe. I would say I would do it for my kids, but actually it would just be for me. True, true, true. The tier list goes Falcon, dog, and then kid. No, no, no.
It's a sort of prioritized you wouldn't wait like the dog has to weigh a certain amount of killers Yeah, my dog was too fat. That's why we had to take the kid How much is that child way
So why the dog? Yeah, it is weird. Yeah, I never thought about it like that. Cause I've never had to transport animals, thankfully. What about like allergies and stuff, any other? It's not my fault. What a problem. I have a kid allergy. No kids on this flight. No kids, please. Most people would prefer to see it next to a dog than a kid. I would 100%. If there was an option in my flight, I would tick that every time. Crying baby versus dog, of course. Of course I'm going to pick the dog every time, you know?
Definitely. Very true, very true. I mean, I'm sure we all had enough experience with flights where there's just that one kid that just... I'm like, you know, it's not like the kid decided, you know what, I'm gonna fuck with everyone today. I'm gonna cry. They do though. I'm like, we're out of the jurisdiction, right? I can get away with it.
We have our international waters here. Yeah. Well, like babies, I can understand. Cause you know, no, they can't control it. Sometimes when they, there are some kids that are like three or four and their parents just like let them do whatever they want. That's the ones that really like, grind my gears. I don't think kids should be in business class. I don't think they've earned it. I just don't. Who puts their kids in business. I went to the business class and there's two kids had their own seat. And I'm like, you mother.
Even if I was a billionaire, I'm putting my kid in the worst economy seat. He's not gonna appreciate the business when he gets it. I just, the kid is not gonna appreciate it. I don't care how rich you are. Either that or the kid's gonna get used to it. And they'll be like, wow, you got the small seats like a fucking peasant. But when you're a kid, just going on a flight is fun enough. Yeah, you won't care. You just give that kid a game boy. So while that's not appropriate for the times.
Give him anything and he'll be fine. Give him a phone, you know? Anything that runs Minecraft and he'll be fine. Yeah. True. True. True. Yeah. Cause we're getting to the points now where wifi starts to be used on flights. And to me, that's so alien and I don't like it. I like being- But it's also shit. Huh? It's so shit that you give up. It is shit. And I think we'll get to the point where it's going to get become
Yeah, you're right. Become usable, make extreme videos. And at that point I'm like, I kind of like going on a flight and just feeling like you're completely disconnected. And I'm going to be that old guy who was like, all things were better when you couldn't use internet on flights. Also I remember downloading the entire library of Netflix on my phone so I can not watch it. I feel like there's like going to be some level of like nostalgia to it as well because it's a very like novel thing. Whereas like, you know, like the airplane movie experience is like, you know, we're going to be that generations like back in our day.
You guys remember when they change the rules so that you can finally fucking use your whatever electronic device Because you have to you have to turn it off once they change it
When airplane mode was invented on like- No, no, it was not that long ago. Really? Yeah. And it was like the greatest change of all time. Cause every time- Why do I have to put it away? Yeah. Or even some like flights, they still like make you put it away or they still announce that you're not allowed to use it. What the fuck? How dare they?
Yeah, and then nobody just listens, basically. I'd be on my phone and then a student would walk up to me and be like, oh, excuse me, you have to put your phone out. That hasn't happened to me in like forever. It happened to me once. She was like, you have to put your phone away. They still do that? And I was like, oh, okay. And I put it in my pocket. She walked off. I said, put my phone away. As anyone would do. Yeah, because no one's out. I'm sure he doesn't play about the rules. I swear. What a terrorist. Jesus Christ.
Cause I'm looking around and no one's following it. Everyone's looking at the exact same thing. Cause it's like, what the fuck's the point? Did you have the thing where like recently I think some of the planes, they have it so that when you, if you leave your mobile data on or something, like the phone knows somehow that you're on a plane and it turns into like plane something. It's like some data, but it's like the plane. It's really weird. I don't know what this is. I never used it. I'm never going to make a call. I do not want to make a call on a flight.
I'm not that much of a businessman. No, no, I don't. I'm too lazy. Would you say then you're still like on your honeymoon phase in Japan? Or is the reality kind of slowly starting to sink in? The reality of what?
Adjusting to Life and Language in Japan
What is the reality, do you know what I mean? The reality of like, Japan is cool, but it's not like a UFO. Well, it's me. You have to surf every week. Oh no. Yeah. I mean, we kept thinking it would. I think we actually had a different,
So the experience where the first month we were like, oh shit, we actually like reset everything. Yeah. And now we kind of have a lot of shit to do to.
kind of get back to where we were. Yeah. And there was a lot and we kind of, it kind of stressed me out a bit. I was like, Oh damn, that's actually not like a roller coaster right away. Yeah. I think we just settle in more and more and more. And now we've been here for months. So we still really, really enjoy it. Yeah. It's really fun. That's good. But I do think, I mean, obviously like, yeah, I don't know.
because I remember when you finally announced that you and Marcy were gonna be moving here and just like on your videos, just the amount of comments you probably got of like, well, Japan's not that great of a country. Do you know all of these statistics? And blah, blah, blah, blah. Because people- Every weird about Japan. Yeah, they're really weird. And it's like only Japan, I feel.
Cause like, if you were like, oh, I'm moving to, you know, the UK, people won't be like, well, did you know all these stats in the UK? It's like, why is it only Japan that is like put up on this like golden platter of standards? People either idolize it or they hate it. There's no in between. Yeah, that's true.
I don't know. It does feel like, especially on the internet. I don't know if it's just on the internet or with like everyone, but people like Japan has like this really weird image of just being like things that come from Japan are very like, I don't know. Is that meme of that guy being like thing, thing from Japan? Well, that's like, and that's- It's so true then. Yeah. It's pretty fucking right. I mean,
There are a lot of things you're like, actually, this is pretty fucking sick. And other times you're like, eh, it's liberated. Like, I don't know. Like when you see videos like, did you guys know they still use fax machines? It's like, all right, okay. All right, thanks for that. I mean, yeah, cool. I get it. It's not gonna make my life easier. Yeah. Even just going to like a, what is it called, optician?
I went here and it was such a streamlined, quick experience. And UK is fucking awful. It's forever. Really? Yeah. Everything to do with healthcare in the UK, it just takes forever. I thought it would have been the opposite. I don't know. I don't know. It was like one to speak English really well.
No, that's pretty bad. I found a dentist here that's like fluent English. They do everything like an American would and it was great. It was better than I ever had in the UK. Yeah. They were like, we're going to remove everything and redo to your teeth. We're going to fix it all. And I was like, I had like a filling from the UK, right?
And they used mercury for my filling. So it was like a black filling and people- What? It was a really old style of filling that they did. You're just trying to like mercury poison you? Well, you know, the UK is very up to date with dental practice. It was like an old thing they used to do for some reason, I guess in Wales. They just kept doing it? They just did it when I was a kid. It's like the thing in Dune where he like crunches down and explodes. It genuinely felt like
When I found out that, cause I didn't know it was mercury this entire time. I was just like, I had a filling. And then the dentist was like, yeah, you got a mercury, a mercury filling. But what? And she's like, you want me to like just take it out and I'll just put one in right now. That's good. And I was like, Oh yeah. It was like done in like 20 minutes. It's awesome. What the fuck in the UK have to make a booking, come back in seven months. And then they'd be like, Oh, we canceled your booking. Cause you didn't reply to our email two days ago that went into spam.
Think Japan, it's true. I think there's a little bit of truth in some aspects. Is there anything that you thought was gonna be good that was shit? Or has it all been? Fuck, what's shit? Not to your expectation.
I guess like a lot where you were saying about people comments in the beginning, a lot of people are kind of like, oh yeah, did you know this and that? And so I was kind of like tensed up when I was going to be in those situations. Like people say old people are really racist and whatever. It's like any country, every country has racist old people. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, when meeting like all the neighbors, we were just like, oh God, are they going to hate us? What is it? They're just going to yell at us. And then they were lovely and you feel like shit for even thinking.
I was really thinking that. Cause you approached them with the pretense that they were going to be racist. I actually had to make a conscious choice to like, just let my own experience dictate what is going to be here. Cause that, yeah, there is so many people saying stuff about everything. I mean, when I tried to say hi to my elderly, they were not nice. Well, that's probably because of you.
They saw me, they're like, damn, I thought it was Felix, damn. Are you Pewdiepie? They'd have been nice to me, they'd have been nice to me. So I got them back, I got them back. They put vegetable oil at their front door. That's how you do it. I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
No, just don't take your garbage out on the wrong day. That's it, that's it. That's the big one. If you want a speed run getting hated by your neighbors, it's garbage out on the wrong day. Yeah, I know that. And I've been terrified of that. And I've been so careful every time checking my garbage. And there's a huge relief every time I see they've taken it.
I got the exact same thing. And then one time I didn't, they didn't take it. And I was going to the supermarket and I walked past and I saw a bag hadn't been taken. And I was like, I hope it's not mine. It's not mine. It's not mine. I walked to the supermarket and I'm like, I should just go check. I should just go check. And it was fucking mine. They had a thing on it, like a plastic wrapper being like, we did not take this because it was not sorted correctly. And I was like, no.
And I'm like, I bet every single one of my neighbors checked to see if it was theirs. And they're like, who the fuck was it? And they probably thought it was the guy, Jim. Fuck's sake. God damn it. Sometimes I see other people do it wrong and they leave it. I'm like, they're going to think it's me. That's what I had. I had that. I had that.
Every time I put the garbage out, when I see the garbage that has been sorted incorrectly, I'm like, I know they're gonna blame it on me, because I'm the only foreigner on this entire street. Just have a conspiracy. This is why living in like an apartment complex is so OP now. Like everything, you take the trash out whenever you want. You can take it to the area. It's great. Oh, it's great. I used to have to like make a giant palace of cardboard and take it out on the cardboard.
but then they installed a security camera in the cardboard place. And I'm like, is it because of me? Did I do something wrong? I'm like, are they looking out for me? Are they looking out for me? And then they have a big science and security camera. Oh wow. In English. It's like, Oh God. Yeah. Oh no. Yeah. They started putting up signs at my place too. And it hasn't been signs for like two years. I wonder why they're starting to put out instructions.
Man was it okay? I don't know if this is too personal to ask was it weird going back to the house after you know after obviously got they got like robbed No, it wasn't weird no, I guess I was a little paranoid people are gonna break in again
But no, it wasn't weird. Plus, they didn't take any of my stuff too, so... You're like, sorry, Moxie. You're like, damn, this is fucking easy, man. Part of me is a little offended, too. What? Some of the mechs are pretty sick, man. I'm like, why do they want this? You don't want any of us wrong guys. You don't want the gun?
Like that's a dumb, hell yeah. Did they ever find the guy you did? No, no, no. Did they like really ever try and make like an effort or was it just kind of like, yeah, sucks to suck, man. I mean, that's just one of those crimes that doesn't usually. Yeah, that's true. Hey, they gave us tea at the station.
That's all I need. So did it, wait, it happened when you were out completely outside of Japan, right? And you couldn't come in? When did it happen? It was a timeline. It was ages ago. It was like two years ago, right? Yeah, I think two, three years ago. I think it was before COVID actually. So we were able to come back in with anti-blades. We wrote a list. Oh, sorry. I thought you hadn't come back. And I was like, that must be weird coming back. It confused me too. And I was like, wait, I don't know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We got that sorted. But no, we didn't get anything back. Yeah, of course. Are you going to try and learn Japanese when you're here? I'm trying. No. Get ready. Get ready for the comments for like three years where they're like, what do you mean you're not fluent? And it's like, ah, if only that's how it works. Three years, more like three months. I remember Felix tasted you the other day being like, what are you doing? And I'm like, not much. What about you? And he's like, I'm learning kanji and I want to die.
Yeah, it's pretty bad. I was just like, yep, sounds about right. Japanese is definitely one of those things where the first, the more you studied, the more you realize how shit you are at it. How much more of a challenge it is. Yeah, cause it's like that perfect, I don't know what the curve is called. Just the learning curve. The learning curve. Well, like it's like confidence versus knowledge. And it's like, you learn katagana hiragana. You're like, fuck it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm hungry. Josu within like one week. I swear to God. Two out of three alphabets done.
You hit kanji and you're like, I am never going to learn Japanese till the day I die, man.
We're getting there, slowly, surely. You're doing like online lessons or are you just teaching yourself? Self-learning. Yeah. Very satisfying when you finally like have a conversation that doesn't go at all badly. You're like, wow, I said everything correctly and I understood everything. This is great. I'm fluent. And then someone says something else later and you're like, I hate my life. Don't accept anything. I remember Aki was saying like the number one thing that made her like really happy was when she walked outside and then the one sign she couldn't read suddenly it was just like,
I know what that means now. I've seen that before. Yeah. Yeah. I remember when you guys, a couple of years ago, you were talking about like josu and like how you get it all the time. You especially told me like, don't worry, you'll get it all the time for links. Yeah. And then I come here and I practice a lot and I'm like, where's my fucking josu? You didn't get any josu? You haven't got any josu yet? You haven't got any yet? No, but you took like a couple of weeks and then I was chatting with my neighbor and then all of a sudden she's like,
I feel like sometimes they jozu you and they're like, I don't know what else you want me to say. Fuck you. Japanese is good by the way. By the way. I've noticed it's much harder to get jozu in Tokyo, but as soon as like, do you travel outside of Tokyo? Do you like go and like maybe stay in a like real kind of something? Like I literally came back just from Hakodate.
And I got Josu'd more in Hakodate than my entire year in Tokyo. Because everyone's just like, what? You can speak just a little bit of Japanese? I think in Tokyo, I'm like, he's a foreigner. He could probably say like a few words, you know? And it's not even like something that impressive either. You could just like go up to a store and be like, and they'd be like, I've gotten Josu'd from just saying thanks.
I'm like, okay. I'll take it out. Another one, I'm counting them. Damn, I'm sorry, I lied to you then. I guess you haven't added a lot. No, no, no, they have a lot. Happens all the time. It'll come, Felix, it'll come. Thank you, I'm still waiting. But like, do you guys say to people, let's be good English then?
Yeah, I do. I say it ironically, but I don't think they take it ironically. If you're like very good English, then the Japanese person will be like, oh, thank you. Sometimes people are like, yeah, I don't speak any English. And then they start talking and they speak pretty good English. And you're like, bro, what the fuck? Your English is like good. You could live in a deal. I hate how humble Japanese people are. It's just annoys me.
Yeah, like I feel like I've met more good speaking English, like good Japanese speaking. I'm confused about Japanese speakers who can speak good English. Well, obviously better than me.
then I have like foreigners that can speak good Japanese. That's what I say. A lot of Japanese people who do speak English or trying to learn it are very eager to speak it. So they come up to you and they start speaking and they're normally really nice. And it's really cool. I think it's also the whole thing of like, you know, Japanese people, they don't know how to be like cocky or like overconfident with their skills. So the only thing they can do is undersell themselves, even though they might be like fucking amazing at it. But that just annoys the other person even more. It is a bit annoying. Cause it's like you fucking liked it.
It's like, oh, I'm not very good. Meanwhile, I'll just say something confidently wrong in Japanese. But like I do notice when, because they want to practice their English, they always try to speak English to you, but I want to practice my Japanese. So I had this like awkward taxi ride to the other day.
I had this awkward taxi ride the other day where, you know, we go in and the taxi driver tries his best to answer us, ask us stuff in English. So I go in the taxi driver, he asks, oh, where do you want to go? And I'm like, I answer in Japanese. I'm like, here's my dress. And can I take the highway please? And then it's like a battle because even though I was speaking Japanese, he would reply to me in English.
I would in turn reply in Japanese. So he asked, he asked, temperature, okay. And I would like reply, yes, the temperature is fine. It's the most like no you battle ever. I'm like, please speak Japanese to me. I'm trying to price my Japanese. I'm like, no, you're both doing it though. He's like, who's gonna fold first? He's like, I will not fall. I will fight.
But yeah, like it's, it's, you know, one of the best places to get practice for your Japanese. It's honestly like taxi drivers and just going out, going out to bars. That's one of the best places. You get the confidence too. Yeah. Cause you drink and you're like, Oh, I'm going to make so many mistakes, but then everyone else is really chill. Everyone loosens up a bit. It's really good.
When you're drunk, just like your embarrassment levels just go down. So you're just like not afraid to make mistakes. And then you learn way more than- You hesitate way too much. I never had a fuck to say this again. Have you been enjoying the nightlife much in Japan? Nightlife, no. Cause my dog is demented. So we can't do anything at night usually. Oh no. She gets crazy at night basically. So are you retired or retired?
I think that's the biggest question all of your fans have. I was like, is he actually retired? I've said it years ago. Cause I, I think I had done it 10 years at the time. And I was just thinking like, I don't know if it's like a middle age crisis or something. Like you're 30, I've done this 10 years and I'm just like, do I want to keep doing it at this pace for like another 10 years? And I was like, fuck no. So.
yeah i just made a conscious choice to just like focus more on what so you're like enjoying yeah i mean i guess i had the choice of like oh do i want to quit or if you didn't enjoy making videos yeah i presume you would stop exactly and i still enjoy it but i don't like the pressure that you kind of put onto yourself and i am
always chasing the algorithm and doing whatever like people want. Just doing what I like and focusing on that. I feel like, why not? Like why make it harder? And I feel like your past like 10 years as well, like it's been just an absolutely fucking insane schedule. It's been a fucking ride, yeah. You've done so much shit in such a short span of time where it's just like, I'm good now.
I don't blame you man. You guys are like in the midst of it. It seems like now like so busy. I think so. What piece of advice do you have then from a person? Well, you can't fucking. I want to have my dream hack moment where I go on stage and sing. Why have you seen that? I love that clip. I love that clip. No, I haven't seen this. I'm so sorry.
Okay. This is like early, early YouTube. And I love my favorite clip. I love, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't know why, like maybe you guys can relate to like just thinking, yeah, yeah, that's fine. I can do that. Cause cause they're like, they, I feel like sometimes they pitch your idea or there's an idea gets said, you're like, yeah, sure. And then you don't actually think about it.
And then it happens and you're like, this was a horrible idea. I didn't even think it was a horrible idea. Like I- Do you want to explain what it is? Okay. So I had done YouTube for like a year. It doesn't matter. But there's a convention, like a land, big land party called Dreamhack. Yeah, I guess it's pretty famous now. And they have a stage and they were like, do you want to come to Dreamhack and like play games on stage? And I was like, yeah, sure. Absolutely. Like, oh, recognition by someone. That's awesome.
And I had nothing planned. And at the time I played like Happy Wheels and I sang karaoke. And I thought that was like the funniest shit ever. I mean, it was pretty funny, but. And then I was like, fuck, what do I do on stage? I had no, nothing prepared. Like I just had my laptop. They're like, all right, cool. You brought your laptop, go on stage. Here you go, entertain these people. And I was just like, all right, I guess we play some Happy Wheels. That was fine. And then for some reason I thought like playing karaoke was,
It's gonna be a good idea. So I sang on stage. What did you say? Take on me. And it's just a clip of a nice clip of me singing. It's just funny because I'm like singing and I'm into like, take on me. It's just terrible. You cut to the audience and they're just like,
I think every single YouTuber needs a moment like that. It's like, you just- I don't know why, like I cringe at so much shit I do, but for some reason that to me is just funny. That is funny. It's great. How long ago was this? It must've been 10 years ago.
Stuff like that is where you look back on, you're like, that was the funniest shit. That happened. I think it's like, I had a great time doing that. I actually really enjoyed that day and it's a good memory and that's just how I kept it in my bank. But even though it's not like what it was, it was pretty painful, but I'll take the good memory.
I mean, if you look back, thanks for bringing that up. I really appreciate that. I felt bad. I went out with Anthony. I brought up the Smosh movie as well. And I felt bad. Oh, that was a classic. I was like, I felt bad. I was like, it was bad. I didn't see that. Now if we get Ninja on, we have to like bring back, bring out like the fucking, what did he do? Like fucking the Fortnite movement. Yeah. I mean, that was my Fortnite floss movement. I'm not seeing enough movement.
It's one of those when you're like young youtuber and you just like someone asked you to do shit Yeah, yeah, I can do that It's like you're the you're the big youtuber company tells you you should go do this thing because we don't really understand it But we know you're a big deal. Go on stage
We are, yeah, so hopefully we don't have a moment like that. No singing. No promises, maybe. By the time this comes out, we will finish it. No, you guys need to do karaoke on stage. People love it. It'll be great. All three of us need to take on me. An honor to Felix. Yes, please do it. If we do a Sweden tour, we'll do it. Oh yeah. Are you going to Sweden? No, you're going to America, that's right. Yeah, yeah. Maybe one day, maybe one day we'll do a Europe tour and everything, hopefully. Cool. Have you done like a live tour?
Views on Live Touring vs. YouTube
no. Luckily I have not done that. Only done like a signing tour for my book, which is fun, but no, nothing. Did you ever, would you ever want to? No, fuck that. I mean, Jack, Jack spoke so highly of the idea and was like, yeah, I love touring. He had a good experience. Yeah. Really good for him. Yeah. Yeah. Cause he, like he said, once he started touring, he, that was like, that was it for him. He wants to do nothing else but talk compared to like doing YouTube.
I guess people are different. Some people respond more to having a direct feedback from an audience and really enjoy that. You get sold on that. I'm like, stay away. This is good. I don't know. I'm crunching directly at you. It's kind of like streaming but light, right? Yeah, I guess. Yeah, it's kind of interesting. I know streaming is the diet version of life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got that. By the way, it's nice to know that there is a fellow pizza cross hater on his podcast for what?
How did you survive Italy? How did that like, what happened? No one cares. They do care. They just didn't want to tell you. As you're walking out of the restaurant, they're just doing this. You just didn't realize it. These fucking foreigners. I remember. Cause the thing is I always eat pizza with a knife and fork. Yeah.
Sorry, sorry. I just, I, come on. That's a, come on. Actually Felix, Felix. No, you don't. No, you don't. If it's like, I do it, if it's a really, really good pizza, right? Not, not Domino's. If it's like stone baked, you know.
I would prefer to eat with a knife and fork. Honestly? Because it spills less over. Exactly. And you can choose the exact piece that you want to buy every time. And it's awesome. All these perfect pizzas. You guys are slicing up the pizzas, like taking, I don't know how long. No, it comes pre-sliced. We're overheating right away. No, no, no. OK, maybe they do.
Most pizza places cut the pizza, I hate it. It didn't cut it, it would just be gnar. Every time I went to Italy, they would always give you the pizza uncut and it pissed me off so much. They're like, yeah, fuck off. Cut your own pizza. What's up with that? Why do they do that? I don't know. Fuck, I don't know. I thought it was normal to eat with a knife and fork pizza.
Because I always get, every time I go eat pizza with people, I've had to like condition myself. If it's like new people, I like, okay, I'll play a normal pizza. I'll eat the crust and I'll like slice it and then like pick it up. But once I- The enemy stand will try to fit in. It's such a judgment. I remember the first time I thought it was normal, like I ate in UK and then I'm just like enjoying my pizza and then I look up and everyone's like staring at me.
How you know you if you're good friends with me is if I eat a pizza with a knife and fork in front of you That's how you know because that's
That means I don't give a shit about you. I'm comfortable with you. Yeah, I am comfortable. I do not need to conform to social norms. If it's super sloppy and all just falls off, then yeah, I mean, you have no choice. Because otherwise, you just keep doing bread. I would get like a fork to kind of like scoop it back off. Yeah, I do that as well. But like, I wouldn't cut it off. So you do use the knife. No, no, no. I use it as a leverage. If it turns into a soup when I pick it up, I guess I have no choice. Yeah, that's why we never had the problem. Yeah. Okay, how do you calzone them?
You can't pick up a calzone, that's monstrous. But that's the point. Eating a piece of a knife and fork, you basically just like turn into your own calzone. You can't equate a calzone to the pizza in that sense, it's not... It kind of is, because you're like, it's just a wrapped up pizza.
It's just a different dish. It's only with my hands. I'm sure you could, but it would look weird. Would you eat a hot dog with a knife and fork? Would I eat a hot dog with a knife and fork? A chili dog. Chili dog. Chili dog. No! We do eat it with it. Chili dog is fucking messy as shit. Sometimes I don't want to get all that shit on my hands, man.
No, that's the fun part. That's how you know it's a good hearty meal when it's like messy. You don't need a fucking taco with a knife and fork. We have civilization for a reason, Joey, sometimes. Do you eat a taco with a knife and fork? Why are you talking? No, no. That's just ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Now hold the fuck.
You can't equate a chili dog to a taco. That's completely different levels of messy. They're both messy. They both spill out. No, no, no. Taco spill out. Chili dogs are way more messier than a taco. That's part of the fun. But the tacos are nice and nice. You get it on your hands. They're perfectly hand-sized. A good chili dog will spill everywhere. It's the ratio. There's way more chili on the hot dog. Just feel like you're on Trash Taste. I get it now. I really feel like I'm in this episode.
Hot food tanks. We try not to do this every time. Yeah, yeah. Are you a boneless or bone-in chicken guy? I gotta ask just to make sure. Don't eat chicken, because I'm an epic pescatarian. But boneless, thank you. I remember when Felix first said that. Good, good. Yeah, me too. Me too. I don't know why though, I guess. It's easy. It's just easy. I don't want to deal with this bone shit. I remember when Felix first said that he was an epic pescatarian. I was like, is that like a different level of pescatarian? Epic pescatarian. It is. I'm better than everyone. When did you become a pescatarian?
forever ago. Well, because Martin's vegetarian, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I couldn't, I didn't want to commence. So she's. I like meat so much. It's so hard. There's a lot of fake chicken that tastes the same. Yeah. Really? Where? Everywhere. And the grocery store, you can buy it. Yeah. Does it, and it tastes the same. It tastes the same. Was it cause you haven't had it in so long. You're like, this is honestly, it tastes the same. Okay. Okay.
I think the thing I can't get over that will always taste weird for me is like vegan cheese. Like I've had vegan cheese before. Oh, that's shit. That's so bad. Yeah, it's never good. I'm telling you, halloumi cheese is the best. It's like, nah. Yeah, you find a good vegan pizza, that's rare. It doesn't happen. I do like vegan burgers, actually. Vegan burgers are really good. Yeah, you can get some really good ones. I agree. Oh, we went to a vegan place. That was okay. We had vegan burrito. Oh yes, that's right. Yeah. This is pretty good. They put coriander in it.
Stop that. Shit. You don't like coriander? Why is that like a weird take? Everyone gets quaint. No, no. I was just asking. I was like, I don't have any feelings at all. No, I think too much coriander is, yeah. I mean, it's genetic, right? If you like coriander or not, I think. Apparently, but I feel like people- Is it? I'm not saying I'm not. You can get a DNA test. And in the DNA test, it'll tell you if you're more likely or less likely to like coriander. I don't like ketchup. That's genetic. No, no, no, no. You like ketchup? I don't like ketchup.
He doesn't eat condiments, like at all, like mustard. Okay. Actually actually Japan has changed me cause like mayonnaise. No, mayonnaise here. Don't fucking lie. No, it hasn't. I still don't eat fucking condiments. I like mayonnaise now. I've never seen this happen. Not too much, but I like it, you know? It's like keeping mayonnaise just like, I've realized that it's just like the superior mayonnaise. Of course. You like the mayonnaise here? Yes. What was that? What the fuck was that? What was that? What the fuck was that? What was that?
It was like, I'm gonna say something. I mean, I'm in danger. What was that? What was that? I haven't gotten used to it yet. What the fuck? What do you mean? You like the UK mayonnaise? It's so creamy. I'm not... Yeah, that's what makes it good. You like the watery ass, like... I want them more like the sploey, disgusting, filthy. That's what I'm used to. The one that plops on. Okay, so what's your... All right. Another Japan-centric question. Obviously, kombinis, right? Everyone cares to them. We all love them. What's your go-to food in kombini?
the Onigiri. Which one? Tuna. Yeah, it's pretty whisked good. You can't go wrong with it. Yeah. Especially when they like actually, when you get the one in three Onigiri where they actually balance all the ingredients well, because I feel like two out of three times you get it, you're like, I've had four bites of rice. Yeah. Or you just get- Or it's just like- Or it's just like- Or it's just like- Or it's just like- Or it's just like there's no tuna in this. I'm dying.
disgusting in UK. Okay, wait, hold up, hold up. Hold up, what? Which ones? Wait, have you had a Tesco meal deal with any of those? Well, you know I haven't there. Yeah. Well, you haven't? That's why I'm asking. How long did you live in the UK? Felix versus me and he was like- Everyone's exposing me. What the fuck?
I love the egg and tuna sandwiches. It's like half tuna, half egg. How you miss this?
He's like, how was the Tesco meal deal? I'm like, yeah, it was pretty good. And then I gave him the selection and I'm like, what do you, do you rate my selection? I feel this is like, I've never had it, so I don't know. I was like, bruh. Listening to this podcast and everyone raming about the Tesco meal deal, I'm just like, yeah. Have you had any of the store bought sandwiches?
I've tried it once and they were just not good. So this one sandwich from this one mysterious fucking place and you've written off the entire country of sandwiches. Wait, did you ever go to Greg's?
Oh my God. What were you doing for like eight years? I don't know. What did you eat? Okay, tell me what you eat right now in the UK. What did you go to? You know what? Take a private jet. I'll go to Greg's privilege. It looks bad. I feel like people would be more receptive if you like, I never want to speak English in the UK. All right, fine. I will never try Greg's.
What? I forgive you on that. Cause I think that it's where it's the, it's the bakes where it's all at the, you know, the, the, the bean cheese and sausage melt. My, my go-to, my go-to order at Greg's is like, I might have a cheeky sausage roll, but I'll normally get such a cheeky sausage roll.
Gotta get, maybe I'll get three and either I get two cheese and onion pasties. I fucking love the cheese and onion pasties. Or I'll get two cheese, beans and sausage mouth. When do you enjoy this? Is it like a hangover food or? It's got to hangover food. If I'm feeling like I gotta, you know, get back in touch with my UK roots. You're on the road. I guess you're taking a road trip, you stop at a- But they're everywhere in the UK. Is that like going to Japan and never having sushi or something?
It's like never going to like a conveyor sushi. Wait, what did you eat when you were in the UK? I honestly, I was so confused for the longest. I'm like, what the fuck do people eat? What do you mean? Oh, so that's what people do. I don't get it. But a lot of times we go out and I'm like, what the fuck this takes forever. What do people eat for lunch? I'm genuinely like,
A few months back, there was an article being like doctors were like begging Tesco's and stuff to stop doing meal deals was so cheap because they're so bad for you. And that people were buying them like every single day for lunch. Cause you get like, it's all processed and you know, you get a bag of crisps or something as well. So it's not good, but man with the value though.
three pound, if you have a Tesco club card now, but three pound 50, you get a big sandwich, a big bag of crisps or fruit or whatever. And you get like a premium drink, you know, one of the like- Not just water. Well, you can get like the innocent smoothies. You ever drink those? Oh, those are good. You can get like an innocent smoothie in your thing. And those are like three pounds on their own normal. It's a joke. So you can get that in the meal deal. I wish you could get those. I guess I missed that. What fast food places or anything did you get that, or never? We should get,
I feel like I'm asking Bill Gates the price of chicken nuggets. Tell me a peasant meal you had once. I have a wife, she's down and she likes to cook. I don't. Yeah, I guess we do. Itsu. Itsu's decent. It's pretty with the better out of all of them. What's Itsu? Did you ever get your breeds for anything like that when you were in the UK? Delivery, right? Yeah, delivery. Yeah, it's good.
There is now an obsession with Japanese food in the UK. There's all the Japanese chains popping up. Itsu, Wasabi, there's another- Oh yeah, Wasabi's everywhere. Kokoro is good. Itsu's okay. I don't count Wagamama. Wagamama is UK style. Wasabi has some okay stuff. If you're craving that sushi, it's not bad, but obviously compared to Japan, it's terrible. I love these restaurant names, by the way.
It's a little like so surface level. I went to Japan once. Wagamama, selfish.
All right, we'll go to Tortilla. Is that what it's called? Tortilla, yeah. That's the, what is that? Fuck, that's the- In real place? Yeah, that's pretty decent. Yeah. What's the one that everyone's obsessed with that vegan place? What's the one vegan place everyone's obsessed with that I always see lines for? It's red and it's like a one word. Fuck. A chain? Yes. What? Yes. What's it called? I don't know. There was just like, oh, you've seen them everywhere.
What is it called? It's gonna drive me insane. I didn't even know there was a vegan chain, so. No. So. Vegan Chain Fast Food UK. It's gonna come out right away. It did not come out right away. Fuck. This episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by Athletic Greens. Guys, I just got back from my America tour, and as you can imagine, my body is not in the best of shape right now. That's why I started using AG1 from our partners at Athletic Greens.
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to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance. God, it was Leon. Yeah, Leon is what I was thinking about. Well, they have a lot of vegan options, but it's not exclusively vegan. I was wrong. I thought it was, cause I only ever saw vegan stuff on the menu, but I guess there's chicken stuff as well. But it's really popular. I know in the UK, there's so many of them. And all the UK vloggers always talk about how they love Leon.
trying the one pound a day challenge. Why would you bring that up? I love that video. I'm so glad you got that. Have you seen this video? Yeah, this is, who did it again? Was it? Charlie Day. Charlie Day, that's it. Alfie. Alfie, Alfie, Alfie. What is it? This is where, oh my God, it's so hard to survive on one pound. I'm gonna use my time.
How is the homeless do this how do they do it shopping
I'm just going to get water from my tap and have a shower. I can only drink my filtered water from my tap. How am I going to do this? Oh my gosh, so bad. I'm brought back like a wave of memories. That was an interesting era. What do you think of Brighton? Since you lived there for a long time. Yeah. I've got to ask because now I'm like, because like,
Joey was like, you met Garnt, right? And I was like, no. I never met Garnt. What are you talking about? How about you definitely met Garnt. And then in my ret tonight, I have like an image of you, like far away. And then he's like, no, you shook hands. I'm like, what the fuck? And then I listened to so many episodes of this fucking podcast. And then you'd all of a sudden drop like, oh yeah, my hometown Brighton. I'm like Brighton.
Oh shit, I've seen that. You literally came to pick me and Akiya from his house. Actually, it was funny because I met Felix for the first time like two, three weeks ago. And then Felix like, oh, Joey said we met. And I'm like, no, we haven't.
Joey's just making shit up. Why would he say that? I've never met you. And then he's like, yeah, Joey's such a liar. Then we're in like the lift or something. And then Felix was like, yeah, he was saying like, I went to your house or something. And I'm like,
When you guys shook hands again, you had like the slum bump. Yeah. We kind of randomly just moved to Brighton. Could you stay there for a while? Yeah. It was kind of like the Youtuber hub of the UK, right? Yeah. Doesn't really feel like it anymore.
A weird way. Yeah, because he left. Now it's Japan. It felt like when, you know, the UK was at its peak of YouTubing. The ukulele era. Now it doesn't release. What's the ukulele era?
And every UK vlogger had a ukulele that they could play as well. That was the good old days. It doesn't really feel like UK has much YouTube stuff going on anymore. I feel like- They do. No, they do. They do. Like the Sidemen are like massive. Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, those kinds of massive. And now the Japanese YouTubers are shitting their pants because PewDiePie is here. Oh, yeah. Come and take over everyone. You're not the biggest in Japan anymore, so.
We seem to be enjoying doing your vlogs. It's really fun. It's like the opposite of what is like big on YouTube, right? It's a bad idea. It works. I think it works because YouTube is so like intense, intense, intense. I spent $1 billion so I could get MrBeast's attention for 10 seconds.
I feel like though that style is almost coming back as like an anti YouTube, right? It's like, everyone like misses like the nostalgia of that kind of style of video. It weirdly works though. I just feel bad for Chris, you know, like Chris has put so much effort in and then up comes Felix where you're like, yeah, I just posted a daily vlog, whatever. I'm the top J vlogger in Japan, sorry Chris.
Yeah, my bad. Yeah, Brighton, I didn't want to talk a little bit. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because you grew up there. Yeah, I grew up there. That's crazy. And when I grew up there, it wasn't even a city. It was like a town. Like Brighton and Hope were two separate towns. And then they were like, what if we like cheated the system and- They just merged it. And just merged it. Yeah, it makes no sense.
And like, guys, we are now a city. Guys, we were drawing a circle around here. Don't worry, it's a city now. It's happened a lot in the UK. It's happened a lot in the UK. Yeah, a lot of, especially London, a lot of the boroughs and stuff change and they all merge and stuff. It happens a lot in the UK though. A lot of wars as well, you know? That's true. Change the landscape quite a lot.
Like, yeah, what made you want to move to Brighton originally? Because growing up, yeah. We were just lazy, I guess.
Weather and Travel Experiences
Well, London wasn't in your options? No, London's too busy. And then me and Marzia spoke English to each other. And we're like, neither of us wanted to learn each other's languages. Let's go to UK. It's not too far away. Brighton seems cool. It was, yeah. But then I think we overstayed our welcome a bit. Right. Yeah. I'm sorry.
Oh, this is so windy and gray all the time. It is. It's almost like the sea. It just felt a bit depressing after a while. Winter and Brighton is just like the most depressing thing in the world. It sucks. Cause you just get battered by wind and rain. Yeah, dorm room is a storm all the fucking time. You didn't want to move to Wales? No.
You went to Wales don't remember like the really weird Mediterranean looking. Oh, yeah, that was cool Yeah, I remember I posted photos of that and everyone from Wales and like this is not my Wales experience It's way too sunny and nice That week is actually awesome
Yeah, those are really cool. Thanks, I'll take that to my grave. Brian is really cool too. I feel like it got cool after you moved there because I grew up in Brighton, right? And I did like my entire life. I'm like, I can't wait to get out of this city. And suddenly you move here. And then I come, I came back to visit like for the past few years. I'm like, when the fuck did this city get so cool? It's hustling and bustling. It's hipster.
There's like so many good restaurants, so many hip places. I like- It's great for pub crawling as well. Exactly. I was like, where was this when I was growing up? Oh really? You didn't get to- I didn't get that feeling. I got the depressing weather and the shitty beach.
And like, it was like only cool during like some months in the summer. And that was it. What was it go to thing to do in Brian growing up? The beach. That was it. That was it. That was a beach. And that's, you know, that's, that's why like, it's kind of like Stockholm syndrome where I'm like, Brian has a good beach. And I'm like, in my heart, in my heart, I know it doesn't have a good beach, but I'm like, it's, it's the best part of Brighton. I love it. I'm like, I will defend Brighton beach as a chill place. Cool place. Is it a good beach?
I don't know, probably not. I mean, Joey comes there from Sydney. He probably hates it. I remember when I first went to go visit Garnt in Brighton. It was my first time in the UK ever and Garnt's like, oh yeah, we can have like the weather's nice today so we can go down to the beach. I'm like, sick. All right, I like beaches, let's go. And I show up and I'm like, where is it? I'm like, where's the beach? And he's like, here you go. All these rocks. I'm like, sweet. Can I go in the water? Nope.
You can go in water. You can, you can. You just don't want to. It's kind of gross. It's gross. It's cold. I took one look at the beach. I'm like, I'm not going in that water. I'm sorry. I haven't gone. It's fine. Yeah. Yeah. You're fine. Could you really enjoy it without getting like recognized all the time? Beach is rough. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's kind of how we felt like we enjoyed Japan a lot because no one recognizes us here.
But British people are cool, they're nice. Have you been recognized since being here? Cause there's not really a lot of foreigners here, right? Some tourists recognize me and some Japanese people are starting to. Oh really? Oh really? You need to buy this cat. You need to buy this cat. It's really funny. Wales has to be like the furthest thing from Japan. I felt like visiting there was like, damn. Do you even have internet here? I don't know.
The train from London to Wales, the moment I go out of London, I just get no internet. And I can't load anything. And it's like, it's fun though. I love it. I mean, I prefer the food in Wales to like the rest of the, you get really fresh meat. Sorry, get fresh meat. I don't care. I'm just saying. Why did you have to italicize me?
No, the pubs are like amazing in worlds. But if they have more pubs than anywhere else in the world per like square meter or something, it's stupid. There's nothing else there. We should build some infrastructure. No, no, I think pubs are pretty good. Pubs are good. We should build another pub. Right into some pubs, most pub centering plays in the world I think.
I read it. I've read it. Oh, you read it. Okay. I know the, I know. I know the UK has some like crazy amount of pubs more than like sex. It's a stupid number. That was the whole thing. They have like more fact check. This is fact check more than 365. So you can go to different pub every day. I didn't know. I did not know that. How many pubs in Brighton? Okay. So 249. How many pubs are they including hove as well?
Pump up those numbers man. Yeah. Yeah, I hope's like oh, we got about a hundred really Oh
So, while there's no official stat, it is widely regarded, speculated that Aberystwyth, which is in Wales, is home to the most pubs per square mile in the UK. Most pubs per square mile, how many pubs do you reckon there is in- In a square mile? A square mile of Aberystwyth. I don't fucking know. Damn it, 50? No, 53. Originally- Whoa! 53 pubs per square mile. Isn't that absurd? I think that's more pubs than humans. Really?
It's like the most West like middle thing. Cause everything's either North or South. And then it's just here. Cause you went, where did you? I went North, North Wales. Yeah. That's where I'm from. It's nice until certain areas are not. Yeah. Where did you go in Wales? Cause we, we asked Connor like, if, if you want to go to weird, like, how do you remember that?
It's almost like they're in a different language. It's like they speak in another language. It's impossible to remember. Yeah. Yeah. Every time an English person tells me they went to well, it's like a trip. They're like, I went to, Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, I know that actually. It is funny driving through there and seeing all the signs and like, there's no fucking way that's real. There's no way that's fine language. Thank you very much. I've seen a Welsh town. There's no way that's true.
I like to buy a vowel, please. I want to see where you went now. I got to remember the name. I mean, you've been to quite a few places or like countries and stuff like that. Like what would you say? Is there like one place right now that you really, really want to go? That's like on the top of your bucket list? Other than Japan, obviously.
Japan was like big on our bucket list. I think going further with it from Iceland, kind of sucks a bit. Cause that's a really cool place to visit. Yeah. We really want to go to Iceland. That's number one on my blog. That's super fun. I really love Iceland. Yeah. And people think I'm Icelandic too, which makes me feel like, yeah.
The same fast internet Sweden they have the same snacks of Sweden. Yeah architecture. It feels really nice The comments are telling where you are, but everyone's just like come to Georgia. It's better. It's like what Oh, oh, it's in land doing something
Yes, yes. I know that place. Yeah. I know why we went up north and around in a circle. Oh, that's good. There's some really rough parts up north. Really? Yeah. Oh yeah. People warned about that where they, they don't speak English to you. No, they will. They will. They will. I did too. Let's do like historical stuff, but like the, the North, uh, Northwest is the most wild speakers out there. Okay. But they'll still speak English to you. Okay. I remember I tried to speak Washington people and they were like, no,
What? Yeah. They were like, no, no, no. They were the wrong people. I was like, you betrayed me. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this is cool. Iceland is good. Yeah. I want to go Iceland. So bad. I want to go. It's like weird that I hate how you two were literally right fucking next to it the entire time. And you're like, bro, I was broke. What are you going to do? I had no money for so long. It's like right there.
I would not be able to buy any food when I go out. I'll be like, I'll go to the family. I'm from Australia, which could be the polar opposite of Iceland in terms of distance. Yeah, it's weird because now that I've like moved out of Europe and the UK, when I was living there, I just wanted to go to Asia and I like traveled to Asia every time I'm on holiday. And now I just want to go back to Europe and Iceland. And then I did not take advantage of that when I was living there. Did you travel Europe a lot as like a kid with your family? Oh, I did. My parents, we did. It was okay.
Yeah, I don't know much about it. But a lot of
Learning Japanese through Gaming and Anime
the places I'm like, I don't remember anything. I went to Malta and I'm like, I don't know what I did in Malta. I don't know what happened in Malta. All I remember is that everyone was really like, you could negotiate a lot on things. Oh yeah, you have to bargain. Yeah. And that's where you get the game boys with all the games. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Fuck yeah.
Yeah. I remember Paul Gary as a kid and that was very much like a, this is the price. Unless you can like haggle with me. And yeah, you get games that were like definitely not real games. They would have the Gameboy cartridges that had like a hundred 1000 games in one cartridge.
I remember this is back when DVDs like piracy was like huge and you could just get like 20 billion DVDs for like one euro. Oh, yeah. And they were just like, we have nothing else to do. Take 20 DVDs. We're like Spider-Man, but only with Bulgarian subtitles. And you're like, wow, it was 20 cents. So what can you do?
All those pirated games are so shit too. Oh, they were so bad. I remember like you because all of the 101 pirated games you'd never heard of any of these games. Yeah. And I'm just like, what is, what is this game? I've never seen the hundred thousand in one game. I've not seen that. It's like 80 games and they start looping.
Oh yeah. And out of the 80 games, it's like 30 of them are just snake, but reskin. Yeah. True. True. Snake was a good game. But like that would, that would purposely name a different things. Like super snake, like Cobra. Do you still game much or was it not really that much anymore?
Uh, I'm sure it's more like a casual sense, right? You call me casual? Are you a normal gamer now, Felix? I don't like to say it because I'm so bad at Japanese stuff, but I'm trying to focus on that right now. Yeah, I'm not a gamer right now. I'm just focusing on Japanese stuff. Honestly, yeah, I'm trying to learn. How about if you play the game in Japanese?
Yeah, I've done that. How did I go? Switched it back right away. Which game did you try to play? I did them for Valorant actually. It was kind of bad because the voice actors changed. It's kind of cool. Are you a Valorant player? Well, Jack got me into it. And I also got really into it. And then he fucking stopped playing. I'm like, this motherfucker.
He's like, I have now pushed the blame. He just left you all. He just left me and I was just sitting alone in lobbies with fives, fucking strangers yelling at each other. I'm like, why am I doing this? This is fucking torture. Why am I playing this? Are you playing much on the Japanese servers or anything like that? That's a pretty good way to learn. Oh yeah, I did play a bit of magic. That was like my introduction to Japanese gamers because they're so fucking passive aggressive.
Yeah Bro they don't all the emotes all the time. I'm like, oh, I haven't even done anything yet. I keep saying good game to me
They refuse to use mics a lot of the time. You have to like drag them onto the mic. They just won't, like even in like Overwatch or Apex Legends, like Dangerous Team, and everyone is like in America, you would just talk immediately. But in Japan, it's like you really have to like pry it out of them. But sometimes they're really funny and they're really nice. They're a lot more confident online. Oh yeah, real life as well. Good way to try and practice.
But like, you know, it's, it's, you're learning, you're probably learning some words, you're outside of the apex game or that you shouldn't use outside of the apex game. Like you said it in real life. You'd be like, Oh God, where'd you learn that? What are some like Japanese game of terms? And it's, Oh, I forgot. There was one, there was one that meant like swamp and it was when you couldn't stop gacha pulling Numa Numa. Yeah. Numa means like basically when you're addicted.
Yeah, that was a good one. So it's like when you're addicted to something, you'd say you're in a swamp and you can't get out. There were some fun ones. I think English is way better for gaming terms. I think we had much more fun terms. I don't know when they were explaining it to me.
I don't know, just game, I don't know. Not like, cause like, I mean, I think English has better slang in general and obviously that just translates to gaming terms as well. So yeah, I mean, I miss gaming with, you know, English speaking people sometimes because like I noticed as well, Japanese people are very passive aggressive and they never get too involved, but when they do, I don't know, sometimes the passive aggressive emotes, they,
They trick me more than if someone just gets angry at me. I've seen Japanese gamers leave the game over like the smallest thing. It's just so bizarre. If you like take an item they want it, but just like immediately leave. They're like, fuck this. Yeah. That's a dick move. Yeah. Damn. Maybe I shouldn't do it, but fuck them. Don't be a little baby. Don't be a little baby. Come on. You're a need roller.
I mean, come on, man. That's when you do the emote. That's a later Italian. Have you tried watching anime without subtitles in? Have you tried doing that? I feel like it helps with the subtitles though. Like in Japanese subtitles. Earlier on, earlier on. Oh, sorry. I watch English sometimes. I'm like, I don't know what the fuck they're saying. I need subtitles. I'm eating.
I can't fucking hear. Do you watch much anime since coming here? Yeah. I'm watching one piece right now. It's so good. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. It's really good. So 70 or something? Absolutely. Pretty deep into the giant island. Oh, giant island. Okay. Oh, giant stars and shit. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I just got up to reading. Oh really? I'm just past that part.
Here we are, we are. We've progressed at the same. Hopefully we'll progress. It's fun. I like it. Oh yeah, we started a really funny one, but I don't remember the name. It's a recent one. I think it's an older one. Housewife Yaksa or something. It's fucking fun. Way of the househouse. It's on Netflix. It's like shit animation. It looks like a manga.
It's like a PowerPoint. I like that though. I think that makes it funnier in some way. Yeah, and the timing is so good the way they do it. Yeah, the acting in Japanese is on point. Yeah, that's really good. I haven't watched the English, but with the Japanese one, they were amazing. A lot of people complain about that adaptation when it came out because of the animation. Oh, really? I didn't know that. And also the manga has like a hardcore fan base. Just watch Sakamoto, if you like that. It's like that, but well-animated and funny. I think it's funny. Oh, really? I thought it was hilarious. Yeah, you'll love it. You'll love it. It's great. Cool.
Did you watch it like just pure subtitles in Japanese or did you-? I'm not that Josu, right? I need subtitles. Well, I often find that actually I like at the beginning I try start doing that and I'm like, this is not helping at all. But then I watched like enough and I'm like, shit, I'm starting to like picture it up now because it kind of like forces your ears to like,
I need to force my ears. Cause with the subtitles there, you just like subconsciously, you just ignore what they're saying. It just like turns into white noise after a while. If you're just focusing on the subtitles, but like if you don't have anything there, then you're just like, Oh, I know what that word is. So I can kind of draw context from it. Yeah. Yeah. I get that. That does happen very rarely. Unfortunately getting there.
man i i watch netflix with japanese subtitles on but i watch it in english i don't know why i just i've put it on and what i've just left it i've just left it on oh okay did you read it fast enough though no but sometimes i i can read some of the kanji so it's nice to like practice just reading it but also sometimes you see kanji that pop up all the time and you're like oh
Well, like if you see the kinds of it, you don't know what it means. Then it's like, well, I know what it means, but I don't know how to say it. It's just reading practice a little bit for stuff I do know, but I didn't, I don't know why I put it on. I just never turned it off. And I'm like, cause it doesn't really follow. I realized I feel like I watched the weirdest shit at the gym. Cause everyone in the gym, I feel like 50% of the time they're watching.
Yeah, if I'm on the treadmill or if I'm like, what if you're like doing a set, right? I just put the thing on the floor and listen to it. I listen to like the Netflix documentary. Oh, what? That's so weird. I can't do that. Yeah, because like, if I'm focused, yeah, I can't focus on the content because I'm too focused. I'm too tired. Cause that's a mentality. I feel like I get, when I get super into the show, the gym set kind of like, it becomes so easy. It just flows through. Especially for running and cycling.
I understand, but like if you're doing reps and so I'll do the running watching the documentary. I'm like, well, I gotta keep watching your brain. I'll go over to the thing and I'm like, yeah, he did kill him. He wasn't, but like, I actually like nature documentaries. Like, yeah, no, no, no, no. It's like, I don't know. Whatever's on Netflix.
I have to go into the gym and I have to make sure that the people on treadmills aren't watching one piece. Cause all of them are watching one piece. And I'm like, I don't want to get spoiled. So I'm running on the treadmill and I see they're watching one piece. I have to like, I can't
True Crime and YouTube Drama
Why don't you watch One Piece as well and be part of the team? Well, because I could see, because I could see Luffy's arm is fucked in this thing. And I'm like, what is that? What is that? What is that part? How far away is this? What is this? 600 episodes away. I know it's like seven billion episodes away, but I'm like, I just saw it. And now I'm going to think about it all the time. I'm going to wait until Luffy's arms get fucked up for some reason. I don't know what's happening. Why is it like that? I don't know. I'm going to be thinking about it the whole time. Forget about it. Just stop thinking about it.
Let it leave your brain. Yeah. To me, if I like try to watch something in the gym or while I'm doing exercise, I will like, I've tried that before and I've watched entire things. I finished my set. I'm like, I have no idea why I just watch. Like exits my brain. I think I've watched an episode of my hero. That's why I put the B tier content for the gym.
It's like, I'm not, I'm not watching like Breaking Bad or any of the best TV shows. It's like, I'll put the stuff that I'm like, I'll watch, but I'm in the gym, AKA Netflix documentaries, which are all the fucking same. And it's just like, he was a good boy until he wasn't. And then he killed everyone. Documentaries are so fucking bad. I'm giving up completely.
Every now and then there's a semi good one. Yeah, but I'm not worth no I agree They're always like way too many episodes too They they do drag things out a lot more than I need to and they I swear to God all these production companies have like agreed on a format Because they're all the same. Yeah, they shot the same. They're lit the same the way that they structure interviews and stuff is all the same and
They kind of just reverse engineer what Netflix expects and they know they like. So they're just like, well, if that documentary, like five years ago, five years ago is really new and refreshing and it was cool. These documentaries are so cool. No one talks about true crime on, and then, and now everyone, everyone on YouTube, everyone on Netflix. It's like, it's like these people are waiting for murders to happen. Just so they have some new content. It's so weird. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, everyone just saw targeting and it's just like, yeah,
Even before it was making a murder where it all started. Making a murderer just turned true crime into like the biggest goddamn thing and people could not stop talking about it. No one cares now. What happened to him? No, no one used to fuck. But on YouTube, it's like, there's like a billion channels that are like, today for your daily dose of murder. It's like, what? This is so strange.
that our murderer of the week is. I've mentioned a few times on the podcast. I do feel weird when I listen to these stuff. It's hard to, you listen to it, you're like, no, this is interesting. And then you do sit back a little bit and you're like, this is kind of strange that we're like kind of doing this for entertainment. And we're kind of- There's a way to do it, maybe. Is there a way to do it? I feel like they don't do it right a lot of times. I think there's a way to do it tastefully, but sometimes you can tell it's like, they've just scrolled through the book of murders and just been like, no, this one we'll do for this video today.
You know what I mean? It does feel like they're kind of just, whatever will work. It's not really an interesting story. I always know when a new Mr. Anime video comes out, cause I inevitably get tagged in it on Twitter to be like, oh, they use your clip. Because, okay, so what happened is one of the founding fathers of Anime YouTube. So he ended up murdering his entire family.
Like, and, and so this was like, this was back when anime YouTube was like just a blip, you know, 2013 or something. It's like way before that literally the start of YouTube in 2007. Like I made a video about it at the time because I was like one of the problems.
No, I made a video being like, guys, I'm bothered. I'm sad because this thing happened. And then this thing that happened in like one small community ages ago now is like being used as like a topic for true crime. And like every child has like the YouTuber that killed their families. Because I've noticed that YouTuber that does X thing, a bad thing is like such solid clip bait. Everyone clips up. YouTubers arrested. It's literally our most viewed highlight video. I know. Like by far. You're the problem.
We're the problem. We're the problem. It's not even close. Yeah. Do you remember when content around YouTube started to like become a thing? Cause I remember when it started, I was like, this is never, why would people want to watch content about other YouTubers? I guess it's when the drama channels started. You've got like a billion about you. How do you feel about all the people who are doing like the history of.
feelings or whatever. How PewDiePie rose to the top. I find it hard to watch those. I don't know why, even though they were usually positive, I'm just like, I don't like hearing about myself. It feels weird. Like an essay format. Is that what you meant?
Yeah, like that kind of stuff or they document you or document your controversies or document anything Yeah, is it just like tiresome? I don't know. Is it just no another one? No, it's more like I don't like what I guess you just feel weird when it's about yourself You're like, I don't yeah, it's weird to watch. Yeah I mean you can't get to the number one spot at any given time and not have people make videos about you, right? Yeah, you can't really complain about it. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure I follow like what you mean like what type of videos I
Well, there's a lot of channels that are like, oh, when they get into controversy, like the downfall of those channels. Oh yeah, those channels. I don't think I have. No, you haven't had any of those. Oh, maybe they, let me see. After this, after this podcast. Forgot about it. You know, if they, they just document your history on YouTube and they try and like tell everyone about your history, you know, like must be weird watching it from
Someone who knows yourself. Yeah, it would feel too weird. It's weird because like I said, it's become like a massive trend within the past few years. These videos get millions and millions of views. And yeah. People like YouTubers that fuck up. They like watching the fuck up. I just started doing it on everyone else.
I think they're also just because they're like such unique case studies. Cause it's like the way that a YouTuber fucks up is unlike how any other celebrity fucks up.
I mean- And a lot of the times it's so well-documented. I'm like a lot of celebrities. So it's just like, oh, well then let's fucking put it in a timeline and break it down. I have someone to do that. Well, you choose to fuck up and they'll be like, no, absolutely not. No one can associate with them. And then R. Kelly will literally like do the worst thing on earth. And I'll be like, I mean, come on though. This song's pretty good. I'm gonna get in jail now. He would say, well, people are still like the music though. It's kind of banging. It's just like,
Children Online: Risks and Reflections
What is this? This is kind of like, I think it's just cause of the, the. That's the thing. YouTube is that fuck up. Just need to release. Cause we don't, we don't like fantasize like, or like build up YouTube is in the same way that we do celebrities, right? Like celebrities are meant to be like otherworldly. They're supposed to be at our level. You know, like.
Kanye is like insane and does all this weird stuff and we don't expect them to act like a normal person. It's kind of like when you get that big in like a music or any kind of thing, it's kind of hold them to a different standard weirdly. I don't know. It seems to kind of mellow down though for both. Yeah, I think so. Well, the more that social media kind of crosses into and you realize celebrities say things.
And they're like, they didn't say things before because they had to go on a talk show and you're like, oh, oh, they're a flat earther. Oh, I would never have found that out before. They didn't do that. You're not a global are you disgusting? Yeah, the best celebrities are the ones that usually don't say that much.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's when they idolize you the most because you're mysterious, right? It's like, Oh, I don't, I don't know what Tom Hanks does. He's so nice. Don't ruin Tom Hanks for me.
Tom Hanks's son. Have you seen the videos of Tom Hanks's son? No. He was on a channel five news, that channel where they, it was very interesting. Oh, was he? I didn't know that. Because he is a bit of a, Tom Hanks's son. Yeah. Bit of an interesting online presence. Oh, really? What's he saying? My children will not embarrassing, embarrass me, all right? That's not gonna happen. If you imagine Tom Hanks's behavior, imagine the complete 180 to Tom Hanks. What does that happen with so many people?
I don't know. I feel like with a lot of like celebrity kids. My hypothetical child, no way. Yeah. It's not happening. Well, I feel like with a lot of like celebrity kids, they're never going to, like the kids are never going to have the same experience their parents did because their parents are this mega like famous shepherds. Would you let your kids ever go anywhere? No.
Oh, near camera? Yeah. Yeah. If your, if your kids hypothetical, when, and if you have our kids. Hypothetical children. And if one day they were like, daddy, I want to be a YouTuber. Fuck no. Stupid child. What if your kid became a YouTuber and he was a bad one? Done. You're done.
We're not filming right now. This is trash. Let me see your metrics right now. You call these numbers? Let me work you out of thumbnail. Your intro sucks. You don't know what's getting at your age. It's like, give me that mouse. I'll fucking make your thumbnail for you. Your head is so good. This thumbnail will not do, child. Get rid of it. Change it. He's like literally eight years old. You disgrace the family name. I have someone on Fiverr like everyone else.
It took you two years to get the goal play button. Just discipline. The worst part is they'll probably do like whatever. There's 10 times worse than TikTok in the future. Why are you doing this? I think Casey Neisser doesn't show his kid's face on camera, right? Would you do that? No, don't give a fuck. That's like a moral thing, isn't it? I don't know what you're doing. Whatever. When you get there, you'll figure it out. Tell us right now. We need to scoop right now, Felix. We got to get this.
Children, why are you laughing? I was thinking about this the other day, how like a lot of babies are ugly, right? So does this question depend on if your kid is beautiful? Comes out with like the Squidward face. Let me get there. So basically, if my baby is fucking gorgeous. Be a YouTuber. Tell the Marzia asked me if I was an ugly baby. I was like, no, it was beautiful.
but I've only seen like one cute photo of me. So I'm sure like there's like ugly baby. I wasn't an ugly baby probably, but that's the thing. Like you film a baby and you put it out there like, yeah, you can't take that back. You can't be the number one YouTuber and be a pretty baby. That's not fair.
That's just like, you gotta balance it out somehow. Everyone has like humble beginnings. Like some stuff that babies do are like kind of embarrassing and I would not want that footage of that out there, even though I'm a baby, right? I think that's where I would draw the line. Could be worth the dream hack. I was gonna say, could be worth the dream hack. No, no, no, I'm kidding. I would just be kidding.
Cause I guess that's like the weird like moral compass, right? Because it's like now that, now that there's so many like, you know, YouTubers who are becoming parents, right? It's like, okay. So a lot of parents who become YouTubers because they have kids and they're like, do something. It's like, come on, make money for me. The fucking clip where that mom forces that kid to like cry more for the thumbnail.
Thumbnail face right now. Yeah, some of them are so sad. Like I don't even want to bring it up Yeah, so many family vloggers that just gone to shit completely. Yeah, I Remember the whole fucking daddy or five situation. I did so much stupid shit when I was like
eight to 12, even to 60, honestly. Like I just can't imagine if my mom filmed it and put it online. Like I once was, I was playing the Pokemon trading card game, my Game Boy SP, you know, one of the, I was just peeing and I dropped it in the toilet, right? While I was peeing. Cause I was literally pissing while playing it. Cause I was so addicted. What's your posture? If you drop it in the toilet. So I'm standing, I'm standing, I'm standing, pissing, playing it, dropped it inside out.
And it was even embarrassing enough because my parents wouldn't stop telling people who we met that I was peeing and I dropped my Gameboy. And as a kid, this was like soul crushingly embarrassing. And I was like, what if my parents did this? It would be like the thumbnail would be, uh-oh, drop Gameboy.
And I'm like, tell them, tell them, tell them about how you were pissing yourself and you dropped it in the toilet. Reenacting. Yeah. I'd be like, no, we'll get the thumbnail shot right now. I genuinely think I would get like trauma from every shit. I'd get like PTSD or something. I wouldn't be like a normal functioning human being. Yeah.
All right, like, okay, say we all have kids, right? At what age would you be like, if your kid comes to you and goes, dad, I wanna be an influencer or a TikToker or a YouTuber, whatever. At what age is it just like, okay, you're old enough, go for your dreams.
I'd say like 16. 16? Yeah. Like to the point where it's like, cause it's like anything younger than that. It's like, they don't know what they're doing. You need to, you need to have like, I feel like to be a successful, uh, YouTuber or anything, anything like that. You just need to like grow up with the internet and like be involved in like the, yeah. Be on the viewing side for a while so that you can like, you know, understand it from the viewing perspective. I was always addicted to being online as a kid. I couldn't get me off.
But like you see these YouTubers who are like, you know, 13, 12 years old. And I'm just like, how are you like functioning right now? Because it's like, I didn't know what the fuck I was doing when I was 12, 13 years old. And it's like, and now you have a million eyes on you. Yeah, that's fucking weird. It's like, that would be terrifying. And I also don't want to be, you know, I don't want the situation of like my fucking 12 year old coming to me and being like, dad, some people are saying mean things on the internet. And like, what? The only thing I can say is, you're weak. You're fucking wrong.
Don't bit your fucking pussy. Gotta get over it, Sam. Just words, isn't it? Just when's your next upload? When's your next upload? That's all that matters. Just delete the comment, bro. You'll be all right. You might actually make a monster as well. He just like can't be like criticized and he just doesn't accept anything. Cause he's been taught from like age 12 to ignore everything everyone says online. Just, what do you mean? I can do whatever I want. I'd be like telling my kid off and he'd be like, I've heard worse on my comments. Dad, you fell off. Your channel, I'm not listening to you.
What about the age you'd first allow them to like upload the first video? They're not uploading any videos. They're not going to let them. You're not going to let them? Unless they, unless they, you know, if they want to make, if they want to be like a filmmaker or make shit, it's like, go ahead. But I'm going to make sure they don't upload like once.
Like, put anything on. Yeah, like Xbox gameplay, but with no, no audio or anything. I used to put up shit on like DeviantArt back in the day. Hell yeah. Is it still up? Yeah. Did you? It's still up there. I gotta see. You gotta find it. You gotta find it. Cause I forgot my password, so now I can't believe it. Is it the anime man? No.
Gaming and Internet Culture
They bounce off the walls and shit like slow-mo into the man who goes
That was real shit. My first was a death note, A and B. Really? I thought it was the cod game play. Well, I mean, I'd lost, it's gone in the ether somewhere. How old were you when you made that? I probably must've been 16. Wait, wait. So you've been watching anime since you were like 16. I think so, yeah. I thought you got into it when you were like 20 something. No.
I think, yeah, I got into it. Maybe I was 17. How did you find out about anime? My friend was really into it and he got me into it. Yeah. What song did you choose for your Death Note AMV? Let me guess. Was it Lincoln Park? Yeah, we gotta take a guess. It's either Lincoln Park or Evan Estes.
I was trying to find it. Like I searched YouTube and like upload date like 10 years ago. What compelled you to make a definite movie? I thought it was fucking cool. It was dope. I showed it to my mom and everything. I'm like, man, check out what I did. Windows Movie Maker. As a parent, you must be pretty impressed if your kid makes anything. You're like, wow, you did something. You don't do anything. You normally just sit around and annoy me. The first video my mom saw, she was just like, wow, you speak English? What the fuck?
Wait, wait, she didn't know? I guess not. Wait, that must be so trippy with your kid just knew a language. You're like, what the fuck? Because I learned like from talking to people online, just gaming and stuff. Yeah, well, it's crazy because your accent is like, I mean, it's not really that Swedish. No, it's kind of neutralized accent. Yeah, it's fucking awful.
So you learned via gamer lingo. Yeah, I guess so. Oh my God. Yeah. Cause I always noticed when you play games in EU, right? You always used to play online. Yeah. And you would just be like, I'm 12 from Norway. I have perfect English. I don't know. I've been playing games since I was like two. That's why. And it's just like, what the fuck is going on in these countries? But then every, every single kid from the Netherlands is just fluent by it's like two. Did you learn like leet speak back in the day? Oh, fuck yeah. Oh yeah. That was great. Did you play Halo much?
We would play Dota the most. Oh, Dota? Why are you cringing? We'll leave, we'll leave. Fuck you! We'll leave, we'll leave. We'll leave, we'll leave. We'll leave, we'll leave. We'll leave, we'll leave. Fuck you! We'll leave, we'll leave. We'll leave, we'll leave. We'll leave, we'll leave. Fuck you! We'll leave, we'll leave. We'll leave, we'll leave. Fuck you! We'll leave, we'll leave. Fuck you! We'll leave, we'll leave. Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!
Yeah, Lee wouldn't exist for that Dota. But it's like everything, like the first thing that comes out is shit, and the second thing that comes out afterwards fixes it, makes it good. Lee just refined it. Have you watched, it's like the Dota movie versus Arkane. It's like Arkane is good. Have you watched Arkane? No, I haven't. Fuck, you should watch Arkane. Everyone told me to watch it so much. Everyone told me to watch it so much. I got a brother in arms. You should watch Arkane. I couldn't stand how many people wanted me to watch it. Thank you, thank you.
I don't understand. Finally. Shut up. I'm not watching. Yeah, exactly. There are literally two of them now. You betrayed the cause. I thought if anyone could bully Joey into watching it, it'd be you.
He's got my back. I'm never watching it now. Just as bad as him. God fucking God. Yeah. Don't know if it's a fucking shit back in the day. Cause this weekend we would go to net cafes and we would just play that yelling at each other. Cause we never had net cafes in the UK. And it was like this like really exotic idea. Like you can go to like a cafe. I wanted to open one in UK. Cause I'm like, the kids need to experience this. It's really high. It's fucking so good. But I don't see people with it now.
No, I think they still would. I think it's still going to a physical space. You couldn't play online the same way. Yeah, it's the whole idea of like land parties back in the day, where it was the hype part. Yeah, I think the first time I ever went to one was in Ireland. Really? It was like in the middle of nowhere. And it was when card zombies was a really big thing. Oh, fuck. And this dude had installed like all the modded maps on the PC. And it's the first time I ever found out that you could make like maps that weren't the original. I was like, what the fuck? What the hell?
And then the little kids were like just shouting at the guy who run the shop and were like, give me more time for free. And for some reason he did. I don't know how this place stayed in business. My house was always the hub for LAN parties because my dad was like, you know, working in tech, right? So he's just like, yeah, I'll set it up for you. I've got the 30 meter LAN cable stretched through the house. And so we had like sieve two LAN parties. I was like, dad, can you install the wifi thing on the Xbox 360?
And he'd be like, nah, it's on later. Later. My dad didn't know what we were doing, but he was like, yeah, I can set up a land thing. What the fuck?
I'm so jealous. I've never had it. Thanks dad. I did play a lot of Halo now. That was a shit. Halo 3. Halo 2 and 1. I actually played like the original Halo a lot. Yeah, same. Online Halo. Halo 3 was really good with the, I actually played it. Yeah. With the hammer game, the gravity hammer game. I've seen it. Yeah, that's good. Don't have that experience. How deep did you get into Halo? I was like, I did get into Halo when I got it. Cause when my Xbox came with Halo 3,
Oh okay. And so I was just like obsessed with Halo. Did you ever join any like clans or something online or stuff like that? Yeah I did. Oh dude I actually uh actually like like convinced these Swedish people to like help me win a competition one time. Wait what? So so okay so there's this thing back in the day when I used to win a bunch of uh like when Modern Warfare 3 came out
I've explained this on the podcast. I was so fucking addicted to Modern Warfare 3. They had this thing. No, two. Two was really good. Do you ever play three much or you got out? Okay. So I got out. I was scared. So three came out and they introduced this thing called like Call of Duty Elite, where you paid like, I don't know, like 40 pounds or 40 euros or something for it. Sounds like a deal. And you could, you get all the DLC as they always did, right? That would come out, but you could do these online tournaments.
where you could play online and you could win like physical prizes. So you could win like a Jeep or a quad bike or an iPad. I want like an iPad. I want an iPad. I want a bunch of cool stuff. I was really fucking good at pubs. So I wanted to win this one prize and a lot of people started teaming up even though you were supposed to only do it like you. And the idea was you go into a public lobby and like capture the most flags, right? So the way you would do it is that like, you know, you would, if you did like the game killed confirmed during this game,
where you kill somebody to pick up the tag on your body. You would be like, hey, go and kill the kill and don't pick it up and I'll collect them all. So win this tournament. Stuff like that. So- I think it's the Swedes. So right. For some reason, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian people were always nutty at cod.
Like there was like the thing in the European servers, right? It was always the Norwegian dude. Yeah. Yeah. You just get destroyed by someone click on their banner and it would just be in like, like the Norwegian language, which is just like, what? I don't know what this is. Can't be Norwegian. Oh yeah.
So anyway, I won a bunch of these tournaments, right? And then I was trying to get people to help me out, but I wanted really good people. And there was a group of these Swedish kids that were like, I don't know, we were all like 15, 16. I was like, I'll join your clan if you help me win these tournaments. I'll join your clan. I'll join your clan. They were that desperate for you to join their clan. Because they wanted to be like, we had a top player on our team. Oh, okay. I was like, I'll join your clan if you help me win this tournament. There was nothing in it for them.
They were literally helping me get an iPad. And so these Swedish kids were just like helping me get this thing and we- Those poor Swedish children. My manipulation. We were all too good though, where the tournament looked so stupid because after all the results came out, it was like me. And then second place was ridiculously far away. And so a bunch of the comments were like, what the fuck this guy's cheating. So then
Podcast Guesting Dynamics and Anime Recommendations
I got banned after.
But I still got my iPad. I still got my iPad. And shout out to those Swedish kids that I kind of scammed. You guys are great. Free labor. They're a free labor, dude. Don't put it that way. Hey, hey, hey. Listen, if Minecraft has taught me anything, it's that kids want to do free labor, dude. I mean, come on. They want to be worked. The children yearn for the mines nowadays. Think about it.
I wanna go underground. I'm just saying, maybe we should bring it back. Does slavery exist if it's virtual? I don't know, let's find out. No slavery, child labor, it's different.
Hey, if I have to pay for them, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Got you guys some gifts. I see you trying to one up Jack, I see. Jack didn't bring us gifts. He didn't? No, he didn't. Well, then of course I won up him. What do you mean? Well, because you mentioned when we were getting Jack on you, like you bastards. Why are they getting Jack on before me? Yeah, that fucker. That was such a fucking...
Why we were gonna get you on eventually cuz I met up with you guys three years ago And you were like we're gonna do a podcast Felix. I'm like
All right. Who hasn't done a podcast? Fuck off. Good luck with that shit. You're like, okay, okay. That's not gonna go anywhere. Okay, let's see. And then I got, yeah, I enjoyed listening to it and like, congrats. Oh, thank you very much. Wow, who would've thought it would've been good. And then I'm like, cool. I'll be a guest. 6'9", we say. Yeah. Episode 6'9". And that was like, episode 10. We were like, oh, wow, that's very- Sitting here, just like, coughing in UK and like, fucking nothing. You know what I mean? You know what I mean?
It's funny, cause when you said like, oh, come on on like episode 69, I'm just like, Felix doesn't want to come on. Cause we're never going to reach episode 69. Wow. You're really positive about this fucking podcast reaching 69 episodes.
to call your eyes. You did it. We did it, we did it. Is this, oh, all right. Is it PewDiePie merch? That's why I said it. I gotta use some whiskey. Oh, how's yours? You know this one? Yeah, this is really nice. Is it actually? It's very nice whiskey.
I've been terrible with whiskey, so I'm hoping that this one will get me into it. This will be the one. Is this like one of your favorites? Yeah, it's one of my favorites. It's a bit different cause it's ancient in the forest by the mountains. So you think I can't have water. It's got a bit different flavor. What's the preferred way of drinking this? Would you recommend just?
I don't know. I don't know. Whiskey. You can get those like whiskey like stone cubes. I use those. You're like, I have to get into whiskey. This is such a, yeah, this is awesome. Whiskey glass that has like a small opening so you can smell it and then I'll have to ask you what those are. I don't have any good whiskey glasses.
I wanted to give you my favorite radio head album, which was in rainbows. I couldn't get it. So I got you my favorite cigarette album. Oh, fuck it. I actually don't have this one yet. We also have to blow the cover. Yeah. Hell yeah. I actually don't have this one yet. Aki, you showed me your collection. Oh really? Smart. Smart. Fuck yeah. Thanks so much. Yeah. I love this album.
which I think all our guests should bring us gifts. Yeah. So I'm glad you didn't get it. Yeah. Oh God. What have you got for gone? I'm going to cover this up before we get demonetized.
Man, these are like the best gifts we ever got so far. What made you want to bring us gifts? That's so nice. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, is that what I think it is? Oh my God. Felix, you can't give him that. Oh my God. He's never going to let that thing go. Thank you so much. When you said you were interested, I was like, yes.
Fuck. He's going to kill someone. He's going to be in the trash. It's on a real boat. Oh yeah. Thank you so much. Okay. I'm going to fidget with this. Yeah. When you say you like fidgeting, I'm like, how do you better get good at this? Yeah. Okay. Now I have like my training. How did you get into this?
Yeah, it's a bit cringe, isn't it? No, no, no, no, no, no. I just felt something that I've never seen. Like I never knew about this until you started getting- No, I've seen it. I just thought it was like a thing that people view on YouTube, like the corners. What is it? Is it Counter Strike where people have the knives? I think you just got into it because of that. And then I'm like three years later and I don't- How the fuck do you do it? What's the like technique? Can you do- So I stand back right here. You just fiddle like whatever you want with it. That's so sick. Oh fuck, fuck that.
It's kind of like pen spinning in a sense. That's why I've seen Felix do it. I'm like, I could get into this. Cause you can pen spin. Oh my God. He's never gonna put it down. All right. It's better if I don't keep it. That's so sick. It's fun fiddling tool basically. You like fiddle? That's yeah. This is why like the whole reason I learned how to spin a pen was because I'm going to fiddle. Let's at least make it look cool. So now that he got me this, I'm like, fuck.
You can watch anime and- Yeah, yeah, now I'm gonna watch, I'm gonna just like fill with, fill along with this, go. Yeah, it's fun. Thank you so much. These gifts are fucking awesome. Yeah, thank you. Hell yeah. Thank you. Nice. That was so nice. Hell yeah. All right, so my turn?
Which figure do you want? That one's fucking dope. With the Hunter Hunter one? Oh, wait, which one? Oh, the Akira one. Yeah. I haven't watched Hunter Hunter the whole day. But yeah, it's a really cool figure. Except the Akira one. Black Goku is pretty sick. Black Goku is pretty sick. How many of these shows have you seen, by the way? I don't know. What is your top anime if you had to give list off some of your favorites?
We're obliged to talk to you about anime. Yeah. Yeah. I got to think a second. Favorite, when I watch it recently. Are you a little more of an anime watcher or a mongerator? Yeah. No, I watch anime. Yeah. Fuck. Why is death note the only thing that comes with a fucking mind? It's a great fucking show. It's a really good show. How do they spool this all the way down? I don't know. How do they do that?
I remember watching Naruto back in the day and I was like, no one else knows about Naruto. It's like, cause no one was watching it at the time. It was so underground. Yeah, it was. I felt so cool watching that. Like, yo, this is, this is some dramatically shit. Nobody has ever watched Naruto. It doesn't really happen.
Evolution of YouTube Content Styles
It doesn't exist. I had so much, yeah, it, anime felt underground back in the day. Yeah. Somebody like, yeah. I remember Klein, that was the shit as well. Hell yeah. Let's go. Good shit. Good shit.
But actually like one of my favorite video of yours is the one where you talked about Blam. Oh really? Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's my favorite mine. That's a really good one. I haven't read that yet. It was so like, it was so like out, it was so out there. Cause I'm like, wait, Felix reads manga and also it's Blam. Like no one talks about it. Yeah. I really like Blam too, but like, no one really talks about it. It's really like underground.
That's a truly underground model, I feel. Is it really? Yeah, I feel like it. For the longest time, I confused Blam and Ganz together. I don't know why. They got similar stories. Yeah. Dark, sci-fi, you know, very gritty. Ganz is a ride. Ganz is a fucking ride, dude. Yeah, Ganz is- Ganz. Ganz. Ganz. Ganz. Ganz. I kinda wanna see that. I mean, any Japanese is pronounced Ganz. Yeah, I know.
Yeah, that was really good. That's probably my favorite manga. I made a video on it. Yeah. I'm too busy making AMVs to watch anime. Honestly, I missed the AMV era so much. No, I don't. That should pop off with like TikTok and shit like that. It's like when they fucking take...
Breaking bad clips and put some shit music over it in the like epic Walter white moment. Yeah I'm Heisenberg What the fuck is this cuz like they don't even call it a MV anymore this it's just edits. Yeah
Yeah, because like most of the time it's the same, it's like not saying they're not like talented editors, but most of the time it looks exactly the same. Like you take a scene from an anime, you put it through the 60 FPS filter, you know, so it looks super smooth. And then you zoom into the eye and then it's like, and then you do like the 12 transition.
That's it. That's how we're editing. Like Gaussian blur, a hundred percent. Just every, yeah, fucking. Have some Nykor in the background. Yeah. Oh, the Nykor era. Oh, the Nykor era. God, I don't miss the Nykor era. I still isn't Nykor, I'm gonna say.
Fuck off. That's my workout music. No, you fucking don't. No, you don't. Owl City Night Call. I'm curious. Because you've been on YouTube so long. Do you have like a favorite YouTube era? Or just a non you can... Favorite YouTube era. Where you think YouTube was the most interesting or anything. Like the type of content that used to be really hard, but you don't really hear about it anymore kind of.
uh i don't know what like defines youtube era but i don't remember there was like before before youtube made uh the apocalypse
I'm fucking with you. I'm fucking with you. I'm fucking with you. I'm fucking with you. I'm fucking with you. Fucking Joe Rogan thought it was me. A lot of people always blame you. I wasn't me. It wasn't me, I swear. No, it was a line at a time. Because it was the wild west of YouTube. Knowing you, what the rules were, and everyone was pushing the boundary. Just talking about like the filthy Frank here. It was going to happen. It was going to happen. Unfortunately, you were the biggest name at the time.
It's like every time my video gets demonetized, I'm like Felix People still believe it like genuinely. Yeah, it's been well. It was like a common thing at the time. Yeah, it was because of
extremist videos online. Oh yeah. Some of the shit that was getting like insane ad rates was insane. Even then it's still not great. I regret answering this question. I remember though, when not only was it like the YouTube filthy Frank era, but there was the PewDiePie. You just like kind of, you know, change your voice.
Pokemon go in the ocean. Oh, that was fucking fun. I almost died that time. Yeah. I remember being in, cause I jumped in the Brighton water and we were out on a boat and I was wearing a fully clothed and I was just like, well, I hope I can swim back. Luckily I made it back, but it was just so, uh, there's an alternate timeline where you just died. Yeah, you're right.
What a title that could be. I would happily die there, that was peak. It was a lot of money. It was, that was great. Everything's like so polished now. Everyone is either like trying to copy Mr. Beast. Yeah, that's a whole section of YouTube, isn't it? That is a whole section of YouTube. I do, you know, Mr. Beast I think does really interesting things, but it's so interesting seeing people who make videos about Mr. Beast or trying to get his attention, which is such a weird genre of YouTube now.
I made the biggest cardboard cutout of Mr. Beeson to get his attention. And I'm going to do it right now. The video's exact same and they all sound indistinguishable. It's so bizarre. And it's like, they're all going for the same genre. And it's like, what happened to like telling a story or just having a pace to a video?
you know, just having a flow. It's like you can't tell a story that builds up like nicely. It's like, you have to throw it in the face. Yeah, it is this era of just screaming. Do everything in five seconds or you fell off plus ratio, you're irrelevant. It's like, whoa. And the style and everything is always the same. I feel like you can do a lot of interesting things and get good views without needing to scream.
and shove things really fast. How do you guys feel about the subtitling of every word per second? In shorts it makes sense. In shorts it makes sense. But for actual videos, I hate it. Just like subliminal messages. Just have like actual subtitles. The BBC has a guideline for recommended subtitles to the best. No one listens to that. It's like a yellow text, black box. It's like the perfect spacing timing legibility. It also looks fucking ugly.
No, I think it looks really nice. It depends on the font, I feel. Yeah, it's meant to be for like, you know, readability, but obviously I think that subtitles should be, you know, readable. Yeah, it's like, you should have them turn on if you want. I don't like the idea of a 20 minute video. It is kind of annoying sometimes. One word and every word changes. It's like, at least have a line. I used to do that way back in the day. Yeah. Oh, that was a thing. Yeah, of course, of course. Like my top funniest moment videos, I was like,
painfully editing all the subtitles took fucking forever. You did the subtitles. Yeah. It's always been a way of, it's an artificial way of add more like speech. Yeah. Because by doing it, you just inject energy. Well, what is it? Like the, the gaming people, like the whole crew, like they always have every word, like subtitled as well, right? Yeah.
I could never make my editors do that. No, I feel like it's also good. My editors hate subtitling normally, let alone subtitling every single word. It's horrible. Cause you listen to the audio and you're like, I think I said that. Listen again. Oh no, it was wrong. Oh, the spacing's off. Okay. It's just like. Especially with these like, you know, people who are kind of, you know, biting off the Mr. Beast formula. They all talk so fucking fast as well. So it's like, you can't even see the words. It's cool. It's like two frames a word. Yeah, you're right.
It's pretty bizarre how you just, there's a whole genre of kind of like mimicking this one YouTube. It didn't really happen before. Not really. Cause you know, but he's just so big. I mean, it's always happened with like some of the, you know, big YouTube, right? Not in this way, right? Not in this way. Did you get a lot of PewDiePie knockoffs? Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, of course.
I don't know. At first I was just different now at the time, but then I realized, yeah, no, it's fine. Everyone gets cool. Yeah. But I feel like copies each other at some point. But I also feel like back in that time, like all you had to do was just like play the same game that you want. Well, the thing is like, I would spend so much time trying to find like indie horror games. So if you find one that was like really cool and then seeing everyone else who's played the day after, you're just like, come on.
Let me enjoy it for a day at least. Let me have my success. I found it. I don't know. Is that entitled? To me, it took a lot of time to find stuff. So I was just like, oh, cool. Someone just stole what I did. But now I do it all the times. I don't give a shit. YouTube is about finding someone else's thing and be like,
I'm gonna make that better, all my own way. I'm gonna do that, but just twist it a little bit. It's literally the entirety of YouTube. At the time I thought that was the case, but no. Yeah, that's why when someone like Mr. Beast comes on with it, like does something completely new, everyone's like, okay, I guess that's- Yeah, the more people do it, the better for everyone anyway, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. I remember when I found Slender the first time. I was like, oh my gosh, this is gonna be huge. I found it.
That was the first one. I remember I even checked if anyone's ever played this game before and literally no one had played it. That was so big. How many views did your video get on it? Like something stupid, right? I don't know, but that was fun. Fun times for me at least.
I mean, that's just like open the floodgates. Oh my God. Yeah. I can't stand horror games anymore. I just can't do it. I hate them so much. I'm surprised you lasted that long playing horror games because like you, you always said from the beginning, you didn't like playing horror games.
No, you're right. Yeah. Yeah. And like you went through some of the fucking wildest fucking horror games and it's like, well, like, you know, back in like 2013, 2014, when, you know, I was watching you, where it was just like, this is the most terrifying fucking shit ever. How does this guy do it for a living?
That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I couldn't do that. Cause I remember like, I think you were one of the first ones who like brought out like the Jeff the killer game, right? And like those kinds of ones, right? Well, you know what? I know which games I played. I don't know. You might've found a lot of Japanese influence from there, right? Cause a lot of the indie horror is a Japanese one. Oh,
Gaming Preferences and Industry Trends
like the RPG maker. Oh yeah. You're right.
Yeah, that one was huge. What were the other ones that were really big? It was really big. It was good. Oh, fuck. Those are great games as well. Have you played many games recently that you thought were really, really good or any games of recent that really stood out? No, I don't play that shit. Fuck that. That's not worth it. I played Magic the Gathering Arena. Do you like inscription?
You played in description? Yeah, I know I like it. I know I like it. I just haven't played it yet. It's probably my favorite game. It's like a roguelike card game. Oh, even I've heard of that one. The reviews are insane. I've heard it. I've heard it's really good. Again, it's one of those games. Don't look at anything yet. Don't look at anything. Just play it. It's amazing. You won't regret it. That's good. I'm so glad I went to it knowing nothing. It's one of the best games I've ever played in my life. It's so good. Have you played Slayer? No, I really wanted to. That's a really good deck building game. I love deck building games. They're roguelikes.
That building is just so fun. You'll enjoy Snake of the Spire then. I'll play Inscription. You play Snake of the Spire. Alright, deal. Deal. Alright. We gotta do it. Alright. Yeah, that was really good. I enjoyed Hades a lot too. Hades was so good. Fuck, the soundtrack went so hard in that game. So good. I didn't listen to any of the story though. I was kind of like, yeah, whatever. I like the boom boom boom. They talk way too much in that game. They talk so much. My chat was like, you're not... Story!
Honestly, I remember watching, I don't know what fucking episode you guys were talking about skipping cutscenes and shit like that. Kind of early. I'm like, finally someone else. I don't have time for this shit. I want to play a game. But it's so funny because I'm like, I'm not the only one.
Yeah, it sucks, because when I stream, I stream the game and people are like, stop. The cut things. Look, it's so mad. And I'm like, bro, it sucks. The story sucks. I'm like, how are you on no one's side today? You're literally taking the worst part of all three of us.
Hades, right? That cutscene was so fucking shit. You had to go and talk to everyone in the video. Yeah, I don't have time to listen to all of that. I hate games. It can't be that interesting. I hate games just to talk to everyone. The best part is the world building. You get more immersed in the world, the characters. Hades is insanely fast-paced game. Yeah, exactly. I don't have time to slow it down. And then it's like, go and talk to Achilles. Go and talk to Hercules. And it's like,
No, and I don't want to do this nine times again. It's like, I'll kill my dad and I'll be done with it. Have you played God of War? No. I'll be interesting to see what- If they mix the cut scenes well then. Yeah, cause it's why they do it well. There's some games where I like cut scenes. Yeah, it's such a smooth transition between gameplay and cut scene. I'd be interested to hear your opinion on it. I'm surprised you haven't played it actually. In Elder Ring, you cut the cut scene.
There wasn't really many cut scenes. I did skip some though. I was kind of- I tell people that I skipped the cut scenes in Elden Ring. You missed the guy moaning in the start. The opening CD goes, oh, that's so good. There was an edit that was like, just the moaning from the Elden Ring intro. I love that. But the thing is, I say that I skipped the cut scenes in Elden Ring and they're like, oh, okay. Yeah, that's normal. And I'm like, but the first time.
Mid boss, it's like like that playing this boss. I'm like fuck. Yeah half health and then I'm just gonna sit and watch a movie No
Okay, I am firmly on your side. However, mid boss cut scenes, little hype. But I'm hyped up at that point. Bro, voice actors are crying right now. Okay, listen, I don't know. Okay, I'm a voice actor, it's cool, whatever. I think that in the Elden Ring, right? You know the boss where you fight the snake in the blood area? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That mid cut scene- I have no idea what happens. That mid cut scene was kinda sick. I know they're cool. I think I watched them- That mid cut scene was kinda sick. Like fifth time or some shit.
Yeah, you just go on YouTube would you like? So good that was he need to finish it I do I will With those games so I kind of like being kind of lost and not knowing what the fuck's going on No, it's perfect for not looking at guides. It's great. Yeah having chat back seat you sometimes is so annoying. Oh
But even with the lore, like I kind of know, like not knowing what the fuck is happening. Well, it's fucking George R. R. Tolkien. Oh no, George R. R. Tolkien. George R. R. Tolkien. George R. R. R. Martin. I'm mixing to George R. R. Martin. It's just like- Game of the Rings. They just played shit up. I'm like, I don't know what the fuck is happening. Everyone has the same name too. Yeah. Yeah. You know, watch people in it. Oh yeah, it is.
Yeah. So I'm guessing you don't play many story-based games then. I used to. I think I played too many and now I can't say. I don't have the patience anymore. I don't know. Goopy game of goblin break. I think I noticed when you play too many games, you just, you know, you lose the patience. A lot of the time I'm like, the cut scene is not going to enhance or like my enjoyment. So I just skip it. I don't give a fuck. I'm just like, whatever, get on with it. I don't care.
Let me fucking play the game. Like for me, it's all gameplay. That's where I get the enjoyment out of. And like the gameplay loop. And if that's solid, yeah, that's real game. Real game. I like the dressing movie watches cut scene. I like story. I like characters. I like more written stuff. Final fantasy. And then I'm watching cut scenes half the goddamn time. Great. No.
Have you played a visual novel? I have. I have played some. Oh yeah. Every YouTuber played the pigeon. Yeah. Back in the day. Whoa. It's pigeon. I played corpse party. Oh yeah. Sorry. He loved that one too. That's funny. That's really deep in that one. Yeah. I like that one actually. Yeah. That was huge on YouTube. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, I feel like YouTube or like game developers went through a phase where some game developers literally made games for YouTubers. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Definitely.
I'd say you can tell you got on my fantastic. Perfect gear. I want to see you flip in next time. You'll come back next time. So Felix, I was asking you about it. I have a question for you. You know how I feel? Like when a kid's annoying you, he's like, here's your game boy, go in the corner and play by yourself. This is just me right now with this. It's just like, I'll just let me
I think that's like still kind of a thing as well. They always suck. I like your fiddling already.
PC vs. Console Gaming Debates
play with this. I'm curious, do you console game more or PC game more? PC game, sweeties, come on. Yeah, that's what we do with our lawn parties.
Yeah, we always have PC, Counter Strike, Dota. On PC game routine. These guys are more console. Yeah, we're consoles. Oh, that's cringe. That's why we cut the cut scene. Yeah, we do, we do, we do. What do you mean, not water cooled? Kill yourself, bro.
He's found another one. He won't shut the fuck up about it now. But you don't actually game on a console anymore. Yeah. If I have a choice, I 100% choose console. The only time I game on PC is if film I'm streaming. That's it. You can just plug in the controller to a lot of games.
And then it runs even better than it does on the TV. It makes no sense. Oh, because I love gaming on the sofa. I hate gaming in front of my computer. Why? Because I want to be comfortable. I want to be comfortable. I can play music. I can do that on the couch. You want to just sit back, relax on the couch. Sometimes you just want to sink in a bit more.
No, you want to be focused as a gamer you guys are sloppy gamers I can tell now you play these slow-ass game sitting on your couch Great. Yeah, I play games to relax not have a fucking a high high high relax playing elton ring
That's fucking dope. That's relaxing. It's like, oh yeah, I'm relaxed with my 120 fucking beats per minute heart rate. I love that. I like it was not relaxing. Yeah. I saw it was relaxing. When you, when you got a little too OP and went to an area that you couldn't follow it. Oh yeah, that was scary. And you're like, one shot, one shot, one shot. That was fun. Oh, that was so good. And then you get, then you go to the bosses again. Yeah. Humble to get humbled. Hey, I beat it without dang. Did you actually do that? Yeah.
Wait, what? How long did that take you? How long did that take you? You clearly haven't watched my video. No, I'm just kidding. I saw you doing it, but I thought it was like a meme. No, I actually didn't. Like a meme, no death run. He come click the stream. I did it. I fucking did it. Nice. What loadout could you-
You play in a console. Don't you patronize me. Don't play your story game. I worked hard for that. I don't need a knife. How about this, Felix? Persona 5 playthrough, no skip cutscene, no skip file. Try that. Impossible difficulty. Impossible difficulty. Real achievement right there.
What about? In Elden Ring, I died 90% of the time to fucking falling. How do you not do that? You have to plan your route, exactly. Oh my God, did you map it all? Yes, I did. Wow. Because it would take you too long to otherwise, you have to really figure out that. True.
Did you, did you do the, do you know when you, in Elden Ring, there's a section where you can go to like the fire people, what are they called? The fire pyromancers? No, no, no. The, um, bad ending. Bad ending in Elden Ring where you accept the like fire into you. You have to jump down all of those things. Did you do that? No.
You have to jump down this horrible, like, Jump King-esque section. Oh, really? Oh, yeah, I've seen that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's horrible. No, you avoid those things. You have to do, like, precise platforming on Elden Ring. In a fucking Souls game. In a Souls game, precise platforming. Oh, you loved that part, didn't you? It was like, it was literally Jump King and meets Elden Ring. You actually did it? I did it. Oh. It took me, like, four hours.
And I died like 500 times. I lost all my money. There was no point even like having an attachment to it. I could not get it. It's fucking brutal. Just play Jump King. No, no, no, no. Why? That's the perfect game for you. There's no cut scenes. There's no cut scenes. No story. I played it. It's not good. What?
I'm pretty sure it's Swedish or some shit too. I don't know. You guys make good games, right? Minecraft? You like Minecraft? Oh yeah, sure you do. You heard of Minecraft. Yeah, I don't know. I know I would like it too much and I am not going to do it. What, Jump King? Yeah. Oh, okay. That's good. That's good. This is pure stuff. It's really good. It's really, one of my favorite games, genuinely. I believe it.
Like the nice equivalent yeah exactly exactly I'm still a bit stuck on this console versus PC thing cuz I I don't get it You have gaming computers
Why would you not play on them? Because I hate sitting in front of my computer playing games. It just, everything does run better and it looks much better. It runs better, it's cleaner, you can do other shit at the same time. I just don't really care. Okay, do you subscribe? Because these guys just don't believe it. I'm like, I think the better...
High refresh rate monitors are like amazing. They look so good. And they just think I'm talking out of my ass. And I'm like 144. I think you guys are being brainwashed to be honest. No, there's a huge, huge high ball one just because this guy wouldn't shut up about it. And I tried it and I'm like, there's no fucking difference. You changed it in the setting? Yeah, I made sure. He changed the settings for me.
just for the fail safe. And I played some games and I'm like, there's no difference. What are you talking about? What were you playing? Visual novel of course. No, just like, I tried every, like all sorts of different games. I'm like, okay, I gotta make sure. No, I tried like four or five different games. I moved it over to my other monitor just to see the difference. And I'm like, there's no fucking difference. Have you talked about this on the podcast? Yeah. It's gotta be the worst take ever. It's awful because these both agree with it. And I'm here alone being like,
They're like, I'm a clown. And it's like, no way. None of the games I play is like, no chance. Yeah, for one, I think it might have to be like the games that I'm playing, right? Even like RuneScape looks better in 144 hertz. They're like, it goes way smoother. It's what RuneScape even run at 144 hertz. Do you ever just like grab the window and you swirl it around and you're like, ah, so close.
I do that. This must be like a finish. No, it's legit. It has to be like 144 hertz. Is this like a game of finish? Like what was your hurt? So refresh rate. What?
on the monitor for, they were using the 16 monitor. And you got, it's always six. And then, and then he bought, he made me buy 144. And he couldn't tell the difference. I couldn't tell the difference. How insane is that? How insane? We got, I want to see it. I want to see you. Next time he comes to my house, we'll do it. All right. Cause to me, it's like, how can you not, it's like, it's like, I, it's like having a rock for a mouse and then going to an actual mouse. It's like so much different. Oh my God.
All right, but like, okay, going back to console versus PC. Yeah, okay, all right. All right, okay, look. I want a game on like a big TV. I want to put my feet up. You can't just have like a massive fucking monitor, right? You can't just have a TV as a monitor.
I used to have an ultra wine or you have three monitors or two, right? I got three. Yeah, there you go. I just want one big monitor, which is the TV. I just want one big monitor, which is called a TV that I also watch movies and films on and anime. And I just sit back in my comfort zone, put my feet up.
Gaming is for the PC. Gaming is literally media. I want one monitor. That's a TV. That's so good. Yeah. You can plug it into your computer. I've had a friend who had the PC in his living room and just hooked it up. I mean, you could plug into your computer, but at that point it's just a fucking hassle because it's like, you know, you fucking got to log in and you got to like load up the game. I just want to, yeah, I just want to press one button games there. All right. I can game. I can game. Yeah. I want to relax. We are gamers too. Okay. Console gamers are gamers too.
We're tired of being oppressed by the other gamers. We're just saying they're too generous. These boys have like the top of the line PCs as well. Yeah, that's the thing. I understand like you can relate to just the only affording a console, but like once you get to that PC stage, there's no going back. You got a taste of sweet heaven. I don't know, man. I agree. I mean, I'm PC for days. I fully believe this is like a fit. It's like when they port games to like mobile, I'm like, don't, don't, don't.
Okay, no, I'm not that psychotic where I'm like, yeah, on mobile, but like, you know.
I mean, I get it, but I'm also that guy who's just like, I see something in 1080 and I see something in 4K and I'm like, there's a difference, but also- I don't care. I don't really care that much, you know? That's quite a big difference. That's weird, because I do agree with that, but gaming is so different. I think that's quite, there's definitely a noticeable difference in 4K. So how you feel about the difference between 1080 and 4K is how I feel- No, don't put me into this. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything about it. It's like, okay, there's a difference, but it's not remarkable.
I'm like, does it enhance my gaming experience? Not really. That's what I'm saying. It has to be a fetish. No, no, it's not. It's genuinely extremely helpful. Only gamers will do this and be like, ah.
So you're saying you're not a gamer. If that doesn't make me a gamer, then I'm not a gamer. All right. We need to find middle ground here. Cause it's getting a little. Yeah. This is a trash taste. You've watched enough. It's like being
Humor, Audience Engagement, and Closing Remarks
part of it. I like watching.
Oh, I guess feel it's just never coming back on. Which was trash taste live up to what you thought it was going to do. Well, now that you live here, you can come back anytime. Cause I'm sure our comments are going to be just fucking like, well, I'm looking forward to next time he's on 600 episodes later. Yeah. This is going to be a comment. Fucking minefield. I could already tell.
For fuck's sake. Hey, look at these patrons though. These lovely patrons. Oh my God. Which patron is your favorite, Felix? Point at it. It feels weird being part of this wall of names. You're already there. I like this guy. Yeah. Yeah. Hell yeah. That guy. That guy. Hey, if you'd like to join the Patreon and support the show, then go over to patreon.com slash trashtaste. What are you laughing at? Because I was laughing at something I thought about. It was when you guys were shitting on subscription models.
It made me laugh so hard. I'm like, holy shit. That was so good. You're up to date on Trash Taste. Yeah, I think it's one of the more recent. That was fucking funny. True Trash Taste fan, right? That was great. I really appreciated that. Yeah, I know it's self-aware. Go to our Patreon page, I'm on top slash Trash Taste. Also, follow us on Twitter, cinecines on the subreddit. If you had a face, listen to us on Spotify. And yeah, go check out this dude. You know who he is already.
I just realized I don't think we ever introduced. We don't need to, but I don't think we ever did. That's like having the Pope on being like, don't introduce yourself. Just in case. We'll see you guys next week. Bye.