Donald Robertson
come into therapy, they'll usually say, hey, I've got this problem with anger, anxiety, depression, whatever. And then they'll talk about how it's messing up their life, destroying their relationship, affecting their performance at work, damaging and the the health, impairing the sleep, affecting the concentration, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so these are all reasons, motivations to change it. and But then usually clients will express stuckness traditionally, they'll go, but I can't help it. Like, it's just the way I feel. I can't do anything about it, right? And Ellis, the founder, one of the pioneers of cognitive therapy, used to lean forward at that point and say to them, yeah, but it's not just how you feel, is it? It's also how you think. Like, you're having angry thoughts and you have angry beliefs as well as angry feelings.