We are delighted to welcome New York born, but California residing improv artist Nicole Matarese. Nicole explains some of the concepts used in the improv world. All stand-ups should do at least one improv course to help with your crowd work. We also discuss the grown-up pain for trying to find a new place to live that comes with parking and producing content in the lockdown, online world.
Nicols is also hosts her own podcast called “Totally Recommend This, Dude” and she cohosts the podcast “Totally Toonular“.
We are delighted to welcome New York born, but California residing improv artist Nicole Matarese. Nicole explains some of the concepts used in the improv world. All stand-ups should do at least one improv course to help with your crowd work. We also discuss the grown-up pain for trying to find a new place to live that comes with parking and producing content in the lockdown, online world.
Nicols is also hosts her own podcast called “Totally Recommend This, Dude” and she cohosts the podcast “Totally Toonular“.