Laura shared her powerful story as a recovering alcoholic with 22 years of sobriety. She admits she wasn’t a perfect parent and how she felt she cheated her two daughters of her full attention and presence because of her emotional unavailability when she was drinking. But she sobered up, took inventory, made amends and started showing up emotionally and spiritually. There were bumps and bruises and because she lacked good communication role models, had to learn how. There wasn't a lot of material available on conscious parenting then, so she started with what she did have - her training as a sociologist and Heart 2 Heart Parents was founded. Not only did she survive their adolescence, they are thriving. Not perfectly, not without some struggle but they have the conscious communication to work through things together. We also talked about how the abundance mindset manifests as time freedom and the invaluable aspects of that, especially as the Moms, caretakers, and main breadwinners for our families.
You can access the first two chapters of Laura's book, How to Raise Respectful Parents on her website and while you are there, check out her other free resources such as Conversation Starters to use with teens.
You can find Laura online here:
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