Affirming the Positive: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk for Success (with Help from ChatGPT) image
S3 E128 · Make Time for Success with Dr. Christine Li
Affirming the Positive: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk for Success (with Help from ChatGPT)
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11 months ago

I do a deep dive into the power of positive thinking in this episode and explain the importance of learning how to combat our negative self-talk which can creep in unexpectedly and somewhat frequently. Stick around! I also conducted an experiment using the power of AI with the tool that we all now have at our disposal - ChatGPT! This online AI chatbot has been trained on a massive amount of text data from the internet and can generate human-like text responses to a given prompt. I used this fascinating tool to illustrate how we can turn the negative into the positive within a minute or two. I hope you will tune in to the episode to see how the experiment turned out!

•[418] Christine explains what ChatGPT is and how it works.
•[10:58] Dr. Li discusses using positive affirmations to boost your mood.
•[12:44] “I want you to start thinking not just bigger, but really, really, really much bigger, bigger than what even seems reasonable to you… bigger in a way that seems almost delusional.”
•[14:05] Christine shares a real world example of where you can use positive thinking to get yourself out of a stuck situation and and in motion… moving towards success.

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