I can't get over my ex image
I can't get over my ex
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2 years ago

This guy, he's been unable to get over his ex-girlfriend. She hurt him badly and he wants my advice on how to get over her. In this podcast, I explain why he should just get over her and focus on the benefits of being single.

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Episode transcript

Relation-It, relationship advice podcast

for everyone. follow the relationitpodcast.com

Welcome back, guys to another relation-it

podcast where we solve your relationship problems,

right? Today's topic is going to be about a guy

that cannot get over his ex. It's really sure.

He pretty much just said I can't get over her.

It's so f****** hard. Wow. It's f****** stupid.

I still hold this over myself and we've all been

through breakups. It sucks. Breaking up with

a significant other because maybe the relationship

was really good. You missed the Ex you miss the

intimacy, you miss hanging out with them was

one of the best things that you were doing with your life.

I've been through it. I've been through breakups

where I got where I cried this stuff, dude. We

also added, I saw her Instagram post of nothing

but her in a tank top. She's with another dude,

and he's he's really sad about that. Wait, first

of all, but why are you? Why do you have her on

social media? I think that's a huge mistake

of still following your ex on. Ooh media, if

you guys broke up mutually even still, I think

that he needs to remove her off of social media.

It does him. No good to follow your ex on social

media because your ex is already over you. She's

looks, she's moved on. She's with another, dude.

She's now she's moved on from you. And unfortunately,

that must suck. I've been through that one of

the best things that I did was literally walk

my ex not block them. Remove them from my social media.

I got rid of all their photos. I mean, it's over.

The relationship is over. There's A slim chance of them.

Coming back, slim chance. I know it sucks like,

and like, I really want to just get back with her.

Like she was the best thing to ever happen to me.

And yeah, I get you man. His sucks, losing the

love of your life. Will you? You thought that

she was the love of your life, but she probably

wasn't you guys broke up. So, obviously I'll

get rid of her from social media. Delete. All

her photos, find something else to do, too.

Didn't really ask for any help. He just was like,

Hey, I can't get over her, but he needs to stay busy.

Staying busy is really important. Especially

