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Class of '03 Trailer

S1 · Class of '03
49 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to the Class of '03 Podcast, a show about the year 2003 and the ways it still affects us today, 20 years later. Each week on the show, we discuss one or more subjects from that year — anything from politics to pop culture, fashion trends, films, science, diet fats, legal cases, and tech. Every year has major headlines but 2003 was exceptional in its output, and this show looks at personal and collective memory to look back and remember a year that's not so far away as it feels. Like and SUBSCRIBE wherever you get your podcast to start listening to the show when it launches JUNE 1, 2023!

Class of '03 is an independent production hosted, written, and edited by Helen Grossman.

If you have a memory or an idea for the show, please call in at 724-CLASS-03 and leave a voicemail or send an email to

Follow Class of '03 on Instagram @classof03pod or visit our website

Our logo is by Maddie Herbert of and theme song is by Luke Schwartz and Evan Joseph of Sawtooth.


Introduction to Class of 03 Podcast

Welcome to the class of 03, a new podcast about the insanely eventful year 20 years ago, 2003.
I'm Helen Grossman, and in 2003, I was 13 years old. I had my bat mitzvah. I dyed the ends of my hair pink to look like Avril Lavigne, something that, I must say, did not go over so well at said bat mitzvah.

Personal Memories of 2003

I went to sleepaway camp for the first time. I listened to Good Charlotte endlessly. I didn't own any Juicy Couture sweatsuits, but I pined after them like my life depended on it. In 2003, I was in eighth grade.
In 2003, I had just gone back to grad school. I was 13. I was on the internet.

Significant Milestones of 2003

It was my finishing my freshman year, starting my sophomore year of high school in Tampa, Florida. I was smitten by a series of director series DVDs brought to you by Palm Pictures.
I must have been in Yonkers, New York. That was my first bra year, actually.

Cultural Impacts of 2003

Every year there are major milestones or headlines, but 2003 was exceptional in its output. And I believe the contributions from that year are still very much affecting us and our reality today. To name a few things, they're the obvious biggies.
The Iraq War, Saddam Hussein was captured and killed, iTunes and Myspace both launched, Beyonce and Justin Timberlake both went solo. There was the outbreak of the SARS virus, where over 8,000 people worldwide became sick.
But there are other cultural touchstones too. The rise of reality television with the premieres of shows like Bachelorette, Newlywed, Simple Life, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Shows that in many ways have defined the format that we're still using today.

Influential Films and Books

There were other shows too. The OC, Arrested Development, Chappelle Show.
In film, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings Return of the King and The Matrix Reloaded all dominated the box office, but Lost in Translation hit the emotional nerve. The Da Vinci Code was first published and since then has become one of the best-selling books of all time to date it has sold almost 90 million copies.

Podcast Launch and Audience Engagement

There's so much to explore from 2003, as a memory and as a current that still ripples within our lives. And that's exactly what we do on the Class of 03 podcast. Each week, I explore one or more topics from the year with a special guest. The podcast is launching June 1st, 2023, so like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You don't want to be late to this class, trust me.
And by the way, if you have memories or ideas about 2003, give us a call. Share them. 724-Class03 or write an email at classof03pod at Class dismissed until June 1st.