You know, investors, they make decisions in theory on a purely rational basis, but in in reality, we all make decisions that are impacted by our emotions. And so, you know, you can go in and pitch a great story to an investor, but if they just are not aligned with that indication or the approach or, you know, they didn't have they didn't have a good breakfast that morning, I mean, you can get an answer that really frankly isn't fully dependent upon you know the value of of what you're doing. So you just have to keep you just have to keep going. um So I think that perseverance piece is a requirement for any entrepreneur. and um And as a result, then having a team around you that can be supportive and you know, to help keep you grounded as you're out talking to a lot of people is also important. So, you know, the part of that comes around back to like, don't take it personally. and You know, it's so easy to take this personally when you, you know, I've had some really disastrous investor meetings in my past, mostly in in the tech world, but I've had meetings where I've gone in and like, literally the person you're pitching to does not look up from their phone the entire time you're there.