Entrepreneurialism is the key to African prosperity, with Magatte Wade  image
E9 · Speaking from Experience
Entrepreneurialism is the key to African prosperity, with Magatte Wade
27 Plays
10 days ago

There are some problems that feel like they are just too big to solve. African poverty has long fallen into this category. But try telling that to the "Cheetah Generation.” The “Cheetah Generation” are a new cohort of dynamic African entrepreneurs and professionals identified by Ghanaian economist George Ayittey, who are creating local pathways for change that will shape the future of African prosperity. They are bound together by the belief that entrepreneurialism and innovation are the keys to Africa’s future.

Magatte Wade is at the forefront of the "Cheetah Generation." She is an entrepreneur, CEO, and the world’s leading African prosperity activist. Throughout her career, she has created successful high-end retail brands inspired by diverse African traditions, most recently SkinIsSkin.com. Her latest book is titled, ‘The Heart of A Cheetah: How We Have Been Lied to about African Poverty, and What That Means for Human Flourishing.’

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