About my guest, Janine Dennis // Chief Innovations Officer at Talent Think Innovations, LLC, Author of "The Absurdity of Doing You: Rebel Elegance for the Evolving Soul"
Janine is a humble, deeply thoughtful, and potent human being who’s traversed this journey as a leader in the worlds of business to becoming an author and a practitioner to whom others look for spiritual guidance and support.
We got to talking one day about how challenging that process can be, and yet how important it is that leaders today (whether leaders in business, education, politics, or family) feel able to live the multiplicity of their wholeness and what it means to “step out” — if you will — of spiritual hiding.
I feel grateful to be fully out of the closet and able to connect with and support leaders on the deep foundational level of their energetic being, but how would people find me if they didn’t know I was here for it? How would others know it’s ok to admit they do breathwork, or journey work, or energy work if others hadn’t openly shared or created spaces for it at conferences, retreats or other gatherings? Is there space for spirituality in the world of leadership? Why does it have to be a secret? And what if we acknowledged the potential for leadership to be guided from realms unseen supported by the additional gifts of reason and logic?
We explore all these themes in this episode and I’m so grateful to Janine for her grounded, caring, and empathetic reflections and perspectives. Perspectives that, no doubt, come from her work helping myriad business teams understand each other more deeply. Perspectives that come from her capacity to hold deep caring space for clients on their healing path. And perspectives that invite us to consider what “stepping out” might look like for us, how we might share our gifts while meeting others where they’re at, and how and why it matters now.
I hope you’ll take a listen and that it offers you something. Much gratitude to Janine for sharing time and perspective with me. I can’t wait to have you back to explore more!