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In an episode which features an awful lot of M humming the theme tune to "Stargate SG-1", Josh and M discuss the real reason for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the Stargate TV-series. The two are linked in such a way that even Teal'c would say "Indeed."

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Introduction and Humorous Banter

The podcaster's guide to the conspiracy, brought to you today by Josh Addison and Dr. M. Denton.
Hello and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. I am Josh Addison, and sitting next to me is always sipping from what I assume is the skull of an enemy, is Dr. M.R.X. Denterth. It is the skull of an enemy, but the way I made it turn into glass is a matter which we will not discuss on this podcast, nor on the bonus content.

Ancient Aliens and Sumeria

If you want to know how I turn the skull of my enemy into this glove, and this only works for people watching the video, for audio listeners you're going, what's going on here, you will have to give us 500 US dollars, and then the story will be told, and just to you, patron. Spoilers though, it does involve ancient Sumerian technologies given to us by extraterrestrials.
Ah, but jokes on Josh, it's actually the Inuki who gave it to us. Mmm, yes. Well, that will make sense shortly, by the way. It will never actually make sense. Parts of it will become relevant, pertinent, almost, I suppose. Yes, it will. Because we are going to be talking about a good bit of good old ancient aliens.
and the wackiness they got up to in ancient Sumeria. And the fact that Teal goes Indeed all the time. He certainly does. But before we go all the way back to ancient Sumeria, we should probably go back to about a week ago and look at the news. Indeed. You were just waiting for that, weren't you? Indeed. Nicely done. Indeed.

Nicky Hager's 'Dirty Politics'

Breaking, breaking, conspiracy theories in the news.
Throughout the lifespan of this podcast, we've talked a fair bit about Nicky Hager and his book Dirty Politics, that book exposed to Dirty Trick's campaign which originated from the office of the then Prime Minister John Key. Now Hager's book relied on a still yet unidentified source, called themselves Raw Shark,
who were a hacker who got hold of personal communications by some of the people involved. The hunt for Rorschach, if you recall, saw a number of civil lividy violations by the New Zealand police who were forced to apologise to Hager and to other affected parties. Except now they want to do it again.
Martin Bradbury, a local blogger, discovered that the police had searched through his banking records in the hunt for Rorschach. It was assumed there was a financial connection between the two. The police want to use secret evidence to justify their warrantless search, and Bradbury is not impressed, nor are we.
The thing is, though, the use of secret evidence by police and other organisations in the court seems to have become, if not commonplace, then part of the system. Human Rights Watch, for example, has noted that in the US, secret evidence is a long-standing problem in federal and state criminal cases. So Aotearoa New Zealand's justice system is kind of simply keeping up with the Joneses. But secret evidence begets conspiracy theories because if justice is not seen to be open, then people begin to question why that is.

Alex Jones' Deposition

Talking about things which are problematic, every so often we are contractually obliged to mention one Alex Jones. Last week Jones made the news because of his three hour deposition, related to a case brought against him by the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre.
That's the way I've, the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre. The victims of the Sandy Hook massacre. Obviously that was implied, but I just said, parents of the Sandy Hook massacre. Anyway, so this disposition seemed to suggest Jones admitted to being psychotic as he stated now, best Alex Jones impression. I would not do that to my vocal cords. I can't, I can't and you won't make me. Best mockery of Alex Jones impression. And I, myself,
have almost had like a form of psychosis back in the past where I basically thought everything was staged. Even though I've now learned a lot of times things aren't staged. So I think as a pundit someone giving an opinion that, you know, my opinions have been wrong. But they were never wrong consciously to hurt people. Josh is just blowing out your earbuds because he has peaked like nothing.
It's true. Now note that Jones said like a form of psychosis. It seems Jones has taken a leaf out of the work of one Richard Hofstadter and ascribed to himself a psychotic style, which crucially isn't an admission of actual psychosis.
Rather, it's something close to it caused by a very different process. That is, Jones went on to claim the lying media made him do it. He wouldn't have gone on air to claim Sandy Hook never happened if the media had treated him with some goddamn respect. I would put it that's the real takeaway from Jones' disposition, blaming others and not taking any responsibility for the things he said and put in print.
a little bit of the old having his cake and eat it too thing as well. Like earlier, we saw him saying, oh, that's not me that I'm just putting on an act. Oh, but really it is me. Oh, but really I'm putting on an act. Oh, but really it is me. And now he's sort of like, I was not well in the head on you. Of course I am well, but I wasn't. And I was driven to my unwellness by the media. And thus have no responsibility for the things that I said. And also I never intended to hurt people by claiming that they had faked their children's deaths.

Brexit and UK Issues

Finally, finally, some Brexit related news. As you might be aware, the UK was meant to leave the EU on the 29th of March. Recording now on the 4th of April, it has not. At this stage, it is leaving the EU on the 12th of April, except even that doesn't look likely. At the moment, the UK has voted to ensure it doesn't leave without making a deal,
with the remaining 27 members of the European Union, but it also doesn't favour the deal arranged by the current Prime Minister Theresa May. Basically, the UK is a broken democracy, and maybe it's time for an intervention. Especially since it now looks like pro-leave activists are trying to blow up railway lines. British transport police found explosive devices near Yaxley and Cambridgeshire back on the 21st of March, and near the field of Nottinghamshire on the 27th. Both devices contain literature relating to Brexit, linking them to pro-leave campaigners.
So that's a thing. Then again, trains are socialism in motion, and the EU is a cultural Marxist plot, allegedly. Also British Transport Police. How wonderful. A special police force for trains.

James Shaw Assault Update

Now I had to, I didn't see the details of it, but I did read that
these devices that put on wouldn't have caused a problem anyway because of an extra sort of redundancy or something that had been introduced to the trains lines as a result of EU regulations, which I think had an extra level of. Yeah, so they tried the train lines, but the EU already knew what that which of course actually saw conspiracy theory.
Maybe it was the EU who put the pro-leave literature into the explosive devices that would never have activated, thus never releasing the pro-leave literature, thus meaning the EU would never have to face the UK leaving. My God, it's conspiracies all the way up and down. And sideways.
spiraling towards truth yes so that is all for the new news we do have one little update though on stuff we've talked about in the past and that means playing the sting I specially made at the beginning of this year for updates and retractions which in many respects is pointless but we're going to play it right now anyway updates and retractions
That was a delightful sting, and I think we're all the better for hearing it. It's true. Last week we asked, is anyone going to talk about the assault on the Green Party co-leader James Shaw? Well, here's the terror attack, and Ozitahi made it non-news. This was noteworthy before the March 15 terror attack, because the assailant muttered something about the UN Migration Pact, a popular far-right conspiracy theory at the time.
Well our thoughts and prayers have been answered by a report in the New Zealand Herald which says the attacker is in court and a mental health report has been ordered before his next arraignment, which is in May. So I guess there'll be another update then.
Yeah, I mean, it does. That would have been a bigger deal, I think, had it not been almost instantly pushed out of the news cycle. Yeah, within 24 hours. By a much, much worse event. So, yeah, it'll be interesting to see. And I mean, you know, it's kind of disappeared, but it's not not a big deal. No, I mean, we have a fairly
open parliamentary system where MPs and the Prime Minister are very social members in society. And that's in part because they don't wander around with security details all the time. We don't really want a situation where our political elites kind of don't live with us. Yes, and if it turns out that this particular one was indeed motivated by sort of an alt-right talking point conspiracy theory,
Then someone's got some explaining to do.

Iraq Invasion and Ancient Stargate Theory

Indeedy. Talking about explaining, shall we jaunt over to Baghdad and explain what a stargate is to our audience? I think we should. Lock that chevron.
We're going to be talking about Stargates today. We sure are, and I'm grinning like nothing on earth because it allows me to talk about one of my favourite shows of all time, Stargate SG-1. Now hang on, sorry, I think you're mistaken there. Stargate wasn't a TV series, it was a 1994 movie with James Spader and Kurt Russell in it, wasn't it?
And then a Final Superior TV series starring MacGyver. No, so you're just making that up. I'm not making that up. Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, and I'm having a complete blank on the actor. Jewel State is in it at one point, wasn't she? She was in one of the spin-offs. Sorry? Jewel State. Yeah, she was in Stargate Atlantis, not the spin-offs to Stargate. There were two spin-offs. She was 83 spin-offs to Stargate.
Let's hold back on the fiction. Let's focus on the facts, Joshua. Let me focus on the facts. Before you get to your fictional Stargates, let's talk about the truth. The truth about Stargates. And the real reason why we attempted to invade Iraq not once, but twice. Three times a Stargate lady. Yes. So there exists in the world
a conspiracy theory which says that the reason why the US invaded Iraq, certainly the second time, and I assume by implication the first time as well, when also the whole Nazi thing indicates also earlier in the 20th century as well, is that somewhere underneath Iraq is an ancient stargate gifted to Earth by extraterrestrials thousands of years ago.
and the government knows about this and wants control of its stargatey technologies. Now the 2003 invasion was important because Saddam Hussein was literally keeping the stargate in a basement in one of his palaces. So we had to invade, I say we the West, had to invade to get access to that basement so that we could have the stargate rather than Saddam Hussein.
So the whole thing is, it's kind of an expansion on the sort of ancient aliens, which I know we've talked about UFOs before. Have we actually done ancient? We haven't really touched on Eric von Daniken. I mean, we probably should do a deep dive into von Daniken as a theorist. Because of course, as we were discussing before the show, Eric von Daniken, author of Chariot of the Gods. And we have to go up at the end. Because it does have a question. Yeah, it is Chariot of the Gods question mark.
is a kind of famous figure in the ancient astronaut literature, although arguably he actually stole the thesis from earlier writers like Robert Sheroux and the writers behind Morning of the Magicians. But he kind of solidified this notion that our ancient gods are in fact ancient astronauts,
and they left behind their codified wisdom in religion, their material culture in temples and our recreation of those temples and of course the hypothesis that it was an earlier civilisation or set of civilizational complexes which were actually quite high technology because of the presence of alien technology.

Validity of Ancient Alien Theories

And then it gets into racism with arguments that the Egyptians kind of built the pyramids because they were primitive people and only Europeans know how to build triangles. But that's another matter entirely.
When it comes to evidence, the people who believe in these conspiracy theories will say there is a large amount of it. Well, maybe you should be the judge. So a lot of what we're talking about today comes from an article, An Exo-political Perspective on the Preempt of War Against Iraq, by Dr. Michael E. Sulla, written in 2003, just before, when it was obvious, and I believe an invasion was on the cards, but hadn't actually happened yet.
Now this article appears at Josh, what is xopolitics? People who aren't aware. I'm glad you asked. Xopolitics is basically political theory based on the assumption that extraterrestrials exist and we have their technology and governments know about it and are covering it up.
So from that viewpoint, it becomes clear that the invasion of Iraq is for extraterrestrial purposes. And therefore, there are a whole bunch of political considerations around that. But most of which boiled down to the government should face up what it knows about extraterrestrials, which seems to be the usual thrust of most things written in this area.
Yeah, and the exopolitics is slightly more than just the ufological movement, which claims that lights in the skies are in fact evidence of flying saucers, because the exopolitics people tend to make the claim that not only are there aliens out there who are visiting the earth, but they have a sustained presence on the earth now, and some people believe they've had a sustained presence on the earth going back thousands of years.
So the conspiracy can either be at some point in the 20th century, aliens came and are now involved in our government, or the entire history of humanity is infused with extraterrestrial infiltration.
So as Dr. Sala puts it, exopolitics is based on the premise of an extraterrestrial presence that is subject to non-disclosure by clandestine government organisations. So there you cover up conspiracy theories coming in full force. But that word, I know when we've talked about UFO conspiracy theories in the past, the word disclosure has been fairly prominent, because that's what they always want. They want to force disclosure, and the governments are all about non-disclosure.
Yes, so it is assuming there is something to disclose.
Not super lengthy paper, but it's lengthier than you would think possibly the subject matter warrants. So just sort of distilling it. He first of all says, you know, what is the evidence that there is extraterrestrial technology in Iraq? And then sort of dives pretty much straight into the ancient avian stuff. So the works referred to are mostly one by this person called Zechariah Sitcher. And then sort of brings in your Eurek von Danikins and so on later.
But when it comes down to, actually, sorry, no, first of all, it says, well, we know about extraterrestrial presence sort of in the present day because of all the large number of whistleblowers who supposedly have come forward from the military and government to say what they know about extraterrestrial stuff. And that's, there's this project disclosure on the internet where supposedly these people will get together and say what they know.
From then on, going back to the historical stuff, it seems to be pretty much your typical ancient aliens of fear. You've got people say, you know, looking at all these sort of drawings and documentary evidence that we have, these bits kind of look like a spaceship. And look, here's this picture from ancient Sumeria, where people are sort of standing around kind of a disk
and the sort of symbols that are to do with maybe stars or the moons or something, maybe that's like a Stargate portal thing. Or maybe it's just a circle. I mean so I remember reading Eric Von Daniken when I was much younger and character the god with the question mark at the end is actually
quite a fascinating book, because in the first book, one day, Lincoln basically is going, this is a hypothesis we should explore. It's really only from gold of the gods onwards. He goes, no, no one to be able to disprove my alien thesis. It must be true. Archaeologists and anthropologists are hiding the truth from us all.
But a lot of his evidence is this looks like a circuit diagram. This looks like a spacecraft. This looks like a electronic light in ancient Egypt. And my father was an electrical engineer. So when I had an image of this looks like a circuit diagram, according to Eric Von Daniken, I just took said image to my father and said, apparently this is a circuit diagram. My father went,
can't be, nothing's joined up. Ooh. And so often there's an assumption that this looks strange. The closest analogy I can draw between this strange thing and something I have experience of is this thing over here. Ipsofacto, it must be this thing I have experience of, as opposed to what most art historians and anthropologists will say, which is,
Stylistically, things get represented in a whole bunch of different ways and a whole bunch of different cultures. And because of that, some things just look really odd unless you've got the cultural coding to be able to interpret the art. I mean, actually a good example of this is the kind of religious iconography you get in the various Greek, Romanian, Russian orthodoxies.
where you get these icons of saints or of Jesus Christ the Messiah in Christian eschatology with the kind of strange hand symbols or hand over heart or a halo of a particular color. Now, if you've got the right training in Orthodoxy, you know how to read the individual parts to know exactly what those symbols mean. But if you don't have the right training in Orthodox iconography, you look at it going
Why does St. Paul have three fingers up and St. Peter only two?
golden halo for that one in silver. I have no idea what's going on there. Sometimes you need some background information to interpret those. And of course, if you come with background information, there was high technology in the past, then you interpret those images in the same way.

'Stargate SG-1' and Conspiracy Themes

Yeah, so when you get right down to it, the whole thing seems to be based on a fairly loose assumption, which is then taken as fact for everything that comes after it. So there's
There's, you know, this thing looks a bit like a spaceship or a stargate. So what if it really is? And then builds an entire sort of alien, ancient alien paradigm thing from it. And then, and then you get in the sort of documents we have from them, they talk about these godlike figures.
But what if they were really aliens from another world? And it sort of starts at the what if, but then from that point onwards, it's taken as truth. And again, the entire ancient alien extraterrestrial stuff. What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us. Just a stranger. One of us. That would be weird. Trying to make his way home. E.T. phone home. You're saying Joan Osborne is Jesus?
Yes, I'm glad we sorted that out. So in particular in Sumerian myth you have these beings known as the Anunnaki and they are these sort of you know god-like figures in the myth and so that's sort of
Even in this paper I was reading, it's basically, so this guy thought, what if these people were gods and then started rereading the text on the assumption that they, sorry, what if these gods were actually extraterrestrials, started rereading- And not strangers on a bus. Not strangers on a bus at all. Didn't have buses in ancient Samaria, or did they?
We don't know, but we'll find out. So it starts reading all this on that assumption, and so from there making a whole bunch of inferences and so on, and it just sort of goes on and on and on. So the story they come up with is...
These Anunnaki were extraterrestrials who came to Earth during the time of the ancient Sumerian civilization, bestowed upon them various technologies and then supposedly from ancient Sumerian... Light buses. Well, it could be. From sort of looking at ancient Sumerian texts and images, there are things that, you know, then you say, oh, that looks like a spaceship, that looks like, you know,
anatomical details of the human body that they couldn't have known. This looks like star systems that they couldn't have known about and all that sort of stuff and so on. Now supposedly the Anunnaki left following a series of cataclysms between 1800 and 1700 BC. I assume that is how you could write off the fact that this technology still no longer exists today. Although it doesn't explain what like if the Sumerian had access to technology that would let them travel across the galaxy through stargates and stuff.
What did they do with that? There's a whole bunch of Sumerian ancestors. Greatest American superhero. They lost the manual. They lost the manual. And we're only smart enough now, we white people, to be able to work out how to use the stiget. But then it comes to prophecy.
which is the good stuff, because of course the Anunnaki, they're going to come back. They're going to come back in soon, or possibly six years ago, but seven years ago now, we'll get to that. So there's texts which are interpreted to be the Anunnaki are going to come back. Some people say maybe it's not so much they're coming back, but their home planet, Nibiru, is going to be coming back around in its orbit, and maybe that's what it's referring to.
And then you get into the whole 2012 Mayan prophecy thingy and then saying, here's this very significant date in the Mayan calendar, which is going to happen in 2012 and maybe that's significant and that's when it's all going to kick off and so on and so forth. And so marry that with the whole extraterrestrial disclosure, non-disclosure governmental stuff and you end up with
The US invaded Iraq to get at its extraterrestrial technology, specifically stargates, which would have been under the ancient Sumerian cities that are around where modern day Iraq is. And they need to get these extraterrestrial technologies so that when the aliens come back in 2012, they'll be ready for them to either try and attack us or possibly
grant us more technologies that we'll want to know how to use. Possibly one interpretation of the prophecy is that not that the aliens are going to come back, but that our consciousness will undergo a great evolution and we'll evolve into ethereal beings or something.
So you've just described the plot of Independence Day 2. I have a little, have I? Kind of. I mean that's about them coming back and there's a portal by the good aliens who come to save us from the bad ones and there's too much Brent Spiner. It's a terrible film. Terrible, terrible film. I haven't seen it.
Yes, so the whole thing, it's sort of, it's all based on if you accept this initial premise, then here's several dozen other ones which will follow from it, but they never really get beyond that's just what it looks like as a justification. So you're saying it's slippery slope for the argument. It is very slippery slope. There's some more stuff in there. When it talks about the modern stuff, it talks about the fact that what gets to the why now bit of it, and it talks about
the fact that Germans had been excavating there, so maybe they had stumbled onto something. It talked about what Saddam Hussein had been up to, presumably he knows about the stuff that's buried under his country. It talks about the 2003 space shuttle Columbia disaster and suggests that... Is it an attack to warn the US off from invading Iran?
Yes, that was no accident that Colombia was deliberately destroyed by possibly Israeli forces. They went quite clear on that as a warning to the US to stop trying. So are you saying that this paper about ancient alien technology also contains within it crypto anti-Semitism? Well, only very loosely in that Israel is mentioned as one of the global powers possibly behind an attack on US interests. So a little bit, but not much.
So yeah, so basically, we invaded the West, invaded Iraq to get control of the Stargate. Stargate, I hear there was a television series about them. There was. Now, I've mentioned Stargate SG-1, not so much the other series, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, and the not much talked about animated spin-off Stargate Infinity several times, in part because one of my go-to
claims about misinformation slash disinformation is a plot point in Stargate. So Stargate the TV series, which is a spin-off but not a direct sequel to the movie. So there are events in the TV series which directly contradict the film, including the spelling of characters' names.
So it's very much the movie occurred in one reality and Stargate SG-1 is kind of in a reality where events very much like the film occurred, but didn't occur exactly. Are the characters meant to be like, is the Richard Dean Anderson character meant to be the Kurt Russell character? It is, yeah. So actually that character or just an analogue?
It's meant to be that character, and the Michael Shanks character is meant to be James Spader's character. T. Oke and Captain Carter are completely new characters to the franchise, but Stargate is a series
all about conspiracy because the whole premise of Stargate the film and Stargate SG-1 is that we do have access to a piece of alien technology, a Stargate, which allows you to form a wormhole on Earth to another wormhole elsewhere in the galaxy and allow instantaneous transfer of matter through it. So there's a Stargate network,
which allowed a former alien empire to be able to ferry goods around the place at high speed and for some reason earth has been locked out of that network for quite some time until the stargate is discovered in ancient Egypt in the early 20th century.
So not only do you have a conspiracy by world governments to hide the existence of the Stargate network, you also have conspiracies within conspiracies of organisations that know of the Stargate programme but don't have quite the peaceful view of it that the US Air Force has which is a
really weird sentence to put forward. But then there are other rogue elements in the American government that actually want to weaponise the Stargate programme of some particular kind. And of course because there's an external alien threat you get conspiracy within the conspiracy of the conspiracy.
where the aliens infiltrate the conspiracy against the Stargate program to take over the conspiracy against the Stargate program unbeknownst to the conspirators themselves. So what you're saying is, is a show that's absolutely chock full of conspiracies and conspiracy theories.
Yes, and the best conspiracy in it is the show within a show, Wormhole Extreme. So there's a plotline which occurs in the first half of Stargate, the series, where it turns out there is an alien living on Earth
who is trying to be entrapped by other aliens from the same species that want to go home. And the very end of the storyline has the other aliens escaping Earth and this one alien who loves being on Earth just staying here. And then several years later you get
a new storyline where this alien is now working as a TV producer slash writer for a TV series called Wormhole Extreme, which is about a bunch of military officers who use a Stargate-like device to explore the world.
And the US Air Force gets just a little bit concerned that this program is going to reveal the Stargate network to the entire world. So there's an investigation to find out what's going on. But long story short, the plot line ends with the US Air Force going, actually, we're going to allow this TV series to continue being on air.
because it gives us a plausible cover story. If anyone ever starts talking about a Stargate program, we can point them to Wormhole Extreme and go, no, actually, you're talking about that TV show over there. So it's basically the X-Files of the Stargate universe, because of course, when the X-Files was big on TV, people thought that was a disinformation campaign being run by the American government to cover up actual UFO events.
So even the good guys then in Stargate are involved in a lot of covering up. Yes, and there's actually quite a lot of angst in Stargate SG-1 as to whether it's appropriate to keep the Stargate network from the general public. So there are several plot lines where the network is almost revealed to the public and then there's angst as to whether
whether it would have been a bad thing or not, balance with the, but then they're going to find that we've been lying to them for quite some time. And so there's a whole bunch of discussion about necessary secrecy and whether it's appropriate to keep secrets from the public.
Well, so basically it should become apparent at this point that the reason why we chose to talk about conspiracy theories around ancient stigates under Iraq and government cover-ups was basically so that Em could talk about a favourite show.

Episode Conclusion and Patreon Support

Indeed. Which is what Tejal says all the time. Which is what we've just done. So anything else before we wrap things up? What else you got for us? Well, I mean, so as I say, it's
making most science fiction to a large extent involves conspiracy as a kind of major plot point because almost all science fiction has you think you know what's going on but actually it turns out to be aliens apart from in the few cases where you think what you think you know what's going on it's a a aliens and it turns out to be human beings instead so i mean there's a resurrection of the cold war because america and russia have competing stargate programs so they're kind of engaged in a
alien technology cold war to control what's going on there but no it's uh probably a very dated show now it's been off the air for almost a decade and it's probably
One of those ones where they have access to alien technology, but all our smartphones are better than whatever computers they were using back then. Yes, and actually, I mean, as people point out, you look at the law and order franchise, looking at the use of computers in the show.
shows you how far the show has gone from its early days where occasionally they'll go to a terminal to type things in to get a hit, to spending their entire time enlarging and enhancing photos on screen. And Stuggard has the same issue. Starts off with CRTs, ends up with LCDs. Yes, that was always the thing. Any science fiction film from the 90s, Demolition Man's a great one. I forget exactly where it sits set in the 20,
30s is it something like that it's it's it's still actually in the future but yes everyone there has CRT TVs I mean it's one of the big faults with Babylon 5 in that CRTs are really really big in the future of Babylon 5 and that's the 23rd century so CRTs are going to make a comeback
And no one has cell phones, although a lot of the time they do just sort of have a thing where they can touch their earrings. Yeah, or a special communicator on their hand, which looks awfully like an Apple Watch, but without any kind of display. Yes, yes. So, conspiracy theories aside then, just as an artifact of pop culture, should people go out and watch Stargate SG-1, or is it just a bit too behind the times now?
See, I would say people should watch Stigate SG-1 because for all of the ridiculousness of the plant's stigate networks, aliens posing as gods, once it puts down a rule, it obeys that rule
religiously. So there's a particular point early on where it turns out that stargates can only be active for a certain amount of time before they also shut off. So they have a whole bunch of plot lines based upon not being able to close the stargate or wanting to keep the stargate open for longer than their quiet time. So how can they get around it? I have this weapon called a sistat, which is a kind of snake like looking handgun, where the first shot
paralyzes you, the second shot kills you, and the third shot disintegrates you. So it always takes three shots to disintegrate something, and they obey that rule, even with inanimate objects. So the first shot stuns the rock, the second shot kills the rock, and then the third shot disintegrates the rock. That's good. I want to make sure my rocks are thoroughly made before it just
Once they have a rule, they obey that rule. So it's a great case of the science fiction show that has a series Bible, and they go, we're not going to contravene any of these rules.
We're going to obey them, even if it does mean, we need to make that chest disappear. Okay, three shots, it'll be done the chest, kill the chest, disintegrate the chest. And I suppose it was the last thing Richard and, Richard Dean Anderson did, he retired after. So he did, I mean, yeah, so he did cameos in Atlantis and Stargate Universe. He was then in a sitcom as a,
background character for a while, but he retired after that. Yeah. And I believe actually he retired for health reasons. Oh, good, good on him. He was here a little while ago at Armageddon, the big, big pop culture conference here. Our version of Comic Con, essentially. Pretty much, yes.
So there you go, Stargates. They're on your television. They're underneath the rock, as far as you know. And they also had a theme song, which I assume is what you're doing, right? It should be said, I watched every now and then I might have seen an episode of Stargate, yes you are, but I never really watched it at all. Were you a fan of the film?
Not a massive fan. I enjoyed it at the time. I don't know if I've ever actually seen it since 1994 when I was in the theatre. See, that was the first film I ever watched twice on the big screen. Really? Yeah. I enjoyed it so much, I went back the next day. The first film I ever saw twice on the big screen was Hot Shots Part Deux. That's a good choice. It was funny. It is a good choice. Thanks Topper. You taught me to kill again. The most I've ever seen a film in the theatres is Four Times, which was The Matrix.
Which, if you want to talk conspiracies, Ooh, red pill or blue pill? Well, exactly. Yes, unfortunate. Exactly. The direction where pop culture took that specific reference. But yeah. And with that bit of sighing, should we announce what we could tell? Maybe we should this episode listeners get to hear.
So we're going to be talking shortly about manifestos, other manifestos, which have been banned by the nation state of Aotearoa, New Zealand. So a lot of follow up to the to the mosque shootings of a couple of weeks ago.
So it talks about terrorist manifestos, talks about what's going on with the new attempts at gun control, which, as you probably can imagine, has involved a bit of skullduggery by certain pro-gun forces. And then more talk about manifestos, where it turns out that one of them might have been booby-trapped in some sort of electronic version. If it turns out you have a copy of the terrorist manifesto,
You may want to check to see whether it hasn't got a Trojan in it, which rewrites your master boot record, because there are copies out there now, which if you open them, it's going to rewrite your master boot record, which means you're not going to be able to boot your machine up. So that's the public service announcement for more details. Stick around when we do our thing for our patron listeners. Our lovely, lovely patrons.
So we say at the end of every bonus episode, we tell our patrons how much we like them better than all of the rest of you. And frankly, I don't see why we should hide that. They are better than the rest of you. They're better looking. They smell better. They give us money. They give us money. That's good.
It's a kind of fin sub thing, really. So if you'd like to be a patron, please do so. On the other hand, if you don't want to be a patron, that's actually quite fine. I mean, you're just having a bunch of listens. It's not that you smell bad. No, you just don't smell as good. Yeah, you don't smell good. For being one of our listeners, I would say you smell better than anyone who doesn't listen to this podcast. That's true, but you could smell better.
for a dollar a month. Your odour could be substantially improved. And we have testimonials. People give us money and they do recognise the change. None of that's true, but that's OK. So I think we will say goodbye to our regular listeners now and then shortly say hello to our patron listeners in the bonus content. Indeed. Indeed.
Indeed. Does he ever actually put inflections on it? Or is it exactly that same monotone every time? It is almost always indeed. No, it's not Harry Potter.
as Alan Rickman does want to do. Always, all those. I was listening to a podcast today. Every person who says Harry Potter in the Harry Potter films starts off as if it's right and then turns it into a question. Ah, Harry Potter. Anyway, goodbye. Indeed.
You've been listening to the podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy, starring Josh Addison and Dr. M.R. Extended, which is written, researched, recorded and produced by Josh and Em. You can support the podcast by becoming a patron via its Podbean or Patreon campaigns. And if you need to get in contact with either Josh or Em, you can email them at or check their Twitter accounts, Mikey Fluids and Conspiracism.
And remember, remember, oh, December was a night.