The  PIPE gDAO podcast episode 1: Introducing the PGF Launchpad! decentralized science (DeSci) image

The PIPE gDAO podcast episode 1: Introducing the PGF Launchpad! decentralized science (DeSci)

E2 · The PIPE gDAO Podcast
22 Plays10 days ago

Introducing the PGF RWA Launchpad! | decentralized science (DeSci |  (Episode 1) Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we introduce the PGF Launchpad and dive into the world of decentralized science (DeSci)! 🌍🔬 If you're passionate about Web3, blockchain technology, and how these innovations are transforming scientific research and funding, this episode is for you. We also bring humor and unique insights on how PGF is empowering researchers through decentralization. vrGpqOI6VZ0OI3yvuNqG


Key Topics: 


What is decentralized science (DeSci) and why it matters 

PGF Launchpad: A platform revolutionizing scientific funding 

Web3's impact on real-world assets, intellectual property, and research 

Our vision for transparency, tokenization, and the DeSci ecosystem 

Join us as we explore how blockchain is disrupting traditional scientific funding and how PGF is bridging the gap between academia and industry. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and check out our Linktree to connect with us on Discord, Telegram, and join our community! 

In the previous episode we made two promises to our audience, which if you've been listening to us, obviously we failed to achieve. okay ah What would you expect else from the sleazy noodle duo?
Not exactly an inspiring name for both hosts. I'm sorry, a host and a co-host. Thank you. um I'm glad you clarified. I thought I got a promotion. I was about to demand more money, but... um No. Yeah. Demanded from Betsy, man. Oh, of course, of course. We know that guy.
Oh, but before we do anything else, did you know that as a refi industry, we like to be conscious of the environment, we like to grow our link tree. You know, trees are good for the environment and everything, they make things greener, so if you could go down into the description and click on our link tree, so you know, you can water our tree, ah get ah into our Discord, out Telegram community. Those are all branches of the tree. You could even go to our launchpad and contribute as a little as one cent to join our watering tree gang. One cent might be a little, just too little. You could also join for one dollar. One dollar comes a long way. So, you know, one dollar to give a watering can to the tree. That would be really appreciated.
um ah Oh, by the way, two promises, right. ah First of all, unfortunately, we're not going to talk about electric vehicles today because ah something something I slept through that part of the meeting, we have to talk more about our launchpad. So we have to respect our overlord and they actually continue talking about this thing. So we introduced European Paradox last time. That's one part of the video going to be, not video, podcast, excuse me.
ah And the second one, well, I guess you're gonna take over because you are the one who made that promise. What, talking about the NFT launch and design dows? No, no, no, no, no. You made a more important promise than that. You said there would be an update on whether you are able to fish in the lake.
Oh my god, yes, wait, no, I actually had an email about this. Yeah, no, I did. i did No, I actually checked because um my uncle ah was on the local council. um So I asked because I, we had a, after one of our last battle, we had a big family party because it was someone's birthday.
So I was just, um, talking about it. And I was like, oh yeah, the Lake near mine was like, know and you're not allowed. He says it's out of, it's privately owned land so and it's owned by this society. So you can't do anything. Like you, you general public can't use it unless you're part of this society. It's all very behind closed doors, dodgy dealers, apparently with this angling society that they've got.
i here they like the mafia yeah actually are you know when you go to like um where where is it like malaga or something you've got the youve got the people in the streets and they're just kind of like watching over everything and you know they kind of run the place kind of like that's here but it's people with fishing rods and not suits It kind of reminds me of a meme that in Australia it's the kangaroos that are the mafia.
Oh, absolutely, yeah. Kangaroos were on the show over there. so Such violent creatures. Yeah, and of course, if you are a project that wants to navigate through all of this legal trouble and you have people casting fishing rods being ah quite difficult with you while all you want to do is just catch a fish to feed your family, or I guess in this case, ah promote your project from a university, you can come to. pipe jida ah Join us and we will provide you with awesome lawyers. No worse than Harvey Specter was a Dent. Specter's the lawyer. Yeah, Specter's the lawyer. were god We have to be very clear on this now. If if we make reference to fictional characters. but So Harvey Specter is the lawyer from Suits. Harvey Dent is the district attorney, Harvey Dent, who then turns into Two-Face in Batman, in the Batman comics.
and and obviously And obviously our lawyers are not too faced at all. No, never. We're still not sure who they are, but we have some somewhere. Yeah, join us on our launchpad and you too can have your own Harvey... Spectre. That guy. Spectre. Yeah, him. Again, I had so many meetings about this. It is in my brain. They really didn't like it. Yeah, we wouldn't want to promote our company as being two-faced, you know? No, exactly. No, we don't have two-faced lawyers. We have cool lawyers. I don't even know if we have lawyers. Do we have lawyers? I believe you just i believe you said met them.
I've met, I've met a lawyer. I don't know, I think it was just a lawyer. I don't know if it's specifically the GDAO lawyer. We might do. Well, that's what you would expect from this sleazy model duo. You know what? Update next, next episode. I promise to find out if we have a specific lawyer or not.
And I will meet them, potential guest. I'm not gonna go that far. But I'll let the people know. Yeah, for any official information, refer to Rob Steele and Bazzi... Bazzi Raimuguti, I think that was his full name. Refer to them, we are just a couple of guys talking about stuff here, as you may have noticed already. We're just a couple of dudes. We're just a couple of guys, you know.
we We have no power here. we we hit we don They don't tell us what's going on. <unk>re actually We're actually using one mic. We're not even online for this. We're using one mic. We're just in a basement in Batsy's house.
and Every every week you'll just go record an episode and we'll go yes. Yes. Yes, sir. Can we eat today? And he'll go it depends if it's good or not. Yeah, we're working for our food right now You know, but his house but his basement with no sunlight. It's all the same. Mm-hmm It's still a moment. Absolutely. No idea what sleazy looks like because it's just pitch black in there.
Yeah, don't let anyone find out that I'm actually just a puddle of slime. Of course, yeah, you you are just a puddle of slime. yeah Yeah, I'm just a fiction of your imagination. You need somebody to talk to. ah agree These podcasters are going to sound absolutely mental then to everyone else.
Anyways, we need to talk about the European Paradox more. That was our may one of our main missions. Yeah, I guess if we go to the pipe jedao, by the way, again, join us here and there and on our Launchpad, on our Discord, on our socials, Telegram and stuff like that. ah We do have... we've just actually um just made a new telegram ah so that's pretty fresh right now so if you'd like to get over there um be one of the first ones in there you might get a little reward i'm not sure i don't think you do but you might i'm not sure
and fun also fun fact for every like subscribe comment and stuff like that we get one more crumb of bread from butsy yeah that's true we get ah two crumbs for comments one for likes uh and five if you subscribe to the pipe judo channels that can either be on uh any podcast platform so stuff like spotify apple music zen caster and a couple other and then we also release videos on YouTube. and I actually run the YouTube so if you could make that the biggest one that'd be super cool and give me bragging rights. It's much sway in Batsy's kitchen for what kind of scraps I can get. Would be very nice. Sometimes we might get even just an old day bread.
Oh, only just slightly moldy. That'll be the day. You know, Christmas is still a long time away. And to do my duty as a host, for once, we actually do have a lawyer here, supposedly. so Allegedly. He's somewhere. Or she. We don't know. We have absolutely no idea. I mean, we're in the basement. How would we know?
we're in the basement how would we know apparently there's this other guy called Wayne that apparently works I hear him upstairs sometimes very knowledgeable guy he just come he comes in drop some drop some absolute like he is of knowledge and then leaves I hear if you join our LinkedIn he would sometimes hear this guy over your calls If you say his name three times in a mirror, he turns up. But we obviously don't have any mirrors here because we're in the basement. Because it's all dark. Or maybe there is a mirror, but we wouldn't know.
You know what maybe if we if this starts like yeah like if if the podcast starts getting up motion we should do like updates of where we're living so if say we become like the biggest podcast on the planet it's just us kicking it in the White House or something just like yeah we you know we made it out of the basement oh and speaking of getting out of the basement we also need to introduce a European Paradox European Paradox as we talked about last time It is the concept that the more money is being put into the system to promote more university projects, the fewer and the less quality projects actually come out of it. So just reading the definition, it refers to the situation where Europe had a strong scientific system with excellent research institutions, talented researchers, and all that stuff, but struggles to translate its scientific advancement into successful commercial ventures and economic growth.
Some of the limitations are lack of collaboration and knowledge transfer with academia and industry. ah Okay, so communication, stuff that's important, you know, as we all but always thought.
Limited access to funding and venture capital for startups and innovative projects. That has to do with business and economics. I failed that in high school, so don't ask me. ah Number three, fragmented market and regulatory barriers across European countries. We talked about the lawyers so far, and maybe it's worth mentioning some of the, you know, some of the regulatory barriers here.
Also, um I do need to make um an apology because I did get hounded by all bosses, all three of them, came to me and were very angry at some about something I said um in the previous episode, 0.5, when we were talking about lawyers. So I'd just like to say that I apologize for saying that Harvey Dent is the lawyer. I meant Harvey Specter from Suits, not Harvey Dent, who is the DA.
hmm that's it Batman I um and also to face I I just want forgiveness I'm so sorry I'll never make that mistake again I'll never try and refer to comic book characters and not get their names right ah again I do well just ah I guess you could say you got a little lawyer
That was awful. yeah We'll delete that. i We'll delete that. that so I'm so sorry. Well, if we are doing a live, then we cannot do that, man. Well, the audience is just going to have to live with our awful sense of humor, which I'm trying to be have a British sense of humor, okay? But I'm not exactly British here.
I'm sorry, British. I'll let you know. I'll let you know. That's actually maybe great. Wait, hold on, but... I've just been lawyered. It's like, oh, yeah. But isn't British sense of humor considered bad though? So, but in that sense, I'm doing a great job. I guess that's true. When when um ah we are famous, something we like to say is if people don't understand British humor or they don't find it funny, we just say, oh, you just don't get it.
Because I truly believe, and I'm i'm sure people from Britain listening, is that the whole country of England and then Scotland's got their own type of humour and the same with the Welsh. um and you know All of it's just one big inside joke, so no one else really understands what we're talking about, but we get it.
It's like I don't even know if you did that on purpose or that was just an accident but you said you said Britain. ah I like that. And just to go back to my fourth point on European Paradox, the other limitation is risk averse culture and reluctance to embrace entrepreneurship and innovation. Well.
We can't change European culture, but we do bring Web3 culture, which is not to risk averse. So, you know, you could take that into consideration. To solve all of this, we have our PIPE General Fund, aka PGF Launchpad. It's a Web3 platform, so we are in Web3. As I just said, we are operating with cryptocurrencies. You could go into our link tree and join us for as little as $1 to water our tree, save the environment.
It's designed to fund early-stage university real-world assets, IP ideas, and virtual intellectual property ideas and innovations within Europe, not just UK, it's also Europe, maybe potentially South America, maybe potentially Asia, who knows? Water our tree and find out over in the description in the link tree.
The platform aims to support and accelerate the development of groundbreaking projects. We did have a recent addition, if you've been following us, of two more projects. ah Go to our launchpad and find out what they are all about. If ah you are really interested in them, join our pipe2 IPO there.
If you do the verification, you could have access to their documents, the documents that show you what they are about, their early presentations, the names of the researchers, depending on how the project chooses to ah reveal itself at that particular point.
So, you know, you could you could always get a position in a in a very cool project that gets gets funded and have a ah proper role for it, you know, if you're interested in this kind of thing. VGF Launchpad is providing funding, membership and to resources to all of those entrepreneurs. And you could also be, whether it's a mentor or an errand boy like we are, me and Noodle.
or excuse me, I and Noodle, I gotta be correct, otherwise the British are going to be insulted. the The British will be coming if you forget we're here. Is it but is it I a Noodle or Noodle and I? Does it doesn't make a difference? um Usually I do I underscore Noodle, but and now it's just Noodle, because i can because ah the Noodle game name's check taken. So I have to use I Noodle, and I hate it.
Although, if I remember the movie correctly, it was Despicable Me, not Despicable I. Yeah, but if i go if I go Mean Noodle, I think it sounds a bit more like Neanderthalic. but one need to noodle me Yeah, but then what does that mean? No Diddy, but what does Noodle maybe mean?
Potentially some innuendo, but whatever. And to elaborate a little bit on our membership, it is permissionless. IE membership is open to all. Just contribute you know as little as $1 to water our tree, help save the environment. It doesn't require registration, just a simple sign-in into your... you need about three wallets. And yeah, that's it. You just send $1 and you're in.
And just to go back to our lawyer talk once again, but we have awesome lawyers, but ah we have the pipe company and the pipe platform. You know, again, it's all about ah lawyering stuff correctly. Yes, I'm going to continue with this bad joke. was this Is this bit just never ending? It's just forever. Nah. Nah, that's what you're going to hammer home. We have a lawyer or lawyers, who knows?
and We have the pipe company, which is like a web2 type of thing. Rob Steel and Andy Flagg are the prominent figures there. If you want to listen to them talk, you can come to our Linktree down in the description. You know, water our tree. You can water our tree and to join our ah our LinkedIn, our Discord, and to have a listen there. Save the environment, water our Linktree.
You can hear them talk over there. They are cool dudes. They can tell you all about their lawyers and stuff. But ah we are split into the pipe company and the pipe platform. The pipe company is the Web2, RWA type of thing with an ND flag and the ROP steel, specializing in emerging university projects.
We provide a systematic and standardized set of processes and tools for investment as well as going with the QED process for the all of those ah projects that are being onboarded. QED refers to question, evaluate and decide and ask that drop still. He's going to tell you a better picture of how this process is being done. Unfortunately, we over at PIPE at pipe platform, I'm not too familiar with this, so just join our LinkedIn over out our linked tree, it's right in the description. You can listen to our biweekly AMAs and ask any questions you want in there. Alternatively, come to our Discord and ask Rob himself by pinging him. And yeah, the other part is the pipe platform where we are dealing with web3.
The way we are different from the regular stuff is, ah first of all, there's the Desai industry, where they deal with IPTs, where they deal with a launching individual projects, while we are focusing all of the projects at once, so when you invest into us.
you get to have ah what so you pay a levy penny which is 10% towards development and the rest goes into the actual projects and you get sort of like an index fund so you get profits and and losses but overall it's it's a profit from all of them at once rather than individually but you can ah invest into some specific ones the details on that will come out at a later date And also, apart from the Desai industry, that I will cover in a separate video, do check our YouTube. Apart from Desai, we are also different from the normal Web2 platforms, which are just Web2 platforms, while we have both a Web2 platform over at universities, the PIPER,
the pipe company, and Web3, the pipe platform, that's how they're different from them. By using Web3 technology, we are ensuring ah stuff like tokenization, transparency, security, accessibility, and all the other good stuff that would come to love and appreciate about Web3. As well as sir some good ah profits from Web2 that are more stable.
we predict an average of 397% ROI over a four year period. so Because that is how we calculated the average r ROI of such type of industry.
And also, unlike the usual up and down of web3, we are hoping to be also the hedge against inflation in a way, since we are following our own decide type of ah procedure and graphic and to timeline. but We predict to be way more stable and going only up for our Pyplatform.
And at the moment, one of our important parts to say is that our funding goal is ah one million TVL total value locked before we can proceed with the release of the tokens. That includes the tokens by, yeah um what was it, Noodle and I, that we are going to get ah paid, but obviously vested. we We wouldn't want the team to receive the tokens too early and thank the market.
ah So we have we actually kind of need some fun So if we could achieve that 1 million TVL that that would be much appreciated And be very nice. Yeah, every dollar goes towards that 1 million. We only need a million people i That's ah quite a quite an analytic expectation I have here, but ah yeah when you said we only need a million people it's just like I still got a lot of people Yeah Well, one can one hit hope. That's all we have here in in this in this basement. And the we will be interoperable on many different chains. We have seven, at least in our white paper and pitch deck. Again, those are available in the link tree. Come to our link tree, save the environment, water the trees.
and And we have partnership with the ah thank guys like Vaynerchain for metaverse stuff and for university stuff. We have partnership with A1X, who will be our provider interoperability protocol provider. I just made that term up. It's like intern service provider, but the interoperability service provider, I guess you could call that. And that is going to be that for the interop. And we also have a roadmap.
but to that yeah probably hasn't been updated in a while, but but surely it's still accurate, or at least it will be accurate by the time ah our ah dear listeners who will have ah such wide access to it, and ah that will actually be pretty much it for my duty as a host, so now we can actually talk about other stuff. Maybe.
Yeah, and you can also follow us on the on our podcasts, which ah we are on, let's see, we are on Zancaster, we are on Spotify, we are on YouTube, we are on Amazon, and a few more that you can find out on official links, I guess.
Yeah, a couple more. i'm not sure They sent a picture, in but we don't really pay attention because obviously the phone's only on 3%, so we get a finite amount of charge ah down here. It's like, you know, when you play a horror game and you only have so much charge on your ah flashlight,
That's how how we have to ah we have to work here. We only get a certain amount of phone, so we turn it on to do as much as we can, then we turn it off to think before clicking the next few buttons so we don't waste time thinking about it while the phone is running.
Yeah, so that's essentially how we're working here. We don't get much much resources, obviously. It would be too expensive. And we only use the phone to check on how either England, if England is Spain, are playing each other. In which case we get very involved and I don't speak to sleazy for a while.
I didn't want to talk to you after the auras, but we won't talk about it. um Yeah, it's fine. I could talk to you still. Yeah, you could. Yeah, you could talk to the oh god. Did I tell you I was I almost cried because I actually I watched it with Rob actually. um we We were in a bar together. We watched it and we're so unhappy. We were so upset.
ah yeah i saw him I can imagine I was in a hotel at the time because family trip and ah the hotel was full of Brits at the time for whatever reason and so it was everyone ah to going for England rather than Spain but yeah And also, I hear that we are in all of this RWA, so real world assets, we are intellectual property, IPs, we are in REFI, regenerative finance, to do with sustainable growth, both
ah Both economically as well as environmentally and there's this term that I heard ah yeah, I think it's pronounced Dessky is that how you pronounce it desk? Oh, I see what you're doing Okay, this is this is gonna be a test on how much I know my stuff. It's D size so we have Decide which is I think is it decentralized science I believe I thought it was decentralized skiing. So like you have you have centralized skiing where you have like this one boutique where you go and rent the skis, but there's decentralized skiing that you have several boutiques. And they are user run. I thought i thought that's what we were talking about. I was thinking, like ah are we on onboarding a project that's to do with skiing?
I mean, we might do. we might do did you see I don't know if I saw this, but someone... So you know how you get a ski lift, right? Yeah. I saw... I saw... This isn't on our platform. I just saw this in general. ah Someone had invented skis that will carry you up slopes. So with so without so you know how you get, like, some some bikes? Like, well... They've got, like, a mechanic thing in them.
Which will help going up hills a lot easier like Specific gear it'll carry you up hills someone who's got skis that will help carry you up not like steep slopes But like just some slopes will help carry you up. but does It doesn't have wheels. I don't know I think it's got some sort of like it's like not like the flat skis like it's got like little like
Components on the back because I saw it it was do you know that YouTube scientist is the American guy? I forgot his name. I mean but he's like really famous. He does loads of robotics. I mean that's not exactly narrowing it down I believe I saw one guy like that who invented a ah basketball hoop that automatically went to catch the the basketball you are throwing and yeah I know because I saw that I think it might be the same guy but he did like a little Instagram reel on it and he was just like look at this this guy like it's like a little engine on the back and it'll just carry you up the slopes really cool I saw that I saw this on Instagram so I'm not sure if it's like a groundbreaking thing yet but apparently apparently it's in development and it's out there somewhere
And of course, stuff like this can appear on our launchpad. I'm just horse yeah just saying, you might wanna follow us. of such constant For such cool science news, it might appear any day now.
Yeah, no, that's why it is genuinely ah because obviously it is our job to promote the platforms and the launch pads. But it is important if you are interested in what we are trying to do here, which is create a platform for businesses to thrive in Europe um from ah from lab universities to the general market. It is important that you follow us on Twitter and get involved in the telegrams and Discord because we post so much information um out there. We we'd post everything pretty much. We let everyone know exactly what we're doing almost all of the time.
um And look, of course, but ah since we were told to suddenly make a lot of podcasts, maybe something is going to happen in the next, I don't know, maybe two weeks. Who knows? and a Normally, marketing push happens just before something big comes out. you know You might want to follow us. I mean, I obviously don't know, because you know I'm just a bottle of slime in the basement, but ah you might want to ah follow it and find something out.
Yeah, there might be, potentially, something pretty big coming. Yeah. So that's it's definitely something to look out for. Yeah, something to do with maybe our partners. We have Vaynerchain. We have Layer1X and stuff like that. Maybe something from them as well. that It's a possibility. It is a massive possibility because we have been making big big steps forward. And it's very exciting times. It is very exciting times to be part of the pipe project.
Oh, and of course, I mentioned this key. Excuse me, this eye. I believe I made a video about it just a few days ago. You might want to check it out on our YouTube channel. I might have called it this key in the YouTube as well. ah Who knows? Go watch the video and find out if I really called it this key instead of this eye. That could be something you might might want to find out. And wait, I believe our battery is running out.
Do you think? Yes. Okay, right. We're going to need to go soon. um What else do we need to promote? Anything? Do you think we covered everything? yeah we we really need to think about that our lives are on the line here our our lunch is on the line here our lunch is on the line um okay um we've okay pipe platform we covered that launch pad we covered that anything else we've praised batsy enough i think um hmm did you praise wane and the rob we praised wane rob doesn't need any praise
Okay, fair enough. agree that Yeah, screw that guy. ah you know We love Rob. I hope so. but We will update you next week if we were able to eat this day. Exactly, we'll let you know we'll let you know where we are. I'll let you know if I can fish and we'll let you know who this mysterious lawyer is. And maybe soon we will actually be able to cover electric vehicles. I hope so. Hopefully, that would be very nice. Alright, thank you all for listening.