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How recruiters can diversify with RWA jobs : The PIPE Podcast ep 5 image

How recruiters can diversify with RWA jobs : The PIPE Podcast ep 5

E5 · The PIPE gDAO Podcast
34 Plays3 months ago

In this episode of the PIPE gDAO podcast, we continue diving into the innovative world of Web3, exploring the dynamics of blockchain job markets, talent retention, and how emerging platforms like Arubaito are revolutionizing recruitment. We’ll uncover the impact of Bitcoin volatility on Web3 hiring trends, highlight the challenges top companies face in retaining qualified talent, and reveal how Arubaito’s AI-powered job platform connects talent with high-growth Web3 projects. Plus, we'll discuss strategies for job diversification in AI, electric vehicles, and more to build a sustainable tech career in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Join us to learn how you can secure opportunities in the blockchain and Web3 space!


Introduction to 'Arubaito' and Episode Context

welcome to another episode of pipe judo and guess what we are following the trend from last time it's from arubaito yes the boys yeah and arubaito if you missed the last episode but you really should watch it it's a japanese word for work spelled A-R-U, ah bait, B-A-I-T-O. Surely what everyone got it. Why do you read it out? A-R-U, bait. Well, maybe not the best look, but that's how it's spelled, okay? I mean, youre gone I can't say you're wrong, just the way you did it was really strange. Yeah, and I just totally planned it as well.
yeah Yeah, did you have that written down? Yeah, of course. I prepare ah very well for each this episode. This guy comes in with notes and all of them are just A-R-U, bait, Bait, O, right. Bait O. Bait Oven. Be crazy if he was alive today, man. Could you imagine what he'd drop?
i got

Challenges in Web3 Hiring and Arbito's Solution

no idea who that is but sure you don't know who beta all right we we'll discuss this after the podcast yeah But first, did you know that even top companies like Coinbase struggle with talent retention, averaging just about 0.8 years, so under one year? Web3 faces a big problem with unqualified applicants, some scammers, overall CV spammers, leading to short-term hires. Applications like passion, they are misaligned with the project ethos. This disconnect reduces long-term commitment to missions and goals. Well, Arbito fixes this. Arbito is a limited membership web3 jobs platform that combines AI tools, vetting, and job management tools, as well as a third-party ad boosts. We are maximizing the number of eyeballs on your job post. Join

Linking Web3 Jobs to Bitcoin Volatility

today by going to our link tree in the description and look for and So today's episode is covering an article by Arbito.
ah Last time we covered Armaito and ah yeah, how it works. And today we are talking about an article about it. The title reads, Web3Jobs is tied or are tied, I don't know, ah to Bitcoin volatility. Something about british British grammar. I would say it's R, but yeah. Web3Jobs are tied to Bitcoin volatility. Dash, how recruiters can diversify with RWA jobs.

Tech Industry Job Analogies

ah Yeah, I would like to sound for the fun fact. Did you know that when it's summer, there are more ice cream sellers than when it's not summer? Did you know that? I mean, no, I didn't. that's so I wonder why that's... Yeah, it's a fascinating, isn't it? It's another one. When it's raining, there are people on the street selling um umbrellas.
There are more street sellers for umbrellas when it's raining. It's fascinating. I don't know what causes it. You have to be lying. Yeah. And it's even a third fun fact. When it's bull run in web three, there are more web three positions than when it's not bull run, when it's bear run. It's not really a run. They're just standing there. But yeah.
yeah But speaking of Web 3 jobs, we have opportunities. Yeah, and

Web3 Recruiting and Bitcoin Price Trends

that's actually what the first section of the blog covers. This is a blog post. You can find it in the description. Starting with the first ah point, Web 3 recruiting is correlated to the Bitcoin price. But before we continue, are you looking to invest in the real world asset innovation at peace?
Maybe one coming from a university? I'll have you know, they have an average ROI of 397%, aka X4. And did you know the likes of Gatorade and Google actually came out from universities? Then what you're looking for is the PIPE GDAU, a community-led protocol that fairly openly and honestly governs overall community ownership of the various protocols it creates.
Join the web-free real-world asset revolution powered by PGF Launchpad with cutting-edge university laboratory inventions that could change the world with your support, bridging the gap between university IP real-world assets and web-free capital.
The PGF Launchpad connects EU university lab innovators directly with retail investors on the blockchain, included but not limited to automated seizure prediction and prevention and boost EV driving range significantly. This could be up to 70%. You can join us by going into the link tree in the description Yeah, it's like a Bitcoin.
More opportunities means more jobs. Fascinating. And we see here, one of the key dynamics to considering Web3 recruitment is how market conditions influence job availability. And we see this graph here. it ah You can see it if you go into the description and it follow the article. ah when When the bull run happens, there are more ah Google searches for Web3 jobs. And

Diversifying Recruitment Strategies in Tech

when it's not bull run, it plummets.
Yeah, sir it's quite interesting, isn't it? It is, yeah. I mean, it makes perfect sense, but it's quite a dresser. And then, how would we want to go about diversifying this? I wonder.
Okay, so obviously you want to be divour diversifying your recruitment income. So by diversifying and repurposing your existing talent pool without pivoting your target clients. And it's this is pivotal and very important. Webfreeze clinical hiring cycles.
means you'll need to stay sort of agile in the business market, matching talent to opportunities that weather these fluctuations. So like AI and quantum computing projects that thrive even during downturns. I believe you meant to say cyclical rather than clinical. Is it? Of three cyclical hiring cycles. Yeah, cyclical. It's a cyclical cycles. Oh, it's a clinical. It's a cyclical cycle. So the cycles are cyclical. Imagine that in ah In other words, in in other news, water is wet. Fair enough. ah so Moving on.

Stability of Health Tech Jobs vs. Crypto Jobs

ah Your candidates, obviously, they can contribute to real world assets, RWA, IP, startups launching cutting edge tokenized projects for from universities worldwide. um since In the past couple of years, there was a huge bump in working crypto for search terms.
and then ah another high search term being obviously health tech jobs. So this is an industry that is constantly growing rapidly and a lot of people are looking to work into it. And the major difference being that while crypto goes up and down, health tech jobs are staying relatively stable. They're just growing up instead of going up, down and overall going up.
the health tech jobs are being pretty steady. So you don't have to worry about being a proverbial ice cream seller in summer and then having nothing else to do the rest of the year. Exactly. Yeah. You you will never have to be concerned.
But another example of this overlap is obviously job, so working electric vehicles or even working VR, working AI. AI is turned massive recently. I don't know if we, I can't remember where I heard this, but I'm pretty sure you know Elon Musk and those guys. Oh yeah, it's almost like everyone knows about him.
I know, yeah. Honestly, he absolutely staked. But he's been, um him and somebody else, I think, has approached the owner of Nvidia, and they've just begged them to make some sort of AI, like, drive or GPU or something, because there's this one guy, I forgot who does it, where they basically own the market on AI systems.
and like to build one you have to go through them so they're trying to and so they can charge how however much they want because it's just I think they got the pattern or something I could be chatting complete waffle right now but I'm pretty sure that's going on and they're trying to make make it so there's more and and diversity, you've got more options when it comes to building AI. That's kind of funny because last I heard Elon Musk was so very much against AI. But ah yeah, I mean, I think Elon Musk is against everything, anything that he can't make money on, to be honest. Yeah, fair enough. But ah yeah, looks like now it is possible. So speaking of jobs, a lot of people are moving into AI.

AI Tools in Education

I'm ah currently working, apart from pipe and the project, I'm using chat GPT a lot. And ah it I guess you could consider me an AI worker and I use the image gens a lot. So that is part of working with AI, I guess, even though it's not. And I think it's it's also moving a lot into school. So with me, with university, we were talking with our lecturers.
And they said, um as long as it doesn't write for you, you can use chatgbt because it's a really good, it's ah just like a hyper-specific search source. So it'll find your ill fund like a really brief thing. Obviously you've got to need second references and stuff like that and double check what it's telling you is right. But 99% of the time chatgbt tells you is correct. Yeah. Most of the time I'm just using it to say, this is what I wrote. So fix it for me.
Exactly. And it's it it's it's it's so interesting because obviously AI now that that you can have conversations with these people that pretended to be characters. There was actually a really unfortunate circumstance where someone fell in love with the AI chatbot and it didn't end very well. Many movies about it as well. They've made many movies about it. if there What was that one where they the the

Trends in Tech Jobs and Web3 Adaptability

AI robot locked the person up?
I think there is, I would imagine there are a few of them. No, it's like Ex Machina. I think that's what I'm thinking of. He like fell in love with this robot or something. I can't, I've never watched it. I only heard a really brief description of it the other day, but give it a watch. um As you can see, a lot of people are moving it into AI right now and people who are in web 3 can diversify into AI jobs.
Absolutely, diversifying many things. so Again, like we said, working in electric vehicles or working in VR reality. um Right now, AI is definitely the hot topic, but a couple of years ago, VR ah was the hot topic, and then a couple of years before that, electric vehicles were the hot topic.
So it's it's all the biggest trends you will see can all be done via web free as well. So it's a really good market to sort of get into and it's especially working in web free can be very rewarding.
Yeah, it can be. And a pipe piece is one of the ways to do it. And moving on to the next section, how candidates can work with the pipe ecosystem. Did you

Introduction to PIPE Ecosystem

know up to 45% of recruited talent database adornment? This means 45% of your revenue is left on the table. Wow. I know, right?
But, but if you repurpose your talent database by redirecting them to nascent industry technology in high growth, you can share a portion of the high growth sweat equity too. How? The PIPE associate network.
bring new opportunities to talent within university-born R and&D IP startups worldwide and earn a part of the future. Go to our description for the link tree or sign up on and start your adventure of the future today. Yeah, so there are a few steps on how it can happen.

PIPE's Business Plan and Arbito Integration

The bipolar system consists of three integral parts. So we have three parts and it's a Venn diagram and it all intersects into IPO in the middle. We have one, which is business plan generator.
And that was actually a good yeah way to introduce PIPE. So the three parts ah to ah that the PIPE ecosystem consists of a three integral parts. Business plan generator, the PIPE platform uses a TRL scoring, NASA grade assessment with the QED process. So question, evaluate, what's it, decide, disclose. Process to evaluate projects, ah tokenizes the IP, and generates a viable business plan.
And that's on the pipeline part. And there's Web3 launching, Web3 funding launchpad. We have BGF launchpad over here and that we i are looking for. The pipe G dollars community to raise funds for the projects via its RWA launchpad app and three, uh, professionals network, AKA pan. We covered it in the last episode as well. The candidates enter the pipe platform to become what's called pipe associates and, uh, share the expertise with the business plants and, uh, compensated with, um, sweat equity or tokens.
And Arbito, as a partner, helps connect talent to the pan through oh CV onboarding. There are several AI tools ah to to to automate some of the CV work. There are manual reviews as well. There are some ah other tools that you can find on the website, enabling individuals to gain sweat equity while supporting potentially life-changing university startups.
And then we have big text in bold. So listen up. It's important. Yeah. We're going to want to shout this. Yeah. Actually, maybe jump like I'm not. I i not know I made the job. I was like, Oh, okay. I didn't know. ah Jump out of a chair immediately. Yeah. Or as people will say, jump out of your socks. Is that is that is that still ah an expression? I know it's jump out of your skin.
Well, that's kind of creepy. It is kind of creepy, but it's Halloween. It's just the season and whatnot. Assist us in talent sourcing you for the PIPE associate network, AKA PAN.

Benefits of PIPE and Arbito Partnership

Be compensated in Arbiter's share of referral rewards from the PAN, which are accrued in, again, either SWEDEC or tokens.
from the pipe of multi-industry source talent known as pipe associates. So webpress pipe associates is ah when you go and join our platform and you start doing some work for use. As they support universal startups in leveraging their R and&D IP, so research and development slash intellectual property as tokenized real world assets. On their journey to becoming commercially viable businesses,
OK, so to summarize all of this, is a you can earn sweet equity by joining ah our pan in the description. ah We have a link to you there, where you can search for slash pan.
And ah while they're becoming ah great businesses, you can accumulate experience, ah build connections, and accrues to equity, which is ah just like Dustin Moskowitz's story. Dustin Moskowitz, somebody we covered in the last...
Podcast is the Facebook's logo designer. um He made windfall from his $2,000 service fee, which is asked for compensation in Facebook stocks instead of cash. So basically he got $2,000 worth of stock early doors for Facebook when the stock wouldn't have been very high. So he would have gotten definitely a lot more than he would have now if he asked for $2,000 worth of stock.
But he got $2,000 worth of stock early in Facebook and that went on to become $200 million. dollars and This is obviously one of the main stories and the one of the biggest like, look at this ah when we're talking about the power and perseverance and strategic thinking in early stage tech companies. So this new avenues for sort of talent monetization, which we do through Arabito and the PIPE association associate network.
means that you can repurpose your sort of tech-savvy community and target industries adjacent to Web3. These industries will be growing rapidly rapidly, obviously with AI alone projected to be valued at $1.8 trillion by 2030.
And then by connecting these candidates in a in the these fast moving markets, you're ensuring your talent pool becomes integral to future technology breakouts. As these projects scale, the equity that your candidates earn could grow significantly, making it sort of like a highly attractive opportunity for passive candidates who may not be looking for a traditional job.
and they are looking for sort of part-time gigs or in retirement. and then by So by partnering, you can expand your reach client, reach by proxy, make passive profits, and future-proof your recruitment strategies. Yeah, and there is such a thing as passive or dormant candidates. What are those?
So if we're talking about like a passive or obviously dormant candidates at first we're going to want to say like at least on average 20 to 30 percent of your talent pool is probably made up of but active candidates so these people would be like actively seeking job opportunities constantly making noise And then the other sort of 70 to 80 passive candidates who are currently employed and not looking, but they're kind of open to a new and right opportunity.

Engaging Passive Candidates in Emerging Industries

So presenting your community with a talent pool with like ah RWA job opportunities and exciting the session industries may reawaken those who are seeking change. So it's all about re-monetorizing your talent pool as our is our sourcing partner.
So you're not going to want to miss out on this opportunity to connect your talent to cutting edge IV startups and massively growing industries. it If you are an active seeker or passive seeker, but I guess if you're a passive seeker, you would not be seeking it because by definition. But also if you're a recruiter, you would want to join Arvaita. Here's a big graph on some of the things that the could happen ah to represent the process. First, we

Arbito's Referral and Recruitment Process

have ah <unk> recruiters such as WUB3 Connect, W3 Connect, independent recruiters, undisclosed partners.
ah Through hyperlinks, you you would go to Arvito. They are sending candidates information from the database or from the community, ah including the CVs. In Arvito, they're creating a CV profile with the RWA skills. They are capturing and several sending all of that information over to pipe.
and over at Pan, so PIPE associate network. ah Candidates can, if they are selected, of course, and if everything works out in between the two parties, they can contribute to ah the RWA IP type of projects and accrues with equity. And let's see ah how it works.
It is another big graph, but talking about something similar. R by the pathway, which is automated. There are a lot of AI tools and a lot of automated marketing tools. 50% of Arbito's personal referral rewards sent to special partners. Yeah, so Arbito is sharing its referral rewards depending on how the process goes. It goes from recruitment partner to Arbito. From Arbito it uses a webhook to connect to PAND, so it's an automated process.
And ah from Pan, it goes with sweat equity, being earned by the potential but ah potential candidates, and it is being sent back. And it's a similar process for a lab-to-IPO pathway. We have our recruitment partner, CreateDisclosure's job role, hyperlink to lab-to-IPO, and a similar thing, except instead of being Arvato, it's a lab-to-IPO pathway.
So, would you tell like to tell us about the candidate of user journey? No. Ah, okay. Yeah, of course I will. Sorry. So, obviously, the candidate user journey, one, as a recruitment partner, you're going to send candidates from your community or database to Arabito.

Candidate Journey with Arbito

candidates will create a CV profile on Arabito, which will showcase their web-free expertise and skills in adjacent industries. They'll select you ah you you refer in the drop-down form, and then these profiles are then vetted, declined, or approved and connected to Py Platform on the back end. And then for each successful placement, Arabito will share 50% of our referral rewards with you, either in shares or tokens.
Yeah, there's even a video for you to watch. And guess what? When you make a Web3C profile on Arbiter, you get a special batch. You get to feel very nice about being affiliated with Arbiter. Imagine, partners get a special batch displayed on the candidates Web3Cv profiles. ah So we have a model.
ah Well, I don't know. But an example, CV profile here on the page, you can see it's array and redacted. It would read something like, about me, I'm inspired by decentralization, da, da, da, da, da. I'm motivated by efficiency, da, da, da, da. log in contact and maybe even a little video if you so choose. By joining forces

Joining Arbito for Sweat Equity Opportunities

with Arbiter you gain access to a network that compensates in sweat equity, offering candidates the chance to grow alongside cutting-edge projects. As a recruiting partner you can monetize your talent pool, share in your further words and position yourself at the forefront of tech investments. Join us today and transform market volatility into opportunities for both you and your talent pool.
Would do you like to get involved? Well, you can get in touch by going into the article in the description or also by going to the link tree and fighting all of our socials. And that is it for this article. We will see each other next time. We will. Yes. Very fun.