um which we now know none of that is true. The brain is super, super complex compared to how we present it in the real world. . But um this 10% myth has been promoted in newspapers um in even in some textbooks, unfortunately, and it continues to be, which is a real problem. So the myth began, it was debunked, but it continues to live because it has this life in the popular press, which is unfortunate because all myths, Athena, this is a the idea here is that all myths do harm. And I think our first job in education is to do no harm, just like doctors, right? The key idea is to use the best evidence possible because the minute you tell somebody, well, you know, you only have 10% of your brain and, you know, oops, you're full or whatever, you can't learn anymore. and that's terrible, right? And so myths do harm because they put limitations on people's potential.