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Straight Data Talk
Rui Falhas Santos - Unfolding Successful AI Use Case in Banking
Rui Falhas Santos - Unfolding Successful AI Use Case in Banking

Rui Falhas Santos - is the Manager of Data Analytics at one of the largest banks in the world. He joined us to discuss the AI applications they have implemented. The creativity and the use case are very captivating, as it is applied in one of the most regulated and legacy-bound industries. Rui is a hands-on manager with an extensive background in data. His data team helped build a solution that reads, on average, 300k articles a month to catch any alarming signals about their clients. Additionally, we discussed responsible AI from the decision-making side of model output and how data is collected for model processing.

10 Plays
3 months ago

Rui Falhas Santos - is the Manager of Data Analytics at one of the largest banks in the world. He joined us to discuss the AI applications they have implemented. The creativity and the use case are very captivating, as it is applied in one of the most regulated and legacy-bound industries. Rui is a hands-on manager with an extensive background in data. His data team helped build a solution that reads, on average, 300k articles a month to catch any alarming signals about their clients. Additionally, we discussed responsible AI from the decision-making side of model output and how data is collected for model processing.
