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@The Beach: The CSULB Podcast
154 Plays11 months ago

Dan interviews Mitali Jain, president of CSULB's ASI, Inc.


Introduction to the Podcast and Guests

Hello, I'm Dan Montoya, Vice President of University Relations and Development, and the host of this podcast, At the Beach. This podcast produced by URD shares news of accomplishments and honors, personal stories and ways listeners can become involved with Cal State Long Beach. Today, I am so happy to introduce my guest, Matali Jain, who most people at the beach know as the president of ASI Incorporated. Matali is a four-year undergraduate student majoring in nutrition and dietetics.
brings a wealth of experience and deep understanding of the needs of the Beach community to her job.

Matali Jain's Role and Vision for ASI

Her presidency has been characterized by creating a community that thrives on collaboration and an unwavering dedication to the organization's mission and values of keeping students first.
She's a visionary leader dedicated to creating a brighter future for the organization, community, and beyond. With a relentless commitment to excellence and a strong sense of integrity, she is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for all. Welcome to At the Beach Mattali. Thank you so much, Dan, for inviting me to your podcast. I'm really excited to be here today.
Great, it's so great to see you.

Journey to ASI Presidency

And Mattali, let's start with your position as president of ASI. How did you get here? And please share with us your responsibilities. I know it's such a big job.
So I started my first first year here during COVID. My very first semester joined ASI virtually and then after that I met some great leaders, great advisors and after that they guided me through the process what ASI is like and then after that you know I was like I really like it I stayed and then ultimately I decided to run for the president.
and some of the roles and responsibilities that I have as the president. So I serve as a chief executive officer for the organization. I carry out their mission and values and I am responsible for developing the new plans to carry out those missions and values by helping students.
That's awesome. And again, it's a it's such a big job. And how many you're in charge of over 39,000 students. And, you know, that's why I say it's such a big job. Can you tell us a bit about your vision for ASI Incorporated, especially, you know, when you came in and and kind of how that's played out? You're also nearing the end of your term.

Achievements and Challenges in ASI

And what has it been like to be president?
So when I came here, we were still in pandemic. So we, I was just starting and we wanted to open the ASI Beach kitchen. So that opened while I was my vice president of finance term. And then we were already talking about the USU expansion project.
So that was something that we talked through and then kick started it and that was like my vision for ASI just because USU is such a big project and it's like USU is the heart of campus where students hang out. It's like a very inclusive place.
So it has been a very rewarding experience. Just the role itself has taught me so many ways to navigate life, professional relationships, helping students, and just I have learned so many valuable skills for my future through this experience.
That's great. What about the biggest challenges that ASI is facing and how are you approaching them, right? I know this is not just you, but your leadership as well.
So the biggest challenges I would say is just there's decreased, like there's not enough funding for students. So one of the examples is we give out funds to different orgs on campus to carry out their events, research grants, travel grants to go to conferences, present their research.
and we are running out of those. We're completely almost exhausted our funds and we see the more need for it. So I would just say, since our organization is growing and since students really love us, I would say our needs are also increasing.
I can see where that really plays into all the students and what they're trying to really achieve while they're here at the beach.

Student Struggles and Solutions

And what are the biggest challenges our students as a whole are facing? And I know ASI is doing a great job of trying to address those and help them.
I would say students as a whole are facing financial, when I talk to students I always hear either basic needs or financial struggles due to tuition or just like things that they're not able to meet those very basic needs. Sometimes they're struggling with food, sometimes they're struggling with just paying off their tuition.
ASI has some resources and we are in close collaboration with basic needs and the university to help students as much as we can. But usually these are the issues that I hear almost all the time when I talk to students. And some students, they also tell that they want to feel more belonged on campus. So I do direct them to events that are happening, to different resources that are there.
That's great. Yeah. I mean, the the overall experience is what it's about, right?

Impactful Experiences and Relationships

That's what they remember when they're here and then they go on to be alumni. So my next question for you is during your term as president, have you had any moments that really stand out in your mind? Um, so I would say some of the moments that stood out that gave me a different perspective would be going through Panetta Institute.
That changed me as a person going to Washington, D.C. and the advocacy day with the college president and you. So that, like, when I see things, I'm like making observations. So it's just like a new, like new perspective on a lot of different things. I really value those. That's great. And what is the one thing that you're most proud of and that you will remember about being here at the beach in years to come?
I would say the most is it something that you're. Yeah it could be it could be anything in terms of your experience as a student or experience outside the classroom or just something that really you know you'll always say yeah you know I remember that was that was one of the most found things that I remember when I was at the beach.
I think the most important thing that I would remember while my time here would be the relationships that I built with the staff faculty and my advisors. And just getting to know them, seeing how they work, learning from them has made me grow as a person. Like I was a completely different person four years ago than I am today, much more polished. I could see that in myself. So I would say that's just something that I would always remember.
That's great. As a student, what has your overall experience been like at the beach? And are there any professors or programs that you'd like to mention?
So my overall experience at the beach has been really great. I started during pandemic. I am a nutrition and diet major. So all my professors from that department has been incredible. I cannot even, all the classes that I have taken, these professors are always helping students, always there for them. You know, I asked letter rec from one of them and he was always there, always.
upfront about it. He's like, yeah, I'll do it. And it was really fast. I was like, thank you so much. They all understand the struggles of students. They're very kind. They understand students as students, not just like, oh, we're just going to give you a lot of homework. And then just that's it. That's the way you learn. They actually take the time to share their real life experiences to help in student learning, always available in office hours. And they have really great connections outside.
outside like businesses or so it's really nice to just talk to them and they give a lot of hope. That's great.

Current Projects and Initiatives

So my division, the University Relations and Development is dedicated to finding support for our campus community. How could our friends and donors help ASI incorporate and meet its goals? And how can additional support help our students?
So I would say, like I mentioned, we're doing the USCU renovation and expansion. So that's a big project that ASI has been taking on. When the space is renovated, you know, it would bring a lot like we're
Bringing a much more seating area much like cultural centers and much more many things that are going to improve the student experience on our campus So I think there and then I would also say the beach pantry I think that's I see that there's a growing need there's like the visits are increasing every every week students are wanting to go there more and
as due to just inflation and just world in general. So I like any help there in these two areas would be great for student experience. Right. Yeah. And and really what we do is about fundraising for our students and their student experience. Can you explain Beach Pantry a little bit more for those who don't know what it is?
So beach pantry serves as the official pantry for the beach. So we have toiletries, we have food, we have just fresh produce, self-care items, just a lot of things that would help students not worry about putting a meal on the table.
Yeah, and that's important because if they have their basic needs met, you know, housing, you know, their food and all the fundamentals, then they can focus on school and they will achieve success a lot better than if they didn't have that. So that's such an important program at this institution.

Matali's Personal Journey and Advice

So when your term is finished, right? So it's, it's coming to an end. You know, you're, you're reflecting on all your experiences and what words of wisdom will you have for your successor? I would just say it's about the journey.
Not the destiny. It's everything that you'll go through the year that will change you as a person and give you different perspective. You'll learn a lot. You'll lose a lot. You'll gain a lot. You're going to have a much more refined perspective on life and in general things. I think I would say that just go through the process because it's worth it at the end.
Right. Now, I know we didn't get to really talk about your whole life story or journey, which is an amazing story having come here to the US and really fulfill the dreams of an education. Is there anything that you want to talk about in terms of that has inspired your journey? Or was it a book? Was it an experience that you can say, you know what? That's something that just
kept me pushing and thriving for the dream that I've always had in achieving my educational goals.
So I immigrated here when I was 14. I did my high school, Cypress High School. During high school, I was getting to know the culture and everything before I went to private school back in my country. So I was just getting to know the culture, just how different culture is, how different the studies are and everything, so I faced a lot of
cultural differences, a lot of differences while studying, because I was used to a different, much more rigorous courses than regular ones. So I was just very confused. I felt like I didn't belong on the high school campus. So I thought that if I am feeling all this, there has to be more people that are feeling all this.
So and I took AP AP government without and I failed my AP test Filled my AP test did not want to get into politics or anything related to public service and I Got out of college. I mean got out of high school joined ASI Changed everything I was like if I'm experiencing this there's other people experiencing this
And then that's what ultimately I decided to keep on running for a higher position every year until the decision was made that I wanted to run for the president, make a change. And yeah, that's how I got started.
That's so great and so important. I'm so glad you said that. So how could students who are interested in maybe not ASI, but just getting involved in, you know, on the campus, you know, what's your advice to them? Like where can they go to find, you know, just information in general about, you know, how they can overcome their obstacles or just, you know, just get to know people and expand their horizons.
I would say to expand horizons, to get different perspective, getting to know people. You have to talk to people who have wisdom, who has experience. I would say people who have wisdom are mostly your professors, your staff members, or your people who you interact with, who
Just are like let's say you're in a program any program on campus you might want to go to professors office hours or the staff get to know the staff a little bit more just be like hey let's go grab a coffee I would love to get to know you and how you got here you know they're more than willing to share that and just keeping that connection going I think is also very important to expand those horizons.
Great. So what's next?

Future Plans and Gratitude

You know, what will Mattali Jane do next? Well, I want to pursue an MPA. So I'm looking at different colleges right now and waiting on some of them to get back. And then finding a full time job and then maybe later on doing a PhD.
Good for you. Yeah, just keep going. Don't don't stop. There's so many opportunities out there. The future is bright. And, you know, we thank you for your leadership. And, you know, I've seen you mature in so many different roles. And, and you're right, I've seen you grow and and the issues and the way you you and the leadership have really navigated has been pretty impressive. So kudos to you. And thank you for all that you do.
Keep going and you know, we're always here as you are a family, you know your family at here at the beach and is there any final words that you'd like to to impart to everybody before we wrap it up?
I would say I'm really grateful for the beach, just how open the beach is to different perspectives, how open the beach is to different students, and how they value those students. They're always there for them. The university leadership team and the ASI leadership team, I would say, have made the biggest impact and made me feel
really safe and secure on campus which I did not feel when I was in high school so really like I'm really grateful for like your leadership team and ASI like they they made me who I am today. Great well I know Jane is proud of you and and all our leadership are really proud of you so we're excited to see where where you go and know that if we can help you along that journey we're here for you. Thank you so much Dan.
Well, that wraps up another edition of At the Beach. I'm your host, Dan Montoya, Vice President for University Relations and Development, which produces this podcast. So thank you for listening, and we're going to end with a Go Beach on three. One, two, three. Go Beach.