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S2 E2: VP Dan Montoya and Assoc. VP Jeff Cook discuss "Brand and Beach Communications."


Introduction to 'At the Beach' Podcast

Hello, I'm Dan Montoya, Vice President for University Relations and Development. Welcome to another episode of At the Beach. This podcast shares news of accomplishments, honors, personal stories, and ways listeners can become involved with Cal State Long Beach and is produced by URD.

Meet Jeff Cook: Role and Responsibilities

Today I'm delighted to introduce my guest, Jeff Cook. As CSULB's Associate Vice President for Strategic Communications, which makes him the Beach's Chief Communications and Brand Officer, Jeff has a huge portfolio of responsibilities.
So let's hear about one of the busiest people on our campus. Welcome, Jeff. Hey, Dan, it's great to be here. I gave listeners a brief intro to you and what you do, but please give us some additional details and tell us a little bit more about your responsibilities and what it is that you do here at the beach.
Well, Dan, I guess there's any number of ways to answer that question, but the phrase I come back to most often is that my unit and I help plan, promote, and protect the beach brand. That's really what it all comes down to. We figure out where the university wants to go, where the university needs to go, how the brand should evolve, what our different stakeholder groups are, what what what are the opportunities for strategic messaging. That all falls under that That plan umbrella. And then we try to bring the university to life. We tell stories about the the faculty here, the students here, the educational experience at the beach, and promote the brand. And then lastly, we protect the brand and protect protect means any number of things.

Inside Strategic Communications at CSULB

up to and including what our visual standards are, protection of the marks, and protecting the brands when when there are particular institutional challenges, different emergencies or issues that that arise in the in the life of the institution. So plan, promote, and protect is sort of my key go-to in terms of how I describe the work that I do every day.
So this is part of a series of explaining what university relations and development is to the community, what it does, and how it plays a role in the overall campus. Can you break down your the different areas of your part of the division? Because yeah I think people need to understand what it is that makes up strategic communications.
Yeah, there's a number of specialty areas that are all aligned and allied. It begins with strategy. So we have a strategy group. That's where we take projects in, quote unquote. We we assess what the needs are of the institution through a strategic lens. We also ah not only develop the messaging, but we figure out how our story is going to get out to the world. And that all is a function of the strategy group.
Aside from that, we have a writing group, a writers group. We have a design group. We have a web development group. We have an issue management group, which looks at issue and incident response. And then lastly, we have what many organizations call a media relations unit. We call it news media services here. So there's about six different groups that come together in this little ecosystem of strategic communications and brand management.
that further defines you know what are our exact duties and and what is this, what I call an agency model of these different specialties coming together to advance the institution.

Balancing University Initiatives and Interests

And of the time that you allocate to your team or or that the team allocates to the institution,
How much would you say is dedicated to the university and how much is dedicated to what university relations and does? And I and just kind of want to give ah people a picture of how much you actually spent time doing for the university and the overall university is not just one specific area because you you provide so much resources to all parts of the university and then there's also the work of university relations and development.
Yeah, it's a little bit of a difficult question to ask because it's inherent in the mission of university relations and development to move the institution forward. So there's a number of efforts in terms of websites and newsletters and things like that that may be divisional products, but they're in service to the institution as a whole.
So, you know, ah I'll give you a ratio of 50-50 in terms of service to the university in terms of, you know, assisting other units and the strategic objectives that the other units have ah versus what are URD interests specifically. um I'm not sure if that's the right ratio, but you are right um that that we are, our responsibilities pretty much enterprise-wide. So people come to us with particular opportunities and challenges that they want to work through. They have particular creative projects that they're interested in developing. So we do, to your point, serve the institution as a whole, but we have a home in URD.
You also communicate throughout ah with with ah a lot of the other communicators ah across campus as well, right? And to talk about, again, branding and and also communicating effectively through through the campus community. Can you just briefly touch on that as well?
Sure, while we're the central communications office for the institution, there are communications professionals embedded in many of the divisions in many of the colleges.

The Power of Branding in Education

And in terms of brand management, having the brand evolve in sort of planned, thoughtful ways, it's important to keep everybody in sync.
So, we come together monthly as a group to talk about what each of the areas is up to. We talk about what are the latest trends and observations and case studies in in communications work, but it's important um that that we all know what each other is doing and we all know essentially what the strategic messaging is and the strategic objectives are and and stay aligned. ah So there's a monthly meeting and of course we have the the typical online groups that that help us keep each other up to date in between.
Good. Now let's let's get into that which you were most passionate about. You and you have a notable background in branding and marketing which you have taught at the university level for 15 years. What does branding mean when it comes to higher education and why is it important?
so We are a mission-based organization. We have an educational mission that we're trying to support. And the only way that that mission is going to move forward is if we attract the faculty, ah attract the staff, attract the students, ah attract the donors in a way that supports that that mission. So the brand needs to be understandable, it needs to be relatable, and it needs to connect with your people. It needs to be sticky so that that people want to affiliate with us.
um And that's essentially what we're trying to do, and we're trying to ah we're trying to create a brand that that means something to people um that they can believe in. um And it's important that that our various stakeholders understand what we promise to deliver.
um So fundamentally, that's what brand management is all about. um it's It's not this optional activity off to the side. It's part and parcel of the mission of the institution. So what is the Beaches brand and how is your team building and strengthening that?
So I believe that an important place to start is what is the conceptual framework of the brand that you're that you're trying to advance, that you're trying to steward and take care of and advance. So we have a brand model here, Jeff Cook terminology, although I think it's used in the industry, if you will.
um of seeing the brand as a fusion between the values of the organization, the meaning that we have in the marketplace, and our personality expression. At the Nexus, the coming together of those three areas is the brand promise.
Potentially most important in many respects um is, yes, being values driven, but the meaning of the organization, um we at the beach have come to understand that it's the celebrated reputation of the institutions, these points of distinction of the institution that these different stakeholders that I referred to are drawn to. um It's understanding the expansive nature of the institution. This is an R2 Division I big place that has unbridled opportunity in terms of internships and study away, study abroad, faculty, student, collaborative research, the whole nine yards. And it's exciting to our stakeholders. We know this through the research that we've done to understand the expansive nature of the boundless opportunities um that the institution holds.
And then lastly, in terms of meaning in the marketplace, it's the outcomes of the institution. Students and parents and even us here who who work at the institution We want to see what lies beyond the education for students. what's What does the post-graduation life look like in terms of where additional education, what are the additional educational opportunities ah that await our students, what are the employment opportunities, and how can we trust the brand to deliver and prepare our students for that post-graduate

Beyond Logos: Understanding Brand Experience

life. So those three things just make up make up the area of the the meaning of the brand in the marketplace.
So, and and I know we've talked about this before. Can you explain the difference between what brand is and logo, right? Because a lot of times people get that confused, right? And I think it's important to distinguish between the two. You're right. Logo is is a core creative expression.
Logo your name your tagline these are all creative elements of what of what an organizational is all about and in in my lexicon in my brand model of framework those those are parts of the brand personality, but it's not the brand overall and depending on what ah brand model, different organizations, different universities have, you may call sort of the the end result of your brand promise different things. But a mark is just and is ah is an element of the personality of the brand. It's not your character. It's not the it's not what you stand for in the market. It's not how people ah sort of a
really come to terms of with with what the institution means and what the institution can promise to people. Yeah, I like to think of brand as the experience, right? And and kind of more of how how people interact with that organization, right? And and and logos just are identifiers.
Logos are identifiers and they're important because if you're into logos, and I like to think that I am, ah logos do connote kind note certain things to the viewer, um to the person who's experiencing a mark ah in the same way that the the the name of an organization connotes certain things in the tagline. But again, these are personality expressions along with what colors the institution uses, the the language that it uses, the tone that it uses, um other design choices that are at play. um But brands as a whole are so much bigger.
I thank you for that because, again, I think it it it helps people distinguish the difference between the two.

Celebrating Success: The No Barriers Campaign

So talking about branding and and how you designed, you and your team designed something that that has been transformational, ah you played a big role in the design and executive strategies about the No Barriers campaign. So what role did communications, marketing, branding play in in the success? And what is what is the biggest takeaway from um this whole campaign experience?
I had the opportunity to come just as No Barriers was taking shape and it was really a one of the most rewarding parts of my career to be at the front end of that process and understanding what what the institution needed, yes, but more importantly what our donors really wanted the opportunity to invest in. And having those conversations and doing that research at the front end of the campaign, um leading into the development of what's called a case statement. that You're making the case for why people should support you. ah My team and I had an integral role in that.
Then all the fun stuff comes, the really fun stuff comes in terms of telling stories um that illuminate those opportunities for giving, ah profiling different donors, showing how impact can be made, and and keeping up that momentum through the through the course of the whole effort.
So what does the what does the campaign mean now that it's concluded? Well, it means that people really believe in this place. We we surpassed the goal. weve This is a record-breaking campaign for the institution. It is notable ah in terms of the size and the success among among the CSU peers.
So this really is a demonstration of the confidence, the belief, um the excitement that our stakeholders have for the institution.

75th Anniversary and New Tagline Initiatives

Yeah, and so after post-camping, we just walked right into a 75-year birthday for CSULB. And I know you've created some cool logos and marks in in regards to that. can you You want to talk a little bit about that? Yeah. it it was ah It was partly partially by design and it also was sort of just how things worked out. But yes, we went from the campaign straight into the 75th anniversary year and that was a great opportunity to now not only celebrate the 75 years, the legacy of those 75 years, but it's an opportunity to say thank you and it's an opportunity to talk about the impact that the campaign had.
ah My team, yes, as you pointed out, created everything from the marks of the 75th, but more importantly, the ongoing storytelling that we're going to do in celebration of the 75 years and the the enduring legacy of the institution. There's a fun feature, for instance, that you can find on on the website now.
which is essentially 49 fun facts about the institution. and Yes, they're fun, but they're also ah facts about the institution that many of us who have been associated with the institution may not even know. So we're trying to bring to life ah this this history of the institution through articles through a brand new history website that we have a 75th site links to it if you go to slash 75 you can find ah this content and It's a continues to be a really exciting time to be at the and University, right? You also did something that was pretty cool and unique here in releasing a new tagline for the University Why don't you share about that?
Yeah, as I mentioned a few minutes ago, taglines are part of ah the core creative expressions for for any organization and ah they're interesting tools because they are sort of a synthesis of everything that's happening within that brand model that I alluded to in terms of values and and meaning and personality.
So we did very recently launch a new tagline, where California dreams and it seizes upon this idea of California dream and that has been part of the cultural zeitgeist. I think for decades at this point.
And we have been able to demonstrate how Long Beach State is ah is this beacon of optimism. it's this It's this idea that this is where you can self-actualize. This is where you can think about the future for yourself, ah for your family, for your career, and make it happen. So ah this was a ah well a long planning process. None of the things that come out of my shop are Easy and fast usually and we're California dreams. I think is a perfect match ah ah For this institution be you know between sort of the what it means and in light of the the state's evolution the state's history, California dreamin, but I think it's ah very much consistent with Everything that those who have been affiliated with the institution have come to know about Long Beach State so
I'm very excited about it and I'm sure everyone listening to this will see where California dreams a lot in the coming years.

Investing in Long Beach State's Future

Yeah, no, I think it's ah it's a great timeline as well. And I think most, a lot of people come to California to fulfill their dreams. And, but I think from our perspective, it's like, how do we, how do we engage our students in creating their own dreams? And I and i look at it through that perspective in that lens. So in our division, we're really, a lot of what we do is geared towards the philanthropic aspect of the university and the institution.
So talk to us about the culture of philanthropy at Cal State Long Beach and what role do you see you and the team playing in this effort? Sure. Part of this idea of stewarding the brand, of caring for the brand, bringing the brand to life is fundamentally and in the in a philanthropic context of demonstrating why Long Beach State is investment worthy. Why can our donors have A, confidence in us, but also B, how can we show multiple ways that people can engage with us and invest with us in meaningful ways? And you know I referenced this expansive the expansive nature of the institution. Well, that carries through to philanthropy. There's an expansive nature to to all of the different areas that every single one of us can can invest in and make their mark. There is something for everybody in terms of philanthropic investment at this institution.
So we tell, again, a lot of stories um about the programs and the initiatives and the need among our students for scholarships on an ongoing basis. And that's a key ah key goal for us in terms of our work of bringing the institution to life.
Much of what we do at URD Connect supporters with people and programs at the beach, how can listeners their network and their network support the work that you and the team are doing from your perspective?
I think a great, easy way is to read our content. Our content is online. Many people get, over 100,000 people get a newsletter every month. There's social content posted every day, particularly on LinkedIn and on Instagram. So read our content, share our newsletters, follow us online, engage with that content.
Talk to friends about what you read. um Refer students. And of course, give. There's any number of ways that that people who really believe in the potential and the power of this institution can can step up and make a difference. So much, um I would like to also say, um is there a particular aspect of life at the beach that resonates with you and keeps you motivated in your role in the work that you do?

Personal Insights and Motivations in Higher Education

I think everyone that that makes a conscious choice to build a career in higher education does so because they believe in the the power of education and they probably had a terrific ah and transformative higher education experience themselves and that was certainly the case for me.
So I've made higher education my home and I know the power that I can have ah not only um in the long term but even the short term in terms of the relationships you build and the friendships that you build. It's an incredibly um immersive and enriching experience.
And the thing that keeps me motivated about the beach specifically is knowing that there is such tremendous potential for the institution. I've said for from day one when I arrived here that the sky is the limit for this institution.
We have the power here to create something not only really special, but a brand that is globally recognized um that, as I alluded to before, is attractive. It's sticky. People want to affiliate with it. And to a degree, um their relationship, their affiliation, their affinity for the institution also helps define who they are in some respects. So those are the things that that really drive me.
We've described quite a bit and there is so much to what you do and you you have, I think you touched a little bit about it, but there's so much um that we could sit here and and talk about all day. when When people read your content or when they see things about the beach, what would you encourage them or what lens or perspective would you encourage them to look at it? Because a lot of times people people see things and and they have this kind of interpretation or they might take it at face value or or take it personal or whatever. But as as your team writes these stories and all the all the work and passion and everything that goes into that, how how would you encourage people to absorb the content?
I think that, again, there's something for everybody at this institution. And as you're observing, reading, watching, absorbing the content, I think there's an opportunity for you to really deepen your connection to the institution, more importantly than your connection, your understanding of the institution, and how that can really be um incredibly rewarding for us as we learn more about organizations that that we care about.
um We know the difference that each of us can make as individuals, again, by supporting the institution, referring students. So look for opportunities as you're engaging in that content of how it's shedding more light on the on the issues and the topics that you care about and the opportunities that are before you in terms of investment and further engagement.
All right, would you like to share anything with our listeners about your journey, work, or vision for the future? Oh, well, Dan, I don't think we have time to get into my journey, but I think i think One thing i'll i'll ah I'll leave us with is that brands are special. The term brand, especially in higher education, sometimes is met with with some controversy that education, the the noble cause of education can't be ah distilled into this this concept of a brand. And that's something I very much reject. um As I attempted to explain a little a little while ago,
the brand Caring for the brand, advancing the brand, strengthening the brand is directly tied to the educational mission of the institution. As we become stronger, as we attract students, as we attract prospective faculty, as we attract donors, the organization moves forward. Education moves forward. The impact of the institution long-term moves forward. So um I would invite everyone who's listening to think about this brand, think about the brands you engage with every day.
and and understand um the deeper meaning of those organizations.

Conclusion and Call to Action

It's really exciting um and it and it's certainly something that mission-based organizations like Long Beach State need to care for and invest in and ah it's It's really exciting work that that as you observe it, as you observe the the products of the brand through these newsletters and social media and videos that you see online, ah you'll realize ah how important it is.
Jeff, i I don't know if I can say thank you enough for all the work that you do for your leadership, for your team and their efforts. They're amazing. You get to see a lot of the stuff behind the scenes that people don't get to see that comes to fruition in these amazing stories and pictures and videos and all those things. So thank you and and for your leadership. and And we really appreciate you sitting down with us today and and talking to us about your part of the division. So we really appreciate that.
This concludes another edition of At the Beach. I'm your host, Dan Montoya, Vice President for University Relations and Development, which produces this podcast. I also want to send a special shout out to iSpace here at the CSULB library, which is a great little space for, that we can do podcasts and students and faculty and staff can do that as well. So we appreciate having this space to be able to do our program. And we encourage you to share this podcast and others can learn about The brand at CSULB and all the great stuff that Jeff and the team are working on so we really appreciate you for listening And we always like to finish with a go beach on three one two three go beach