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32 Plays6 years ago

In which M apologises for a lack of content. It's all Josh's septum's fault. Honestly!


Introduction and Recent Absence

The podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. As you may have guessed there was no episode last week. That was because Josh was having some kind of septum related surgery which is probably not due to his cocaine usage.
And there was no proper episode this week because I was feeling slightly poorly. So that means basically there's been two weeks in a row where we haven't brought you our patented nonsense, and it is patented, there is a patent, and if you get in the way of our patent, we will sue you in a small claims court in a small country in the third world you've never heard of.
and the thieves will be astronomically tiny.

Humorous Explanation of Absence

Anyway, side matter. So yes, no episode last week, no episode the week before, kind of thought we should probably put something up online to remind you that we haven't just disappeared, it simply being that Josh has snorted too much cocaine, and thus needed radical nasal surgery, and I may have been consuming what was left of Josh's septum, which then caused me to feel quite ill this week.
So basically everything is explicable and completely normal and there is no reason to panic in any way shape or form.

Technical Difficulties with New Setup

Now of course people who listen to the last episode or watch the last episode via the magic of YouTube will be aware that there were some sound related issues in the previous episode and that is entirely due to the fact that
Having moved into a new house and changed the recording setup to use not one, but two cameras, we did a little bit of visual trickery, which basically didn't work the first time we did it. I.e. the cameras are in the wrong locations. When we'd look to one camera, we'd look kind of weird on the other. And we never looked quite right on either camera, truth be told, and only using one mic.
because of a lack of a mic stand, more on that in a minute, meant things looked bad and sounded bad. Why did they sound bad? Well, because once again moved house and one of the mic stands went missing in transit, which is to say that one of the movers put the mic stand in the most unlikely place possible.
Why would you put a mic stand in with the kitchenware? That's what I want to know. Mic stands are not kitchenware. They don't belong in the kitchen, unless you're doing a kitchen-based podcast, at which point mic stands definitely do belong in the kitchen, and we shouldn't be absolutous about the location of mic stands in any particular location.
So expect the next episode to be as experimental with regard to visuals and sounds, but also expect it to be better with respect to visuals and

Academic Papers and Book Proposal on Conspiracy Theories

sounds. We will get this right, eventually, before the world ends, in a boiling morass of black molasses, because that's how the world ends, it ends in black molasses. Now that I'm back in Auckland, I'm working on a variety of things, I'm working on a paper,
actually working on several papers, but I'm finishing off a paper which I've been sitting on for about a year and a half now for the sheer fact that I just haven't motivated myself to finish it. Now I've got the right kind of motivation and so I'm going full gusto. I'm also working on a book proposal. This would be my second solo authored book on conspiracy theories, and the third book to have my moniker attached to it.
respect to conspiracy theories. So that will be exciting. I'll talk about that more once the proposal is actually being reviewed by Publication House. At the moment I'm working on the proposal and sending it off to a few select colleagues for feedback. The idea being that
I want to present the best case for the book to the publisher, and thus a variety of different eyes looking at the book proposal before it gets sent off into the wilderness of big university presses is a good idea. So you'll be hearing more about understanding conspiracy theories in the 21st Central provisional title very soon.
else is new.

Political Conspiracy Theories in Australasia

I'm hell-sitting and looking after my mother's cat, but that's not really particularly conspiratorial. There's exciting news in Aetora, New Zealand where there's been a leak of expenses by the leader of the opposition, an inquiry was announced into the leak,
then the inquiry has been de-announced, termed off, curtailed, stopped, whatever, due to the fact that the leaker has now come forward anonymously, saying that they did do it, but if these things get revealed it will cause a mental health flare-up,
which is of course setting off conspiracy theory alarm bells amongst a lot of people, some people saying this is merely a smokescreen for the leaker to get away with their crime, and other people going well this is quite convenient for the government party.
to be able to stop the inquiry because that means that everyone's going to suspect that the leaker is a member of the national caucus. So there's conspiracy theories galore going on in Aotearoa and across the ditch it's been politic
Bamboozlo, that's not really a word but it'll do for the time being with the announcement that Malcolm Turnbull survived a leadership challenge and then didn't survive a leadership challenge and decided to resign both as PM and also as an MP to be replaced by Scott Morrison. And of course there's been talk of dirty deals and cover-ups going on in the background there. So Australasia since I've got back has become a wash
with political and conspiratorial news, which is good because that's entirely the kind of thing that I'm interested in looking into.

Final Updates and Farewell

And so with that brief update, which tells you a little bit about what's going on with the podcast, what's going on with my own work, and a little bit of news, which I'm sure we'll cover in more depth next week, I shall leave you only with these choice words.
File, Edit, View, Insert, Track, Options, Action, Help, Window. I'm sure that means something to someone. Goodbye!