Building platforms to empower jobseekers | Tarun Matta @ IIMJobs and Juno School of Business image
Founder Thesis
Building platforms to empower jobseekers | Tarun Matta @ IIMJobs and Juno School of Business
323 Plays
1 year ago

As an IIM alumnus, Tarun's passion for empowering his fellow batchmates with job opportunities drove him to create IIMJobs.His dedication paid off when Infoedge acquired his venture for a staggering $12mn in 2019. Now, Tarun is taking on his next challenge with Juno School of Business, a game-changing endeavour focused on closing the skill gap in sales and transforming employability.

Additional links:-

1.Engage with new employees at the earliest: Tarun Matta, Founder, acquires recruitment portals and
