The recruiting world's changed. Dual guys are a little bit more important now than they were. Teams are going to have to recruit them. And, you know, Andrew Caraccio pro pro five baseball, left handed pitcher, first baseman 2027 impressed on the mound and and in the in the box. Yeah, you know, he what you first notice is he's like, he got the broad shoulder look, you know, he's just a very broad guy. um You know, on the mound, like 85, 86, you know, everybody's like, all right, I'm gonna let one go. Well, when he let it go, it was 88, and now you're 88 left-handed and letting it go. Six-two, two, you know, low twos, like, you know, you got a chance to pitch. And then, like, he got in the box, you know, he's always kind of had it. I mean, it's a really flat swing. um You know, like, he's a guy that, like, if he ever figures out how to develop some loft and, you know, like, I know we hit the ball in the air, boo