Welcome to the two-hundred and thirtieth episode of the Heart + Hustle Podcast!
In this episode, we discuss our plans for the podcast, our business objectives, and our personal goals for the year ahead. We share updates on our new release schedule (now on Mondays), highlight upcoming episodes and live events, and outline the diverse range of topics we plan to cover, including business strategies, social media tools, and wellness practices.
We also address the challenges in education and workforce readiness and their impact on entrepreneurs, managers, and employees. This important conversation aims to uncover potential solutions for bridging gaps in skills and preparedness.
Additionally, we invite listeners to share their business ventures and ideas. Whether you are starting a new project, making significant changes to your current business, or seeking support, we are here to connect and celebrate your efforts.
For show notes and a list of everything we talked about, visit www.heartandhustlepodcast.com.
Meet the hosts: Angelica Yarde (instagram.com/studio404design) and Charisma O'Keefe (instagram.com/charismaokeefe)