S1-E33 - Wildcard Wednesday! The Ultimate Arsenal 11! image

S1-E33 - Wildcard Wednesday! The Ultimate Arsenal 11!

S1 E33 · Daily Arsenal
14 Plays9 days ago

Wildcard Wednesday is upon us here at the Daily Arsenal podcast, and this week, to pick themselves up the boys take on one of the hardest questions of all! Picking an ultimate Premier League Arsenal 11! Can they agree, and have they made the right choices? Listen along to find out!

Host : Josh Vince

Guests : Josh Duncan, Jamie Patterson, Rodney Gooden

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Sports Podcast Network. work Hello and welcome to the Daily Arsenal Podcast, brought to you as part of the Global Sports Podcast Network. I'm your host for today's Wild Card Wednesday, Josh Vince, and I'm joined by the perfect squad to get us going. It's Joshua Duncan, Jamie Patterson, and Rodney Gooden. How are we, gents? Rodney, it's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?
Oh, been good. I said, as I said, my ah heart rate has been elevated this weekend because honestly, that picture took some years off my life. But other than that, I've done all right, guys. Honestly, I think we're all exactly the same. ah Me and Jamie also did the Monday review. Josh jumped on with us of the Tuesday tactics where we had a little bit of a rant further. None of us are okay. None of us are all right. As we've alluded to, it's been a pretty heavy couple of days here at the Daily Arsenal podcast, reflecting on the heartbreak of drawing at Manchester City. So we're going to have a little bit of fun today instead. And following on from mine and Lewis Bryan's Ultimate England 11,
We thought it was time to ask the Daily Arsenal team to pick their Ultimate Arsenal Premier League 11. There'll be debate, and I'm sure there'll be some controversy. But by the end of this episode, we will have built the perfect in Arsenal quality. So then, starting us off, we're going to go position by position. Rodney, first of all, when it comes to picking an Ultimate 11, how hard do you find it, or are you pretty set on a lot of positions?
Honestly, no, it could go either way for quite a few of them, you know. And I think what I feel better for is ah some of the newer players, when you look at the history of Arsenal's just, you know, amazing players, I feel a lot of them are not getting into the squad just based on that alone. So I think it's tough, you know, I've got my biases. I want to include as many as this current 11 as I can. But when I'm looking back on it and I'm looking at the invincible as there is, and even the years before, it's going to be tough. You know, some of these players have full careers at the club for us to kind of base this on and other players I'm only playing for a couple of years. So I don't know.
I think you're right. Gotta be a complicated one. I've got very few sort of like current players in my pick. There is one there. Me too. fuck his way and So starting off, goalkeepers. Let's go to Josh Duncan first. Mr Duncan, when you look back at the Premier League era and Arsenal, which goalkeeper stands out for you?
Oh, geez. Um, there's two, but I'm going to, I'm going to go for, for, I think, I think, I think he's got to go Dave Seaman. I think he got to go Dave Seaman. I was thinking about layman, but then the latter year, the layman, he was a bit of a jerk, wasn't he? You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. I have to go Dave Seaman for me. Okay. So you think David Seaman, a better goalkeeper, then perhaps better check.
We've got the the poor pair of chairs. We've got the one that nobody wanted. We've got the charters. We need to pair of chairs. That was before Hunt knocked out his head. Poor sanitising, man. yeah For sure. Yeah, we did not get peak. Let's put it that way kindly. So in that case, I mean, I think Siemens is a very, very good shout. Does anybody disagree with David Seaman? No. No. No, it's got to go to him. I think that was the easiest one to pick, you know. Thank you so much. yeah. Well done, Josh. David Seaman is our goalkeeper. Excellent. Now then.
Rodney, you suggested that one of your players is a current player. Are they a defender by any chance? Oh, no, I'm saying for my team. I'm saying I don't, I don't think I have anyone from the current lineup, you know, and that was tough. It was tough for me goodness because I think defensively I wanted to give some props to my boy, Saliba. But at the same time, when you think about the backline, we've got the likes of Tony Adams, Saul Campbell, you know, ah's it's a bit tough. You know, there's some real legends in the mix.
And again, this is what I mean about ICON 11. They've only been playing at the club for a couple of years. Ask me in five, you know, and it might be a different kind of story, but... When we get to our fifth year anniversary, I will come back to you, Rodney. Yeah!
Jamie, let's go right back. Who are you going for right back? Oh, man. You got a few there. I mean, there's plenty of quality, Ebouay, Baccarat-Sanya, Woods at times, fantastic.
Yeah. Do you know what? I can't lie to you. The first name that actually came to mind was Bakari Sanya to be fair. I mean, he he was someone that could, he he was there. He was just there when you needed him. Could pretty much, he could, you know, he was there when needed, but I mean, ah right back wise, I couldn't, it was a tough one for me to be fair, but I think I would probably go Yeah, I'd probably edge Sanja. I could have maybe said Hector Bellerin in his early days. His early days was were amazing. He had some amazing games for Arsenal. I'll never forget the debut game against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League, but yeah I don't know. I think right back was never easy, but Ben White honourable mention, to be fair.
e then why it was in my 11. Now JD, obviously Jamie there, he said Sanya, but Sanya was a traitor. I kind of didn't want to bring that up. I didn't want to bring that up, but someone had to didn't they? Where does your mind go JD when you go right back?
ah I mean, you could put, you could put Lauren there, you know, he's the honourable mention. Lauren there. He is quality. I think I'm just going to edge Ben White. He went to City and he went there for the cash. yeah You can get out of it, you know what I mean? We've got for that. you Consider yourself out of the runnings immediately as well. Rodney, in that case, we got two for White, one for Sanja. Where does your mind go?
Oh, you know what? So I also think Benny Blanco, fantastic pick as well. But when I was looking at that line, I was thinking sometimes I look back at the days of and I know he switched around, but Kolo Torre, you remember back in the day? That is what I mean. That's what I'm saying. Kolo, you know, I know he could play. He could play center hard, you know, but I said, yeah, just just slightly push him wide.
e You know what, I like the shout, but thank you for picking Kolo, Tori, and not back in Slender, because that means it's two to one to one. Yeah, go on, give it to Ben still. It can be doubt that Howl's the Supreme, Benjamin White, makes it into the Ultimate 11. Now, centre backs, Rodney, you were leaning into earlier, I think this is quite easy, centre backs. You've got to give love to Saliba, I agree, but he's not there yet. Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking... stas and kind
Yeah, no, that's the thing. Not yet. Not yet. Because I think my first two for Centre, it's got to be Tony Adams and Sol. I'm sorry, like, that's just almost impenetrable. Like, what are you really doing up against those two? And I think for Saliba, yeah, maybe by the end of his career, I might be putting him in there, you know, I might be switching the partnership with Gabrielle to maybe him and Tony Adams, I don't know. But for now, not quite yet. Those two have got to be my pick. Do you two have any other suggestions? Or is it, it can't, does it have to be then?
has to be them really I personally can't think of anyone else really I mean you said Rodney you know Saliba give a couple years maybe you know maybe but right now yeah it's that there's there's no what there's really no option there's no one arguing for sebastian scalachchi then yes
It's a tough one, but we'll let it pass, in that case, Campbell and Adams. It is JD, is there any debate left back? Yeah, there is a debate. I don't want to say it. ah no yeah know it was you can't not the guy I don't you know what I mean? You can't knock your talent. And I've got to go cash-y-call, mate. I've got to go cash-y-call. Yes! Yes! don't want to, but... But that was, you know what I mean? Thank you. Yeah, I don't want, I'm not, you know, if you're listening to Cashier Cole, I don't like your traitor, but your quality traitor, you know what I mean? car and It's hard to get past that he was the best, easily the best left back in the world at the time, but as well, dirty traitor.
but can't It can't be ignored. because klsea is Jamie, you made a funny noise there. I'm listening in, son. I'm listening in. What are you going for? don out you know when If we you know take the traitor out of Ashley Cole, yeah, you know but if you didn't want to go for a traitor, I might have maybe it maybe put Montréal in that mix, maybe.
Oh wow. Not for me. There's an interesting one. I think in terms of quality, there's there's no comparison. person No, honestly, at the end of the day, look, all jokes aside, yeah, ah I'd go actually coal all day to be fair. Here he is, Kathy Cole in at the left back. All right, we have got our back line at goalkeeper. We're going to take a quick break now when we come back.
I think this is going to be one of the harder parts. We're going to discuss the midfield. and We'll be back just after this message from Zancaster. Do you have a story to tell that the world needs to hear? Have you struggled with reaching new audiences who are engaged with your story? Well, it might be time for you to start a podcast. Let me tell you about a platform we use here at Global Sports Podcast Network, Zencaster. Zencaster makes it easy to start a high-quality podcast built for growth from day one.
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and welcome back to the Daily Arsenal Podcast. We are choosing our ultimate Premier League Arsenal 11. We have the five at the back in goal, David Seaman, and then along the back line, Benjamin White, Sol Campbell, Tony Adams, and Casually Cole himself. Now, the midfield, arguably a tricky point. Jamie, I'm going to go to you first. Do you have a non-negotiable in that midfield for your choice? It's got to be.
yeah got to be Vieira. Vieira has to be in there. You cannot talk about a midfielder and not talk about Vieira. I think you're absolutely right. um And yeah Rodney certainly agrees. Oh yeah. No debate with that one. now That was also an easy pick. It's got to be. Yeah. Yeah. I think, to be honest, he was the first name on my sheet when I was doing it. Yeah, same here. Yeah.
That's easy. That's a pretty quick one. That was even quicker than Seaman. that right Now then, now it gets interesting. yeah I'm going to put my two forward this time. And Josh, I'd like to hear your opinion. In midfield, I would play Dennis Bergkamp and Santi Cozola.
And is Bergkamp in midfield? Yes, in the sort of, in that, like, number 10, just supporting it. I basically have a little bit of the error, and then Kazula and Bergkamp just ahead, making a fun little triangle of assaults. Now, it is contentious, but in Bergkamp in midfield, what do you make of the choices, though?
I wouldn't put back a mid fjord personally, you know, you went't playing midture got a somewhere josh here you know you you got I wouldn't put him mid fjord, but I'm surprised he didn't go Fabregas, you know, I know, I know he's a bit of a, and another, another, well, you're not really a crazy, but. Nah, I don't know. He went to Barca first. like yeah He went jo to Arsenal, so we can't forgive him either way. No, no. But it was a straight swap.
It's a hard one. It's a hard one because you need to get a balance as well. And there's a as a player that's a bit underrated, I think. And I think he's a, you know, if you hadn't been to deep to the team now, he'd be fantastic for us. I don't really know. He's not my pick. So before anyone shoots me, he's not my pick. But I was going to say um a mention, a honourable mention does go to Shapiro Silva. You know, I think he did a lot of the day with the stuff that, you know, he wasn't pretty with it, but yeah he's a quality player. so um um um I don't know, I'm a bit confused, I can't lie. I can't think. He's very tormentor, Josh. If you can see this, that there's pain in his eyes.
up Rodney, in that case, who would your two be and why? Try and convince Josh to your side. Oh, okay. So it's a difficult one, because I think that you've also got a factor in like, what formation are you playing as well? Like, so yeah yeah. Yeah. So for me personally, I was going I wanted to do a four, two, three, one, you know, so for my two in front of the back four, I went with Emmanuel Petit and Patrick Vieira, because don't you guys remember, there's a lovely little Daily Mirror article called Arsenal in the World Cup. And we just let's just say we know that that partnership works. all right We just know that that partnership works. So I had to kind of place those two in front of the back line. So this is my pick. With Burkamp, he's, I mean, let's just say he's in my 11. I didn't put him in a midfield. I put him slightly up top, but I agree with the choice. He's definitely included. but but And I think he works either way. Central attacking midfielder all forward, but yeah, he definitely gets it.
this is it all right okay i quite like jar i quite like that petite shout i do i really like that one jamie if you had your midfield pick then where would you go oh you go for two holders or would you go for a three i had i probably oh probably would go for the three to be fair okay but players wise jeez i mean odor guard could be a good shout in that mix
You're not there yet. You're not there yet. You're not there yet. Fair enough. Cos Ola, absolute for me, cos Ola has to be there. Has to. I mean, just a little magician. I mean, this guy could... Oh, I've got a shirt and had a shirt of his name on the back. It was unbelievable. That third player for me, I can't lie. Petit, really. Like, Petit was a name that did come to mind. I can't lie to you, you know.
great player and again, that midfield, you couldn't, ah you you can't just, you can't pick Abu Diabib maybe potentially, but again, was very injury prone. Couldn't be fit enough. and fifth Fortunately, but yeah, because all that's got to be in that mix for me has to. Okay then, Josh, you've heard an impassioned plea from Rodney.
and Jamie and I have agreed Petit's a good shout. Would you be comfortable making this a 4-2-3-1 for the Ultimate 11 and having the two of Vieira and Petit in there? You know what? I was thinking more of a 4-4-2, you know? Old fashioned Arsenal, 4-4-2. And you could also have Emmanuel Petit and Vieira, they need to play in a 4-4-2 anyway, and you know, they need to sit back, so...
I'm a fan of Roberto Silva. I can't lie to you. I'm a massive fan of him. Agreed. I just, it just petite for me because number one, he's also an agent and petite equal to Chelsea as well. So that's why he edges it for me. Well, in that case, we're going to compromise. We're going to have Villa and Petite together in the middle. And then depending, I think on the next couple of choices, we'll choose whether it's a three or is it four in the midfield? Because Rodney, tell us more about your three ahead of them.
Ooh, three ahead of them. Okay, cool. Well, guys, it's got to be we'll start with left wing, right? And I think I've got to give it to Robert Pierce. I've got to like, there we go. I want to have him on the left hand side. I think there's no debating. I just looked at that. And I thought, Yeah, you know what? I think that was an easy pick. Now here's where I include my next favorite. All right, I'm gonna have Dennis Buck. I'm gonna mix here. And here's how I did it. I had him as a second striker in the middle, right behind. Well, we'll get to who's in front of him. I think you already know yeah another Arsenal.
the r one shaat really yeah yeah yes all france is je for me
To be honest, I was actually thinking Lord Benner.
it's my heart up um about on the right yeah and on the right on the right this is where This is where that player is going to sneak in. and Oh, well, you know what? It was a choice. It was a choice. You know, I thought as much as I love as much as I love him, I think same as same criticism as before. Same with Odegard. Same as Saliba as well. I think we really do have to wait for that career to really see if he kind of makes it in there. But I love him as a talent. I think he's an amazing player. So much potential. But do I really want to put him in ahead of my man Freddie Lumburg?
I don't know yet, you know, I'm just thinking right now on that right hand side, yeah, that kind of front three, you know, with the one in front, I said, yeah, yeah, that is kind of going to be my pick. So I'm going to go Robert Perez, Dennis Burkamp and Freddie Lumburg as the three in just in front of Petit and Patrick Vera. That's what I'm going to go with. keep buy um It's a mean, mean midfield. And you know what? Yeah, we're going to let the others think on this while we take a quick break with the GSP and a message from the GSP and network.
And when we come back, I'm going to have to ask Josh and Jamie whether they agree to your lovely three there. And then I wonder who it could be upfront. It's a complete mystery for us all. But we'll be back just after this message from the Global Sports Podcast Network.
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Global Sports Podcast Network, every club, every day. Now then, Josh, Rodney just suggested his three along of Perez on the left, Bergkamp is the second striker, and Lumberg on the right. Do you have any changes you would look to make to that? Because you were talking about possibly having a 4-4-2 as your suggestion. Were there any major differences in your choices?
um There's three differences, three differences, not major. um Again, I have to do my honourable mentions. I think Overmars does, he doesn't edit for me, but he does get a mention into it. I think you can't, I think...
He just misses, he just just misses. As only because you didn't say it awesome long enough. That's all it was. And it's probably before most listeners, I don't know if you're young, you don't even know who Overmiles is, right, right. But you think I'm talking about Mars Bar or something like that.
over Mars was delicious. So I think I'm going to stick to a 442 because it's mainly the Arsenal classics. I probably will go Perez on the left. I agree with Rony on that. But I've got to put my guy Saka in there, you know, I've got to put him in there. I think I've got to put him in there. I think that right hand side, there's limo was great, but I think Saka just edges it for me because he's our main guy now. jess like just Okay. Interesting. So Jamie, you've heard two pretty impassioned, please. I think we've agreed that over Mars was close, but wasn't yeah right there.
Who are you going for on that right hand side then? Because we'll figure out a way to make it work. Is it Saka or is your vote for Freddy Loomberg? It's not an easy pick but ah for me I have to go for Starboy. We don't call him Starboy for a reason to be fair.
like he the The one thing I really like about Saka is the fact that he can drop a shoulder, can cut in, can really try and toil with defenses. And this is only just the start. like we We've still got plenty of Saka still to come. so you know And and you know can't really not talk about the Saka sauce as well. I mean, if you guys have been to Nandex and that is top quality. but
It's such a shame that Nando's took it away. But no, for me, so it's got to be Starboy Saka. Well, we haven't started a petition yet on the Daily Arsenal podcast, but that can be it. Bring back Saka's sauce for Nando's. Yes. Please, please do. Nando's, if you're listening, please bring it back. and if fancy We need it. We'll happily take it. OK, in that case, there's only really one position left, potentially.
yeah JD, you were talking about going too upfront. Who were they? Well, I've got to put the main guy when we put him, you know.
The Fox in the Box. You know who that is, right? It's Francis Jeffers. but yeah
or being harsh to sookgo there but of me The reason why I went 4-4-2 is because I wanted to add this player in and I think you know who he is. The guy that never took a plane anywhere.
you know yeah I think we would have won a lot more Champions League games and probably actually won the Champions League. But it's got to be a non-fine touch. I think he's amazing. And de he's so good that I changed my formation just to put him in the team. love um I think he played my favourite arse player of all time, to be honest. It was beautiful. Phenomenal.
Yeah. A bit of a nasty player though. He's a bit nasty as well. He was a bit one that, you know, shoot elbows and he was a bit, he was a bit aggressive on the pitch. I mean, there's a few in here who are quite like that to me. Yeah. I mean, you look at Vieira Petit was not exactly the nicest of guys at times. And Campbell could get stuck right in too. So in that case... But I've had his moments as well.
He's cheeky, you know. Who's your final player then, Rodney? Oh, for me? prizes I don't think it's going to be a surprise. You already know, a man with a statue outside the Emirates, you know, a man who accords the birth of thousands and thousands of Arsenal fans. All-time leading goal scorer has got to be the Frenchman himself has got to be TT. It's got to be Thierry Henry, man. That's it. That's my guy, the absolute gold man in front. and There's no contest. If we've got one striker, it's going to be him.
yeah Absolutely. it'snobbing It's got to be him. He is just, he's the he is the ultimate Arsenal player, I think, isn't he? And he led us through to so much glory. And I'll be honest with you, looking at this team now, I think to make it work,
I'm going to bend to the power of the name and I'm going to back up my fellow namesake, Josh. Yes. Get in there. Yes. I knew it. I knew it. I think it works with Burke Campers. Alongside him works nicely. Yeah, next to him. Okay. Perfect. To bring you the final team of the Daily Arsenal podcast, Ultimate Arsenal 11, in goal, David Seaman.
ah Right back, Ben White, with Sol Campbell, Tony Adams, and Cashley Cole making up the rest of the ah back four in midfield. A four, a straight four across, Robert Perez.
Petit, Vieira, and Starboy himself, Saka, and up front, Yaya Sanogo and And we're on the Subs Bench, Berghamp and Henri.
<unk>s fix it yeah Now, before we go, we've got a couple of minutes left. We've mentioned a couple, but are there any other honorary mentions that you lads would like to throw out as players who didn't make it into this squad, but you loved and who who still resonate with you? Rodney, we'll start off with you.
o Didn't make it into the team, but I actually have to agree with Josh earlier. I think, yeah, Givotto Silva was definitely honorable mention for me. Like definitely someone I actually really did consider kind of putting into that midfield. And I love watching him play back in the day. So yeah, yeah, definitely. Massive honorable mention to him and definitely up for consideration for this amazing combined 11. Yeah, I think that's absolutely fair. ah Jamie, anybody from you?
I think for me would have to be Seth Fabregas. I mean, you put you know, a mention you know someone that was stuck in and showed a lot of passion towards Arsenal and a little bit underrated, to be fair, done what he needed to do. And, you know, barring maybe another one, or another potential traitor we could maybe throw into the mix too, actually.
yeah to throw the mix would be maybe adi by oran rvp yeah okay okay i mean i still i still wince when i hear ada by i even see it celebration is uh embedded in my memory forever oh yeah i don't think he's ever going to leave me okay a couple of honorees there and what about you josh have you got any I've got a few actually, I've got a few. The vampire team was one of them, but he would never make my team because he went to make United and he's never going to make my team. But I wanted to say they are quality players, but they gave me moments. And the first one I'm going to go for is Will Tor, Siobhan Will Tor.
and i end in at old traffic I'll never forget that, you know, Marta, they go, we'll talk, you know, and we won the league there that, you know, and also.
No, sorry, Kanye, sorry, Kanye, Kanye. And Chelsea Handrick, you know, you know, they they gave me moments. They weren't the main guys are also, you know, you're the honorees in your birth times. But they turned up when they needed. Wow. So honorable mentions, never going to make the team. But you know, please, I liked watching.
I do, I do have to mention two more. Tomasz Ryzicki was a player who I just... yeah little mu yeah ah man And I go on about it all the time, but Olivier Giroud was possibly my favorite. yeah we've ever had
I see on me as a winger. I see on me as a winger. I adore Giroud. I adored him. I thought he was fantastic and slow. Yeah, he was slow. My colleague at the time was madly in love with him, so she convinced me that he was the best player for Arsenal when I was much younger. So I've got to give Giroud a little mention. And also that scorpion kick was phenomenal. Phenomenal at the moment.
I will never forget. Well, that's it. You heard it here. We have our Ultimate 11 and that is it for today's Daily Arsenal Podcast, all brought to you as part of the Global Sports Podcast Network. I've been your host, Josh Vince. Just time to thank our amazing guests, as always, Joshua Duncan, Jamie Patterson, and Rodney Gooden. And just to let everybody listening know, because of availability, our crossover podcast with the Leicester team is going to be coming this Friday. So expecting our sort of preview episode tomorrow and the crossover will come out on Friday, but we'll talk to a member of the Leicester team. But for now, have a brilliant day everybody and stay safe. Goodbye.
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