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C2 Ep. 199 Dealing with the Devils Chapter Two image

C2 Ep. 199 Dealing with the Devils Chapter Two

Eberron Renewed
426 Plays10 months ago

Rally the troops and make some promises.

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Darrin Katzska, Irene Viorritto, Ryan Royce, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction: Eberron Renew Podcast

D20 radio, your game is roll.
Hello and welcome to Eberron Renew, an actual play podcast at the Eberron campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Phillip. I'm Trevor. I'm Randy. Jeff. Welcome to another episode. Gentlemen, what happened previously on Eberron Renew?

Aftermath of Ace's Death and Future Plans

Well, we broke the news to the crew that Ace was dead. Yeah, everybody feels bad. Wow. And then we met with Erin. Yeah, Erin basically just wanted to know what we had laid out in advance of her arrival. And the answer was not as much as you would have liked. We have a lot of tenuous potential allies. That's about it. And the four of us. We're hoping you'd have a plan, Erin. Geez. Yeah, what have you been doing? Yeah.
All right. So yeah. And we left off where you all were, um, basically asked to head out and give Erin a call once you potentially have a meeting set up with Sigil or just when you all are ready to make your move. And then Erin will make herself known publicly and make a move on a Lyra. Yeah. I suppose, is it, I mean, it's the time of just middle of the day, right? Yeah. It was a lunch appointment. So right. Did we eat? You have not eaten.
Wow. Well, time appointment, not a lunch appointment. Do y'all want to grab some food and reach out? We had just eaten right before we got there. Well, there was a couple of hours, but yeah, exactly. Filling. Where are you guys? Would you guys like to grab some food and reach out to sigil? Sure. Don't eat. Yes. The word for cheat. No, they can. We are going to eat. They have frequently sat with us while we eat and enjoyed our company.
It's been a while though. I don't know if they're going to enjoy our company. Our company is less enjoyable today than typical. I was just thinking we could either eat and then reach out to Sigil or invite Sigil to join us for some time while we eat.
Let's invite them. Great. I'm feeling consistent bird. I don't know what to tell you guys. I know it's kind of. It's consistent. I say it's good. All right. Consistent. It's birds. That's the motto. Not great, but consistent. Right there on the side. All right. Then let's, let's do that. So you send word for Sigil, like a message? Reach out to Sigil and just ask, we're heading, we would like to speak with you about something. We're heading to consistent bird. Do you want to join us for lunch or shall we reach out to you later?
Okay. On your all the way to the consistent bird, you get a message back that Sigil is on their way to meet with you all. So. Wonderful. Yeah. You arrive, are sat by one of the automata and Rafen comes over and greets

Meeting at the Consistent Bird

you all. Hi everyone. How, how are we doing today? Wonderful. Great. What can I get for you? A chicken. Some, some bird.
All right, chef's choice, love it. Yes, I'll take a smaller bird than a chicken. Raphan, just go nuts back there and bring us out. You got anything you've been working on? All the birds. Yeah, Raphan goes to get your all speed. As long as it's not foul.
you can get the hells out of here. That one sucked. They just tap a sign, no foul jokes. They're not all going to be good, but you're going to hear them all. After a few minutes, Sigil enters and Sigil seems like it's a little, all the automaton, everything is a little off-putting. There's no way they haven't met us at the bird before because this bird has been upgrading a lot of things though. Okay.
Hobb discovering the consistent bird was during the campaign. Like in fiction, most of Hobb's visits are canonized in the show. So I don't think Sigil's ever come here with you before. Wow. It's also the place where Hobb goes to plot, I'm noticing. This is Hobb's meeting place for slightly shady dealing. Hobb does his best thinking in the bathroom and his second best thinking at the bird. He brought Sigil to the slavery version of Chuck E. Cheese. No, they're not. It's not the same.
It's uncomfortable, but not the same. It's not uncomfortable. Yeah, not for, yeah. So Sigil looks around and comes and sits down with you all. Hi, got your message. What's, what's going on? And when the atomic talk comes over with like a glass of water and it's like, I'm, I'm good. Thank you. What does Sigil know? Our, our things with you, it's been, it's been a bit since we had a chance to

Warforged Situation and City Concerns

Things have been OK, since you all got us the schema for the Eldritch machines that were posing a problem. We've been able to dismantle a couple and get through the protective barriers that they've been setting up. So it's been it's been fruitful. It's been good. Some of the new regulations in the city or lack thereof are disconcerting. But Kenneth is it seems like Kenneth is on the ropes.
which helps our cause against the more violent, militant ones because there's less need for violent action while Canada's regrouping. So, obviously there's still some headed out to the mornland, but...
Nothing to be done for that. What's going on with you all? I want to ask again what Sigil knows of our plan. I can't recall if they've been there for much of it. None of it. Okay, well then. Well, the most recent thing we did was bust someone out of the Dreadhold so that they can take over the Boromar Clan. Is that something you'd like to hear more about? That sounds like a lot. I didn't realize you all left the city. Oh, here's what's fun. We didn't. Wow. Do you see our friend Eris here?
I'm familiar with Aerosmilo. Yes. Known them for as long as you. Yes. So weird introduction. Quite a bit to do with actually everything to do with getting Erin free. She's actually in the city and we never had to even leave the city.
Yes, I wasn't there, but apparently there was a lot of teleporting mice or something. Well, there was some... Look, we teleported Eren out of the Dreadhold. She's here now. And we are going to try to install her as the leader of the Boromars. A part of that, if we can get the help of the Warforged if needed, is re-establishing their influence on the Council and reversing some of the things that have come up.
No guarantees about anything, but that's why you're here. That's what the conversation's going to be about, and... I mean, and this is me speaking... This is me speaking to you as a representative of that offer of Aaron Boromar's not my friend Hob, but a return to the status quo is not a good bargaining chip to get warforged onside.
Well, this is why we would like to have a meeting between the two of you, and you could lay out your desires to her. I'm not. I'm sorry to quibble, but...
A return to the status quo isn't what I'm talking to you about. Undoing the bad thing that just happened is a good first step towards anything. Worse is worse than bad. I understand, but I want to make sure you understand that this is...
a beginning point. I don't know what can be added to the situation that you have right now, but I know before attacks on Warforged were on the rise and the clan wasn't doing anything about it. And so what it seems like the clan could at least offer would be to take an active role in not letting that happen, in making that not an acceptable action by people in the city, by people on the street.
That would be an excellent measure on the part of the plan. And they have to do that anyway, but you know how people are. Yeah, I certainly do.
I mean, the, the biggest thing prohibiting warforged right now is we don't have a space where we're allowed to exist. We've carved out a section of the cogs, but that's not a hospitable area. So the clan being able to A, keep their own rank and file in check and offer some level of protection for warforged that are in clan territory would be outstanding.
long-term if the clan wanted to get warforged onside, if Eren wanted to get warforged onside, agreeing to work with us to find a space much like the initial intentions of High Walls was awful and abhorrent. What it's becoming, I would say, is
a net good for displaced chirons. Something like what Highwall's is on the road to becoming for the Warforged would be that would be a quick ticket to get a lot of Warforged to ally themselves with Eren Boromar. Whether or not you have be achieved but
You have different parameters for what a comfortable life looks like. Can part of the cogs be made hospitable? One of the biggest issues with the cogs is the optics of it. It's the basement of

Warforged Alliances and City Integration

the city. It's the lowest level of the city having the warforged down there. We're not part of the city down there.
Can you tell me if there's actually an optics difference between the cogs and high walls to most of the city? If you're not in either one and you think about both of them, is there much of a... I mean, the big thing is the cogs is not regarded really as anyone's home. That's where warehouses are and forges and it's... So yes, there is a difference. And I would say to the average citizen,
they would be, the quote unquote worst person in Sharn would be distrustful of a Chiron refugee. They wouldn't view the war forage as a person. But they would still view a Chiron refugee as a person.
I know the optics aren't great. My thinking was, if that was an acceptable option to make a part of the cogs hospitable to the needs of Warforged who want to live there, the advantage of that is, since it's just physically not hospitable to organic beings, there wouldn't be competition for it. There wouldn't be an argument over
But this is my SPART sort of thing, so that is why I asked. No, and I hear that, and that's not a bad thought.
The only other segment of the city that we had discussed on my side of the line with the War Forge that could potentially be rehabilitated over time is Fallen. It would need to be cleared of what resides there currently, but that was kind of a long-term hope of ours is being able to move into Fallen and claim that as a War Forge district of the city.
So either way though, making the cogs more hospitable or reclaiming fallen for the Warforged. So if Eren were, at the very least, be willing to dedicate some clan resources to either of those endeavors, then that would certainly go a long way towards the Warforged perception of the clan, which is not great right now for reasons that Eris said.
Is this a universal ask? I know that you're not a monolith. Don't, don't, don't come at me there, Eric. But this is, Sigil's not going to misconstrue everything Hobb says. This, this is the hope of the people that align with me. Sure. Obviously on the other side, there is a desire to exile ourselves to the Mornland because it's a place where people cannot reside and there's
some figure out there that is claiming to be our leader but yeah they are offering a place for the warforged to build a life for themselves so in order to counter that we would need to provide the same thing i mean that sounds like a reasonable kind of ask i think that's exactly the sort of thing that erin could be on board with attempting to build with you all okay you'll get no promise of peaceful warforged existence in sharn from erin i promise you that but
working towards it and we'll be there as well. You know, part of, I understand you do not have the ability to do this as easily as a Chiron refugee. Part of High Walls becoming what it is now was building itself that way. At the very least we can, and Aaron can aid with that. I've been wanting to say that bit for a long time. High Walls did High Walls, buddy. What are you talking about? Eris and, oh gosh, I lost his name, our hobgoblin friend. Dorgoth. Dorgoth.
Are you interested in meeting with Erin to have this discussion with her? Yeah, I'd be happy to do that. And I assume I'll let me ask to be sure, you know, but if there are other members that you think need to be there, I know you don't want to speak for everyone. No, but unfortunately, I am empowered to speak on behalf of my contingent. So yeah, you all you all.
kind of pick up on the vibe that despite being a type of creature that does not require rest or sleep, tired. It was emotionally tired, burdened with glorious purpose and all that. So glorious. All right. Well, when are you free, bud? Sooner rather than later, you know? Yeah. I mean, I,
I'm, I don't have a strong fixed schedule. I'm kind of in reactive mode as of late. So whenever Aaron is free, then I can go there and have a chat. I hope, I hope we can do something good for you and your people. Me too. Glad to see you. Good to see you too. And at this point, Ray Finhead during this conversation, Ray Finhead brought all of your food and everything.
Does Rayfon leave the tiny automata off the plates this time, sawing the meat? That's specifically for the Warforged steak. That's right. The wet stone steak. Hob does have his own that he keeps, by the way, that he pulls out to cut whatever steak he has on the table. You can't tell me how to cut my meat. He puts it up here. Sigil eyes the mini Warforged knife.
No, I don't put it on this time. That's how I got chicken. You just eat that right off the bone. Look at this whole time I wasn't getting chicken strips. So are you all making the call to Aaron now to try to set up a time with Sigil or are you gonna wait for Sigil to leave and then contact Sigil? I kind of want to operate under a no time like the present rule with this stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I don't see any reason not to at least not to at least make the appointment now.
If nothing else, someone's going to lose their nerve. And I don't want to give them the time to do that, because it might be Hob. Are you all wanting to attend the conversation between Sigil and Aaron, or are you just going to let them hash it out in a room? Unless we're invited. These are not my interests. Yeah, I mean, Sigil was taking this as you all brokering a meeting, not come along with us to have a conversation. Because I don't have a say in this.
Hobb didn't say it in that meeting, but Hobb is also planning on not being a part of the Boromark land for much longer. Hobb is not a warforged. I don't care what terms they come to to work together to make this happen.
Okay. I care. I don't want to have a say. Yeah. So yeah. If, if you all are setting the time up, then Aaron Eris, are you calling Aaron? Is that call and relay that sigil is, is interested in a meeting has some thoughts on ways that the interests of the warforged could be aligned with our plan and would like to have a conversation about that.
Okay. Then, yeah, Sigil, Erin responds that she is free currently. And so Sigil. We know. We arranged that. Sigil hops up and thanks you all. I appreciate you all considering me and my people in this regime change. And yeah, hopefully, hopefully we can celebrate on the other side. Yes. And Sigil.
walks out. What now, King? I can't get a nap. What? This feels like weight.

Clan Faction Preparations and Strategy

And I don't know. I don't like that. Hop will spin if he waits. So we need to think of something to do. Have any threads? I mean, just touch base with the various factions to make sure you go. Check in with Harbin. See how he's holding up.
Dad's back in jail, but he's not dead. The Harbin never knew that dad was out of jail, to be fair. Oh, that's right. He was quickly busted out at the turn. So we can just pretend that never happened. Spare Harbin that way. Right. No doubt, Norsen tells him about it. I mean, getting in touch with Hutch and arranging a fake meeting or a fake assignment of some kind.
For the goals do we? Did we get a directive on not letting people know like do we want does Erin want to be the one that tells lady Briar? She's out when she bakes her public appearance or are we supposed to give them heads up? She indicated to you all to make preparation. Yeah, so that's why I thought I'll tell her it's go time. Everyone is ready to go Then yes, we need to talk to lady Briar. We need to talk to Dell. We need to talk to Hutch and the Tarkanian and Tarkanians That's the guy for system of a down our cannons
What else? Well, we only need to talk to the Tarkanian if we're going to have anybody killed. Yeah. Because that was that was their offer, is to kill people. Are they on standby when we reach out to them already? Is that kind of where that's at? I don't recall the terms of the conversation. Well, we kind of left not sure whether we wanted to have anybody killed. That sounds like us. Unsure about it.
There's still a mind flayer and the ram at large. So thanks Topping the ram would feel a bit like absolute absolution to hub. I'm not gonna lie But I'm not going looking for him. No, it's gonna say it's like not just feel like roll a triumph for a despair Give me some red give me red dice in five minutes and I'll have all kinds of stuff rough to fight Yeah, I feel like the ram is like
the possibility of a car accident. It's just ever present, it might crop up in our lives. I think the Rams teamed up with the Mindful Air. Why? Have there been any strange stories in the newspapers? No. Milo does read the news. Not reached out to Kath. No, she's not nice. Rude. Well? None of us are nice. Eris is not reached out to Kath. For myself.
Okay. I don't know how you all left things with Ferla, so I don't know if you need to talk to her again or not. Ferla very much had the vibe that she wanted to talk to you all about what in the hell's just happened, but knew that that was not the appropriate time to have that conversation. Was that the vibe we were getting? I don't remember that.
Verla started to say something to Milo and then stopped herself and said, I'll be in touch and took away. So hopefully it was sorry. I don't know what Verla did, but she accused Milo of killing people with fire because Milo has killed people with fire. Yeah, but she was wrong so she could apologize. Give me two minutes with her. Yeah, yeah. Cops love apologizing when they wrongfully. I suppose we could reach out to her like, hey, here's.
Is my little clear? I'm twisting. I don't know. I think start meeting with gender bosses. Let's, let's go. Do we, I mean, travel as a group, go see lady Briar and Dell would be split up, cover more ground that way. Classic horror movie, a strategy.
I'll speak to Verla. No, I promised to, but I wouldn't today. It's pencil editing for tomorrow in your schedule tomorrow. Flip the page over tomorrow's empty. Today filled up very quickly. So which, which group are you all going to talk to? So the Delvers are down in the cogs. The Ravens are in the Ravens are lady Briar and Dell, Dell and lady.
The Delvers are Lady Briar and Grum. And Grum. Sorry. Yes. So the Ravens are Lissa and Deb. Yes. Curiosity, Eric. When we laid out Lady Briar's expectation to become head of the Blacklamps when we were laying everything out for Erin, what was Erin's reaction to that? You didn't see Erin have a super strong negative reaction to it, especially once you all laid out that the Blacklamps were not on her side currently. So obviously Blacklamps are going to need to be replaced.
And Viggo was the head of the Black Clamps and now he's in the Dreadhold, so obviously there is a power vacuum at the top of that subset of the clan. So we feel confident that we can say yes to that when we meet with Lady Briar. Okay, great. So yeah, the closest group to you all right now that you have had positive dealings with are the Ravens.
The Delvers down at the bottom of the city, Ravens are in the middle district or the lower district of the city. And yeah, that was because it, the bilge rats, the Ravens and the Delvers were the three that you all had on side. The goals, you could just get out of the way. So, Ravens are done. Lady Briar. Lady Briar. So down to the cocks. Okay. Okay. So you all take some time, get down there.

Lady Briar Meeting and Power Transfer Strategies

Narn waves at Hobb as you all walk in. Narn. Yeah, you all are able to get to the back of the cogs near the crack in the facade of the city that leads into the very scary tunnels under the city. And you see Grum actually sitting out front kind of on watch and Grum is sharpening a large axe. And you see Shuel approaching like, hey, Grum. Hobb. What's going on? Gut.
We got a chat with Lady Briar. Yeah, she's in her office. Thanks. Let's go look at Axe. Thanks. Good looking fists. Yeah, brother. Kill anything cool lately with him? I wasn't cool. Never thought he was cool. Yeah, in death he is cool. You all walk in and you see the door to Lady Briar's office is open. Wave forms. I'm so loud. I'm so sorry. And you hear Lady Briar talking. As you all approach, you see that the
Skull sitting on her bookshelf, eyes glowing orange, is talking to Lady Briar. You all recall that she has a research assistant named Bull who is a spirit that can read all of the books on her bookshelf and relay information. It's a very cool thing she has. And she sees you all walking and it's like, oh, Bull, we have visitors. Hello. Yeah. Hob kind of jokingly turns to Lady Briar like, is Bull cool? Can we talk in front of Bull? Oh, yes. Bull knows more than I do. We're about ready to go. Exciting.
So what's the plan? Okay, so like, we're fuzzy on the plan, but... Do we ride it? Dawn? Attack Bormar HQ? Alire's head on a platter? I doubt Eren wants anyone's head on a platter. No, definitely not Alire's. That's disappointing. Your request to take over the Dark Lamps she's fine with? Black Lamps, but yes, go on.
Sure. Well, that suggestion is to alter the name so that it's not constantly being confused up with the other confused with the other organization and much more famous organization in the city with an almost identical name. Well, that's your opinion. Yes. So Aaron seems stable. Yes, actually seems I.
By the way, Tarval is reacting to her, it's as though it's the same person that went in. It's reassuring. Hob now realizes he hopes Tarval would have pulled us aside and be like, no, I don't think it's a good idea, man. She keeps talking to someone who's not there. So... LS something. Just got a few extra eyes. It's not a big deal. So what are the Delvers just muscle? Are we...
wielding weapons to ensure a safe transfer of power and crack heads if necessary? Or what, what do you ask of us? We're hoping to avoid as much muscle leading as possible, but yes, that would be on the table from you. Okay. Obviously best case scenario is that we can very quickly secure or more headquarters and for this much time to fight.
An important role that you might be asked to play is simply revealing your allegiance. There's a chance we can simply show numbers and make some headway in avoiding bloodshed. So if you're called on for that, that might be the first thing you're asked for.
So Eris is saying securing Boromar HQ, which indicates to me that we are going to meet up at a rendezvous point and march on the HQ. Initial resistance, deal with that insofar as we need to, and then once we reach Alira, begin brokering the transfer of power. Does that seem, am I in alignment with you all? Yes, and my understanding is that
The when and how of it is very much to be discussed right now in this conversation. Erin, given her circumstances, is more of a coiled spring, ready to go when we say so. Okay. So when do you say so? We're having that conversation right now with you, since it's your people doing the going.
Which, which organization runs the garage? The garage is its own entity that reports directly to the head of the clan. So it would be, Erin would oversee the garage. There is a head of the garage that I forget her name. She's very chipper and exhausting, but presuming that a lyric kept her on then. What, what are you used to move the things that you dig out as a rubble?
Oh, we have like hand carts that hover above the ground. And then if there's anything larger, then we have some, it's very expensive and very rare that we use it, but we do have a means of reducing the size of something long enough to get it out of the undercity. And then it wears off once we get it out. So yeah, how many like cargo skiffs or things like that to move things to other levels of the sea?
Oh, to transport them up to HQ, yes. There are skiffs that we use to... So we could pile a bunch of... We could pile a bunch of armed people into one of those. Oh, yes. And just, you know, cover it over with a tarp. Do you have more, um... I was gonna make one up when I was done with the sentence, I was gonna say. We're all on the same page. Insufferable.
you have a let's let's say you found something particularly valuable that you need to secret to HQ do you have a more secure more secretive route we might be able to take that wouldn't let off alarm bells that something big was coming give me a check hey
One red, one purple. Am I negotiating what skill I'm using? Yes, it is something social in nature. It's a question of how much she is willing to reveal. So I have two yellow in leadership and negotiation.
I would take leadership because you're, she is, she is trying to egg you on to be like, to broker a plan, like to both the NPC and Eric is pushing you all to be the ones formulating the plan. Right. So what, what was the difficulty? I'm sorry. Oh, one red, one purple, one red, one purple.
Do you have any boost on the table? You have a free upgrade floating from those three advantage. So turn yellow into a green into a yellow. Glad me a green. Would you like to flip a story point to turn that green into a yellow? Yeah, sure. Let's find some things out. Cool. Oh, son of a gun. I don't use the tablet functionality of my laptop very often, and I'm not good at it. All right. You can see if you would make the noise on command again. I forgot what noise I made. Shameful. I'm double checking. I have so few. All right.
And I can't loom and I certainly don't want to try to coerce them. So does that count as a roll? Okay. Well, I wish it did. All right. I have succeeded to success with no threat or advantage. Yep. Okay. She kind of smirks and leans back in her chair. Well, I may have knowledge of some old tunnels that lead into Boromar HQ that members of the clan may or may not be aware of that I was saving for a rainy day. So it is pouring outside lady.
So yes, we couldn't get a large number of individuals, but we certainly could. But we and Aaron, a first wave. We could get you all to circumvent the front door. Unfortunately, I'd looked for a very long time. There's nothing that leads directly into what was formerly Satan's office and our leader's office. I really tried, but there's nothing there. But there's a window you can fly through.
We jumped out of it. Given the nature of Satan's death, Illyra has obviously noted the inherent weakness of that architectural choice and has safeguarded it, unfortunately. The enormous garage door has been sealed? Safeguarded the window, unfortunately. Eris scoffs at someone attempting to solve her as a problem technologically. But I can get you into Boromai HQ.
in a secret manner that isn't. So if you all wanted the Delvers and the Ravens and whoever else that you all are scrounging up to march on the HQ to secure the building while you all abscond through the tunnels. Hey guys, Jeff here. Having X number of minutes to sneak around HQ while the Delvers are on their way to make the presence known sounds like a very fun way to play this game.
I don't know if you can always get disguises. Trevor's baking on a triumph to just bypass the whole thing. They're not expecting snaz. Sorry, Philip, what's up?

Gulls Distraction and Lissa Negotiation Plan

I'm not dressing up. Could you create a message for us that could be given to Nessa that details some sort of particularly dangerous thing that you've uncovered?
Down here that the girls need to come down and deal with maybe like in a really difficult to access
part of this area that it would take a really long time to come back from. Philip, give me a two-read perception check as Lady Briar thinks about this proposition. You can do it. We have a lot of story points. Spending a story point and immediately taking it back. My man. My human. Doing this human thing. One thing that I appreciate about Genesis is the human ability is something like distinctive. It's not just a general like, humans are more adaptable than everything else, so you get a free talent. Yeah.
Well, also, I now have a talent where if I spend a story point to upgrade and fail on the check, I get it back. Nice. Ooh. Yeah, I didn't spend all that XP you gave us. I need to look. I just didn't. I just didn't. Trevor, did you spend any of the XP that I gave you? No, I don't remember how. Trevor lost his password at RPG sessions. He's been winging it. No, I have it. I walked in today. I don't remember how to do it. I have one success and four advantage. OK.
With the success, Eris, you pick up on something about Lady Briar's demeanor when you propose this. There's something about it that she relishes. Oh, she's going to try and get them all killed? Not necessarily that. But the idea of getting one over on Nessa seems to be very pleasurable to Lady Briar. Yes, the goals part of their charge is protecting the other subsets of the clan. So if the
Delvers were to be in great danger in the tunnels below the city, then they would be called upon to come address that threat. I would just add that the threat really ought to be fake. Yes, of course. Because still be good that there be goals when this is all over. Sure, sure. Beagles. You'll see. Also, I really like Hutch, so. Also, yeah, I'm with you on that.
and Hutch would be aware, correct? Yeah. Yes, I could certainly put out a call for assistance from the Gulls half hour before we are due to begin. Perfect. All right. Start making the arrangements that you need to make. We need to talk to Lisa still, and we need to let Hutch know. Wonderful seeing you all, Gull says from the bookshelf.
man you seem real cool I'm not gonna lie like this whole thing you got going is really thank you it's a fun gig can you like hop between skulls like I got a big book and a skull and I don't have the time oh this is just my preferred residence but yes I can I can reside in many different containers and like if any of you all has like just as part of your
like gear, like a lantern, like he flitters into the lantern and it starts glowing the same orange. Oh, this guy's fun. And then he flitters into Hobb's mind and like turns into an ostrich. I'm supposed to be eating bugs. Sorry, guys. In fact, I will take either.
a perception or knowledge lore, Milo, I would accept that. If anybody has like knowledge, knowledge, religion, is that a skill that we have in this game? Yeah. So if it's perception, then it's too purple. If it's knowledge, lore, it's only one purple.
I'm having fun here. I'll, I'll perceive hanging with my main man bowl, wash with some advantage. No, you have a success there, friendo. I got to start reading these things better. It 162 advantage. I need a four yellow and a green. Oh gosh. Wow. And one purple and one white. It's remarkable to me that we have not gotten a single advantage this whole session. I got, I got, uh, triumph.
One, two, three, four, four success. Six, five. Six success. And two advantage. Five success and one advantage. This one I know I'm reading right. Yeah. Five success, one advantage. Okay. It's not mine, so I can correct somebody so I know I read it. So you got a success, you got a success. You both, as you're talking with bowl and vibing and stuff, the hue of orange
that Bull's eyes are, maybe burned into Hob and Milo's mind right now, given the events of last night. It's a very similar infernal hue. Well, I wish I'd known that before I started having fun. Doesn't change Bull's personality. He seemed like a chill, cool dude. I definitely don't want him inside my lantern.
So especially the orange glow coming out of the eye sockets of the skull. Probably. You could say that about any fire. He is also a repository of knowledge, but I will let you all do with that information what you will. And Lady Briar says, be careful with.
Lady Briar's talking to Eris primarily because Eris and Lady Briar were having a back and forth. Lady Briar says Eris is actually paying attention to the conversation and not playing with her desk toys. Be careful with Lissa, though. She is... I know that I get a reputation for being opportunistic, but I at least have a shade of honor about it. Once I make a promise to somebody, I stick with it. She does not have the same scruples. I see.
Still, on the other hand, very loyal, very sweet, very stupid, but loyal. Stupid is not very helpful right now. I mean, stupid can be useful in most situations, just don't put them in charge of anything. Thank you.
Okay. All right. Are you two doing anything with the information? Saying anything to bull or? Not right now. Milo. I just learned about bull. I'm not going to go bringing this up right this second. Yeah. Talk about what he can tell us about ace and things. Do you say anything? No, I don't think Milo's mind is there. You remind me of a guy I just killed. Yeah. Didn't kill.
We recently had an encounter with an infernal being that has a similar shade of orangeties. But if you all don't want to ask or engage, that's totally fine. Not right now. No, I don't. I don't. My friends are being dropped for you guys. Okay. So lady Briar dismisses you all and all right. Well, I will start making preparations and you just give me the go ahead. Should we even meet after we've left? Okay. Is it a bad idea to meet with like, with Lissa? I don't even remember who that is. She's the head of the Ravens. But did I meet her?
You were at the meeting with everyone, right? Yeah. Yeah, you've met her. Where? Any of the several times we've met the underbosses. She's been at two of them. We met them at a party at Satan's and then we had a secret meeting with them to plot this whole coup out. I don't think I was at that. I think you were. I was at the party. OK, so you met her. I don't think I was at the meeting, though. That was three years ago. Sorry. One week ago. She she was she was Satan's niece. OK. Or is Satan's. Well, Satan's dead. So yeah, was Satan's niece.
And she's the one that kind of said that she would possibly be in if Del something about sending Del down. Take over the Delvers. Del take over the Delvers so he will die. Yes. She needs convincing. But it's because she thinks Del will take over her position because the Ravens like him more than her, right? That is why she wants him gone. Yeah. But it sounds like a disaster for him to run that. He's not the brightest.
Very sweet, very loyal. He's neither smart nor strong, and the Delvers need to be listened to. But that's Lady Briar's job right now? Yes. Yes. Lady Briar wants to take over the Black Lamps. Gotcha. But somebody will need to be a Delver. OK. And we don't want that for Del, because we like Del. And at least the way Lady Briar framed it, and you all can come to your own conclusions, but the way that she framed it was she doesn't want her people to be in the level of danger that comes with being a Delver. So she wants to take over the Black Lamps and take everyone with her. So.
And there will be a washout period where the ones can't hack it. We'll end up back in the dollars. So basically talking to Lissa, we risk her betraying us. On the other hand, if we can successfully negotiate with her, she's, uh, we've got another one of them on our side. We don't have anything to promise her like we did lady Briar. You all also have done something much bigger for Lissa than lady Briar in that you all investigated and saved the shifters that were under. Oh, that's right. We did do so. That was her.
So whether or not that holds any weight for her, but you also have that in your pocket. And the person that did that is now dead. It's true. Also, we talked to Dell first. You also could circumvent Lissa and go to Dell. Do we want to be seen? That's a bad idea because Dell is stupid. And so he's going to let he's going to let something slip. Right. I mean, stupid people are always just immediately saying the first thing that comes into their head.
Was Sigil a part of the, was Sigil a part of the Shifter storyline? I feel like they were still rolling with us at that point. Sigil? Yeah. Yeah. So that would be another thing. We're both there. We're also there to help Sigil. Viewing this will also, like Sigil's also a part of that. And this will further help their cause as well. Might be a thing for Alyssa to hear. I don't know. She may not care. Some people don't. But what are you saying? What are you saying? That we don't need to go to Alyssa? If we can avoid it.
We could tell her at the last minute. Like, stay salty, stay frosty, stay ready. I don't know. I mean, guys, here's the question. What's she going to bring to the actual operation that we're planning? She runs the gambling, and that's great. But she's probably got some enforces. But nothing like what we already have. Right. We would know. The toughest guys are goals.
But after that would be the Delvers probably. Yeah. I mean, yeah, we have to deal with the monsters under the city. Right. And we might be able to get hudged to, you know, he might have some guys in the goals that he would find reliable that he could redirect towards us to help with this.
while the rest of them are distracted. Hey, Hutch, when you get the call from Lady Briar, reroute a couple of your dudes that you can trust. I think that's a good one. Whoever the ones you know you can trust to us.
If Hutch was the guy that we think he is, he probably would have already been sniffing some of those guys out on his own while we were sure doing other things. So we, I mean, there's obvious, obviously if we just, if we just bypass this entirely, then there's, there's some risks that she should be offended. She might, she might find out anyway. She might do something to come up for works, but if we go to her, then we've got to really solidly convince her and we've got to have something we can offer her.
Yeah. Another important piece of information that you all know to be true about Lady Briar and have known for a while. Lady Briar hates Bora Mars. Lissa is a Bora Mars. Right. So Lissa's assessment or Lady Briar's assessment of Lissa might not be a good source of truth. Does does late. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. I thought you were saying because like succession stuff, like Lady Briar has no say in who succeeds her. Like that's not an issue, right? No, no, no, no. I'm just saying that
Lady Briar's opinion of Lissa and the insight that she gives you is through the lens of hating the board. Sure. Look, I mean, we've already, like, Lissa knows, we know Lissa is partially on board, traditionally on board, because we've already come to her with this stuff. Well, either that, or if she is one who might betray us, she may have already done so. Right. That is kind of what I'm getting at is, she's already aware that something is happening. Not talking to her at all is,
Yes. Not helpful. Well, she's aware that something might happen at an unspecified time in the future. We're talking about something happening day after tomorrow or something like that. I don't have any specifics. I'm saying your stay frosty idea is a good one. I do think we need to say something to her. We need to speak with her.
Okay. Hey, hey, hey. Do you like soda? Here's a soda. Sit down. We need to talk. And then you all, you know, then I'll hand it over to you. What a generous lead in. Yeah. Harris is great at negotiating, but we need to have something we can offer. Right. And you know, part of that is she's going to want to get rid of Dell. We can't make a promise about Dell because we, that is going to be Aaron's decision. And that's not something we spoke about with her. I think that that's a fair position to have.
If you want Del gone, you talk to Eren about Del being gone when Eren's in charge. We're making sure you get what you need. Tarkanen would probably be willing to kill Del. Because Lyssa doesn't want to leave. Lyssa wants to stay in charge of the ravens. Yes. Yeah. Just wants Del. That's why she wants Del gone. Right, wants Del gone so that she can stay in charge of the ravens. Because the ravens is the gambling ring, so a lot of money comes in with the ravens.
Well, OK. This is afraid that Del will usurper in the Ravens. Surely we can get a promise that her job is secure. Del can't usurper in the Ravens if the head of the clan doesn't say so. Yes. It would not be hard to say to Aaron, hey, there's this guy Del you haven't met. He's very good at his job, but excruciatingly dumb and should not be made an underboss. Yes. We call Aaron. So part of what Tarvel told you all?
Just, and I'm not saying this is a bad plan, but just so you all have the full context and going with the conversation with Aaron. Lissa's concern is that Dell is draws in more loyalty from the members of the Ravens, which is why she wants Dell.
out of the picture of the Ravens themselves. Like she doesn't want to be undermined by Dell and his, the, the love that people feel towards him. So if, man, if Lissa can't get the dumb guy that everybody loves to be constantly on her side and just yes, manning her there, maybe she doesn't deserve to be an under boss.
That's a conversation you can have with her. So are you calling Aaron? If your problem is I can't get the dumbest guy I know in line, you have an issue, not the dumb guy. He's not actually that. I don't know. I've decided he's the dumbest person in the world. We could go talk to Dell and like just convince him to be slavishly loyal to his list.
Here's what we need from you, Dell. Do you want to help us out, Dell? Well, yeah. Kiss the ring. Or else. Or else what? He does not get implied threats. Yeah. That's why I could never use coercion. He just doesn't get it. Immune to coercion. I can't be coerced if I don't understand you. Yeah, I'm going to get Aaron to promise to transfer Dell maybe somewhere that he won't be brutally torn apart and eaten by a monster.
Yeah. Can he just go work? Like Dell would probably be perfectly happy being the pit boss at one of the casinos, like not even working in Raven or a bartender or something. Oh God, he'd be a great bartender. People would love him. He'd make so many tips. He can be the new bartender at the bar outside of Satan's office. There was definitely a bar right outside. Flip a story point. Let's have a conversation with Dell. If he could be in any of the organizations,
that's not the Ravens. We want to get you out of here. We want you to have a more fun job where you can be around more people. You like people, Del. Trust me, you like people, Del. And a position just opened up the restaurant we like.
Oh my gosh. Jeff is so mad at Trevor. I think the details of that can be worked out later. I think what we need right now is just for Aaron to promise to transfer Dell somewhere else because just so he's not a problem for Lissa. Yeah. I don't think Lissa actually needs, wants him dead. I think she just wants him gone.
And it doesn't matter where he goes and it doesn't matter whether it's like his ideal job. We can, those are not, those are not mad. I think we have a lot of.
credit with Erin, but there's probably a point at which we start telling her the like minute details of what she's supposed to do with her own operation that will become annoying. I think at this point though, here's the thing. I don't plan on telling her boo after this is over. We're not telling her to run her operation. We're telling her what is needed to make it her operation.
Right, and I'm saying, transfer Del, we don't need to say. And Del would really, really like to be the chief toy maker at whatever it is, such and such.

Session Wrap-Up and Promotions

At the same time, I'd like to know. Build a Boromar. If we do. It's a little full of halflings. If we do. It'd be interesting to see how amenable she is to things like what people want to do. Sorry, I broke Philip. So there we go. Sure. But I'm with you. This is more prudent. Yeah, give her a call. Let's see if we can get that guaranteed. She'll relocate.
I'll let him help get the list.
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