Yeah, so I think logging is important, right? And again, it's a well-known pattern that there are seven different types of logging. And depending on how much fidelity you want, logging can turn them on and off. And again, this is where I think the tooling comes important. Can you turn it on and off? Because I think if you have very verbose logs, then finding stuff becomes easy. Computational, it becomes more painful to kind of manage from a data management point of view. So what is the right balance to have in terms of logging? I think that becomes important. It was also important to know both from a metrics point of view about how well your application is performing and also in the case of AI tools, you might also say when I'm initially building an AI product, I want to see how the customer is interacting. So you can notify the customer, say, hey, we will not use your data, but we want to know how people are interacting with the product. So that logging will also not help in metrics, but also use in quality evaluation. Because then that, if for example, if you find certain kinds of queries, let's say you have built like hospital health bot. Just a random example. Certain kinds of queries are dominating in the dataset in which people are interacting with the bot. And maybe in some cases, there are a lot of interactions. Both of these are signs that if there's a lot of interaction, the customer is not getting the data that they want very easily. So can you shorten that? And also if certain modes of interactions are common, then can you tune the model and the responses to give that information faster? So this has a direct impact on the browser. So logs are obviously used for how fast the response was given, what were the different systems that it touched, how did it flow through a system. So the tracing part is very important from an operational perspective, from a latency, uptime, reliability point of view. You want to know what or example, right? And it will happen, right? So you want to keep it below a certain kind of threshold. So you will probably look at the percentiles, right? You will look at 90th, 95th, you know, 90th kind of percentiles, which is very, which is now fairly, like, traditional, right? If you had this conversation 10 years back, I think it would have been very different. But this is now kind of well understood. But also the quality aspect of it, like, you know, how the response is, what were the interactions from customer side and what were the interactions from your side? That becomes a good data set, right? So this is the iterative nature I was talking about, right? So your interaction doesn't just stop from the customer point of view once the product is released, but you're looking at how the product is behaving with the customer and how the customer is also interacting. Like I said, like, you know, if you have a lot of interactions for a simple query, then probably want to probably collapse that. But if you are getting the answers quickly, I think that is a good sign. And if you are getting good answers, good sign. So maybe, I think one maybe thing that we can maybe touch on, you know, since we are talking about observability, but another aspect that I often get asked why, you know, now that everybody has access to this model and hopefully I think access to the compute also will become very slightly easier and it's become easier you know over the last year when there was huge clamor for GPUs and the Vanotto will have gotten easier. How will we differentiate? I think the way AI startups will differentiate I mean other than what you already talked about the thing that we have not talked about is like say product design. We have to differentiate in design and traceabilityability is an important part. Because let's say I am evaluating two different models and it has passed my evaluation. I feel that the newer model is good. Now I want to kind of test that in the real world. So I want to do an A-B test. So I will probably show you two responses. For certain amount of responses, not every response, and I will tell you which one one is is better thumbs up, thumbs up. Now that is like a great data set for you because you are seeing how many thumbs up come for the newer model as how many thumbs up come for the older model and then you can evaluate. You can also explicitly ask the customer did we answer your query and And then then basically basically give a rating. So you have to think of how do you use product design to give those signals. And once you have built a product to give those signals, because of the iterative nature, how do you use maybe logging traceability to actually feed that back into the product? So logging is one way of doing this effectively. So other than the normal part which we talk about in terms of the operational capability. Yeah, I mean, so the example which you gave, right, that basically hits the nail, right? The kind of information you can get from logs which could be a business cortex, which could be more information about the transaction, which could be more information about how the request or transaction has flowed through your infrastructure, right? It's something which you cannot get anywhere else, right? And if you are able to process that information and use it for whatever purposes, it could be for observability, could be for security, could be for like you talked about, right? The feedback or iterations on top of what you are basically trying to do for your customer. That is something which we have found very, very interesting, right? One of the other things also what we have also realized is that 90% of the time, a lot of developers write logs in a very non-structured format. Now, if they can write these logs in much more structured, maybe JSOR, KV, CSV, XM, some format which can be processed quickly, then the amount of information somebody gets out of these logs itself would be very, very useful for the enterprise as well as for their customers, which can be used for various purposes like what we discussed. Now, because we are talking about logs, there is another thing which basically has become quite synonymous with any enterprise today is API. Now, you obviously would be talking to a lot of different startups or CEOs, CTOs, and enterprises who have started creating APIs or exposing it to their vendors or partners for whatever work they basically provide, whatever product or services they expose, right?