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There are more than three million homes across Australia that have rooftop solar, but with installation costs in the thousands, it can be difficult to figure out if it makes sense for you. This ep gives you all the shortcuts to figure it out, including how to optimise your investment if you already have a system.

The first thing Mia and Dinah discuss is that if you are thinking about getting solar, get clear on why you are considering it. Is it an economic decision only or for the environmental impact or for some other reasons?

It's also important to do some basic research about solar so you know what you should consider.

  • Dinah recommends using the Clean Energy Councils’s solar buying guide to get some basic understanding (Link in Resources below). 
  • Understanding if your house has the appropriate conditions - north facing and slope of the roof - is important to know.
  • Understand your energy consumption - as this is the main source of savings as feed-in tariffs are much lower than they used to be. 
  • Know yourself - will you be willing to change your energy patterns to make the most of your system? 
  • Think about how long you are planning to stay in your home to take into account as part of your investment decision.
  • How are you going to fund the purchase and what other costs will there be?

Once you have decided to explore it, get a couple of quotes to compare. You can use a service like Solar Quotes to get a number of quotes from providers that are accredited by the Clean Energy Council. Providers will also help you with rebates available to support the system purchase.

The things the quotes should include are:

  • a site-specific system design (which takes into account shade at different times of the year)
  • a performance estimate 
  • an itemised list of components/products 
  • a clear breakdown of costs, including the total value of any discounts or rebates 
  • warranty (including STC snd state-based rebates)
  • full terms and conditions of sale.

The providers will provide a return on investment calculation but make sure you think about:

  • the time horizon - do you plan to live in the house for that time period?
  • will your energy consumption patterns change?
  • what other costs will there be (eg buying more roof tiles)?
  • what else you would do with the money?

You may also wish to consider a battery, however, for most people, this doesn’t make economic sense and fewer than 10% of new installations include a battery. The costs start around $4k plus installation costs. You need to consider the same factors and you need to make sure the battery can be fully charged from your solar panels even in winter. In addition, for most people, the time to make a return is longer than the warranty period, so this is probably not something to do for purely economic reasons.

For both solar PV and batteries, those that make the best returns are those that are willing to change their behaviour by downloading the apps and optimising your usage. 

If you already have solar, it's important to understand the feed-in tariff and the implications when choosing an electricity provider and a plan. The feed-in tariffs have been falling across the board in the past few years.

The higher the solar feed-in tariff (i.e. what you get for ‘exporting’ power), the lower the discount on electricity the household draws from the grid (i.e. what you pay for ‘importing’ power).

In order to secure the highest solar feed-in tariff, you will need to choose the plan that offers the lowest discount on electricity imported from


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Podcast Introduction & Solar Power Start

This is Life Having Life Hacks, a podcast that gives you techniques, tips and tools to tackle your life having more efficiently, to save your time, your money and improve your household harmony. I'm Diana Roberts, an Operations Manager, and I use my last two hours of power to focus on solar power and figure out if it was worth it for us.
I'm Mia Northrop, a research and writer. His interest was truly sparked by this topic, and I was shocked to see prices for solar PV systems are still so high. This episode will equip you with the top questions to ask the next time those solar panel call center people dial your number. Hello and welcome to Life Admin Life Hacks. Before we dive into all things solar, we want to thank our latest reviewers. We had Katie119 on Apple Podcasts, who said, so useful and practical,
Mia and Diana are such great hosts. Thanks, Katie. She said, I've learnt so many super practical time-saving and money-saving tips from this show. Highly recommend. Thank you. We have listeners coming in from New Zealand, the UAE, Hong Kong, Singapore, Austria. Thanks so much for tuning in. Please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. And don't forget, our book, Life Admin Hacks, is now on sale
Thanks to Helen McCabe, who said, my stress levels subsided from the opening page. Do it today. So make sure you buy it from your local bookstore or Amazon, Booktopia or anywhere books are sold. So solar, you might have noticed when you look at your electricity plans or bills that energy retails will show you the feed in tariff, which is what you could be saving if you use less energy than your rooftop solar electricity system produced.

Benefits & Costs of Solar Energy

and the retailer was paying you for your surplus. Or you might have been driven by the environmentally friendliness of renewable energy to check out whether solar energy is going to be a sustainable choice. You might have been telephoned and be lucky if we haven't by one of the solar energy call centers that he says, you know, we've got these rebates. Have you got panels? Are you interested? And once you get past the annoyance of someone cold calling you,
might have wondered whether one day you should actually sit out and work out the pros and cons and do the maths. Given that electricity prices in Australia are some of the highest in the world, they keep rising, and Australia is also one of the top 10 sunniest countries in the world in terms of our average hours of sun. There are three million homes across Australia that now have rooftop solar systems, but you know there's installation costs in the thousands,
can be tricky to figure out if it makes financial sense for you and if so what system should you get and how to find a reputable installer. So in this episode we're going to talk about the things you need to know if you're thinking about installing solar panels, how to decide if solar is worth it for you and how to maximize your return from your solar panels if you've already got them.
A few years ago, we were traveling in China and we're on the train traveling between different cities. And I remember looking at these cities that we were going past and just seeing solar panels on buildings at a scale that I've never seen in Australia. We certainly have a lot of sun, but I can't say that we've got had the progressive political climate to usher in a lot of the renewable energy options that we've seen elsewhere.

Adoption Motivations & System Understanding

Yeah, although I think around where I live, I feel like we've always been the odd ones out. Everyone else seems to have lots of solar panels. So I definitely think there's pockets of Australia where solar has been heavily adopted. And certainly a few years ago, there was really some great incentives better than there are now in terms of feeding tariffs and things. So definitely pockets of solar around the country. Yeah, I grew up in WA in Western Australia. And there was so many people had the solar hot water, like that was my first sort of introduction
that just heat your hot water using the sun there. So for many of us, this is, you know, it's an economic decision, but it's also an environmental one. There are some people who sort of just want to be independent of energy companies. And for some people, it's quite political. I think when we were researching this and you're researching, like you're going to these various websites, it's clear that there's, you know, there's people who are in the sustainability or renewables or green industries or sectors. And then there's people who are in the,
what's been called the electricity infrastructure establishment. And there's a little bit of, you know, you need to apply a bit of critical thinking to kind of get past some of the agendas.
and the arguments that are put forward. Yeah, so I do think it's probably the first step in when you're thinking about these things is what are your values? Why are you thinking about looking at this? Is it just an economic decision? Is it an environmental decision? Is it a combination of the two? Or is it actually because of even where you live? Or do you think you're building a house that you're thinking about going off grid, a standalone system?
where you're completely disconnected.

Decision-Making & Research Process

So I think that's the first step in this decision making process. Yeah. So, Diana, you went through pros and cons because you were legitimately looking at whether you wanted to get solar installed for your home. So take us through where you started.
So I really started with some basic research about understanding how it works so that I felt equipped to really understand what the criteria are I should be thinking about. And I sort of found the Buying Solar Guide from the Clean Energy Council is the best place to go. So we'll put that link in the show notes. But they're like the peak body for clean energy
in Australia, so they have a really good, easy to understand information. So when we're talking about solar systems, we're not talking about Earth and the planets revolving around the sun, we're talking about solar, photovoltaic,
I can't say it. Solar factors did everything. Photovoltaic systems, which we're now just going to call solar PV, that will go on your roof. So they're rooftop systems. They come in different sizes depending on how many kilowatts you want them to pump out. And in your research, most people do this and they
opt to have a system that doesn't include a battery and we'll talk about batteries later. Yeah, so we've got that right. That's right. So most people get grid connected solar without a battery. So that's what we'll talk about first, we can talk about batteries a bit at the end. So what happens then is when the solar system is producing more energy than your house is consuming,
All of your household appliances get

Energy Usage & Efficiency Tips

powered by your solar panels and the excess solar energy that's generated by your panels is fed back, exported into the electricity grid for other people to use. And your energy retailer may pay you a feed-in tariff for the use of that electricity.
And the opposite is when the solar system is producing less energy than your household needs. So you actually need more power. So that might be particularly at nighttime when the sun is not shining. Then the solar panels, whatever they're generating you'll use, but then you'll get the additional sort of top up power from the grid. So you're still connected to the grid. Your solar panels are just helping, helping it along. Yeah. And that's distinct from people who literally want to be off grid. So they might have a regional or rural property.
they just want to be self-sufficient if the apocalypse comes, where you have a standalone system that's not attached to a grid, so you don't get a feed-in tariff and you can't export anything, you're just able to use your own energy. That's a different system, yeah? Yeah, completely different. Got it. So you also need to understand quite early on to understand what the best conditions are for those solar panels. So it's about
making sure that you've got a roof that's facing in the right way. So north facing, ideally not obstructed by tree shade. And also that the pitches of your roof is the right kind of angle. All of those things are important to note. So understanding what your roof is and then understanding what the optimal conditions are is kind of early piece of research. I think you should sort of get your head around. Yeah. So if you go outside and you realize your
roof is south facing. It's particularly high. There's power lines and tree shade. It's at a weird angle. It's not very accessible, so it would cost a mint to install it. That's like the first step. You might decide, okay, you know what? This isn't the property for this exercise. Yeah, but if you're not sure, like the solar companies
Certainly I spoke to two in my research and they were really good at telling me what my roof meant and they used quite good technology, but we'll get to that in a second. So I think the other thing to be aware of is a kind of.
basic economics. So before you get started, before you feel tempted to call anyone up, make sure you've got your power bills and you know roughly how much power you use and think about how much you use in the day versus the night, as well as whether you might be willing to change your consumption patterns because obviously these solar panels, they generate the power during the day.
So that means you need to try and do your washing during the day or your vacuuming during the day or the things that take lots of power. Try and do as many of them in the day if you want to make the most of the panels. Yeah. And this is where you might think about your appliances. If you have a washing machine or a dryer or a dishwasher that have timers on them so you can delay a program, you can put all the stuff in, press the button, but it doesn't kick into a certain time, then it can help you shift
the way you consume your patterns, but it's worthwhile becoming mindful and really monitoring, you know, how is my energy consumption or the household's energy consumption plan out over the day? And in the seasons too, because you have to factor in the heating, air conditioning, if you've got a swimming pool that you heat up, if you've got multiple fridges or a hot water system that is on electricity, how does that consumption change from day to day and season to season?

Financial Considerations & Quotes

Yeah. So that's really important because the most benefit, no matter really where you are, is to be gained from solar using the energy yourself. So that's consuming your solar energy, not from the feed-in tariff back to the grid. Because a few years ago, feed-in tariffs used to be like a money-making exercise because you used to be able to get like 60 cents per kilowatt hour
but now it's usually around 8 to 12 cents. It does vary depending on where you live, but generally you really need to think about your own power consumption as the main way of making the most of these panels.
Okay, so you've got your roof, you've got your energy consumption, what else do you have to think about up front? So I didn't actually think about this up front, but I wish I had it because it would have helped with my decision making. But it was, how long do you plan to stay in your house? And I guess it was only something that occurred to me right near the end of my decision making criteria. How annoying.
because it was when I started my spreadsheets that you know you know what I'm like I couldn't help but build my own spreadsheet to compare the options and when I did that I was like hang on all of these quotes are assuming you know 10-15 year kind of investment decisions but we've actually been talking about selling this house like in
in eight years time. So we really need to think about that. Certainly if you're focusing on the economic reasons, because you really need to think about whether it's going to pay off over time. Yeah. So often when you look at like choice has a solar estimator, you can use all these calculators and there's the warranties for the equipment themselves. And you know, that might be a 10 or 15 year or 20 year warranty. If you think you're going to leave that house, you might not get the ROI on the installation and the purchase.
And I also think you need to think about how you're going to pay for the system. So do you just have some money lying around? You know, we're talking between five to 10 grand usually for these systems. So is it money that you might be redrawing out of your home loan? And so you need to also factor in the interest cost that you're going to pay on that.
amount? Or is it money that you might otherwise be putting into your superannuation or doing something else with? So that might also help you weigh up the investment decision rather than just, you know, it's usually not just one option, there's usually a few different things or choices you can make about what you want to spend your money on. Yeah, so getting into terms with the opportunity cost, what else could you be doing with that cash if it didn't go into this system? Okay.
So once you've really thought through some of that stuff, the next thing to do is actually to just go out and get some quotes. So you've done a little bit of research, you know what you're thinking about, but I would suggest you go and get two to three quotes from providers that are approved by the Clean Energy Council.
And there's actually a shortcut there. There's a couple of different organisations like Solar Quotes where you can actually put your information into their website and they will actually contact three providers who are accredited with the Clean Energy Council that are in your area.
And then they will contact you and get a view of the quote based on the information you've already put into the website. So they've also got quite a good website, solar quotes, but it has so much information on it. To be honest, I found it a little bit overwhelming. But if you're super into trying to research to the end of the earth, I also recommend that website for some information. And so there are rebates out there, right? There are government rebates available.
Did you look at them separately or is that part of the quoting process? Do they come back and tell you which rebates you do that? They do help you with that. So the providers are definitely on top of that because it's kind of part of the sales process. But you can also research that ahead of time. So there's websites that will help you. The website has all the rebates that are eligible based on various income levels and where you live.
So you can have a look at that ahead of time, but certainly the two providers who I spoke to were 100% on top of all those rebates. And so that, yeah, has the federal and state rebates. And if you put in your details there, it'll put, you know, it spits out what you're eligible for in your state. And I know Victoria, there's the Solar Homes Program. They can give you up to $1,850 if you're an owner-occupier or if you're a landlord. There's low-interest loans.
But there's there's eligibility criteria. You know, you have to have if you own the property or your tent in the property, have to have a combined taxable income less than one hundred and eighty K. The property itself can't be valued at over three million. So there are criteria to to check out. And then there's also at the council level, there's different councils have their own program. So again, in Victoria, the local government, 10 councils have this solar savers initiative.
and that's a bulk buying program. So they will, you're able to access a discount because they've got this bulk buying set up. And again, they've got some quality installers who are accredited and trusted that you can work through. So good to have your head a little bit around that. I guess before you go to chat to the suppliers who are giving you the quotes. Yeah. And there's also the STC scheme, which is super complicated to get your head around.
That program is around small-scale technology certificate scheme and it's basically this thing and then it gets federal. But really the providers almost
or in all cases, sort all that out for you. And the STC credits are included like as a discount in your quote. So it's kind of something you don't really need to know a lot of detail about. You just need to be mindful of looking at how much of the STC credit they're passing on to you as part of their quote. And what's the ballpark credit that we're talking about? Are we talking about like a thousand dollars? Yes, I think mine was like a thousand fifteen hundred dollars. And it was similar in both of the quotes that I ended up looking at in detail.
Okay, so you'll get your quote, it will include whatever rebates you're eligible for, then how did you decide? So one of the things that I looked at in that Clean Energy Council guide was making sure that the quotes took into account the important things. So the first thing is that they actually give you a system design. It was kind of a little bit creepy actually, because when the quotes came back, they came back with pictures of my house.
and they showed me where the panels would be put on the roof. So they used a program called Near Maps which uses Google Earth to see the shade times at the different time of the year to figure out where they should put the panels to maximise the sun. The quote also should have a performance estimate, itemised list of the components and a clear breakdown of the costs.
as well as what the warranty details are so those are all things that you should make sure that the quote has before you even look any further. And is the performance estimate talking about how many kilowatts it's going to produce each day? Yeah and so both of these quotes came with these like return on investment and payback periods which all sounded super amazing and when I first got them I was like well we should do this like
This makes so much sense. But that's when, you know, the devil is always in the detail because when I, of course, couldn't help myself, tried to recreate their return on investment calculations in my own spreadsheet, that's when I realized that they were looking over 10 plus years time horizon to get that return on investment.
It's not really something that, you know, it's not a short term investment decision. It's a much longer term investment decision.

Personal Insights & Practical Decisions

And so I went down a bit of a rabbit hole researching what happens. What's the impact of your property price from getting solar panels? So would we get our money back? Would our house price go up in value by putting solar panels on the roof? And actually, the evidence is it doesn't, except in very rare circumstances. And in some cases, it actually reduces the value of your house.
because of the aesthetic. So depending on how you put the panels, if they look a bit ugly, then sometimes it puts people off buying the house, not the other way around.
Good to know. Okay. So where did you get out in your decision? So not only did I, you know, have to readjust all of these return estimations because of this time horizon that we were thinking like we might sell our house, but we also have a bit of a tricky house because it's renovated. So we've got two lots of different roof tiles. So one of the things they said to us is, oh, we're going to break at least 30 roof tiles when we install the panels.
So that was already like, oh, that's headache time for us. We don't have 30 spare roof tiles and we certainly don't have 30 spare roof tiles for the original part of the house at the front, which is where people would actually see the roof line.
And those tiles are from the 1930s. And the thought of trying to have to source tiles that look the same was kind of like a headache time. But not only that, when I did the proper spreadsheet calculations and looked at it over eight years, worked out that I'd be way better off financially putting my money into super rather than into solar panels. So, you know, we've decided not to go ahead at the moment because we're not sure how long we'll stay in the house.
And we think it's probably a better investment decision to put money into super and we don't want to have to deal with this hassle with roof tiles.
Yeah. And so I guess the prime time then is if you are about to do your renovation or you're about to buy a new property, because you then, if you're thinking, okay, we're going to be in this house for at least 10 years, we're more likely to get that return of investment of the things being equal. Yeah. A hundred percent. So if we'd been making this decision when we did our renovation, which is when we should have done it, which is about eight years ago now, then a hundred percent, we would have put the, you know,
put the panels on. But at the time, I think my brain was just too many decisions. And so I just couldn't make one more decision. And so we never looked at it. So, you know, I guess then is the breaks. If only you'd had a podcast to listen to at that time. That's right. I told you how to do it. I hope we've gone to some people to do brace solo there because we do know it's the great way to go to the environment. OK, so that's so that's just your normal solar PV system. Then there's the whole solar battery thing.
Again, this assignment is still quite expensive in Australia. There's about 110,000 homes in Australia that have home storage batteries installed. And I saw a stat that said about 9% of new solar installations last year included a battery. And the benefit of having a battery is that if you create excess energy,
you can actually store it to use at my time so not only will you can you opt into schemes whether you might get that kind of feed-in tariff arrangement

Solar Batteries & Feed-in Tariffs

with the what are they called there's like virtual power plant schemes as there's ways you can do that but then you can also just use the energy in the evening or on shady days or you know whatever
So again, the batteries at the price, depending on how much capacity they have, they started about four and a half thousand. They can go up to 18,000 depending on the brand and the capacity installation costs extra. And similarly to your normal solar PV system.
You have to think about how long it's going to take you to pay back. How will you be in that house? What's your consumption? All of those decisions need to be factored into this as well. And they say that, again, to get the greatest utility from a battery, you need to ensure that it'll still be able to fully charge from your solar panels so that you're actually in the middle of winter when you're receiving the lowest amount of sunlight.
should still be enough light to fully charge your battery so you can actually get the most out of it. And I've read quite a bit about this actually. The people who make the most out of both the panels themselves and the ones with the batteries are the people who are willing to change their behaviour, who like to download the apps, check out that they've got the most energy efficient appliances, really optimise their usage,
they do things like making sure they don't run too many appliances at one time because when you do then you need to draw from the grid so they will for example not vacuum or they're also using the washing machine and things like that so you have to really know yourself to know whether this is something you want to you know really into it and really wanting to change your behavior then that's probably when you should start looking at batteries and
and really thinking about that that might be worth it for you. There's also rebates for solar batteries. So there are battery programs, rebates that are very specific. They're different from state to state. In Victoria, it was only for designated postcodes.
that already have high solar PV installations and also population growth. So they're trying to encourage it. My postcode wasn't there, your postcode wasn't there, Diana, we're not eligible. But if you are in one of those designated postcodes, then you can get some rebates on that battery. And again, there's a household income tax eligibility criteria of 180K. The property has to be valued at less than 3 million and you can't actually
get the battery rebate and benefit from the solar homes program. You have to have not already benefited from the government in that way. So yes, when I looked at the solar choice website and had this very in-depth discussion about batteries, they were saying that, you know, in various scenarios of different usage and different sizes, the benefit from the battery, you won't get that ROI within the warranty lifetime. So these batteries have a certain warranty period and it usually will take longer than that to see any financial
like the ROI on that. So if you are being motivated purely by finances, wait a bit longer, maybe more rebates will come, the prices will drop, we shall be brisket at some stage. So the other thing that we mentioned briefly before, but solar feed in tariffs are something that you might already need to be worrying about if you've already got solar panels.
So understanding those are important when you're comparing your electricity bill. And as I mentioned, they have been falling across the board. People are being paid less and less for the electricity they export to the grid, and that makes these payback periods longer and longer.
If you live in an area where you can choose your electricity retailer, you really need to make sure you're taking that into account when you choose your retailer if you've already got panels. You need to think about that the higher the solar feed in tariff, so i.e. what you get for exporting power,
the lower the discount you'll get on electricity the household draws from the grid. So in order to secure the highest solar feed-in tariff you need to opt for the plan that offers the lowest discount on electricity imported from the grid. So that means if you usually export a lot of power to the grid you should look for a plan with the best feed-in tariff and vice versa.
If you're only using most of the power your system generates and you're only exporting a tiny bit on occasion, then you should go for the one that's got the highest discount on the power you're using. So really making sure you're taking into account how much you're actually exporting to the grid and not getting sucked into paying too much for the electricity that you do use from the grid if you're only exporting a small amount of power.

Future Plans & Recap

And it's worth noticing as well. So if you jump on, if your comparison shopping
worth noticing that in Victoria and Queensland and New South Wales the way they report around feed-in tariffs is different. So in Victoria and Queensland they talk about net feed-in tariffs so this means they only apply to the excess electricity that you export whereas in New South Wales they talk about the gross feed-in tariff which means you get paid for each kilowatt you export regardless of how many kilowatts you import. Oh did everyone's heads just explode?
And where can you go? On a Canstar, they've got good comparison shopping tools about feed-in tariffs. Yeah, I had a bit of a dig around and Canstar seemed to have the most comprehensive list of the feed-in tariffs. So as always, make sure you scroll to the bottom past the promoted results and then you'll see the complete list for each state.
You can also use the government comparison sites, but when I looked at them, they were quite confusing when it comes into taking account both of the feed in tariff. And so sometimes the results are a bit hard to understand, whereas the Canstar one presented things in a much better way. So I recommend having a look at Canstar if you've got solar panels already. Excellent. And we'll link to those sites in the show notes so you can find the appropriate energy site for your state.
All right, so Dinah, in summary, you're gonna, I don't know, I guess, what do you think if you buy a new home or your next home? Do you think you'll go down this path if you're gonna stay in your next place for more than 10 years?
Yeah, so I'll definitely look at it again as soon as we move. So I think that the next house we buy, it'll be kind of one of my first hours of power, not eight years later. And I think then, obviously depending on the rebates and also depending on the type of roof we have, it's definitely something I would look at again in the future, but just not at the minute.
So we hope these hacks will make you more likely to investigate whether solar is for you because we know it is the sustainable choice. Investigate these renewable energies. Our top hacks are get clarity before you start. Is this going to be a purely environmental or economic decision for you? Or do you want to remove yourself from the grid? Get local. Understand the rebates and feed in relevant to your actual location and get real about your energy consumption.
aside if you're willing to change your behavior so whether your household can change behavior to make the most of the investment. Thanks for listening. Show notes for this episode are available at And if you're a fan, please subscribe and share the love and tell a friend or review us in your podcasting app. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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