Art Beyond the Arches: From McDonald's to a varied diet of design & illustration for freelancer Dan Bailey image
E315 · Being Freelance
Art Beyond the Arches: From McDonald's to a varied diet of design & illustration for freelancer Dan Bailey
Art Beyond the Arches: From McDonald's to a varied diet of design & illustration for freelancer Dan Bailey

Dan went freelance twice. First for creative freedom. Secondly to free him up for his family.

Starting out as a designer for McDonald's but wanted a more varied diet of projects. With a lot of time freelancing in agencies, Dan learnt to stand out, be indispensable and build relationships to expand his chance of finding work. He also flexed himself creatively with illustration side projects (after college tutors said he’d never make a living from drawing!)

Adding a unique flair to his freelancer personal brand as 'Rubber Penguin’. Using a business name helped him be remembered and found - useful if you have a common name (Shout out to all the Dan Baileys of the world!). It also let him focus on adding character to his freelancing design work through illustration.

When you're a freelancer, you're a business. And whilst Dan's time in agencies helped him with dealing with freelance clients professionally, he still struggled to have confidence in his value, his pricing - what he could charge for projects. Getting to know other freelancers and becoming co-mentors with them gave him a chance to discuss pricing strategies, finally getting that piece of the freelance puzzle in place.

For all the talk of fast food, this is a slow burner of a career. Dan has gradually built his reputation within the industry. As a freelancer he's now getting the kind of work he wants to be doing at a price he deserves. Being able to to work around his family in a way that in-house demands would never allow.

Happy Meal? No. Happy Freelancer? Yes.

You're not alone being freelance. 
Come and hang out with your BFFs (Being Freelance Friends).


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6 months ago

Dan went freelance twice. First for creative freedom. Secondly to free him up for his family.

Starting out as a designer for McDonald's but wanted a more varied diet of projects. With a lot of time freelancing in agencies, Dan learnt to stand out, be indispensable and build relationships to expand his chance of finding work. He also flexed himself creatively with illustration side projects (after college tutors said he’d never make a living from drawing!)

Adding a unique flair to his freelancer personal brand as 'Rubber Penguin’. Using a business name helped him be remembered and found - useful if you have a common name (Shout out to all the Dan Baileys of the world!). It also let him focus on adding character to his freelancing design work through illustration.

When you're a freelancer, you're a business. And whilst Dan's time in agencies helped him with dealing with freelance clients professionally, he still struggled to have confidence in his value, his pricing - what he could charge for projects. Getting to know other freelancers and becoming co-mentors with them gave him a chance to discuss pricing strategies, finally getting that piece of the freelance puzzle in place.

For all the talk of fast food, this is a slow burner of a career. Dan has gradually built his reputation within the industry. As a freelancer he's now getting the kind of work he wants to be doing at a price he deserves. Being able to to work around his family in a way that in-house demands would never allow.

Happy Meal? No. Happy Freelancer? Yes.

You're not alone being freelance. 
Come and hang out with your BFFs (Being Freelance Friends).


The Being Freelance course is made for you!
Take the course and you'll also get 6 months FREE community membership.

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