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C3 Ep. 14 Grave Dawn Chapter Two image

C3 Ep. 14 Grave Dawn Chapter Two

Eberron Renewed
385 Plays2 months ago

Can the team work together as they face their first foe?

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction and Cast Introduction

oh um threaten with the coach
D20 Radio, your game is roll. Hello,
and welcome to Ever On Your New, actual play podcast set in the Ever On Campaign theme setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Phillip. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. Welcome to another episode. Folks, what happened last time?

First Job and Kernville Mission

We got a job. We got our first job and we researched about it. There's zombies at Kernville. Yep.
This is true. Or undead of various types. We're going to go deal with it. We got some gadgets and we did some books and now we're ready to go fight. and I'm working on some gizmos. Plenty. Gadgets and gizmos. but Okay. hey its Take that out, Ron. and Editor Ron. Amazing.
OK, now it is. We got we got any wrong. OK, so you all have done

Travel Route Debate

your research. v You got your enhanced ninja stars from from Hendrick. It just holy ninja stars. The the pre job research stuff that you all do.
is for that specific arc. I know some of this stuff, like why in the world would Selena forget how to do shield for an ally? You know, suspend your disbelief, everyone. There are mechanics that sometimes don't fully interact with the logic of the world. So, yeah, b your ninja stars are enhanced to do holy damage ah for this adventure, and then the enhancements will wear off. So, that kind of thing. But... you all take off. So the first question is, are you all going to cut through the wilderness and kind of go off the beaten path in order to get there sooner? Like Javier said, it's a two day journey if you do that, or if you stick to the roads, it's a three day journey. ah Nick's favor is going across country.
Selena would like to stick to the roads, but she'll go along with whatever. I think Zalk would vote to stick to the road. I was gonna say, but now it puts him on the spot. I was gonna say that I think Kaz thinks V is ghoul and is gonna vote for what V says. But now that puts Trevor on the spot. So I'm fine with putting Trevor on the spot. But if I vote for the wilderness, now we're tied, right? No, we'd grow up, yeah. There are definitely five of us. We can't tie.
But I think it's right now two and two right or no it no no I'm the only dicks is the only one who has voted going directly across country, but if you ask for that that Trevor Yeah, this either. Just look good. Oh What happened did you see that yes like the third time it's happened? it's the upper all Sorry, I don't get on the internet. No, you're not allowed on the What do I want to do? The streets or the woods? What? You're a little dance. That's what the way you acted. That's all thing. and That's what it I think. I think the woods are going to be more fun. Well, yeah, we're going to the place. Grub is very happy. Selena. Grub with his little thumbs gives us two thumbs up. He sure it does. OK, so you all take off with your provisions in gear directly south by southeast trying to make a straight shot to Coonville.
So the way we're going to handle travel and the potential for you all to come across random things or if for random things to come across you is, okay, another question.

Travel Speed Considerations

Are you all traveling normal speed or quickly? So basically if you travel normal speed, it's two days. You can manage a day and a half if you travel quickly, but there's a greater likelihood that you will be noticed and perceived on your journey. I think normal speed.
What time are we wanting to get there? I know that we can adjust the time we leave to make it work for whatever speed we want, but are we wanting to get there like dawn or dusk? Or like, what do we, we fight the undead in the daytime? and unfortunate Unfortunately, none of us did any research as to the effects of day of the time of day on undead. So I don't know if we know if it matters. What that have no, well, not specifically with undead.
I know what daylight does to to my ability to see things to hit. So that's fair and traverse wooded areas at nighttime. That also has a pretty big impact on day versus night. Yeah. Yeah. I guess I assumed, I assumed we're not traveling at night. No. Yeah.
I was gonna say in my research with that what I have known When the words are more active in day or night from the news based on the research in the role that you got No, well, you got the propaganda If we mean about it Eric I was writing context. Sorry. He deserves this a ding-dong like valk No, don't let it gets for cutting up on the newspaper. See he removes that the important part. Yeah, Ellora goes through and takes Oh out the important bits before Valku gets the paper. I think, I think Kaz is, goes for just taking a, taking a standard pace. Like knowing when we're going to get there, we leave in the morning, we'll get there in two mornings from now.

First Day of Travel and Camping

That'll be good. Okay. What do you say guys? Just take it easy, get there with a full head of energy. I don't. Sure. Did you want to try that again? Look, it's what the kids say. Okay. No, it's... Technically, I'm older than you guys. I don't know if that's right. I think Nick's, yes, but I don't know how old the rest of you are actually. Nick's... Okay.
so ah wasn't It you. I didn't assume that. I'm not important enough to get those sorts of reactants. All right, Eric, what comes across us or what do we come across? Under curiosity, how is everyone with cross-country travel? This is a motley group to to take camping. It's not Valk's favorite thing to do. Like, he will do it. He does not like to get dirty. He has a lot of, like,
Trinkets and stuff attached to them getting caught in bushes and you know getting your already dirty float even dirtier is Not his favorite past time, but if it's for the group he will do it for the group Celine is kind of similar. She doesn't like it, but she can manage. He's just used to it. Kaz is an able-bodied 16-year-old. He's never done it, but he can hack it. Yep. Okey-dokey. Kill it. Roll a D12 for me as you all head out for the first part of the day. Oh, okay. A one. Okay. First first half of the day, you all don't encounter anything as you traverse through the woods. Jeff. Jeff, roll a D12 for me.
You got it. It's a 10. Okay. First day of travel, uneventful as you all travel through. You're traveling off road. You occasionally traverse through some fields, plains, lightly wooded areas. You see like along the edge of like a farmer's field. You can see the crops in rows, ah but you find a safe, but still decently covered spot to camp for the night.
Uh, to rest up. So who would like to take first watch on, does anybody want to take watch? Are y'all just going to sleep? Nyx is absolutely taking a watch. Okay. I thought we can do a watch too. Okay. First watch, second watch, that works. Phillip, roll a d12 for one. Okay. Mia, roll a d12 for 12.
Okey-dokey, quiet night, second day of travel, so you all will be getting to Kernville at sundown, is when you will be arriving. So, Jeff, you already rolled a D12. Madison, roll a D12.
Five. Okay. First half of the day in a minute full. Trevor, roll a d12. Sorry, guys. Five. Okay. You all reach Kernville without incident. So as as you get close, the sun is beginning to reach towards the horizon, not fully sunset yet.
But you do begin to hear kind of a low rumble in the distance, the direction, the direction that you're going. So I would like everyone as you get close to give me a, give me a check to move quietly. So this is probably going to be a dexterity check if you have ah something in your background that you would like to pitch.
such as Carnathy

Approaching Kernville and Encountering Undead

Assassin and Bee's case. They would like to buy it. I would like to pitch my black marketeer background. Yeah, I would do smuggling. I would love to pitch that. Yeah. OK, so just add that to your role. Oh, baby. This is a teenager help. It's not my factor. What'd you get, Trevor?
Well, I got a natural 19 plus three and dexterity and plus three and being an assassin. So that's a 25 plus one for your level. So 20, that's 26. I want 18. Okay. Go ahead. Dirty 20. Nice.
ah nine and fourteen it wasn't me so believe it I was actually going to narratively say that Grub like spots something in the bushes and begins to run after that noi- I don't even know really what sound raccoons make. Are they chitter? They're kind of chitter and kind of hiss, right? I don't think. I don't know. Nope. I know possums. Somebody's seen them eating food, so. Raccoon noises.
It's like, well, they have like a little like, like can we get it? so Why? I'm so good at sounds. We can record it to sound. Mainly.
Okay, Grub. So, oh, and they also chitter, but yeah, Grub starts growling and rushes towards a bush. And per so you all see as you're reaching kind of the tree line and Grub takes off Selena, the noise is loud enough to where as you all make it through the tree line, you see the town of Kernville with a pretty sizable horde of skeletons and zombies around it.
And you see a not insignificant amount of them turn, noticing the noise that Grub is making. In fact, a a dangerously large amount. Thankfully, you have something to help deal with this. Maybe. Yeah, I mean.
nicks first nicks just reaches out and there's this slight wailing sound as she pulls a sword out of the air and then she takes the I don't know we have been haven't been on a job maybe you've never seen her do that before and then she takes the yeah it's it's like she literally pulls it out of there like it was in something and she has pulled it out of the air through this sort of tear and then she pulls the flare off of her belt and raises it in the air and launches it I just trust that it's going to do something again Okay. Right. While that's happening, Selena grabs Grub and gives him a little treat that she packed to quiet him down.

Combat Strategies Against Undead

Okay. but Just reinforcing the behavior. Okay, but yeah we'll deal with that later. but We're in survival mode. he's ah To be fair, you did just rip open a void and there was that a ah ah whale? Some more noise?
Well, the quiet was already lost. The opportunity to be quiet had already passed. And whales don't sound like that. and like They hate you. Cass stretches and wakes up and he goes, what? Waits up? Was someone carrying you? up Much to the relief of Nyx, a ah moat of light fires out of this and shoots up into the air and forms a ball as it then explodes very clearly, even even though it is not nighttime, very clearly visible and then you begin to hear yelling and shouting from Kernville and including some of the ones that did turn noticing the noise that Grubbin made turn as you kind of hear like gates opening but it's not
it sounds worse than that like it it's a makeshift gate has been built it is being opened and so you you see most of the horde begin to converge and go around towards the opposite side of Kernville so you all do see though a group larger than what would have been if you were quieter a group of skeletons and zombies ah Still heading towards you all they've spotted you the skeletons have bows so they they they're not the mindless sort of skeletons they are combatants and then a There are P
There are two archers and 15 zombies rushing at you all. Well, two archers and 15 zombies. OK, two skeletons, yeah two skeletons. And Nix says, all right, I need spells on those. I need spells on those skeletons. And then she starts moving forward. OK. And he's going to follow. We will roll initiative. And Cass says, got it. Where is it? Here it is.
i like
We don't add anything to it, do we? Dexterity plus level. Yep. Okay. Gotcha. Nyx, what do you got? 22. Kaz? 13. Selena? 7. 3. 12. Valk? 19. Okie dokie. One of the skeleton archers gets to go first. So as Nyx being the one that kind of rushes forward first, going to aim ah with their short bow, that is a 24 to hit. Yes.
Seven damage, Nyx. Okay. As an arrow comes flying through the air, but it is now your turn. So as Nyx is running, Nyx is moving in, breaks, sort of moves into a a jog towards the enemy um as the ah these sort of armored scales start to form along her arms and is going to rush towards the nearest zombie. I'm going to use one use of my Demonic Violence ability.
ah So when I when I engage them as I as I'm engaging, there's this little little wreaths of flame seem to break off of her. And I deal one D six to the first zombie I come to just by engaging with them.
Nice. Okay. And then I try to stab them with my, with the sword I pulled out of the air. i i ah Okay. ah That's going to be 15 to hit. 15 does hit. Nice. That is going to be 13 damage. That includes the D6 that you dealt when you first came. Oh, no, I didn't do that. The D6. That was three. So a total of 16 damage. Okay.
OK, so you rush up and immediately it's it's a large sword, right, that Nick's wield. Yeah, yeah, yeah. As your sword swings, it slashes through one zombie and buries itself in the one next to it. And so the first zombie.
crumbles to the ground, damaging the one next to it, including what does the demonic violence look like when it deals damage in that way? She she rushes in and i and the the first zombie that claws at her, she just pivots aside and as she turns, she just throws the the now metallic scale covered shoulder into the into the one that she's coming at and just gouges across its face. And then as it staggers back, she brings the sword down and just cuts it from from shoulder to ribs. Nice. All right.

Demon Summoning and Battle Progression

out I have to gain my focus and I'm going to stay a little further back. I don't want to rush into the battle. Okay. That's all I got. Okay. Not the group of zombies that you ran up to Nyx, but another group is going to rush towards you to try and overwhelm you.
So since they have to move to you, you can tell that, well no, i'll I'll say that for what happens. So the the zombies kind of rush up to you and clumsily are like slailing and trying to pummel you with their fists and bite on you. So it's only a 12 to hit. That does not hit. So you're able to stave off as you you you effectively have 10 zombies engaged with you at this point next. but Okay. And that is it for their turn.
has so i rolled the I pulled the defensive token so I have to start with the bow so I am going to cast Chaos blessing and I'm gonna roll a d20
Okay, I get seven temporary hit points. That is the result of this. I try to cast a spell, and I think, like, I accidentally shoot it straight up, and it comes down and it hits me, and I go, sorry, but I feel like that helps. Everyone was so worried about protecting you. Yeah, there you go. i That guy turned this to Soleil like, I'm good now. Anything else, Kaz? No.
No, I don't have any quick actions. I need to get something. V, you are up next. So there are 10 zombies up on Nyx. There's another group of five zombies and then there are two archers in the back. Well, V had just ran after Nyx when Nyx ran in. So going to be up on a zombie, I guess. OK, and I'm going to group that Nyx attacked or the other one that ran up on her. Just super my keeping.
I don't know. I think it was probably five, six seconds behind Nick, so probably the ones that joined after. Okay. Sounds good. I don't know. So, so what are you going, which are you going into an opening attack from one of your forms? Yeah. I'm going to do a spinning willow style. Okay. Is that right? Yeah. But I don't have any other information besides that. Make it up. Spin around your arms flailing around like willow branches. That may not be an attacking thing. That's when you get hit with a ranged attack or a close-corner attack. Okay, but never mind. So you've got Dance of the Mantis. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the original Venom. Let's Dance of the Mantis. Dance of the Mantis. So you're doing your springing mantis strike to start off. Yee-haw. Okay. So roll plus your dexterity plus level. Oh my gosh. Why does this suck? 12. 12?
yeah okay would you just a reminder that you have them would you like to use one of your icon resources to reroll that because that does not yeah why not okay who did you have it with ah when you rolled was it oh lady vol lady vol Okay. So how does your negative relationship with lady bowl allow you to re-attack this? I mean, you're fighting undead. So yeah, probably just past trauma. I was like, no, I need to get that. I need to hit you. You probably also have a greater understanding of like interacting with a lich and her minions probably gives you some insight and understanding into how to fight them as well. So yeah, go ahead and roll again. Okay.
you go Oh my gosh, it's exactly the same. How fun. All right. I'm going to roll to see if you have a combination. Okay. Rolled a 13, so you do not. 1 through 10. Oh, okay. All right, well, V, u you're an assassin. You're used to going after a single target. There's a lot of people kind of swarming you right now, so it's unfamiliar footing. It's okay, you can just say I suck. The skeleton, the other skeleton archer is going to shoot at V, who just rushed up. O is only a 12 to hit.
Nope. Who's not hit now? The zombies that... Hitters are so cocky about this. Okay, Nick, so the zombies that you initially attacked are going to now attack you. You notice, because they aren't having to rush up on you, they're able to kind of be firmly planted and attack more effectively. So they don't have to take a move action on their turn. They can really come at you. 21 to hit.
Yes. Eight damage. They really, yeah, they're fists and they're trying to bite you. You're able to stave off their bites, but they're really pummeling down on you. How many hit points do you have? I'm okay.
Okay. It's a new enough system to where I don't really have a good feel for a zombie. I start with 24. You're a little little tougher than 5e at first level. Okie dokie. It is now the other zombies turn. So this third group of zombies are going to try to fully encircle V and Nex who have rushed forward.
So they're going to attack V, but they had to move so they don't get to do their really effective attack. That's still a 20 to hit. Oh, okay. Four damage. Great. And now Kaz, Selena, and Valk, you see that Nyx and V have gotten completely surrounded by zombies. yeah It is now Selena's turn.
Great, Selena is going to try to use Ray of Frost against one of the archers. Oh, Kidoki. That's a 16. 16. That is going to hit. Okay, that was 13 damage. 13 damage. You're attacking the one on the left or the right? The left. Okay, nice. All right, and that is the end of the first round of initiatives. So the escalation die is now at a one. So add a plus one to all of your rolls, everyone.
The first skeleton that went, Nyx is pretty covered target now and the zombies seem to be doing a fine job. So going to aim at the one that just shot his companion with a ray of frost. So aiming at Selena. That is a 16 to hit or no, a 12 to hit. Sorry. That'd be against AC here. Okay. It does not hit.
OK, then the era flies wide. Nix, you are up. OK. Zombies, 14 zombies, 14 zombies. Yes, I I noticed that there were 14 zombies. So, oh boy. Yeah. OK. So next sees the ring close around them and says in a an entirely calm voice V, please don't freak out. And Nix.
will sort of kick herself free, raise the sword through the air. And as she does, it just cuts this rent in the air and something claws its way out of the rent as a claw fiend climbs out of Shavarath and into Eberron. Okie dokie. Can Val yelp from? the No one needs my permission to react. Horrifying. Who's going to save the kid from her? ah When she does this, the scales work their way further down her arms and her horns elongate slightly and her eyes kind of go dark. And then it gets to make this is fun. It makes one D three attacks. So I have to roll to see how many attacks it gets. It gets three attacks. Excellent. And so it's just going to lunge out of Shavarath into that mob of demons and just start slashing away with big, long, like knife-like claws on the ends of its hands. Nice. Oh, yeah. Why would I freak out? To give you a warning. So first attack is 16. That hits, yes. OK. Is it normal that monsters just do a standard damage or is it? Yes. Am I missing a piece of this statue? OK. No. Three damage. OK. And then second attack.
15 that hits three damage and 21 gets taken out and 21 for another three damage. Oh, I'm not adding to escalation die go on to damage. No, just the actuals. OK, well, I forgot to roll it that didn't matter. Yes. So that's my standard action. You look like other than it's knife like claws. Yeah. So it's.
it's chevaro so it's it's cheroth So it's kind of it's kind of a distorted human shape in either in or made of armor. That's like all of the worst fantasy tropes of sharp edges all over the the metal of the armor.
paladin or the Warcraft type. Yeah, but kind of like and but kind of like, ah I don't know, like stunted and not with the right like it's humanoid, but with the wrong proportions, like the arms are too long and the the bottom of the legs, the knees bend the wrong way like that. the These things that make it horrific. Yeah.
Awesome. Okey dokey. Nix, do you have a reaction to this? Or is Nix acclimated to it? Nix has learned to not do this on accident, mostly. Okay. so So she does not freak out. I mean, she looks somewhat more infernal than she did five seconds ago.
but ah and Does that count? Is that an ally? yeah it is so yes Then I want to go ahead and use better yet here and give a little bit of a bonus if I can. yeah That is my intelligence and level against mental defense. defense And the mental defense. Yeah. That one, which is a it's my intelligence. Twenty one. Twenty one against the zombies. Yes. Whatever group was just being attacked. That didn't. OK.
um Then, yes, that does hit. All right. And so I'm going to go ahead and just do the, the shit, which is 2d6 plus wisdom, five plus two. It's just the modifier. Yeah. Yep. Okay. Which is another seven damage. All right. What does it look like as that interacts with this demon to cause it to kill another zombie as part of its fury? That is absolutely stunned in horror by this. So it almost makes ah like a shadow copy of it. But from his perspective, which has like 10 times even more spikes. Yeah, it's like his eyes are hollowed out and it's like glowing. And it's just like a second like a wave of attacks just that it's cross-sobered. Nice. And he is freaking out during this. Nix, how does Nix respond to seeing a shadow version of a demon that you summoned up here? It gives her pause, but when Nix is healthily or not, predronaturally good at comp car compartmentalizing during a fight.
And so during a fight, Nix is just eerily calm and looks really, really happy and and at peace in a way that she never does outside of a fight. but Fair V, any strong reactions to seeing a demon appear and then a shadow of that demon appear that that laugh. Yeah, just just like, well, the I'm endangered meme from the symptoms. I guess I won't freak out.
You were already in danger. You're not in more danger now. There are fewer zombies. But there's more. OK, you know what? I think it's my turn. No, actually, it is Valk's turn. That was on Nix's turn.
Yeah, and then Valk is going to do his deep breathing in that moment. The shadow version kind of fades away and he's going to regain his focus and then he's just going to shout like that. That second one was me just so you know, that's why it looks even scarier. I don't. I'm sorry.
Can anyone else do these things? Is this... Am I the only one who... Am I the only one who can? We didn't cover this in orientation, okay? And sorry, real quick, before we continue, Philip, you need to roll 1d6 damage. I did. Okay, cool. It only took one, so... Best possible result at the moment. Okay, it is... Nah, that was Valk. So a group of zombies are going to attack. They do not need to move to attack, so they're going to attack V. That's an actual 20.
Because I'm the threat. just You look more edible than the other thing. you Remember, they're not rational. V, that is, since they created 16 points of damage.
that's so many of your points that's a lot as the zombies like go into a rage seeing this demon and the shadow of the demon they and they begin to clamber over uv and attack you yeah and now it's Kaz's turn all right Kaz rolled an attack or pulled an attack so he is going to Get up on the balls of his feet, almost like he's gonna, like, lunge, thinking, this one's going forward. This one's going, this one's going, right as you go. And ah is the one, the one that attacked Selena is still up, right? Both of the skeletons are still up. Okay, okay, cool. Well, the one that attacked Selena, I'm gonna look at him like, don't worry, I got you. And, what, she's supposed to be protecting Kaz. And I roll a, I'm sorry, I'm having to switch to all of my character feed on my phone.
that's fifteen sixteen So 16, 17, 18, 19. That's a dirty 20. That hits. Which is going to be five points of damage. And since it was a natural even, the next closest enemy takes two or three if you round up or down. I don't know. Round up. So three. yeah So the next closest enemy takes three. And did you do an attack warp?
Oh yeah, so the attack warp requires having any a target engage with me already, so I kind of just failed that one. But I do also roll for weirdness and I roll a 67 and then it I had to roll a d8 and I rolled, I don't ever roll anymore, but because I rerolled it for damage.
I have the halfling the halfling evasiveness. Basically, if you hit me, I can make you re-roll with a negative two one time this battle. So Kaz shrunk down to three and a half feet. it says It says some features change. So I like to think that just his arms did. Big old hairy feet. Oh, no, just... ah No. Little T-Rex arms. Yeah, but it only lasts but only lasts until I use the effect. So I got T-Rex just for a second. Until someone hits me. i have Okay, Jess tall for a kid too. He's he's like 6'3". Just so we can try to get in the habit of doing it. Go ahead and pull because you're supposed to be doing it at the end of your turn. That's what I've been doing. Yes. Okay. That's why I re-rolled all that stuff. Gotcha. And my next one is an icon. So if you want to... Do I roll the 12 or do you roll the 12? I think you roll the 12. Go ahead and let you know what it is. I'll grab my 12. There it is.
I rolled an icon and I rolled a two, which is the, again, having stuck on my phone. Oh, the Platinum Concord with whom I have one point of confound or confliction. So nice. And I gave you the breakdown of which ones fall into which category of Twisted Path and okay. Okay. We'll move on to V's turn. All right. Let's try this Dance of the Manus again.
Well, now you can do your flow attack if you want, if you want to move into the next one, or you can try the springing mantis strike. Well, they're on top of me, right? Yes, but the. so all I don't need to spring, I don't think. But so what I would recommend just as we're learning this, you can do your flow attack for your original venom form.
And if you hit with an even roll, then you deal poison damage on going five. So that would allow you to like continue to deal damage if you managed to hit them. ah Even though you started with the the mantis, you can switch to the venom. Well, let's do that.
Okay. Okay. Here we go. That's much better. That is 22. Okay. And what did you roll on the dice? Oh, 17. Okay. So you didn't get natural even, so you won't deal the poison damage, but you did hit. Yeah. So your, it's your punch plus strength is the damage. I need this one.
Which which die is your punch? Eight. A D eight. OK. And that is a six plus three. So that's nine damage. Nine. OK. You know you know really like punch straight into one of the zombies test. Doesn't quite kill it, but it's like staggering back into the group. Yeah, teetering. And now it is the skeleton archer that got got by Selena. So take bets on Well, I can also hit it. So Selena, twenty one to hit you. Oh, yeah. That is going to be seven damage. yeah but These zombies are going to ah the zombies that the demon came out and immediately started slashing at are going to attack the demon. Reasonable. Yeah, I'm cheering for him a little bit because that's what we know what's going on. That is a twenty one to hit. Yeah, does it. OK, that is eight damage. OK.
And then the next group of zombies get to go and they will also attack the big giant scary demon. That is only a 14 to hit. That does not hit. OK, so yeah, two groups of zombies begin to try and take the demon down while another group wants to eat. Selena. All right. Selena is going to use

Skeleton Archer Defeated

magic missile. OK. Oh, that's range. The one that got me with the arrow. film it It is it it is a far away target. OK. That's what it counts as. So. OK, so I will do a magic missiles for that one. I think it's automatic. Yes, you just roll 1d2 to determine how many times you get to cast magic missile.
Okay, we'll do it. What do you need? Yeah, just flip that. Okay, great. Two. Okay. So you get to do it for two rounds. So this first round, you deal five damage.
but A couple of ribs fly out, it's still standing, but it is hurting really bad. Can I jump in with another yeah better yet here? And then joke okay so we're good to try. That's a natural 20. Can I not get excited? Yeah, that was great. I loved it. And then I mean, it was the natural 20, 24. So go and roll 4d6 and then add your wisdom. 15. Okay, so Selena shoots a dart of silvery light at this skeleton about what what do you do to it to make it so so potent because it normally deals five damage and now it's an adult 20.
Valk is going to kind of assess the situation and just kind of so like barely catch that little sliver going past him and then he's just gonna like point his arm and just like motion towards it and it's going to double if not triple inside. Awesome. Nice. isn't yeah Like he just barely caught it and he's just like enhanced and he's just gonna let it go naturally.
as it as the light makes contact with the skeleton, it just explodes into shards of bone. So, Selena, do you have, like, but what are your thoughts on what just happened? yeah I think my eyes just get wide and I look and just kind of nod. do it Give a big ol' thumbs up. Thumbs up. Grub gives thumbs up. like I forgot, you you were also there.
Okay, that was Selena's turn. So now we're at the top of the next round. Escalation die is at a two, everyone, or the skeleton that is still up. The one skeleton that's still up gets to go. I'm going to see, I'm going to make an intelligence roll real quick to see if the skeleton can figure out that all of the crazy stuff that's happening is due to one person. Please be stupid. Skeleton is going to shoot it back.
oh bo Okay. That's a 12 to hit. So let's all calm down. a group He used his good role to figure out what's going on. Yeah. The skeleton is about to shoot at Selena because, and then he's like in turns and now it's Nix's turn. Okay. So Nix is going to lay into the group of skeletons that we've torn up quite a lot. Like this is initial group, the zombie, sorry. but We've killed.
three or four of. And so I want to target that one and try and clear some of this out. So she's going to make an attack there. That's a bunch, a 16. That does it. OK, that is ahally not not for damage. That is 13 points of damage. No, 12. Sorry. What kind of the wrong modifier? You take out another zombie in this group. OK.
Send the damage carries over to another one. All right. Then the fiend here. That's going to make two attacks. First attack is going to be a miss. Second attack is an 18. That hits. Three more damage. There's only one zombie left in this group. And so it's just diving on it. It's not quite down yet, but it is. It's very close. OK, so we're down to 11 zombies in that group.
out I am che che i'm going to retain or get my focus back. And as a quick action, I want to use stance of necessity, which gives me a plus four bonus to my defenses. Nice. Until the end of the battle. Okay. And is in effect when I don't have my focus. Okay. Yeah. So you do not have it right now. Gotcha.
Okie dokie. Well, I think I can still use. Yeah, if I use it before I regain my focus, but if I I lose it when I get hit. But it only applies when I don't have my focus. And you do have your focus now because you. Yeah, so it's not what's for now, but when I use it, then it activates. Gotcha. Cool. OK, group of zombies that attacked V are going to continue to attack V. 16 to hit. Yeah. OK, that's eight damage.
Ooh, I got two points left, people. Two points. You can take a standard action in your turn to regain hit points, Trevor. Just a reminder, you can take the rally action. Well, you know, I probably should. Probably should. And we'll figure that out when we get to your turn. is Yeah, V is looking really rough as these zombies are about to just completely run over her.
Kaz, your turn. All right. Kaz is going to stop and concentrate and just think that he needs to help somehow. And pulsing out from him begins this kind of like almost beats, these waves of energy. And everyone is affected. Everyone of the party is affected by it, I assume, including the... It says allies, so and including the demon beast. Basically, the next one of you that hits with a natural odd adds 16 points of damage. Oh the icon the the icon spells are big and which which group of icons were the platinum so that was the that was the platinum concord and so it's part of the aura and part of this social club so i feel like just kind of the inclusionary aspect of it kind of feels yeah sorry the blood of warriors the light of the high ones like the icon categories so sorry it's the middle section that's the light of the high light of the high ones okay yeah i just couldn't remember no i'm sorry i'm lying to you it's one through four so it's the blood of the warriors
Okay. Yep. Okie dokie. Then it is V's turn. Hooray. Let's heal a little. Okay, so you're gonna take the rally action. So you get to use a ah recovery. You have a limited number of those, but on your character sheet it should show tell you what your recovery die is. 1d8 plus 3.
So go ahead and roll that. How fun. That's a two. So I got five total. So I'm back up to seven. OK. Oh, and do I get to hit something? No, that was your standard action. You could try to move out of the group of zombies if you want.
Well attack if I use brilliant comeback now that no used to recovery i ah eighty so work So I'm assuming you're going to do that You sure so the triggering ally can make a basic attack as a free action So you don't get to do one of your four nice forever, but you can do the basic attack as a monk ah like a jabs Yeah, it's your dexterity plus your level is what you roll against their AC. So gonna roll that, Trevor. Wait, wait, wait, what? Oh, so roll it to it. Okay, gotcha. That's a 15, which is odd. But I get to add three and two more. So that's so it's a 20 total.
plus eight, which is the ally using the attack bonus equal to my intelligence modifier plus five. That's 28. Good griefs. So yeah, roll your punch die plus your strength. Okay. That's cool. Was that it? Nope. That's it. I just had it in my hand. There it is.
Oh, that's an eight, baby. Nine, ten, eleven. And then plus how much for the power, Jeff? Sixteen. And sorry, what was your base damage again? Eight plus eight plus eleven zero twenty seven. Yeah. Yeah. OK, V, describe how you resolve yourself feel a little bit and then immediately kill the three of these zombies that are trying to claim over you.
Oh, V's pissed. She's pissed. She's hurt. She pissed. She didn't heal herself very well. Then she said then get some, you know, I'm assuming she doesn't really know where the help came from. Yeah. So, yeah, it's just a kind of a blacked out sensation of rage, I guess, against whatever many zombies I hit or V hit and. Hmm.
Yeah. She, she, she, she just kind of blacks out while it's happening. That's almost almost like a friend possessed to almost like two of her friends possessed her and said, Hey, you're not good enough on your own, and but you're a great puppet. Amazing. Okay. And the dead skeleton does not get a turn anymore.

Final Battle with Zombies

So the zombies that that The zombie in the first group is going to try to fight off the demon. That is a 16 to hit. That does not hit. Okay. And the second group of zombies is also going to attack the demon. ah That's an 11 to hit. so And now it is Selena's turn. All right. Selena, we still have one more skeleton, right? Yes.
Great. Selena is going to do Ray of Frost again to that one. is Okay. That is a 12. That does not quite do it. Yeah. Okay. So I take one damage. You'd like to use one of your relationship resources to reroll it, you can, but. I don't think so.
What's the escalation die at? Two. Did you add? Yes, I did. Doki. The ray of frost flies wide, sadly. And now, escalation dies now to three. Is your background at the top? So I rolled a 19 for my initiative roll. So that means we have a natural roll of 19 that is available if anyone needs to replace a roll from the escalation on three now that the escalation dies at three.
Gotcha. Okay. The skeleton archer that's still up is going to try to shoot at Valk because Valk is clearly wrecking a lot of stuff and that's an 11 to hit. So also Valk for some reason cannot be hit. That's the thing. Nix, it is your turn. Okay. Going after the lone zombie in that one group. Plus 15. That does hit. Okay. A bunch, 13. You take out the last zombie of this group.
Awesome. So, yeah, the the zombie is clawing at the at the demon and the demon just like catches it in one of its clawed hands and lifts it up into the path of Nix's sword. I'm now going to trigger my talent sacrificial blade once per battle when I drop the last MOOC in a mob.
I can make a save passes to make a free standard action. So I'm going to just wheel straight into the next group and make another attack. Are you attacking the group that ah V put a chunk into or the completely fresh group? that Yes, I will turn. I will turn and try and clear demons away from V, who is obviously grievously injured right now. I rolled a natural one, so I'm going to take my 19 and replace it. Yes. Yeah. Fair enough.
So that's going to be 10 damage to that group of zombies. OK, there's only one zombie. You take out another zombie. There's one zombie left in that group. So there are six total zombies left. ah okay And then the demon will turn on the group of zombies that is trying unsuccessfully to eat its brain.
OK. Oh, I got to roll for how many attacks against all the six gets three attacks. So first attack is a 24. So three damage followed by a 16. So three damage followed by a natural 20. I don't know what that does. Does it double double it? OK, so six damage.
So a total of 12 damage from it takes out one of the zombies in that group. Yeah. So yeah. So it just turns ah roars and and just starts throwing bits of zombie in all directions. Excellent. Rolled come out on the degradation day. but That's fine. It's fine. That'll be fine. I'm going to leave an Eros.
Yeah, that's ah his primary focus right now. And with that, he is going to get his actually. And we'll see. OK, yeah, no, no, I need to get my focus back. And that is what I will do. And then he's going to try and like kind of hide behind something or someone now that this one skeleton archer as a vendetta against him. And then that is it. You got Selena and Kaz back there or Grub, I guess you want to try to hide behind and Grub.
let's not Let's not sacrifice a grub. No, too soon. As a matter of fact, he's gonna look around to try to find something to hide, look back into his options, and then just find a good where I am at. And then that's fine. All righty. Nice. Love it. Okay. Now it is the group of zombies that has been attacking V, but Nyx has entered the fray with that group, so they'll attack Nyx. Okay. 11. To hit.
Does not hit. Okay. The first few sessions of this campaign, I thought my new D20 I bought for this campaign was way too hot. And now I'm just understanding the laws of probability of finally getting swung back around. The first session, we I think V's prologue, I did not roll under 11 the whole sessions. Yeah. Coming back at me now. Kaz, your turn. All right. I pulled an attack. Die. My warp doesn't take effect until I'm hit. So we'll do it with that. Basically, you I'm going to get rid of the rule.
But for the weirdness, if any combatant in this fight has an ongoing damage thing, like at the beginning of your turn, yikes, take it now and then it's done. Okay, so that for any of us who are the bad guys, so gotcha.
and I am going to reach within myself, and there's one skeleton still up, right? Yes. Okay, I'm going to aim at that skeleton, this attack, it's fiery claw, so it ignores resistances, and that is a, whoops, not great, six, nine, 10, 11, 12 to hit. 12 to hit, is it AC? Sorry, no, you're 14 to hit, 14 to hit. AC? It is against physical damage, or physical damage. Physical damage is important. 14, you said? Yeah, 14 against physical.
That, yep, that does it. Okay, then that guy is gonna take... Perfect. 9, 10, 11. 12 points of damage, fire damage, and its resistance to damage is gone. So it now can get hit with anything under a 16 that hits its AC. It can take full damage, okay. ah some Somehow you put meat on those bones that can be hit with weapons.
and If that is actually what happened, he goes, Oh, gross. Yeah. You're a chaos mage. So that, uh, no. Yep. Yep. Muscles appear on the worse. I think it slap them in the flesh.
Gross. This says, well done. Oh, that guy looks right at me. say V, your turn. Oh, is it? What am I going to do? well You got one zombie left that's barely standing. Yeah, let's kick his butt. OK. And I'm just so. You can do a signature attack now. Or is that what they're called? Oh, my finishing attack. Oh, thank God. he wasn' a guy That got was a good trade. That was a good trade. So you could do your precise mantis strike, precise mantis kick, or your third poisonous lesson if you want. Or you can do another flow attack. It's up to you. Or no, you have to do a finish. Yep.
Let's do a kick. Which one? The Precise Mantis kick? Yeah. Okay. So roll d20 plus dex plus level plus two, since it's a finishing attack. Is 18 naturally plus three, so that's 21 plus level is one plus three, right? Yep. The escalation.
But because this is a finishing attack, you also get a base plus two to it as well. So it's 27 total. Crazy amount. Five. Yeah. You, you hit. So your kick damage, which is a D 10. Yeah. Punch with the. Oh, i'm sorry. That is a 10 total. 10 total.
Yes. how do you How do you kill the last zombie in this group, V? Oh, I kick his head off. Nice. Yeah. Or just a roundhouse kick to the head that is now gone. Yes. Yeah. You all see from this massive body, a round object, no flying, kicks the head off the zombie. I got it. All righty. Anything else, V? Do you want to move? Quick action? oh Yeah, I think I'll back up a little bit. Okay.
gonna move to nearby of the rest of the zombie horde. Since you are, so here's your option, since you're engaged with these other zombies, since you're all in a big mass, you can either, as part of your move action, make a disengage check to avoid getting, taking an opportunity attack. Or you can, so basically if you try to do the disengage check and you fail, you can't move.
Yeah. and Or you can move without trying to disengage, risk the opportunity attack, but be guaranteed to get away. Which one would you like to do? I'll probably... You just have to roll, you you roll a 20 and you don't add anything to it, ah but you have to get an 11 or higher. Okay. So I'll do that. Okay. So roll a d20 for me. Okay. 17.
Okay, so V, you are able to back away without getting smacked. All right, that first group of zombies is dead and second group of zombies is still up. So they are going to try to eat the demon. That is a 19 to hit. Hey, that hits. Okay, that is going to be eight damage. Okay. Demon's still up. Oh yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I don't know why you keep keep acting like you're worried. I don't know. Selena, I'm less worried about the demon going down, ah if I'm being perfectly honest.
Selena's gonna try her a array of frost one more time for the skill of 17. That hits. Nice. All right. Four damage. All right. Still up. Yeah. And just real quick, just so I know we reward Mia, does Valc have any of their things that trigger on natural roles? Like if it's a natural, to even hitter and natural on stuff like that. I just want to know if we need to be announcing the natural role initiative so you know, because obviously we're around a table. You could just see. Right.
Yeah, I don't think it's for any of the spells that I currently we have. but But I would have kept an eye out on it because I did check. I have not been checking if I retain my focus on my base rolls, though. So I have. I don't think we're low enough. But yeah, no, I don't think I have either. OK, cool. That skeleton's still up. And so we are now to the next round of combat. Escalation die is a plus four. Right. And it's going to shoot at Selena. 18 to hit. Oh, yeah, that hits. What does it stamp?
Seven damage. It's another arrow strikes Selena. And then he screams once again, as he's covered in muscles and nerves now. And covers like muscles and nerves, and I can handle it. He looks like one of these those drawings in anatomy texts. Yeah, but yeah. He sees that out, will he? Yeah. Okay, that is the skeleton's turn. Nyx. Okay, so the four zombies left.
Cool. Demon is going to try and tear some of them up with two attacks. That's going to be 20 bunch. So three damage and 11 plus a 17. So three damage is cocked and 14.
Against AC? Against AC, yes. so That's a miss. OK, then so that's just six damage and then Nix will. So the last skeleton, the last zombie goes down and V skedaddles Nix with just a just ah a grin pivots, launches herself across the space into the into the other cluster of zombies and will attack plus.
Three plus four for the escalation die plus So 21 gosh, there's so many things to add at a certain point it eight more points of touch Okay, you take out another zombie in that group. Okay three zombies left Wow, is that skelly archer still in existence? Yes Okay Yeah, I I want to while I still have my first focus. I want to use karmic rebuke OK, and I want to take all of like it. Well, let me see if it hits first. That would be fair. Yeah, I assume that it would. Don't let me down.
That's another natural 20. Oh my goodness. Well, yes, it does. sort two d i yeah I want to take all of that physical pain he is feeling from like screening as well as every single arrow in a shot towards us.
And you'll see it, like, the effect around, like, each one of the arrows that have fallen, it glitches and it, like, picks back up and it goes directly back towards it. Awesome. Yeah. And that's 2d6 plus wisdom psychic damage. Yep. I love these games. They're the most fun things we do. Which is eight. And that's ah just my wisdom yeah modifier, ah which is 10. Well, there's four or because there's my additional plus two on that. So 12 damage.
all right describe how you finally yeah nice by thank goodness i valk is it going to do anything special because he's still trying to like make it seem like it's not him doing anything but you'll start to see the same kind of effect from like the shadow to the glitching pick up around all of the arrows it goes back towards this now fleshified archer. And it's almost as if each arrow that hit, it's hitting twice in the flesh. So it's hitting the flesh and it's going through and also making sure it hits the skeleton too, where it just kind of trembles as each one of the bones inside of it cracks. And then it just like plops into a flesh bottle. Ew. Yeah. He does not like to be perceived. hurt steve That was the nigga of the karmat. He lifted you. that was you like That was the crime. Amazing. And then I'm assuming you're gaining your focus with your standard action. Yes. Yeah, actually I'm doing my focus and then we're good. Okay. Kaz, there are three zombies still left standing.
Doesn't matter because I drew a defensive dice. So who looks the worst? Selena's gonna get one because she's right next to me. I just saw her get hurt. So but is it V for sure? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So here's what happens is I get to pick the two people that the spell Hits, but I don't get to pick what happens to each of you some class He says, yeah. V is heads and Selena is tails. V, Selena, I have terrible news. oh You get 10 temporary hit points, but you also grow a strange appendage that lasts as long as the temporary hit points do. Okay, appendage. What appendage?
I mean, dealer's choice, maybe. I don't have the power to decide that. That's a DM and Selena thing, I think. It does give suggestions, a spare, an extra limb, or other physical feature. Okay, hold on. Well, those are normal appendages. I guess it's just straight into another one. And V is allowed to use a recovery out of turn right now to heal up.
Oh, that's so normal, thank gosh. Yeah, that's that's why I flipped the coin. But you got 10 different hit points, and that's great. I rolled to determine the area of the body that it appeared on, and I think you're not gonna hate it as much as possible. You grow a raccoon tail.
ah It's like it's like what's that? What's the thing you could eat in Mario that gave you right? Yeah recruit do you to I will say if this battle ends before you lose those ten temporary hit points You're going to have a raccoon tail for a long time. I don't think temporary hit points carry over battle to that I'll double-check that but importantly Madison didn't know that until you said Oh, that's true, I know nothing. Okay. And I got nine points back. a Awesome. So now I am just over half. This class is so stupid and fun. It's delightful. Oh, I need to pull my next thing. Okay. It is now, that was Kaz, me. It is your, oh, Kaz, what did you you draw for your next? I did just draw an icon and on the 12, I've rolled a, and another two, so it's the final concord again.
okay right b I mean, I've disengaged myself. So yes I'm assuming I would need to do some kind of ranged attack if I'm going to. You could you could reengage. I mean, you could come back now that you're healed. Yeah, on back yell well I mean, you could do that. Also importantly, you did spend your prep time getting your ranged attacks to deal holy damage. And those things are vulnerable to holy damage.
I, well, yeah, I know. But I, things didn't go according to plan, Eric. I almost died. So I want to throw, end of it I want to throw a ninja star. All right. sound be Basic ranged attack. I get one. Oh, wait, no, I still have to roll a d20, right? Yes. Plus dexterity, plus level. Yep. Plus four.
Well that is a 15 plus 3 is 8, 9, 10, or sorry, 22. It's a hit. Okay, so roll 2d4 since they're vulnerable to it. Plus your 1, so 3 plus 3, 6. Nice. You take out one of the zombies. That's good for a ninja star.
You sure? That's kind of like getting stabbed by a box cutter. So that's really that's that stuck down to the whole lot. yeah hope Well, OK, then I think there's ninjas that are going to have some very strong words or a Batman. In fact, it is. That was V's turn. So the zombies are going to attack the demon. That is 17 plus eight. That hits one damage. OK. Zombies getting close to overwhelming your friend. It's fine. It's going to be fine. It's going to be just fine.
Selena, you also have another magic missile to use. i i We neglected to mention that because you did get two rounds worth of magic missile. Let's do a magic missile at one of those enemies. OK, you take out a zombie because you don't have to roll the hit. They just have it.
Well, perfect. So there's one zombie left standing. And he's not running? that Zombies don't have a sense of self-preservation. That's the one thing they're famous for, is that they just go after things they want to eat. And they jump into food. So now the escalation die is at a five. And it is Nick's turn. OK, I'm going to try to kill that zombie. Yeah. I've rolled a natural 18, so a whole lot. Yes. So that is going to be eight. Yes, eight. am Yes. OK. Is it down? Standing.
Get it out. So here's like its brainstem is holding on by a thread. It's just like, man, what can I do about that? Did it hit? It did hit. Can I use better yet here? Yes, you can. I appreciate this. I don't think I think I felt because that is a plus my. Yeah, I don't think I felt that was like a seven. So but the occultist. Hold on. He thinks. Does it have any on a miss? Any damage?
Oh, yeah. A reading fundamental. It takes the target takes extra damage from the hit equal to a spell level. So just one zombie is dead. OK, that's wonderful. So the problem is here's the thing, everyone. Oh, no. The so the zombies have like really screwed up the the the fiend. And as the last zombie goes down, Nick's very quickly turns toward it. Nick's.
is looking quite fiendish at this point. The the metallic scales run down all the way down her arms and you can see them kind of coming up her neck. And the the sort of reddish tint in her short hair ah is looking spikier than usual. And she immediately turns and puts out a hand and says something at the demon in infernal. And... Gonna roll this die.

Post-Battle Safety and Conclusion

See? And the rift opens behind the the the fiend and it falls back into Shavarath and it closes. Okay. Nyx is just covered in gore. You all see some people on the wall like waving at you all to like come. There is a very clear path to the wall for now. Oh. and nos good what I was watching Mia play with the die? Is it a liquid like a liquid core die? Yeah in her hand and it slipped out of her hands and it directly like the corner it's smacked against my iPad So it's gonna push that and back a little bit Yeah soon as she sees the the path clear nicks like points with the glowing sword in her hand And her voice has kind of a metallic clang to it and she just shouts go no hesitation. Valk is gone Is everyone making a break for the wall? full spring Yeah, I think I'm i'm doing what Nick says when Nick's looks like Nick's looks. Okay. So you all reach the walls and we're going to call the episode there. Thank you all so much for listening. We want to be part of the conversations surrounding this episode. You can head to our Discord, the link to which is on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, of TikTok, Twitter, also my YouTube channel, youtube So I just keep getting on IDTTRPG videos there, fill it, do the thing.
You can find another podcast featuring Eric and myself, Tales from the Laughing Tree, where we have new campaigns set in the Lazar principalities using Tales from the Valiant. Also find us on YouTube at The Laughing Tree. Indeed. ah We also have a Patreon, patreon slash the campaign if you want to financially support the shows, you can do so over there. Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your Game Master, Eric. I'm Nia. I'm Phillip. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. We'll see you next time.