Episode Introduction and Affiliations
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to episode 26 of The Cooler Guild. I am Coop, and joined with me, as always, is my co-host, Van. Hello. We are recording on Thursday, February 27th, 2025. Before we dive into today's episode, ah we want to remind people that...
Cooler Guild is part of the Sounder Heart podcast network. You can either listen to us on our public feed or if you're a Sounder Heart subscriber on the private unified feed with the other podcasts on the network. If you'd like to become a subscriber, just visit our page at sounderatheart.com forward slash the Cooler Guild.
New subscribers get 10% off the normal rate and you'll help support everything we're doing. We've got a very fun episode today for everybody. Speaking of Sounder at Heart. Speaking of Sounder at Heart, for today's episode, we'll be discussing all things Seattle Reign as the 2025 season is quickly approaching.
Guest Introduction: Susie Rance
And to help us, we are joined with a very special guest. You know her from her work with Ride of the Valkyries, Sounder at Heart, AP News. She's someone I have been a long-term reader of, whether it's match coverage, interviews with players, GMs, coaches,
Breaking team news. She's been a major contributor covering the rain over the years. She's also the person that told us about the offer for us to join the Sounder at Heart Podcast Network. Please welcome to the show,
Seattle Reign at Coachella Invitational
Susie Rance. Thank you so much for having me on the best podcast name.
Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. I've just got my best drink. but here I'll try my dink. There you go. Clink. Welcome, Susie. This has been a long time coming.
We've wanted to do this for a long time. Big fans of you balls. We're big fans of you. See, back at you. We got a lot of rain stuff to go over. and we were kind of wanted to focus. that We usually kind of go over all over the WOSO world. But I think with Susie here, we're kind of hoping to stick to a bunch of rain stuff and kind of give like a season preview and what we've seen so far with the preseason. And since we're what, like couple weeks out or so ah from the regular season starting.
um So i think maybe the first thing to go over Coachella invitational recap, all that stuff. Susie went. I did. i went last weekend. It was 85 degrees, which was pretty wild. I know. um But really fun to be there in person. The rain really dominated against Angel City. ah Maddie Darlene put them up in the first half and then they gave up an equalizer the night eighty seventh eighty six minute.
um when they had like, I think six rostered players on the field. So yeah, I was waiting i was whining about in the Discord. I was whining about it the Discord. And Susie's like, keep in mind.
Was the Angel City's team, like, were they playing most of their regular playing? They had rotated a lot by that point, but they did start. I don't think they had quite as many players on international duty as the rain did.
Yeah. Seems like they're kind of going through ah a bit of a transition as well. Yeah. um They didn't get the number one leading goal score in the league either. That's gone. They sure didn't. Mm-mm. Yeah.
ah First game that they had for that Coachella Invitational was 1-0 win over BAFC. Did you get to see most of that match? I did watch it I like streamed it. And I thought, again, like... ah I actually thought the rain had more chances against dans angel city. Like I felt like that game could have easily been three to one for the rain. And I felt like against Bay FC, like the rain controlled possession had the better chances, but it did seem like that was more of a one, nothing game than the angel city one, but still nice to see the team like creating the tempo and um not giving up a lot of goals, which we know is a big issue last year. Yeah.
I know with when the with the first game, I remember reading the the rain recap on their on the website and they were like big save by Claudia Dickey in like the 36th minute. So I went back and watched it and it was like, oh, the shot was like just straight at her.
came brazz like And that's that's the defense that you're you're highlighting. Yeah, that was a that was a dominant game. Yeah. And lyn Lynn got on the board, too, for that. She did. Which is... That was, like, super encouraging.
Mm-hmm. I mean, it was just, like, a Wasn't
Player Impact and Upcoming Season Potential
it, like, the... Like, she caught, like, the rebound, basically, on that? and Yeah. Yeah, it was... oh go ahead. Oh, the ball... Well, it was, like, off a corner kick. Mm-hmm. And then there was a bad clearance out to...
um Who was it? It was Madison Curry. yeah that's right. Curry. And Curry struck the ball and it hit off Lynn, deflected off Lynn and then like hit off a defender and Lynn was able to turn and put it in left footed.
Which, hey, we haven't i had the best of luck doing that last year. So I like the gumption of just like whacking that ball into dangerous areas, especially when you've got somebody like Lynn up there that can control it and take advantage of it.
I was like kind of upset to see her leave for the national team. but i know. It's always that like the FIFA break came at really an unfortunate time in the preseason where you want your team to have as much time together as possible. but Yeah.
yeah Nice. And I know they played a closed door friendly as well against Spokane Zephyr and it sounded like Lynn had a goal and an assist in that game too. So she is she isn't firing already. She's got that marriage, what do you want to call it? That's not a glow.
ah like honeymoon glove or whatever something but she's got in the honeymoon phase yeah yeah she's in the honeymoon phase i don't know i feel like being around that man like he's such a like happy person yeah he does seem like a very person i'm just like i did i did really like the people been calling her being golo yeah that's a good nickname yeah I like it.
ah So you went to the Angel City game. and we kind of talked about that. was like Are you feeling good? Because this wasn't, i would say, the normal lineup, but we're going to have to be deep in our bench and all of that. where you would did you see that game and you were encouraged by what you saw? Because I would say when we looked at our depth last year, it wasn't great.
Yeah. I mean, I thought it was like, I thought, I mean, she was, didn't get on the score sheet, but I also saw Emery Adamas had a really good game against Angel City. i think she had like three or four really solid shots that had to be saved. Like one was a free kick from like 20 something yards out that the keeper had to push over the bar.
blasted that. Yeah. That was like upper left corner. um And she had a couple of really good looks that like were well taken, just didn't quite get around the goal. Angelina Anderson, I thought it a good game. So.
Um, so I think like the young players that we didn't get to see perhaps enough of last year seem like they're, or or and the ones they brought in seem like they're really ready to be impact players. Um, so I, I left, I am leaving feeling really excited about the season.
Are there any players that like maybe we haven't, not just us, but but in the media sphere that the team has brought in that we haven't really talked about enough or that you think might make an impact this year? Maybe from the bench or...
yeah I mean, we haven't even we haven't talked about Maddie Deline, but i think people have talked about her You've talked. Yes, you talked about her last episode. up Yeah, her like instincts. and not only is she fast, which is already like a helpful skill um that we haven't had much of.
um But her instinct pressing is really, really good. um And I asked Laura Harvey after the game, um like, is that something you really had to work with her on? And she's like, no, it's why we signed her. Like, she just like naturally knows when to go.
And if she goes and it's not the right decision, she's so fast that she can correct it. yeah. Um, so I'm just really excited about, um I don't know she's going to be like starting at the beginning, but to have that energy coming off the bench is probably pretty terrifying for other teams and,
ah Really excited to see what she can do. Yeah, that's kind of how she created that goal in the second game. She was just pressing, running between players, pressing, and then was able to make that tackle and get the ball away.
And she almost scored in the first minute of the game that way, too. Yeah. she's She seemed like she got tired, but you said it was 85 degrees. Yeah, I think it was only 80 at kickoff because it was at 1230, but still. It was yeah ah and and it sounded like she was sprinting a lot, so I'm sure that that gets you little bit more.
Yeah, and I think still despite that, in the 78th minute, she had another takeaway and found someone in the box who got a good shot off, so... But yeah, she did look like she was ready to come out by the end. She's just a little little eager, but that's fine. like to hear that and see it. So i I'm really excited about her.
um i mean, i people saw her last year, but i think Jordan Bug looks like 10 times better than what we saw her last year already in preseason. And like her just her instincts and when she like how she reads the forwards and the runs, um I mean, I was only watching one game, I realized, in person, but like every time she made the right decision and every time she cut off the ball, and she's 18 years old and playing center back.
ah she's I have no words. like Whoever got got on that was scouting her and getting her here. ah give them a raise whoever did that because that's a that's a that's going to be an acquisition that I think ah maybe we'll get some millions of dollars maybe she'll be the first two million dollars for I mean she really does remind me a lot of Germa so yeah which is and it's that um that calm confidence that she has and I mean I every time I see her she gets better yeah and it's just like how
you were already really good. How is this happening? And I think people may know, but um so she grew up in San Diego and she actually was training with the wave the year prior um as like a non roster invitee.
um not only did someone scout her and invite her to the rain, but like they had to convince her that they were the right club and not San Diego. So good for good for the team for being able to do that.
mean, this is kind of all shade, but probably wasn't super hard to do with San Diego right now. The state of things right now. Maybe San Diego like two, three years ago might have been nice and easy. Yeah.
Yeah. Do you have any other takeaways from what you saw at Coachella? I am, um, I, again, we saw her last year, but I'm really excited to see more of Nerulia Mondesir too.
Um, I thought she was really exciting in both of the preseason games that I got to watch. She can play attacking mid, she can play on the wing. She played center forward in the game against angel city. And she's just, you know, just one of those players that like makes runs or does things on the ball that are unexpected and she does them really well. And she's really technical And we got to see only a little bit of her last year. So I think she's really poised to um have a lot more impact this year.
Yeah, and we didn't have a lot of
Ownership Changes and Team Morale
players to support her. No. And that's the other thing. Yeah. ie think people may be sleeping on G, even though like people know G and her talent.
um But I think just because of the team overall last year, maybe they didn't appreciate G as much as they should um coming into this season. So I'm excited to see what her with...
more speed, more players who I can get into the final third around her can do. You know who doesn't mince their words about how much they love G is Leanne Sanderson. Every game.
People are talking about G. G, she's one of the best players out of both. She's so good. she does like She does like G and Jess Fishlock a lot, it seems like. Oh, yeah. She loves going on a Jess Fishlock parade. number one yeah just not just like just fishlux number one fan Yeah, i I was really... it was really interesting to me in that first game, um especially in the first half when they had the front three, but they were kind of switching at different points.
You know, they... The way the lineup had it, you know, AMC was up top, but then Mondesir would pump in and ah AMC would drop.
So it just felt a little bit more fluid than at least what I saw last year. And it could be that it's a preseason game and they're just trying stuff. um But that was exciting to me to have players with the the smarts and the fluidity to kind of just be where they needed to be. Yeah.
I think that's like a big thing about this roster in general. Like everyone on the back line pretty much can play anywhere on the back line. um And um a lot of people in the midfield can play anywhere in the midfield. And I think that it'll be really interesting to see like how they figure out who compliments each other best and when it comes to starting.
But also, like you said, there's so much that allows for so much fluidity and runs and how they attack. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Haidama because Haidama has also been gone.
But I think it'll be interesting what happens with Haidama and being in Dolo up top. Yeah. um Because one of the things that happened last year was we didn't see 11 consistently.
And i'm I'm wondering if if that's going to happen this year, if we'renna if we're actually trying to find a best 11, or if this team is really kind of just going to be, you know, kind of rotating everybody. Because I can't tell at all. I feel like we just don't have any clue. But obviously some of the people are going to have to be breaking in as starters, right?
I think that historic successful Laura Harvey teams have had a lot more of a consistent starting lineup. And with like some rotation usually on the front line or some you know like a little rotation weekly. So I would think that's probably like her vision of the ideal state, and that there's not as much rotation as they have had in the last couple of years. And I feel like in 22, it was because of injuries. In 2023, it was Kyle's the kind of injuries in last year.
what what year it was last year 2024. Um, it was performance and injuries. So yeah, I'm not sure what we'll see, but I do think ah she would sure prefer a little more stability. My brain, my brain is just broken from like understanding what that could look like for the, yeah I know. Cause I, it feels like everyone could like at the moment, like Emily Mason looked great at right back in the opening game and about against Bay FC. I mean, after watching her do that, I would be confident starting her, but, um,
I'm not sure yeah if that's what's going to happen. I have to say something that might surprise people that listen to this podcast, but I thought Shea Holmes played really well. i did I was going to say the same thing. I thought she looked fantastic. She had a couple of really good crosses.
And she was getting in there and she showed a little bit of speed. Yeah, she was. She showed some speed. I agree. I thought she looked really good against Angel City. She's been more. I mean, I have to assume she's been working out really hard because that's what it looked like to me is like she just like really upped her training.
Yeah, because i kind of initially would say I saw her more as the center back. Yeah. um That's what I thought, too. But then I feel like they kept pushing her. Yeah. Making those runs up top. And I was just like, I don't know if she's keeping up with everybody. But she did look like she could now. She really did. Yeah. For how much they've been trying to tell us that that's what's going to happen. i Yeah. maybe i Maybe now I'm convinced. Yeah. Yeah, I was not at all convinced, but ah the yeah, I liked what I saw out of her. So but there's some promising things.
I could talk a long time about all the excitement, exciting players, um but I don't want to. make this a five hour podcast. So, yeah, I mean, it's also, it's still just preseason. So i mean, we get the, quite the challenge, the first game of the season, although they have a lot of injuries, but with Gotham, it is obviously a bit of a rival. So I'm eager to see how that'll shake out.
I'm assuming Lynn's going to be pretty motivated for that game. but That is true. i didn't that didn't really click to me. that she ah Because she does love a little vengeance, right? it's ah Yeah. just the She's obviously been trying to be a real professional about the comments she's made.
ah but come on It's pretty clear. the writing's pretty clear.
Branding and Strategic Collaborations
married a guy who was on Big Brother. And if there's anything I know about Big Brother that they love to just in the depth of the drama.
and stirring up some stuff but he also won big brother i know you gotta have quite a personality to do that yeah thank you for listening to the sounder at heart podcast network which now includes no sarietes lobbing scorchers and the cooler guild we've been independent since august of 2023 Thank you.
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I think we can probably wrap that up on Coachella talk. um We've got, i think a big thing that you kind of, I heard you wanted to talk about this Susie with all the structural changes and leadership changes within ring because there's a lot going on.
Do you want to like kind of give a brief overview of that and stuff? Yeah. i Well, first, I think from what I've heard from Laura Harvey and Leslie Gallimore and the players, a thing that's been really obvious in this offseason and then heading into this preseason is just how present the ownership group has been. And they've asked for players' opinions. They've been like physically present at practice.
And... Like, even though those might feel like small things, they go such a big way and just like the culture and how supported the players are feeling. And Laura Harvey said this, it was like night and day heading into this preseason, just in terms of like feeling that support. um And I heard and again, this night sounded like really small, but like.
As a staff, they all sat down and talked about like collective goals for the year. And you know when you work in an organization, like you want to feel like you're part of this like collective effort. And I don't think they've just had that level of resource to be able to do those things in the last couple of years.
So it's like, I don't know what the dollar amount attached to the Sounders and Carlisle Group's investment is, but um those things are really being felt. And I think those things can go a long way in the players just being able to focus on playing soccer.
Um, And then on top of that, the Sounders and Rain have made some structural changes to focus a lot more on intersections and collaboration between the two organizations. And then fan engagement and marketing, which I think people have felt on both sides, Sounder and Rain could definitely use an improvement. So hiring for a bunch of positions, have hired some...
high level people whose names I probably won't remember on this podcast, but um who are really helping think about that, which, you know, the rain moving to so many different stadiums over the years, never really having a consistent identity. I think it's going to go a long way for like the future of the club, which is really cool.
Yeah, I do you think just the little, this is just a minor thing, but the the gold little update to the crest, I feel like has helped the branding too. just yeah I feel like it feels more like the city than it used to. in kind i agree. Yeah.
I don't know what it is about it. Something so simple, but I just, I am feeling this brand identity a lot more. And they're like really honing in and on it, I think in a way that I didn't see before. And granted it was the early days the NWSL and I don't think a lot of teams were leaning into their branding quite as much, but I am feeling and seeing that now with the club, even from a distance.
And so I'm really excited to see what um kind of the resources that the Sounders also have bringing into the into the rain and kind of working together. Cause it seems like they're were going to be working together and all that stuff. They're not very far from each other now either. Yeah.
Coaching Changes: Lee Nguyen
I think a lot of people, including myself have had historic skepticism of an MLS club being the owner of an NWSL club. And that meaning that you'll be,
this like side thought and they'll think of you at times. And I still have that concern. I'm not going to lie. um But I have seen and heard a lot of really good things that makes me excited about what this will look like.
Yeah, I would, I would say i am always skeptical as well. But if there's any team that I would trust in MLS to do it, it would be the Sounders. Yeah.
So, you know, i was hoping this would happen for a long time just because I trust the Sounders to do it. I knew if they were going to make that investment, they were serious about it. And so far they seem to be doing exactly what I thought they would. And I feel like I've seen an improvement. Like I've watched some of their stuff on Ryan Brown and her recovery.
And just just from what I've seen in the video, the the resources of the equipment and, you know, the training, And just kind of the back end support that the players are getting seems to have gotten to a new level.
Yeah. Yeah. They hired a bunch of other like high performance, like they, they built out the teams um like technical staff supporting them already and are hiring a lot more, of course, on the like joint Sounders rain side. So I think, yeah, I think that investment is going to go a little, really long way. The rain have,
done so much with so little historically. It's almost, it's like almost a miracle that they have three NWSL shields because I mean, their ownerships have been invested and I don't want to say that they haven't, but like,
they haven't had the financial resources that the Sounders and Carlisle group now give them. um And I think like thinking of it in the longterm, who knows what it means for this year, but like, it means a lot for the longterm.
Injury Updates and Management
Yeah. I've heard some horror stories about the, the early years from the FC Olympia sporting director, who was an assistant for the rain back in the early years. And just about like how just terrible Memorial stadium was.
It's amazing that the players feel so much nostalgia there because, yeah, being in the press box at Memorial Stadium is an experience ah because you have to walk all the way up the stairs and then go out on this over this ledge that's like a World War II bunker. Hell no.
i' not like I've seen fighters. Hell no. Yeah. Hell no. Yeah. There's no way I would have gone up there. I'm afraid of heights. Spiders I can be okay with, but there's no way. Yeah, it is a pretty cool vantage point. but And then the lot the the um press room attached to was attached to the like visiting team hu men's bathroom.
um and And luckily, there weren't a lot of like male coaching staff. So they didn't use it a lot. But every once a while they would and they'd come out to the end into the press conference.
That's super awkward. ah Speaking of changes with coaching staff, we got a new assistant coach for the Reign, Lee Nguyen. um He's kind of bopped around quite a bit.
ah has. He seems like a good dude, though, from everything I've heard about him. ah Do you know much about, have you heard much about him from the club? um He's only been officially with the team for a week. So I think just in terms of integration with the rain, it's pre still pretty new.
He came down to Coachella Valley, didn't he? He did. Yeah. um Yeah. He was there for the last game. um I don't know about the first one, but he's got a big resume though. He's got a big resume from what I hear about like,
what he was like as a player, what was it like as a person, like nothing but positive things about him as a person. um He's had assistant assistant coaching experience at the Washington Spirit, Kansas City Current, and Angel City.
And I think just kind of fell into unfortunate timing at some of those places with head coaching change changes. Um, so he has a good resume there. This is an addition to their staff as an assistant coach. And now they've got ah goalkeeper coach and three assistants, which is really lovely. I remember of the days when it was just, uh, one assistant, one goalkeeper coach and one head coach. So a lot of growth there.
and I had a chance to ask Laura Harvey about her one week with Lee Wynn. Um, and she said so far fantastic addition. At least in the week that he had been there, like more of like maybe quiet and observant personality.
But you can tell like when he speaks, he has something very insightful and thoughtful to say. And so. um I think like a nice balance for that coaching staff. He was a player too, right?
He was. Yeah. Big MLS guy. Yeah. Maybe but one of one of the more underrated and MLS players too. I think like, like long-term MLS fans like have a ton of respect for him as a player. So yeah, i was always, I was always a fan of his.
um So i'm I'm happy to see that he's making his way in the NWSL. What else do we got? we got some sad news. We do have some sad news. Yes. and We're big. We're big. ah We're on the Lasco fan train over here. We've been hyping that up for a long time.
Veronica Lasco officially confirmed that she tore her Achilles is on season ending injury list. Technically ruptured. Ruptured. Sorry. I'm not a doctor. Yeah, I think in the moment, I don't know if you both like watch say that game in the moment, you could kind of tell, but...
We're waiting for better news. And unfortunately it wasn't. i I mean, she's, ah she's a tough cookie. wasn't the way she went down. She got carded off. Right. Yeah, and it took a long time to get her on the cart.
That's going be a big miss. we't ah i mean Maybe one upside to this is we didn't have a lot of roster space. yeah I mean, I would rather have Latsko there because she can kind of fill a lot of roles.
um But i think that's going to be ah interesting what they do with her spot now. Yeah, yeah. They brought in some additional non-roster invitees, but also because they were missing seven players for international duty. So it'll um' it's it's a little unclear like who in that picture um it's truly competing for the spots, but it does give the team a little bit more flexibility, um which, like like you said, is the good news. But yeah, Latsko just seems like such a...
beloved teammate and i was like someone that pushes like she goes i hate when people say 110 because you can't physically be 110 but if there were a thing above 100 would be like 200 in every training yeah um just kind of person she is um so she gets some more time with her dogs which i guess will be nice but
i go I think you she'd rather be playing. think she would rather be playing, yeah. I heard she worked really hard this offseason, too. yeah That's so unfortunate. Just a couple minutes after you get into your first preseason game.
Yeah. but She will always be a late rain legend. I'm sure she's going to be there. oh yeah. Training for the team. Better news. ah We got Olo.
We do. She's looked great in training. got to her first well I don't know she got minutes against Spokane Zephyr but she didn't play in the first preseason game but did against Angel City so it was really nice to see her on the field yeah it's good to see her back after you know her leave from the team and just seems like she's enjoying it yeah and there's a lot of like open competition for that spot on the field at the moment so she gotta step up her game to get back yeah quickly to it yeah Which is good to hear because last year was just such a fucking bummer, man.
Yeah, I know. So fact that now we've got competition happening. Yeah. Didn't know that was going to be a thing. I know. It seemed like last year we haven't had an overabundance of ho holding midfielders. And now you when you're looking at the roster, you're like, huh, wonder who's going to take that spot right now. you know maze i'm Yeah, I'm eager to see what happens with Meza, too. That's another one I'm pretty excited about. I was like pretty excited about her last year, but everything was so bad, I guess they just didn't want to throw her in to make carload. She played well at Dallas.
Yeah, she did. Yeah. And I had a chance to talk to her and I had a chance to talk to Laura Harvey about her a few weeks ago. And, you know, and like Laura says this over and over, every young player's path is different. And um Sam Aza was very clear, like she did not know what to expect coming into the pros.
And She needed time to learn for herself what she needed to do every day to like be be the best at training, um take care of herself. And it just took her a little bit more time.
um and that time in Dallas, like having that like freedom to... um explore something different in Dallas and getting minutes and getting the time to like, remember what makes her great in a in a pro environment was really important. So I think like loans can be a real risk sometimes with players. and But in this case was just nothing but a great thing.
Yeah, i I love that we have a coach that understands the human side of players um as well as the technical game side. Because it just seems that Laura Harvey really only wants the best for the players and and for them to be their best soccer players, but ah as well as like best human beings.
And so seeing her, seeing Meza go off to Dallas and then really succeed made me really happy. Yeah. I mean, I think it's a the jury's still out on how much that translates to the NWSL, obviously. um This will be a good experiment.
Yeah, that'll that'll be something to watch for with not just her, but other players in the league who have been doing loans out there or even maybe coming straight from there. I'm excited. i don't know I think as's the path to pro. is so it's so It's still kind of new for the sport, right? Yeah.
Unless you kind of grew up with U.S. Academy and all that stuff. I think we're going to see a lot of different people coming from different places over the next few years with these different leagues coming around.
Yeah, it's going to be really interesting to see how the Super League continues to... evolve and how it goes. And like you said, like and the end of itself for so long has been really hard to break into. So, and it's a new, it's still kind of a newer league.
I mean, it's been around yeah succeeding, but it is newer. Yeah. So to give people chances to see like what a pro environment is, look looks like, and so many more opportunities abroad now too, which is great. Absolutely.
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Jersey Design and Fan Initiatives
that. Yeah, it did. I'm tanked up in shorts. Check out their Instagram at TDO Seattle or Brediet. Go drink there in person.
Did you want to talk about the jersey? We're going to go for something fun. Let's talk about fun. Let's talk about some fun. Some non-player related stuff. I mean, it's yes, it's player related because they're gonna be the ones wearing it.
But yeah we got our official kit reveal for 2025 that replaces that weird gradient, whatever they want to call Everyone kind of had a gradient kit. um So we got our Away jersey and it's called the quote unquote Rise kit. um it's It's pretty sharp looking, I think.
I really like it. Yeah, like fresh, like obviously not... Super bold, but I like it. And like you said about the gold, like leaning into the gold, even though it is a white jersey still, um I'm excited about that ability with the new colors. almost wish they would have done some gold socks with it.
Me too. Or more gold. Yeah, I think they have some gold on the top part, but I think they could have... I love when teams play with those color combinations with shorts, socks, and shirts. Yeah. So I would have liked that. But the the shorts and the the top look really good together. so and And it seems like... Did we figure out if the inspiration was from the Space Needle?
I believe because if you watch the like kit reveal video, they cut to like the steel on top of Lumenfield. There's like steel like slats and stuff and the space needle a lot. And then there's one shot of the great wheel. So you can throw that in there if you want to also.
But i it really seemed like it was more space, space, you know, vibes and Lumenfield. Yeah, friends yeah i was thinking I was looking at it and I was on the Discord today after the reveal and I'm like, what does this remind me of? What does this remind me of? And then sent the picture of the Space Needle and then I got on the Slack channel and Ali had already sent that like three minutes before I put it posted it in the Discord and I was like, oh, we all get it. Okay.
It's kind of a... I was looking at the comparisons between the Authentic and the Replicas. And that texture on the Authentics looks so nice with like basically any jersey that you lose a lot when you go to the Replicas.
But they're only offering the Authentics in women's cuts, it sounds like. And I don't really wear those very often. Plus, it's an extra $100 just for that. yeah i don't I'm not dishing that out. Maybe the team can send me something for free.
think I'm listening. Yeah. the The apparent justification is like because the authentics are literally what the players are wearing. There's like no differences. They can only offer them on women's.
disagree, but quin but I'm not Nike. Quinn was wearing a different one last year. Yeah, Quinn wore the regular cut. Yeah, Quinn wore the more regular cut. Yeah. So I don't...
This is just what I've heard through the grapevine. I did notice because I watched Taitama's like day in the life of my media day with the new jersey that she did. um I did notice what when they were signing that authentic jersey, it didn't come out very well because of that texture. Yeah. like Oh, the signature is right. Yeah. Because of the texture, it was like kind of odd. So if you're buying a jersey to get it signed, maybe go with the replica.
That's good advice. Yeah. I don't think there's anything wrong with replica. No. $95 $195. Especially, yeah this one has like patterns and stuff. I can understand why people were a little bit more upset last year with the reflection jersey because it it was kind of...
like a t-shirt in some aspects. I did get, yeah, i did get the replica of that one, but it's it's a good, like, call it's like a, just a dark blue. And then like, yeah, the colors are great. The cut, the cuffs was nice. So they they did the right accents enough to make it, I think, okay. And passable. Yeah. um It'll be interesting to see what they do next year with the new home, home Jersey. Now that they actually have their identity.
And I have heard like jerseys take like two years. So like people had ah often, I, mean it I think you can make some quicker decisions, but I think like now that the ownership are more steadily in place, I'm more optimistic that they'll like keep being able to.
I mean, you could see the like little remnants still of OL and even the training kits last year. Yeah. The little like red on the top and all the sides. Yeah. was like, no, we're fully got the full colors at least now.
Yeah. Oh And they're red training tops. Yeah. oh Well, last year, too, like I remember when the jerseys came out because we were like, these could be really bad because they had no time to adjust this.
And then they were fine. It's a clean look. The colors are so good that like my understanding is last year. That was pretty much actually what they were um planning to do when they were still. Oh, wow oh shit.
And they just got lucky in making the decision that it was like really easy to switch. ah There was apparently going to be a little bit more ah texture on like the on the jersey. I don't if you remember the graphics that they did when they were OL Reign and they'd have like like little like stripes across. I'm making a motion, but nobody can see it. Like, like, I don't know, like tiger stripes or something. Oh, yeah. yeah And it was going to kind of have that in the background, but they just got rid of that. I think so we had a jersey. We had that blue, one that one blue with red. yeah It was like that. Yeah, that kind of exactly. It was going to be like a subtle, much more subtle version of that. But so well done. They got very lucky. Yeah.
it's all That's so yeah' what I've heard. Some people rated that their best, ah the best Jersey of the year, too, which is hilarious, because i don't yeah think anyone knew that.
Team Strategy and Adaptation
Yeah, I didn't know that. And I'm pretty on top of things for the breaking news. Breaking news. We're here. you hear it first. And we seem to still not have a Jersey sponsor in place yet. Do you have any? e Yeah, which actually I'm happy about.
ah Yeah, could only because it means that they're like not just translating the Sounders one to theirs. Yep, that's um because I will admit I was super nervous about that. And I was like, do you know the audience of the rain? i hope you do.
Yeah, there was backlash with the Sounders. But imagine with the rain. yeah And so it seems like they're thinking more about that. Which for these Jersey sales, I saw that they're still donating ah minimum $10,000 the Black Future Co-op Fund.
that Is that the right yeah order of words? Okay. Yep. So that's pretty cool. Even though they're not on there, they're still working with them. yeah i have no idea who they would even be looking at for sponsors but i know it's a kind of a fun well as we just as we determined in the discord it's taco time northwest but specifically northwest um yeah so like it did a uh like a mock-up of the jersey i've done so this i've done a few it looks gorgeous it looked so good and i was like is this real or did i just become a boomer
I used to do that with the Sounders when they found out Zulily got dropped or whenever that happened. And I was like, oh, it's time for Taco Time. Yes. Northwest. It also looks it would look really good on a shirt.
I don't know what kind of financials Taco Time working with. But I'm sure that the Carlisle group wants a big payday for that that front jersey sponsor that I can't imagine it's going to be something like Taco Time. maybe But maybe. if they're smart, they'll do it.
Imagine if we scored three goals and you could get a crisp burrito. ah They would have to sponsor us. I wasn't sure what was going to happen around the sponsor on the reveal. And i think getting, taking time to get it right for the club. And I, they also kind of announced the reigns version of the rave foundation and its commitments with their rise campaign. And um I like that they're allowing the reign to do community outreach in it the reigns own way. um Even if there's overlap and similarities. So that,
that was exciting to see today also. Yeah. i think their goals are similar, but the, the outline for how to go about it and who, who they want to reach out to ah is is different groups. So I appreciate the individuality with that because it allows for more flexibility, you know, to work with um like the group that they did with the gender non-conforming kids. And they did the, um they did that with the Sounders, but you know, the rain leans a little bit more into that side. So it's,
Yeah. Want pop into questions? Since we have Susie here, we wanted to utilize Susie's interest. My weird brain. Weird brain. i don't think it's weird.
We have a podcast about the rain.
ah Collective weird brains. Yeah. I don't Your insight. It's an interest, right? It's a hobby for for at least yeah me. it's It's just an intense hobby. yeah we've We kind of went over this on another episode, but we something I wanted to ask you is like who is one or two players that you're most hyped for for this season? Okay. um Jordan Bug.
i need I need a Jordan Bug nickname. Okay. I am taking nominations because I um just think she's so special. We haven't talked about Madison Curry yet. I'm going to add Madison Curry to my hype list. right um She had some like awesome cross-field passes against Angel City. And the fact that she can play everywhere and was such a hidden gem with Angel City, like drafted in the fourth round and was so good. And she gets stuck in on tackle. She wins her duels. I'm just super hyped about her being an addition on the back line.
I love that. i Do you think it helped that she was playing against Angel City to look really good? Maybe. thought she looked good against BFC too, though. Yeah, she looked she great in that game.
And when we did the episode before that, I pointed her out as somebody that... I mean, Angel City fans seemed really pissed about it. like they yeah They were like, how how do we let this go?
yeah They're all those Disney buckos, but it can't save save what's happening there. so well Again, i think we're opportunists when it comes to our acquiring players.
i think I don't see other teams just like kind of sneak in and get these players quiet like the rain does. It's the Laura
Season Expectations and Team Evolution
Harvey effect, I guess. I don't know what it is, but I think it's kind of fun because you never know what's going happen the next day.
yeah Yeah. I mean, I'm like curious to go a little bit deeper to understand what went into Madison Curry's decision because – Yeah, it seemed like she was really poised to continue to get to time at Angel City. And I don't know, maybe it was little mess down there. Who knows?
Coaching, turnover, that kind of stuff. you I don't think the vibes are great at Angel City. yeah No, mean they're not. so it kind of leading into or in addition to that question. So if the Reign were to sign another player, who or what type of player do you think would be most beneficial to the team with the roster that we're currently looking at Oh, it's such a good question.
I'm a sucker for like holding midfielder that just like get stuck in. And ah I was actually like really excited for Jalen Howell. And I understand why the decision was made to make the trade because we got Lynn Biendolo. So I'm like ah in the like grand scheme of it, i am not sad at all. But it was like that kind of player I just think is really fun. And the team could really...
really use, but I am not convinced that they don't have the, those, like, I think, I think the rain have options that can still be really good in the holding midfield role. So, um, I'm more just like wanting to see how it plays out.
And I would never be sad. i mean, we have Lynn, so I'm not, um, so I feel like we did fill this hole, but I'm never going to be sad to like sign someone who just like fricking scores goals.
um ah like who like ah like a Sophia Smith now Sophia Wilson that just like can create something out of nothing um i wouldn't hate one of those players too but she didn't she hasn't showed camp yet has she she hasn't interesting We didn't talk about that, but Portland just announced three season ending injuries from preseason. So cur we could be that and we are not. yeah I don't, I think Portland's going to, this is setting up to be Portland's maybe worst season through no fault of theirs.
Yeah. It's going to be a hard one for them, but it is I'm not, I don't know anything about Sophia Wilson's situation, but I'm not sure she's going to play this year. Wow.
I, I don't know, but like, no, So, huh? Guess we'll see more to come on that. I guess there's always so much just like, there's so many reasons that players in the NW cell don't show up for stuff.
Yeah. but So it's hard to know. and And you don't want to speculate, but in the back of my minds, we're all and in our minds. We're all speculating. Yeah. so Yeah. Without someone saying something. And In these situations, it usually means it's like up to the player to tell people. and Yeah. is which is Which is fair and the right thing. Yeah. and seems but That's what it seemed like with the Morgan Weaver situation.
ah yeah She, I guess, overworked last year and came back from a meniscus injury and just didn't get the recovery that she needed. So it's a bummer. That's the problem with coming back too soon.
Yeah. as a While I know it's frustrating for people, i feel like the Reign have always been extremely cautious with injuries. um And that is the right approach. Yeah. Especially for longevity.
i mean, look at Roosevelt, too. Yeah. I mean, you you're out ah an extra six months. OK, well, that stops you from having to be out a whole year. Yeah. Yeah.
So you talked a little bit about like the Mesa and the Gallimore interview. um you Those are pretty in-depth features that you've done. um how How do interviews like that help you gain a better picture of the person you're interviewing as well as like the organization around them supporting them?
um And are there any highlights from those interviews that maybe didn't make the articles or that really stood out to you? Yeah, I think one thing that... is really great. And when I have the time to be able to do these like more in depth pieces is like getting to see how other people talk about the player um is really cool. And um so like a couple of years when she, when she was the first player to hit 200 caps, did one on Lauren Barnes and like, just to hear how much her teammates adore and look up to her and like,
um Talk about her as like she's an extra coach on the field. Like just these like insights that maybe you don't get in postgame interviews about a player. um a is like is super rewarding. And so um and just get to know their personalities a little bit better. You can kind of guess based on how they are and on the field or in training.
Um, and one thing that's, I will, I will say though, i think a lot about is, um, it's their story that I'm telling and I want to like do it as authentically as possible. And I spend a lot of time worrying about that. I'll be honest with you. of just like, did I represent this person? Well, yeah did I represent them the way that they think they are?
um so I spend just a ton of time worrying about that after I hit publish. It must have been really reassuring to you after the Mesa story that she was so into a Yeah, yeah. So that that was nice. And... um i I hope I do well for other players too.
But I think, yeah, the thing that I love most is just getting to hear both how they reflect on themselves, but also just hearing how other people talk about them. And I did the same before the World Cup with Alana Cook, which was a horrible thing for me to do because then she didn't play in the World Cup. But... um But like getting to hear her teammates talk about her because she is a more quiet personality, like in on on the field and like in practice. But then also like one of the kind of people who I love who's like ruthless in the group chat because they're actually like so funny, but they just don't say a lot. and
and ah So ah those are like all the fun little nuggets that you get to hear. I love that. And it it does like take a lot more time, I think, than people think. You have to like reach out to the team, find a time that works for everybody, come up with the questions. Often they want you to be at training, which when you have a job is really hard to do.
And then spend time. You get, um you know, you could get 5,000 words just with the quotes that you get. So then figuring out how to condense it into a story. And um so that's little of the behind the scenes magic if people are curious about that.
What's your favorite interview you've ever done with a rain player? Is there one that actually, yes. And it's like ah kind of maybe like a surprising one. Cause like Megan Rapinoe, she's always fantastic. And she's just as like awesome and genuine in like a one-on-one as she is in any press conference setting. But that's not who I'm going Um, Jacob and i we used to do a podcast together where we just started like interviewing players. We loved that. Um,
Thank you. um and we interviewed together Michelle Betos and Jasmine Spencer. And it was my they're just so good together. um and like just such wonderful people. And Jasmine Spencer's energy is just amazing. Michelle Betos is just like one of the coolest humans. So you heard did you guys both reacted as if you think that is a good answer. listen to our last episode?
Or like ah to oh yeah when you said you want to betos back? I was i was pulling for that for like yes I said I said choose my dream interview. yeah one of our one of our bonus episodes we should get we should get her on your podcast i think it might have been the our winter bonus episode that we did okay i do remember you saying that yeah but she is she is as good as you imagine to because i was like because she has so much especially now that she's been with so many other teams i think she'd be super interesting to talk to and i'm sure she's got great stories but That's hilarious. Both of them just like the same genuine kind of personality that you imagine.
It was very real and we also talked about Jasmine Spencer on the last episode too. Yeah, we did. Because she's going to Vancouver. Yeah. ah Yeah. For those who are obviously they don't have the video but like when Susie said Michelle Betos Van and I both threw our arms up.
I love her. I've always liked her as a player and she seemed like a fun human. Yeah. Since like the first season we were like on the Betos hype train. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah.
I don't want to take up too much more of your time since you've got somewhere to drive to. So we can kind of um maybe wrap this up. We should do this again is what I'm thinking some other time. yeah I just want to talk about our next, our first official match of the season is coming up.
It'll be here before you know it. And we've actually got a Saturday night match for that. um We don't have. Yes. Finally. I don't know how many Saturday night matches we have in the season. yeah. you want to feel yeah if you want to enjoy a Saturday match go to the opener ah March 15th at Lumen Field versus Gotham FC Coop and I will be there Coop and Coop and I I'm Coop Van and I are going and Van's getting her little she's have to pick up her press pass for the first time her media pass yay I don't even know where to go. i'm going to have to text you, Susie.
yeah I will. I will help you. Yeah. ah i but We'll be sitting in the stands, but Vanna will be in the the box at some point. um But i'm I'm really excited for the season to kick off. I think there's no doubt that the season's going to be than the last year's.
Do you have any thoughts on that, Susie? Yes, I will say, though, do not ask me to make a prediction. I hate it when people do that. so I won't ask. I'm not going to tell you what where they're going to finish. ah Better or worse than last year?
Better. I will say that. wait What about playoff chances? I think so. Okay. i thought i'm Honestly, I thought so last year just because like historically their defense has been so strong that I thought like even if it was a 1-0 game, they would win it, and that did not happen. Yeah.
yeah I bet a lot of beers on us making the playoffs last year. that i know. Eight teams made the playoffs. It's not that hard. no That was my thought. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. I think you alluded to it. I think yeah no i'm just like i think you alluded to it and i um like i I have, I have, I'm not sure if I've even been said it in an article yet, but they like have 13 or something players that were not with them at the start of last season that are on this roster, but some joined in mid season and the others have had like a full preseason. Last year, we didn't have our internationals when they went to Costa Rica and it was like even a hard start to the year and they've got so much more time together and people should just be excited about that fact alone.
Yeah, I made a list. I don't know if I covered every single player, but new players on the team that weren't on the roster at the beginning of last season. Hannah Glass, Nerulia Montesir, Jordan Bug, Anna Maria Sordogorchovic, Ainsley McCammon, Madison Curry, Cassie Miller, Lynn Biandolo, Emily Mason, and Maddie Dahlin.
That's a list. Ten. Ten. ten i was It might be more. That's but the best could find. No, think that's right. Okay. Yeah. that's so That's a lot of new players. Yeah. yeah And more to come. More to be signed because they need another goalkeeper. They've got a couple of spots open. Yep.
yep yeah And they got to do something about missing Lasko now. Yes.
I'm excited. stoked. I feel good. Which is maybe a mistake. But I don't think it is this time. I think it'll be fine. No. Especially this early in season. You should feel good.
But also a lot of... I mean, there's not a lot of players, but there's a lot that's been changing in the league.
Community Engagement and Closing Remarks
And I think the quality is getting better everywhere anything that's true for us and i like that we're also kind of getting to see more young players uh kind of everywhere else not just a couple of teams and i'm hoping that that gives younger players confidence to i don't know be the breakout player that we need because we're really betting on that it seems like this year at least in some places yep someone young gonna have to step up that's for sure
I think if I'm picking one breakout for this season, I mean, I picked someone, I picked Ali in for a new player, but I do think, I think we're going to get some good stuff from. ah ah Who are you thinking of?
What is score? I don't, my of course, like when I need to think it doesn't happen. Emery Adames. Adames, I think is going to have a great year. i think Adames is going to have a really, really great year. She had moments last year where she looks so good. Everything in the preseason looks great.
And I think she's going starting a lot more too. Mm hmm. Not getting just those like dead minutes at the end. I mean, she scored a goal in front of Megan Rapinoe and did the Rapinoe celebration sort of banger in front of, you know, did the did Pinoe celebration.
She is going to try for the rest of her life to get back to that moment. And I'm excited for that. You got anything else you want to go over? I'm a Jordan Bug stan, so I'm looking forward to watching her grow. She's 18. She's going to really start to be able to define herself as a player. And I think people are going to start to notice her a lot more.
This is just going to become like a Jordan Bug podcast. Seems like. Get ready for it, everyone. Yeah. Join the Jordan Bug guild. Yeah.
Susie, do you got anything you want to plug or anything? No, I hope people will keep listening to you all reading our Ride of the Valkyries content um because women's soccer is awesome.
It is. is. We love it. We have fun with it and we hope everyone else does too. And Ride of Valkyries is such an amazing resource for, you know, women's soccer content for the rain and beyond.
And I think it's a lot of we don't realize that a lot of places don't have a resource like that. um And so enjoy it. Use it. Subscribe to it. Click open the email. Ask us questions. As you can tell, we love to talk about it. So I think sometimes people who maybe don't follow the rain day to day are like scared to jump into our discord channel or ask questions and We are not gatekeepers here We want everyone to feel welcome. Yeah, like somebody asked a question today and the Discord about like the sizing with the jerseys. Yeah.
And like seemed a little hesitant about it. And you gave them so much information. And I was just like, yes, this is not, there's no stupid questions. No, none at all. This a place for resources collaboration and talking. going to ask if they should be paid equally, but you can ask everyone the question.
fair. ah We're just, we're just, we're just, you can nerd out with us, but don't a dick. Yeah. Yeah.
That's all it is. We're just a bunch of nerds. Yes. Cool. Well, stay tuned for more, I guess. You got any shout outs this week, man? ah Shout out, Susie. Thank you for coming on.
We appreciate you. Yes, thank you for coming on. This was great. Thanks for having Wish we had you on for longer, but this also makes my editing easier later, so. I appreciate that.
And remember, you can always go follow us on Blue Sky Instagram at Cooler Guild Pod. You can also send us an email. We love an email. The Cooler Guild at gmail.com. Till next time, I'm Coop.
I'm Van. You can find us on our main website, sounderheart.com forward slash Cooler Guild. Bye. Bye.
Hi, mama. mama. Aurora Green.