Dr. David Rice: Clinical Mistake image

Dr. David Rice: Clinical Mistake

S2 E29 · Dental Fuel
59 Plays3 months ago

Ready to fuel your dental journey? This week on Dental Fuel, we sit down with Dr. David Rice, the passionate founder of Ignite DDS! Discover how his love for teaching and mentoring transformed him from a young dentist in Buffalo to a leader in dental education. Hear his candid stories about early career struggles, the power of continuing education, and the birth of Ignite DDS.  Don’t miss this inspiring episode packed with wisdom and practical advice for every dental professional!

About the Guest:

David Rice is the founder and CEO of Ignite DDS, an organization dedicated to helping dental students and young dentists navigate their careers with confidence and expertise. He is also a seasoned clinician with extensive experience in restorative and cosmetic dentistry. David practices part-time at East Amherst Dental Center in Buffalo, NY, where he initially started as an associate, then became an owner, and now returns occasionally. Apart from his clinical and teaching roles, David is a prominent educator, frequently collaborating with top dental education institutes like Pankey, Dawson, and Speer.

Episode Summary:

David shares his journey toward mastering clinical skills, underscoring the importance of comprehensive care and the role of continuing education (CE) in shaping his career. The conversation touches upon practical fears young dentists face, like over-diagnosing and the public perception of their recommendations. David offers candid reflections on his early career mistakes, the evolution of his practice in East Amherst, and pivotal moments that steered him towards becoming an educator and a mentor. He also highlights transformative CE seminars and courses, illustrating their profound impact on his professional growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Overcoming Early Career Challenges: David discusses the hesitancy he faced early in his career in delivering complete care, worrying about over-diagnosing and patient perceptions.
  • The Power of Continuing Education: David emphasizes the immense benefits of hands-on CE courses, mentioning influential educators and institutions such as David Hornbrook, Pankey, and Dawson.
  • Building Ignite DDS: The inception of Ignite DDS stemmed from David’s passion for teaching and mentoring, driven by a life-changing personal event involving his associate.
  • Educational Influence: David’s commitment to education extends beyond local schools, sharing insights into how guest speaking and collaborations with dental institutes expanded his impact.
  • Community and Support: Reflecting on partnerships with organizations like Asda, David highlights the collaborative and supportive nature of the dental community, crucial for professional development.

Connect with Ignitedds and Dr. David Rice: @ignitedds

Connect with Tanya Sue Maestas: @tsmaestas.dds

Learn more about 90 Day JumpStart : https://ignitedds.com

Dental Fuel, the podcast that focuses on what no one else is talking about. Mistakes. The dental world is full of before and afters and no one is talking about the middle. Dental Fuel brings you the unspoken in-between. Welcome back to another episode of Dental Fuel. Dental Fuel is brought to you by 90 Day Jumpstart, a program to help you increase production and break free from financial stress. Dental Fuel listeners, I am excited to welcome this week's guest. a friend, colleague, and mentor. The man himself, our Ignite DDS leader, Dr. David Rice. Dr. David Rice and I met when I was a dental student and he was kicking off Ignite DDS. He has always been a big proponent in helping dental students and young dentists navigate their careers with confidence and expertise. David is a true master of his craft and we talk about how he has mastered his clinical skills
all while learning knowledge and building a dental practice. In this first episode, David reflects on his early career mistakes, and he helps highlight some CE seminars and courses that had an impact on his professional growth. Let's listen in. Dr. David Rice, our Ignite DDS fearless leader. Welcome to Dental Fuel. How are you doing today? I'm excellent, Tanya. How are you? I'm very excited to be speaking with you today. It's always you know so fun to connect and reconnect and just to learn more about who David Rice is. And I'm excited to have you on the podcast finally. Yay. Thank you. I'm glad to be here. Well, David, I would love if you would tell me and our listeners, ah where are you coming to us from today?
i I'm going to apologize to all of you in advance because I'm coming to you from an apartment in Tampa, Florida, which is a segue for Anastasia and I where we're in between condos. Our place was supposed to be built, but you know, we're living like college kids. It's kind of fun. Heck yeah. I love it. I hope there's ramen and and everything involved such as, uh, back in our college days. It's everything you imagined it to be. Well, David, here at Dental Feel, we are dedicated to talking about each other's mistakes and learning from those mistakes and growing upon them as a dental community. And I'm so excited to hear about some of your mistakes that you have made in your lifetime in practicing dentistry. But before we we get into it, I'd like to take you back to when you were in, I guess you could say, full-time practice up in Buffalo.
And I would like you for you to share with me and our listeners a little bit about how that setup was for you and if you're still involved with that practice at all. Sure. So gosh, full-time practice for me. We had a primary location. It's called East Amherst Dental Center. And there were four dentists, four hygienists, six assistants, three admin team. We're really lucky. um We worked very hard at building a fee-for-surface practice. So we did very much complete care, highly cosmetically driven care.
All the things that I think I dreamt and hoped I would have as as a dental student and a young grad. And over time, I i sort of shortened my time frame there. So now I go back every other month. I'm there as an associate, full circle. I went from associate to owner to partner to associate. And and here we are today, but it's a blast going back and working with the team and and reconnecting. I love that. And David, are you a Buffalo native? I am a Buffalo native born and bred. And have you ever dived into a table? I have yet to jump off a camper onto the table, although there's still there's still time to do it. you build game i I may or may not have family and friends who've attempted the dive and the table always wins. Tonya, it's crazy.
ah Yeah, you know, that's, that's a crazy thought, but I know when I got, had the opportunity to visit Buffalo, as soon as I, you know, felt that Buffalo air, I just wanted to jump onto that table, but I didn't have that opportunity either. So, you know, we'll just have to pay a visit to Buffalo and see if we can make that happen. We could absolutely make that happen. I may have some friends who work for the bills. I love that. So David, in building your practice, I would love to know a clinical mistake that you and your team or you just yourself made and how you overcame that mistake.
I'm going to say clinically, in the beginning, we were fearful to just share everything our patients needed. We thought people were going to think we were over-diagnosing or over-treating or they would just take it the wrong way, that we were young people trying to you know make money, which I think is a ah generalized fear. so Clinically, we erred on the side of um Not delivering totally complete care probably for the first four years I practiced and you know thankful for a lot of CE and mentors who helped me overcome that over time Very very well said and I know that you are a huge proponent of CE How has CE impacted your life as a clinician? I would not remotely be the person I am today without it and I would share that
I highly, highly, highly recommend um in-person, hands-on. We can learn things you know academically. you know Virtually, we can we can get some experience in a classroom, but I think the confidence that comes along with hands-on courses and the nuances that we learn when somebody who's truly an expert is over our shoulder, whether it's with a patient or a typodont or both, It's been um incredibly impactful, not just for me, but every person on our team has experienced that over the years multiple times. Are there any CE courses that really made an impact in your career? One I wish still existed today, but David Hornbrook still teaches. He was probably clinically the most profound um educator for me. It was a court it was a curriculum called PAC Live.
And when David ran it, I used to run from Buffalo, New York out to San Francisco um every other month for about six months. It was phenomenal. It totally changed how we practiced dentistry. a Big proponent of Panky and Dawson, those two really also you know altered, I would say, the um the path I was on early on. um So you know a lot of love to all those folks who really made a difference for us. Yeah, they they have a really great core team of people who are amazing in what they do it and the knowledge that they share with others is is truly astounding. I know that you have gone from, well, I guess we we're all always students, right? We're all always learning in the in the world of dentistry, but you have
shared and taught ah a lot of different courses as well. How did you make that transition from being maybe a full-time student to now being part-time student and a clinician as well, or sorry, an educator as well? Sure. i you know and And I'm going to give David Hornbrook some credit for that. So he was the one person I saw that made me think, hmm, I want to grow up and do that as well. So the first thing I did was went to our local dental school, Buffalo and said, Hey, I've got some great cases. I'd love to show them to you, the CE department. And if you think so too, you know, maybe I could teach a teeny little course. So it all started with one.
two-hour course and that didn't go horribly. So they invited me back for a second. And then, you know, geographically really fortunate too. I know, you know, Tanya, like my practice is literally 10 minutes doorto door-to-door to Iva Cloud's US headquarters. so So because their entire team really became patients of ours over the years, they got to see the dentistry that we did. And then they saw that I was doing a little bit of teaching and they asked, would you be interested in doing more? And then that led to more. And that led to speaking with Dawson and Panky and Spear over the years. And, um, and then doing a lot of independent things as well. Man, those Iowa Claire people, they sure are nice. Those Buffalo people are are nice too. I'll just group them all together.
You know, give them the chicken wings, stay away from the tables and you're fine. Love that. Love that. And David, for you, how did you transition over to starting to build what you now call Ignite DDS? You know, it kind of started like many things in life from not the greatest scenario. My, at the time, associate Mark unfortunately lost his very young spouse. So I went to my chair at Buffalo restorative and said, Hey, I need to leave absence. They said, we can't give one to you. I said, I quit. And I knew I loved teaching.
So I always went back and guest spoke and you know in people's courses where they invited me back. And then one day I thought, boy, the this is something I want to do. I just ah just don't necessarily want to be confined to one school or or one geographic location.
and Well, Ignite DDS has grown so much, I'm sure, since you first launched it. Ignite DDS played a huge role in my life as a dental student and, of course, now as a practicing dentist. But I can remember, you know, going back to those Asda days, you being very present there and, of course, being very supportive of many of us district trustees. And hopefully I can find some pictures and we can show them in ah in a reel or something so that way we can kind of just show us in our prime in our youth. um But really fun just to see how you have grown ah with IgniteDDS and and you know IgniteDDS as a whole and really cool to see how the team has grown as well too. and We have a a great core group of diverse people from different clinical backgrounds and you know of course ah backgrounds and in themselves. ah But it's really exciting to see what the future of IgniteDDS has to hold.
ah You know what, it really is. and It makes me really proud to look around the room and see so many people that I met like you um along the lines, a lot with us, a lot of strong as the leaders. And i I still remember it was a Saturday in Houston. We were at some brewery. Aaron Kennedy and Nivisha Singh were there like, I can picture the day um like it was yesterday. And that was just one of many um opportunities I got to have to meet you and and your mom along the way too, which was really cool for me. Yes, that was really cool for me during my dental experience was to bring my mom along and for her to experience at least the fun part of dental school with me, which is really nice. ah But yes, that brewery that brewery was so fun. That was just a fun time and the education was was phenomenal. Thanks for tuning into this first episode with Dr. David Rice.
If you're looking to find financial control, systems control, and clinical control in your office, the 90-day jumpstart is for you. Dr. David Rice can help you reach your goals with 90-day jumpstart. Grow your profit, not your stress. Be sure to tune in next week where we talk about financial mistakes that Dr. David Rice has made. Be sure to connect with us on social media at Ignite DDS and at Dental Fuel. If you'd like to listen to more Dr. David Rice, you can find him on his podcast, Dentistry Unmasked with Dr. Pan Maragliano.