Teaching, Guiding & Inspiring The Next Generation of Programmers (with James Q. Quick) image
Developer Voices
Teaching, Guiding & Inspiring The Next Generation of Programmers (with James Q. Quick)
Teaching, Guiding & Inspiring The Next Generation of Programmers (with James Q. Quick)

How do you get started as a programmer? And how do experienced programmers help them as they start their journey?

This week's guest is a developer-turned-teacher, James Q. Quick. A former coder and developer advocate, he's s been been working on tutorials, courses and bootcamps to teach aspiring developers how to get started with JavaScript. We talk about why people get into programming as a new career, what they need to succeed, and what James thinks is the best indicator of success.

We also discuss what's new and exciting in JavaScript, James' favourite up & coming libraries, and dive into the JavaScript vs. TypeScript debate.

James’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jamesqquick
James’s website: https://www.jamesqquick.com/
Astro website builder: https://astro.build/
James’ Astro course: https://astrocourse.dev/
Svelte framework: https://svelte.dev/
Vite build tool: https://vitejs.dev/

James on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamesqquick
Kris on Twitter: https://twitter.com/krisajenkins
Kris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krisjenkins/

663 Plays
1 year ago

How do you get started as a programmer? And how do experienced programmers help them as they start their journey?

This week's guest is a developer-turned-teacher, James Q. Quick. A former coder and developer advocate, he's s been been working on tutorials, courses and bootcamps to teach aspiring developers how to get started with JavaScript. We talk about why people get into programming as a new career, what they need to succeed, and what James thinks is the best indicator of success.

We also discuss what's new and exciting in JavaScript, James' favourite up & coming libraries, and dive into the JavaScript vs. TypeScript debate.

James’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/jamesqquick
James’s website: https://www.jamesqquick.com/
Astro website builder: https://astro.build/
James’ Astro course: https://astrocourse.dev/
Svelte framework: https://svelte.dev/
Vite build tool: https://vitejs.dev/

James on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamesqquick
Kris on Twitter: https://twitter.com/krisajenkins
Kris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krisjenkins/
