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C3 Ep. 17 Grave Dawn Chapter Five image

C3 Ep. 17 Grave Dawn Chapter Five

Eberron Renewed
267 Plays2 months ago

The party follows the lead deeper and deeper into the web.

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction to EBRON

um threaten with the coach boy D20 Radio, at your game is roll. Hello and welcome to EBRON. The new actual play podcast at me of our campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. find me I'm I'm Phillip. I'm Trevor.
I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. And welcome to another episode.

Surviving the Crypt Attack

Well, folks, what happened last time? Told me I'm not. We fought stuff in a crypt. Yeah, we did it. Barely. True. We got jumped by zombies and skeletons, and it was close for a while. It was scary. It was scary the whole time. It was close for a while. Yeah. And you all are down.

Investigating Kernville's Graveyard

You've gone to the mausoleum. You're down in the crypts, below the graveyard, investigating what's going on in the town of Kernville.
But before we continue with the adventure, we need to do our post battle quick rest stuff. So if you have any spells that are, oh, what is the re recharge? Yeah.
Then you can go ahead and roll for that. Anybody use any recharge spells that battle? I did. The rending is a recharge. What do you got to roll to keep it? I got to roll a 16. Oof. Will you roll a 16? This is a fair question. Do you roll a 16? Have you? In fact, I roll a 17. Well, well done. Mia, you look less pleased with your recharge roll. They're out of size. What did you need to get? 16.
yeah to You will get that smell back after the after a full heal up. And additionally, you all can use any number of recoveries that you like yeah to

Recovery and Strategy Discussion

heal up. Eric, how do do temporary hit points behave? Do they like go away after a battle? Yes. So your legs return to normal form. Do both of them?
Yes. Okay. Be sure to keep track of how many recoveries you have used because they do not reset until after a full heal up. Okay. All right. I got something back. I got eight points back, which was half of what I took. Yeehaw. You could spend another recovery if you want to earn more. With the way I'm taking damage. I don't know if that's really going to matter. it Okay. Everyone good? Spending recoveries and whatnot? Back. Oh, you too. Cool.
cool OK, well, then you all all of the crypts now have been busted out of in this section.

Discovering a Dark Longsword

There are weapons like swords, daggers ah scattered about the floor. And yeah, you you all see the hallway continues further into the darkness. So these weapons know surely one of them spilled out of a crypt along with one of these horrible things that just attacked us. Sure. OK, what's that? Let me see what that.
Gimme, gimme. Slime thrower. Heck yes, brother. My name is Nix, and this is my boomstick. You find a longsword that has a... The the blade looks darker than what you would expect this metal to be.
And the pommel is a bestial face, like fangs, but the fangs wrap around a red jewel that is set into its mouth. Neat. What kind of beast? Fang one. Let's say a tiger, just because that's all that's on the shore. Sure. Thank you for not making it a bird.
Only it was a horse. Fengely horse. Yeah. Yeah. nix I will. Yeah. You're familiar with weapons. I will say, you you know, the property that is emanating from this weapon is bloodthirsty after you crit with a natural 20 specifically using this weapon.
It becomes bloodthirsty until the end of the battle. While bloodthirsty, it deals plus 15 bonus damage. Whoa. Okay, so after a crit for the rest of the battle. Anything else laying

Looting the Crypts

around? I could pick a up. It's too late. Yeah, it's like an element maybe that Tinkaz can get. Free Thrall at this point, I guess.
If you all want to go grave robbing, you can. I have a I have a I have a question. Just not going forward. This will be awful. Good things that attack me don't get to keep their weapons. And she leans down and picks up the sword with your magic. No, this thing left was the wrong voice. Boy, ah this thing leapt out of its grave and tried to kill us. So now its sword belongs to me unassailable lodge.
That sounds fair. Listen, if I ever try to kill you and you kill me, you can have my sword. I feel like there's deeper repercussions if I kill you. I don't think your weapons is something I would be worried about. Are you afraid I'll avenge her? That makes sense.
No, no, I'm just saying. And then he wiggles his fingers that likes to crawl out. That is. That's what I'm more afraid about. It doesn't come out when I don't tell it to. I just there's a little snicker from Acheron up on the ceiling. Shut up. And Nick, is there a sheath? It's OK if there's not. I'm just yeah. Of course. Convenient. Yeah. Nick's picks up the sword in its sheath and just starts testing its balance a little bit, just Before we go too much further, I have a crunch question I need to ask really quickly. So I drew my next spell die at the end of my last turn. Now that the battle is over, do I hold on to it until the next time I need to cast a spell or does it go back in the bag? It goes back in the bag and your bag resets at the start of a battle. Okay.

Sensing a Presence

I will remember that going forward.
Is anyone else while Valk is admonishing Nyx going to try and sneakily grab some loot from one of these crypts? I think if Kaz saw Cash, he may be interested in snagging some, but stuff? No. People don't really get buried with money. Not even on their eyes? Tragically, no. Yeah.
I don't think Selena's gonna go for anything. No. I want Valk to, like, make direct eye contact with each person. Make direct eye contact with me if she's armed deep into a crypt. Just making sure there's no one else in there. You with that? I can't argue with that. Yeah, you're gonna say that about Trevor a lot.
Unfortunately, you can't argue with that. It's true. His characters are often the embodiment of the the the Captain America meme. He's out of line, but he's not right. Not wrong. OK, next, as you pick up the sword, give me I will take either an intelligence or a wisdom check.
to inspect the weapon for any further properties. You were able to tell the bloodthirsty just untouched. Shower has touched. Yes, I will accept shower 17. Oh, and and level, I guess, 18, 18. OK, you.
Also feel that there's an additional property on this weapon that is not immediately apparent for the wielder. Proud. There is an additional plus two bonus to the sword for any attack rolls you make while using the sword. You can't rally unless you drop to zero hit points at least once this battle. And that's the the ah the upside of that was a plus two to attack. Yes.
Is rally specifically when you use your standard action to use recovery so I could yes gift other people can let you still be healed Good and my spells still may look let me heal but I can't got it. Yep. Good to know Okie-dokie. Well, I was just looking for a trophy but all right then instead I've got a whole problem. So I don't know what you heard but it was different from what I heard. Are we continuing down the path further into the mausoleum? The crypts, I guess? Yes. That is the option that we have. So. OK, so same walking order as before. Valknik, Selena, Kasvi. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Valk, are you still at the front? Absolutely. OK. Why?
Because you went there. OK, so you all continue moving. There are another set of stairs. And as you get deeper, you see a grid of just fully blown out crypts like that this full section blew out and made its way up to the surface. You can tell. And yeah, at this point, everyone give me a wisdom check to perceive any relevant backgrounds. He's 18 plus two, so 20.
Twenty seven. Nineteen. Nine. I got a natural eighteen. I see why a wildfire is and I can't seem to log in. There we go.

Feeling Watched

Twenty three. OK, so we got a nineteen. Vout got a and twenty and Kaz got a twenty two and the Knicks got a seven and Selena got a nine. Yes. OK.
V, Kaz, and Valk, you all can tell as you're walking and looking at like the shattered pieces of the facades of these crypts, that the carving is obviously a lot more recent. ah like You're moving towards more recent burials, but still not super fresh. like Not anybody that's been buried in the past decade.
Selena and Nyx, you once again, like hair on the back of your neck stands up and you start to like, something's definitely watching you and following because and value you do not get any sense that you're being watched. So the the more outlandish appearance of of Nyx is probably not retreating as it did after the battle outside of town.
with her with her remaining on edge. And she's just walking with the sword in hand and just whirling it every now and again, idly and looking around. OK, Selena, are you Selena is shining that light around again. OK, so without again saying, please, this is so hard to see. um Are you all going to investigate these grips at all? Are you going to keep pushing board?
say we keep going, if they're all, if they've all been opened. oh Yeah. Yeah. Press on. but that you go So y'all continue through probably three similar sections, obviously getting more and more recent. And these are kind of switching back, like you're not going directly down of blown out Crips.
But yeah, the the writing is getting more and more recent. ah Nick Slater, the presence of who your stalker is growing more and more oppressive as you all get deeper into the crypts. Finally, once you reach kind of the fourth landing, you all see what's in the writing seems very, very fresh now and notably Probably V, Valk, and Kaz, you would be the first to notice this, ah although it may not mean anything to

Trampled Tulips and Tension

you all. Amongst the wreckage of the blown-out crypt doors, you see some tulips have been smashed and walked upon amongst all of them. Slayta and Nyx, you like... whatever is near you is like right on you. But you're not so, well, I mean, you all tell me like you've been going deeper and deeper. Your companions haven't seemed to be jiving with what you all are feeling. How are you all acting at this point? Is there is there anything to sense that because it's obviously I mean, it's obvious to visual examination that there's not physically something following us.
Yes. Is there any is there any sensation to this oppressive presence that we could try to ascertain the nature of or is it just a sense of paranoia being watched kind of? Yeah, I mean, it's that paranoia being watched kind of feel and it's it's dark. It's kind of drafty down here there. You know, the earth shifts. So there's like random noises and like rots that fall and create like. And so, yeah, it's just kind of that constant.
Yeah, it's like when you're walking through your house late at night and you like you just have that like creepy sense that something's not right. Is there any way to tell which crypt had the tulips are they giving me? Give me a I will take either an intelligence or a wisdom based check. Kaz has an assumption doing wisdom. That's a sixteen. Sixteen.
ah Yeah, you you can kind of see and piece together There is a crypt with the name of Raina on it and that would have been the one that the tulips were placed in front of Can about them gather up? What is remaining including the petals and kind

Kaz's Magical Mishaps

of put them back? Yes, that is that crypt open That crypt is open. Yes. Yeah. What was my guy's name? What was Victor? No, no, no, this was This was Victor's wife. That's right. I was thinking trampled tulips from a, you know, scorned lover. But yeah, that makes that's right. That was Serena. that was e Yeah. And Nick, as as Valka is gathering about Nix, you see the tulips and it does a clarity check for you to put them together. Correct. Nix is honestly not like she has.
sort up in both hands, in a guard position, watching around every corner. Like, she's not interested in the flowers. they're not ah They're not a threat right now. Is something wrong? There is something down here. I i can't say what, but there is something down here.
I think even though I rolled well and I'm not feeling it, Nyx saying that, because the last time I felt that way, we got it i I personally was grappled by a zombie. So I think that puts that definitely puts Kaz on edge even though I don't necessarily see it or agree with it or believe it. Nyx feels tough and if she's scared, I'm scared. Selena's pretty uneasy too. Grub has Scout? Can I send Grub to Scout the area?
Sure. Yeah. Love that. Put him to use. OK. The emergency keep. So, Grub scrambles out of the Papoose that you're carrying him in. OK. So are you tell telling him to go further in or go back? I think further in. OK. So the Scout property, it's a super unhelpful description.
It is, yeah. Okay, yeah. Grub takes off into the darkness, like, turns, gives you a thumbs up, and then we wait. The flare is cape across him. He sure does. Absolutely. And you see the Shadow Raccoon take off into the darkness ahead. if And he will come back with recon when available.
If I'm now like drawing attention so that there is something wrong, so I can't feel it, would my paranormal investigate or skills be able to try to? You can make a check. You can make a wisdom check to try and figure out what Nyx is sensing. you go. Please. That's all. That's the floor. I'm with that. OK. That's a natural 20.
Hey, so, yeah, I mean, now you you are certain and confident that like you definitely pick up that you all as you're going deeper, there is like a sense of the arcane that is growing stronger, like as you stop and kind of look around and think about, like,
you're You're going deeper underground and the paranormal investigator bit specifically you trying to do the way the work toward this. um
yeah Any potential threat that there may be lies ahead and further down, but you are like beyond confident that you are not being followed or stopped and there is nothing in the immediate vicinity that is going to attack you.
Okay, I think it was I was just going to kind of raise his hand I think specifically at Nix and just say not here you're getting closer to the the manifest zone it's below we're feeling something the energy coming up so we're not there yet we should be fine here specifically but All right. I just need to figure out which zone it is, but I'm going to try and get that ready because I have the but compass. I don't think I, I don't think I should take point until I can figure out what specifically, which one it is. but Would I be able to know that yet? Know what? Which zone it is either in the bar or in the door? You're not close enough to be able to ascertain that specifically yet. Okay.
with the natural 20, you can tell Valk that the, the power that lies ahead is in a

Energy Flux in the Manifest Zone

state of flux. Like somebody has been messing with it though. Like whatever naturally cream manifest zone may have existed, something's happened with it. I think explain that to the the group too, that there might be someone actively changing the natural vibes, magic of vibes of our pure mausoleum. Well, that's at least easier to solve. All right, so you all do you all continue to press ahead? Yeah, Nyx will go in front since Vork does not want to right now.
gonna swap OK, you still got sword up and out, Nix? Yes. OK, so you all find yourselves reaching a point where it looks like the then the man made nature like the constructed portion of the crypt stops, but the path continues forward into what looks like a natural cavernous path.
at least further down. And based on how it looks when you reach that point, it looks like they they were digging to continue to expand the crypts and came upon this and like kind of opened it up and didn't close it. I was digging under my tongue. Dead people, they can't keep expanding like this. Yeah, I mean, I'd certainly find someone to close it. Well, no way other than this, I think. Oh, that's us, isn't it? No. me Someone else will come and close it later. Our task is to go down it and deal with whatever's there, I think. Fine. You know how to close a cave, I do not. Right. Are you able to do that without just going to look over spiky nose, but all right, then.
We have a lot of people who can cause explosions, maybe. I'm supposed to deal with the manifest zone, and that's that way, I think. So let's go. Yeah. Okay. And Nyx proceeds into the tunnel already. As you all begin to go into the tunnel.
You hear a skittering noise that comes to a halt as Grub appears in front of your group. The sword goes up, relaxes. And he like weaves through all through you all to stand in front of Selena. And Grub looks at you and makes this gesture like expanding his arms out to the side. And then he takes his hands and like tucks his little thumbs in and puts like the four fingers out to the side and like makes them move like crawling.
like this and he points further down the cave and then at the look of nobody he's it extends his arms out wide again and then brings in four fingers out on the other side and then wriggles them. Kazakus we get it big spider. And then Grub like exasperatedly climbs back up into the little bag that Selena has and like plops down in it a feeling under appreciated for his efforts to the group.
Selena sees that he's sad and she gives him a little treat. You hold the treat down and like there's no response and then you see one hand slowly reach up out of the bag and snatch it down. That was amazing. Pepper. It's good. No. Okay. Enchanted? Yeah. Look at me. Stop me. Never seen enchanted. Oh, well, then you wouldn't know what I'm doing. This is OK. I as per usual. OK, so right. Giant spider. Perfect. Giant magic spider. More than. Perhaps.
down the tunnel.

Footprints in the Cavern

Okay. As you all head down the tunnel, obviously, thanks to Grubb's efforts, being able to keep an eye out specifically for any signs of spidery activities, you all come upon a large-ish cavern. Importantly, it does not take a check for you all to see in like kind of the the mud and sediment that settles at the bottom of this cave path. You see footprints that are less than a week old. ah In fact, you see Oh, give me breaking you a wisdom check to perceive things or an intelligence check to investigate with any relevant backgrounds applied. Not for seven. Fifteen. Fifteen. Twenty. Nick's. Twenty one. Nice. Nick's your black market smuggling thing would be applicable here. Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen. so Okay. So what did you get? Seven.
Okay. Valk, your head's still kind of reeling from the magic of it all and what's going on. So you don't really clock it. Cypher. You all notice as you see the footprints that there are two sets of footprints going down and only one set of footprints coming the other direction.
Guys, someone's still down there. Yes. I'm not going to say that. No, I get it. I'm just going to move on. No, I was. OK, as you all progress, you see a largest cavern. And since you're able to, you also see some raccoon prints in the sediment and mud.
And then you notice that the raccoon prints stop and begin coming back the other direction as soon as you reach the edge of this large cavern. So any preparations you would like to make before stepping into the place where Grub presumably saw a big spider. Can you send that light? Can I send that light? You could put the light on the thing and throw it. I'm just going to toss the book that it's on. Oh, you might need that book. Look at it back. Yeah, I'll pick it up later. Sure. Just because give me a dexterity check to throw the book. OK, 17.
OK, if you rolled low, the book was going to land light side down. That would be my. life But no, you you toss the book and it slides in the middle and lights up the cavern. In fact, i'll I'll say that like there's a little alcove on the roof and you see a mass of shiny reflections as it bounces off of the spider's eyes as it and like kind of recoils at the light. But then.
is going to move to attack, because it sees you all, and you all obviously seen it. So initiative. shes Friends! Dex, right? That's badly for initiative. Yeah, Dex and level. Thirteen. Eight. Eight. Thirteen. Six. Lever. I rolled a natural 20 and a natural one on my two initiative rolls this session. Okay. All right. Well, the spider is going to go first. Great. Naturally.
So the spider is going to crawl down onto the wall, still kind of perched up above the ground, though, and it is going to shoot a stream of sticky webs. Nixon about who are at the front of the group. So this is against physical direct defense, specifically so it rolled a natural one.
So its webs hit the ground in front of you, ah but off to the side to where it doesn't even block your path forward. And that is it for the spiders turn. Now it is these turn. Oh, really? I didn't expect that. OK, I'm going to throw a ninja star. OK.
Sorry, let me clarify. V, what is your dexterity? 17. Valk, what is your dexterity? 12. So yeah, V goes first, then Valk. Yeah. And then Nyx, what is your dexterity? 14. Selena, what's your dexterity? 14. Cool. Fine. You two roll another d20. Okay.

Battle with a Giant Spider

It rolls higher. I got a 19 to hit. Okay, follow second Trevor. Oh, sorry. Are we adding anything or just straight roll? Just the straight roll. Okay, I got a 12.
Okay, so Selena will go first in the next. You got a 19 to hit? Yes. bro Okay, that hits. And a ninja star is a six, right? A D6, or a D, oh hold on, let me double check. It is a D4. Okay. That is two plus strength? No, you don't add anything for this, for the ranged weapon. Oh, well then just two.
they hate da Those are see the blessed ones. Oh, holy damage. But the spider is not vulnerable to holy damage like the undead things are. I tried. It's not. I think that would be the opposite, sh Trevor. But OK, so the spider kind of recoils as you're throwing star sinks into a gap in its carapace. And it is now Valk's cherry.
Okay, quick action. I'm gonna use my second stance of necessity. Okay. Just to have that going. And then I have to take my focus.
Yes. And then, oh, no, I'm not gonna move. I don't wanna potentially get stuck to a wall. So. Okay. That's my turn. Cool. Selena. Let's change it up and do magic missile.
Oh, okay. So roll a D2. Okay, I got a two. Two? Okay. So, okay. So you'll get to do it for the next two rounds. Excellent. And how much damage does it do? What do I roll for that? Or is it?
i I think it's just a set an amount for magic missile that I will confirm. Five damage. OK. OK. Silvery mote of light shoots out and hits the spider. Nice. And are you going to move Selena or are you going to stay where you are? I'll stay where I'm at. Okey dokey. Then it is Nix's turn.
So Nix, this is not it's not low enough to be in melee range yet. Well, I hate that. I know. OK, well, then we'll do this. So Nix will again.
pull her her blade out of the air and as it stays up on the wall, ah she swings the sword and it cuts a gash through the air and a swarm of blades just comes out of the gash in the air and I will cast the rending at the spider. Because that is my ranged spell. Eric, that's a natural 20. Hey. Oh, my. OK. And it so I'm sorry. Do we double I don't remember how this works when I'm rolling multiple dice. I've been doing roll double dice. OK, so it's going to be 60 twelves. Awesome. Good God. And it blows up to us. Won't you shoot?
yeah Eric, you may get to disregard that text message. This is a hardy ending. It's the only one that's thought about encountered. So that is 56 damage. Nice. it It is staggered. It is not. So just a. Yeah, the the gash.
The gash seems to tear as some of the swords come through and and that tears wider. And there's just this brief flash of uncertainty on Nick's face as a lot of just weapons just whirl through the air and bury themselves in the carapace of the spider before the rift closes again. Awesome. There are so many weapon sticks that you get a sense that probably there's an insignificant amount of individuals that will be missing those.
Well, they don't come from here. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do the people who miss them know where they go or why they go? ah Probably not. Probably. Yeah. Yeah. Family yearling. That's a future Nix. It's probably the other half of Nix. Awesome. And then I will move out into the room. I'm ah but not near the wall. I don't want it to be able to like grab me.
And so she's trying to she's trying to bait it out onto the floor. So yes, she moves out into the center of the chamber. Excellent. Kaz. All right. Kaz drew an attack stone, which means he had to roll his attack warp and then his weirdness. And you guys are going to love this. I rolled attack warp. I got the power of flight. So you see Kaz lift a couple of feet in the air. And then on the weirdness, I rolled great gust of wind.

Chaos and Strategy Revelation

So Eric, what happens to Kaz? He gets to float and then all of a sudden just gets like
But it's not a controlled float. like it' Yeah, no. Flung around the room. And yeah, yeah go ahead. No, please. I'm going to say that like the spider is holding on for the great gust of wind, but it's like having to hold on like with a good amount of its strength. But as you are like, I'm thinking the great gust of wind is circular, like it's like swirling around the rooms. Absolutely. Like floating closer to the spider.
So you were coming headlong into it. I think much like one would if they were whipped around. And Nexus looks up and goes, why? yeah I don't want I don't want to put the image in the head of anyone that this looks like vomit, but much to a one might projectile sick, a force of tentacle shoots out of Nyx at this point. yeah oh And she has CAS. I'm sorry. She does CAS. I would not put that. That is of all the people that would hate that. Phillip would hate that the most. Putting that on his character. That is a 9-14-17 to hit against AC. Against physical defense. That hits. Okay. 12 damage. Nice.
And that is it. Okay. Whipping around up there, I guess. Till the end of my next turn when I crashed to the ground. That is the end of the round, which means Escalation dies at a one. um
the spider is going to skitter it will make a strength check to try and skitter against the great gust of wind towards Kaz okay i'm gonna say that a 15 is enough to push against the wind you're the only one that can make that call so okay so Kaz it is going to kind of begin to crawl and meet you as you are flying towards it it is going to try and use its fangs on you. Okay. That is a 17 to hit. ah Yeah. So that is
Seven damage. OK. And seven ongoing poison damage. Save wounds as this lighter bites into CAS. Do I take all 14 now or seven at the beginning of the next turn? Seven at the top of your next turn. OK. I got some terrible news about my next turn, guys. And yeah, that is going to be it for its turn, as it like has like not physically holding CAS, but like has a hold of CAS. CAS, how long does your flight last? Till the end of my next turn.
cool and i just still whip it around or is he because screaming and crying throwing up yeah probably the spider tries to hold and keep a hold of you but it needs to pick between maintaining its footing or keeping a hold of you and it chooses its own footing so it definitely lets go of Kaz and Kaz flies past it.
we love it v Yes. Your turn. Here comes another ninja star. You ready? Yes, I can be ready. Well, it's a miss. What'd you get? I rolled a three. So, I'm gonna assume even adding all that stuff up's not gonna get it. But you'll still deal one point of damage because on a miss you deal damage equal to your level.
Oh, okay. So that is half the damage I dealt with the success. but but vo Yes. He kept my focus out of fear. So we're going to use karmic reboots to get rid of it on the old spider. Okay.
That is probably, that's definitely not going to fit. It's a nine, nine. Okay. What's your level? nine. That misses. I'm doing my math this time. Okay. I'm proud of you. things Then yes, that. was What happens on a miss? Anything? No. yeah No, I don't think so. No, I think it's just so I can use my focus before using see my standard action. So I'm just going to get my standard or get my focus back and kind of watch cows kind of
The room may be a little worried. There may be vomit in this. You did get to see him. We're like the tentacle. So that smack the spider in the face and then the spider bit him. Selena. All right. I am going to try to cast confusion. Oh, OK. Oh, love it. OK. OK. OK. Twenty two against men against mental. Yes.
That succeeds. Awesome. So the target is confused, which means something. Yes. That I'm finding. It goes back into its hidey hole and goes to sleep. Okay. I have found it. So it is uncertain what's going on and what it should do. It takes no actions when it's your turn, when it isn't your turn, such as making opportunity attacks or activating magic items. At the start of its turn, it will roll a d6 to determine what it does. Okay.
Nyx, the spiders begin thrashing around a little bit, but it's still up on a wall. Yes. hu
That's not very helpful. Okay. Nyx sees that and kind of snarls in frustration. and she raises her sword and fire runs down it and then out of that fire flaps a demon. I'm casting Summon Burner, which hovers in the air and it's this sort of malformed humanoid shape in spiky armor
with big bat wings and a bow, which it draws back and will shoot at the spider. Okay. For 17, that hits and it takes five fire damage. and Nice. Alrighty. Kaz, a flaming arrow whips past your head. I rolled, I pulled my chaos spike first and I rolled a four, which is increases all my damage die by one level. Cool, nice. Then, because I got my attacking warp, I also rolled my weirdness and it says, okay, here so the first thing that happens is it takes seven damage, right? That's done.
Yes because you're poisoned. I rolled a 42 on my weirdness table which says all creatures in the battle taking ongoing damage immediately take that damage then all ongoing effects end so what you guys see is Kaz scream pass out and crash to the ground unconscious. Can't say I fudge my rolls team.
And the wind stops, so that's good. Yeah. OK, so. But had I gotten to do something, my damage die would have been done up by one. So that's. so That is me. e OK, so. So I'm at I'm at zero hit points, negative three. Technically, you haven't gone down to zero hit points yet. This nobody has yet. Have they this? art No, no.
Yeah, so i I did. I think I did in my f prologue. OK, so you gain one skull, Jeff. So Mark on your thing that you have a skull. That's probably OK. And you're supposed to. um
Done, can consider it marked. And then you won't have to make a death save until your next turn, because it's not until the start you start your turn and see your hit points, you make a death save. I had a serious question to ask you. I was getting whipped around, and I was unconscious, and I was in the air, and now I'm not. Did I land on the floor or in a spider web? On the floor. OK. I just wanted to see where your head was at. Yes. OK. Well, that's Kaz's turn. So escalation I did too. Such as it is. I mean, it's certainly escalated.
Yeah, yeah this um so the spider, being that it is now confused, thanks to Selena, is going to roll a d6 to see what it does. Falls off the wall. Well, OK, here's the thing. All the confusion things involve treating allies as enemies and it has no allies in this fight. So it's just not going to if it rolls a six, then it takes no actions, but at least you're attacking an ally. So that's what's going to happen is it's just <unk> confused and it's not attacking anyone. I think it thinks its other legs are enemies.
just so it so but you You can think that if you like, Jeff. When you when you run 13th age, you can adjudicate it that way. Oh, it's safe has to end. So it's going to roll. That is a four. So it is still confused here. And is so that something actively happens, I will say that it's freaking out and it it lowers down the wall.
So yeah so it is it is within striking distance of melee. It's still perched up on the wall, but it's it's within striking distance. And that way there's something actively happening. V. Yeah. You can jab this thing if you want. Let's do it. Okay. Are you doing your opening attack over your Dance of the Mantis or your Venom? Well, I feel like since it gives poison, it probably is don't doesn't, poison's not going to be that great on it.
Well, the your original venom doesn't deal. I mean, and the ongoing damage is poison, but the base damage is not. And so, I mean, it's up to you. You know what? I haven't done it yet. Let's do it. Let's do it. Original venom. OK, here we go. So dexterity plus level. Oh, my gosh. Can't read it. Oh, there's a strawberry inside that. OK, seven, what? Ten, eleven.
11 is your total roll. Yeah. That's not enough to hit it. I'm sorry. I didn't think so. Oh, look, a strawberry. Yup. Valk, your turn. I really wish sarah there was something I could do. Your pork has. Unfortunately, I can't.
you know I shit cuz the how I has to use a recovery so I'm gonna use a karmic rebuke cuz I still have it cuz I was hoping that Cass was going to attack he would hate me too oh me they're gonna karmic rebuke on the Spidey's Spidey's with an s but there's only one I know that will upset some please hit that is 19 19 to hit, yes. Yes, and that is leaves another, nope, that is just one D6. Yeah, and that's that's a three. Three damage, all right. He loves that. Every little bit. We're doing chip damage, just chipping away. And then I'm going to get my focus, and like i I can't really do much, but I'm gonna start moving towards Kaz. I'm gonna try and get as close as I can to start driving him back. Cool, sounds good. Selena.
All right, let's try Ray of Farm. Frost. I can see it. Yeah, this is that one. Oh no, okay. That is a nine. That is going to miss. Yeah. Nyx is within reach of both you and your burner. We are not possessed of healing potions, right? We weren't equipped, we weren't issued healing potions by the banner.
No, and that's kind of like, yeah I think what recoveries are supposed to represent is the rally is supposed to be your yourre healing potions. But that doesn't help when someone's unconscious. Yes, yes. Okay. So question then. I pretty exclusively use my weapon to cast spells and I rolled a natural 20 on the rending. wait and And I have this fancy sword.
that you just handed me. So, what's your read on that property of the sword in this context? Were you using that sword? Yeah, that's what I... Okay, take just okay I was just making sure. Let me see specifically the properties of that, because it might say specifically what they malay it. that's Yeah, that's kind of what I was wondering.
Is it specific? Either way, I'm going to move up and attack this. So while you find, yeah, so after you create with a natural 20 using this weapon. So yeah. Awesome. Well, that is a 21 to hit that this spider. And that then means 24 damage. How do you kill the spider? Yeah. I mean, as it's coming, as it's coming down off the wall, it's, you know, carapace studded with.
blades that she just pulled out of Sabarath. Nyx sees it get low enough and just rushes forward with the sword and just jumps into the air and drive and drives the sword down through its head hikes and then just wrenches it out through the side of its head. Okay. Yikes. Okey dokey.
take Yeah, Kaz, give me a d20 roll. Eight. Eight. Okay. I don't know what I'm doing because I don't know how death saving works in 13th age. so because Sorry. Could you fill in me and the listener? Yes, yes, yes. Sorry. So, making death saves, if you roll 15 or lower, you take one step further towards the grave. You gain one more skull.
And in your turn, if that results in you having your fifth skull, then your character is dead.

Kaz's Narrow Escape

Oh, if you roll a 16 to 19, you use a recovery to you return to consciousness and roll your recovery as normal. If you roll a natural 20, you get to do all that, but you then also get to take your actions on that turn as normal.
Okay. So, but since we're out of combat, like your turn never starts. So I'm trying to see what the ruling is. While you're looking for that, I'm just going to declare that i as soon as as soon as they're not threatened by anything, I'm going to use a quick action to dismiss the demon that I summoned. it very I've had murder on the dance floor stuck in my head for like two days. and I want to die. And so does yeah Madison because it keeps leaking out.
but I know two lines from that song, also. That's important to know. Just the important parts. Just the title and the... And I'm not even 100% certain about the next part, but it goes... bo And so that's what's been going in my head. And out of it. Is it Please Don't Kill the Groove, I think? Yeah. Yeah. She also says, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. I know. If that helps you any. I wouldn't say it helps. Add another line to the rotation. Did you just watch Salt Burn or something? I've never... i That's not a movie I will watch.
Oh, it was interesting. That's what I heard. It wasn't as dark as I'd hoped it would be, though. OK, I'm going to just because this adds an additional like wrinkle. No, Google, I'm not talking to you. i I'm going to say once combat ends, because the rules say once you can take a quick rest, which technically when the battle ends, you can take a quick rest. So I'm going to say that like the threat is gone enough for you all to stabilize Kaz and wake him up.
because it's unconscious. So, Kaz, you can use recoveries as normal during a quick rest because the comment is over. Importantly, though, all of your skulls go away except for the last one. You keep that one skull until you finish a full heal up. OK. I was going to ask if I can give up my recoveries. Yeah.
to break them back up. But you all can use recharge for spells like the rending and whatnot. Did you recharge it, Philip? When I'm recovering, do I start from zero or from my negative? Zero. No, I rolled a 12, so I don't know. But everyone could still free to use recoveries as they need to. She did. Kaz is back up to full health, but also notably weeping in seer. Nix pulls her sword out of the spider.
I think va gonna like let cas go that I think that movie starts crying. Yeah, fair. just like at the As you pull your sword free nix and the battle ends and so the bloodthirsty property goes away, you feel kind of.
You feel something with the sword that's almost like a ah sense of satisfaction. Cool. Take that for you, Will. Yeah, me too, man. Yeah, man, I get it. Kill the mouse. Feels good. OK, so there is another the path continues through this cavernous area down another like it kind of expands and then there's another pathway and you see the footsteps continue through here further in. So are we following the footsteps? That's the spider you dealt with. We are.
yeah. So you all really being this close begin to feel the the energy of the manifest zone. Yeah. And Selena, you're as you're getting closer, your heart starts to race a little bit like in spite of your emotional state, whatever that might be. And as you all round a corner, you see a a small cavern, much smaller than what was in the spider or the spider was in.
Everyone give me a quick wisdom check real quick. This is like kind of perceived like spatial reasoning. It builds a wiser character. I also think intelligence.
Oh, wait. Intelligence. Sixteen. Eight. Thirteen. Ten. Eleven. OK. Who got a fifteen or higher? Selena. OK. You two. You kind of putting it together, figure out that you all are directly like the way that you've circled and walked. You are directly below the graveyard. Like if you were to draw a column straight up, you'd come straight up through the graveyard. Hmm. OK.
um But you all, as you enter, you see kind of a darkish glow emanating from the ground up ahead. I think, I mean, there's going to be some real nerd stuff that like has people in this car. I think like the dark saber from Star Wars, like a lightsaber, but a black light, but not a black light. So you also like the.
the cavern walls are inky black. Like you see the light reflecting off of them because they are wet with moisture due to being ah a cave, but they are just black, black, black, but does not seem naturally

Approaching the Necromantic Circle

occurring. As you step a bit closer into the space, you can see what appears to be a corpse in like amongst the circle. And you can definitely tell Selena without any making any kind of check, there is my bar and energy just coursing through this area. The the body on the the circle is a man, a human man. yeah And notably, like I said, it's a corpse. He's dead, but he is not up and walking around. How close are you all going to get to the circle, I guess, is it? Well, Selena is going to put her hand on her heart and just kind of shake her head to the others and take a few steps back. OK.
With that, can I prime the ah compass? Yeah. a You can set it bar in bar and setting. Nyx will edge close to the circle and see if there's an obvious way to disrupt whatever is going on as we attempt to tamp down the manifest zone. Because obviously there's a dead body in this ritual circle, so somebody did something here other than just the manifest. More than the manifest zone is the problem. Right. So this is this is an...
phase of the adventure where it's kind of like you are in, ah you all are in a space that directly relates to your investigation of what's going on and and how to fix it kind of thing. So I'm not going to ask people roles. I am empowering you all to propose roles that you would like your character to make to try and figure out what happened, what's going on, what next steps are, that kind of thing.
I want to examine the body and the magic around it with the paranormally culty. Okay. What would you like? Which ability would you like that to be based off of intelligence, wisdom? those Wisdom. Okay. Good new year old. My bonus. Is there a way to assist? I'm not really equipped with my backgrounds to study my bar, but all I'll let you help. she she understand She's familiar with the side of a ritual circle. i'll I'll let you help so that Mia can roll twice and take the better result.
OK, thank you. One of those was three. And then but I do get my paranormal paranormal bonus. Yes. Yeah. Also, don't forget everyone about your icon relationship. Things that you could utilize. That is a twenty three. Twenty three. OK, so I know you kind of told me, like, give me specifics of what you're like looking. at What are you directly walking up to to investigate with this role?
I want to specifically see like the tie between the kind of the magic being used with like the ritualistic magic and its connection with like effectively it if it has a connection with like necromancy and and all of that. like sweat Okay. Cause. Yeah. Looking at the ritual. Yeah. You could definitely tell it that a ritual circle has been created down here.
that is deeply tied like this is necromantic magic through and through like somebody came out down here with the intention of performing a necromantic ritual and specifically the body that's down here was kind of the final fuel source for the ritual and you with a 23 you said you see that there is a you can see the the handle of some weapon you can't quite tell what weapon it is protruding from the chest of this this person
But the dark light that's emanating from the circle is blowing up through it as well. Like the the knife is part of this ritual kind of thing. How large is the circle? It is. Let me put it a different way.
If I wanted to, I'm not saying I want to, if I wanted to reach out and grab the body to drag it out of the circle, is that possible? Or is the circle wide enough that I would have to like step into the circle to get at it? You would have to step into the circle to get to the body all part of you. would You could you could keep your feet outside and lay down and reach the body. And I guess technically you wouldn't have to step in. But do you think moving for all the heatens out there would help?
No, it's too late. I think the the best thing that the safest thing that we can do at this point is negate the zone. Can we just, if we mess up the symbols on the ground, does that. Can I? I thought of a check. I might actually be able to actually help. My wisdom and intelligence are both trash, but I have my background of privilege to mischief, which I think might make Kaz pretty good at finding surveillance. And I would love to know if this area is being scried or watched for when something might appear from the zone or if someone comes down to screw with the the ritual or something. So can I make a I guess it'd have to be and intelligence probably for that. to I would take intelligence or wisdom because you're trying to see something or notice something. So so either. Ed, would you would you give me the privileged mischief thing to be a background? OK.
16 million. machine That's a 22. OK. Yeah. As they're looking at the ritual circle, Kaz, you're kind of walking the perimeter and keeping an eye out for any forms of scrying or anything. Wipe the tape from my eyes so I can. Yeah. And yeah, like I said, the walls are inky, inky black. But as you're walking and the light kind of reflects off of a section of the wall, you do see.
some runes marked into the wall that you immediately clock as ah a scrying rune for somebody to either be able to listen or see what's going on in the chamber. For a split second, Kaz feels something familiar and gives the little whistle he used to give with his boys. And I don't know if anybody picks up on it, but if they do, he points up to the runes and like gives the Two fingers, to two eyes, symbol, like someone's watching. I don't. I think that was out. Probably would catch that. Is there a way that I could use my eye colony, which was, I think, the seed princess to I don't know what that thing is, guys. I don't know. No, no, no, no. That can totally work. So so you're trying to use your icon relationship or iPhone connection
Yes, I am a channeler, if that is anything. The fancy title makes a difference. Oh, right, because it's all randomized with. you Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you you can be so me, just to give you some context with the Sea Princes, the Lizar principalities are a like a confederation of pirate lords that have kind of agreed to just be chill about it and, you know, terrorize everyone else and not each other. But in this specific instance, there is especially far up north. There are some ah some pirates called bloodsales. Phillip, am I right? Yellow knows way more about this than I do since it's the setting of our campaign on the lacking tree. Ladies and man, you just go check it out. It's pirates. OK. the Who cares? Focus up. Some of us aren't on that show.
The blood sales specifically are like deal a lot with undead and this kind of stuff. So that can definitely certainly be a connection that Valk has run across in Valk's crazy life. Or like we had kind of talked about with Valk, e you also, Valk potentially has a lot of stuff under the hood that not even Valk fully has a grasp on in terms of like life lived and stuff like that. and So you're empowered when you're invoking this to have some level of control over at Mia. I can obviously also assist in in doing that, but it is entirely possible that Valk has had some level of connection with
people that have used Mabarin magic in a similar fashion, or in an exact fashion, if you want to say that seeing this grisly scene unlocks something in Valk's memories that Valk recalls, however you want to handle it. Yeah, let's we can do that. I think after taking another minute or two, Valk's going to reach off to the side and pick up this really thick book, which i I would assume people thought was like a spell book.
No, that's his journal. He should like slip through it very violently to try to find if there's anything that like any of like the I don't know if it's either. Well, if they're dealing with the undead, then trying to find something specifically with this type of ritual association that maybe there is a way to.
stop it in addition to like just negating the zone. So I think that will kind of stop the undead in general from our understanding. But anything like that can actually assist in decisively cutting off this act of ritual. Yeah, totally. So so Mia, to do you want to like just find something written in the journal or is it something that Valk like sees in the journal and then there's a memory unlocked kind of thing? like how Yeah, we'll do we'll do a memory and memory. and Nice. OK, so I am going to say you're flipping through and you see some of these runes kind of written on a page in one of the journals. And all of a sudden your surroundings disappear.
And you find yourself like in a very similar space, but a space that is much more manufactured. like You are in a ah dark temple designed for these type of rituals and you feel the biting cold wind ripping through you.
To where you feel it in your bones and and there's a thin sheen of ice that covers the ground and you see a person tied to the ground with these similar runes carved around them in a circle and You look down into your hand and you see dagger with a jagged blade and and a dark jewel at the top. And then you also touch and see an amulet around your neck that has a, it is a wide, make sure that I have this right. Let's see my orgic standing points.
So it is kind of a skeletal visage with hollowed eye eyes and sharp teeth coming down around a teardrop shaped red jewel hanging from your neck. And you touch it and walk towards the figure as the dark light begins to glow from the circle.
and you are able to step through it fine, and you can tell that this amulet is providing protection from the Mabarin magic that this circle is creating. And the young elf looks up at you, and this elf has tattoos on their face in a skeletal form, and they are tied down and bound to the ground, and they're looking at you like, please, no, I won't say anything. I won't tell them I found you. No!
as you sink the dagger into the chest of the person, and then the light glows bright and stays at that level of intensity. And then you turn and you hear a voice out of sight. You don't see who's speaking, ah but a very raspy feminine voice say, good, the circle will stay active. We can draw power from it for quite some time. You've done well. You may go. And then you snap back. Valk is just in like a cold sweat, just like drenched in sweat. I don't even think that he would be able to communicate. I think immediately he would kind of like snap back to look at.

Valk's Disturbing Memory

No. I think in general he's just going to like point back to tell everyone to kind of like
gesturing just like to go and then he's going to hold up the just visibly shaking and just hold up the thing. And it's like, I'm just going to I'm just going to set it off. Like it it just has to stop in just I don't know because I don't want to set it off. and So, yeah. Yeah. I mean, the he's going to he's going to actively start the process of of setting the compass up to shut it off. OK.
Selena's going to retreat even more at that. Nick stays. Yes. OK. I'm just so by the wall. So don't worry. Just staring at these runes. Weird. Yeah. I and i mean, the looking around the room, there wouldn't be I'm assuming they're like a similar and jewel or amulet is not going to be present. No, you're you would presume that probably whoever did this would have it with them. Yeah. OK.
I'm gonna look back at my notes because I don't think and we are we're yeah yeah of course into we're in the zone yeah he's just gonna turn the runic compass compass on okay and try to negate those the zone he's not gonna just it next to it okay so Yeah, you go to set off the compass that Hendrik gave to you and you see the magic begin to power up and then a wave of magic emanates from it and it seems to as it blasts out.
If you see like the circle that is the ritual circle, the magic that shoots out is fully blocked by it. Like you don't see it in the past and the dark glowing light persists. And then the compass grows

Attempt to Disrupt the Ritual

inert. I'm going to walk into the circle. None of us can stop them. Nick Nick Nick's looks up and just there's just sort of a what. But I mean, you just went. So it's not like there's no there's a moment to reason with with them.
I think realizing no one else has has acknowledged what Kaz, he's gonna grab his little dagger and turn around and start trying to scratch it. one of He recognizes these are just regular scrying rooms. like He doesn't think he's gonna explode if he tries to scratch one out. So I think he's gonna try real quick. He's like, what are you doing? Stuff from his previous life of mischief. Nice. I don't know if it'll work, but he's gotta do it. but As you step into the circle, Valk, you take nine points of negative energy. Damage. Okay. Do you then immediately walk out of the circle, or do you stay in the circle?
so it It is. You feel your the light, the light from you immediately begin to drain out and the light of the circle begins to globe brighter. But yeah, he's he's going to step out. OK, so I want to know how to break the circle. I am trying to think what the best way to go about knowing that is. I think at this point is off with just say that it's I don't know.
If it's too late, it feels like it's too late. It's anything. It's the the nice might break the connection. I but I don't think that will stop it. Is it? Since you used a icon relationship for it, Mia, I want to remove any ambiguity from the vision and you can you can play Valk however you want. Yeah.
you You know definitively that like the connection of the the unholy implement weapon and the corpse is what's fueling the ritual. yeah So removing the knife would stop it. Yes, I just want to make sure that that's OK. So it's the knife or I'm sorry, you didn't say that. That's I also I'll say, yeah, it's the knife. I need to get the knife. I need to get the knife. Do you need to get the knife or does the knife need to be got?
as In that hesitation, Nyx just sprints towards the knife and is just going to try and grab the knife as she goes through. I got to smell the last 10 feet. Is that 13 negative energy next as you enter the circle? Well, I hope I can cross the circle in one. like oh That's why I did it because I had not taken any damage. Well, no, I'm i'm at full right now. So i and then as you attempt to pull the knife free from the body, that's another 13 points of negative energy j damage.
And the knife does not move free as you feel you're like, as soon as you make a connection with the knife, it's like you are now being your life energy is being pulled into the knife. OK, I'm also unconscious because I just did 26 damage to me. OK, Selena wants to make an intelligence check as to what happens if she goes near the circle, given her, you know, pacemaker thing.
OK, go ahead and make that check and everyone's dying. It's really only one way to find out, Selena. Yeah, just toward not into just moving in that direction because I'm so far away. I want to see what happens. My bar touch. Does that apply? I assume that would apply. OK, great. Nineteen. Nineteen. You get a sense that just like the in the present, you're not going to die from it. It's just that it's kind of like over is like supercharging it.
but not in a way that's going to be like, it's it's almost as like it's almost as if you function as a a detector for this magic, just in your heart rate getting faster, but it's never gonna be the point where it kills you. Okay, okay.
Is somebody doing something to Nix's body out of the circle? I need to know that very quickly. Yes. OK, what are you doing? I'm driving it around. I'm driving around. OK, that is only two points of negative energy damage. I rolled double ones. I rolled double ones on the D10s.

Cliffhanger Ending

I'm so sorry. as Jesus. As Nix's body gets pulled out of the circle, you see that Nix's skin is much, much paler than it was before she entered the circle.
and her cheeks are slightly more gaunt. And we're going to call it an episode there. Thank you all so much for listening. If you want to be part of the conversation surrounding this episode, you can head over to our Discord, the link to which is on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.
We also have a YouTube channel, youtube slash e-pantheon. If you want to watch any TTRPG videos that I make, Philip has a plug. Oh, the Laughing Tree YouTube channel and podcast on Spotify. Another actual play on the GM. It's Pirates. It's true. but We also have Patreon, patreon slash e-pantheon. If you want to financially support the show, you can do so over there. Thank you all so much for listening. I've been your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Philip. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm scared. We'll see you next time.