Episode 161 - Journalism and Web3 reflections and conference takeaways image
E166 · Eureka Street Crypto Podcast
Episode 161 - Journalism and Web3 reflections and conference takeaways
Episode 161 - Journalism and Web3 reflections and conference takeaways

In this episode I reflect on how journalism and web3 can get to know each other and the tools that journalists can use to apply web3 to the mass amounts of information being thrown at them.  Web3 can help journalists with:

  • Immutability
  • Transparency
  • New business models
  • Community ownership
  • Decentralization
  • Security / Trustless Communications

Please don't take me too seriously.  Do you own homework and see what works for you.  Also my opinions do not reflect the JournoDAO as a whole.  The JournoDAO is a diverse set of individuals, each with their own ideas and opinions.








8 Plays
1 year ago

In this episode I reflect on how journalism and web3 can get to know each other and the tools that journalists can use to apply web3 to the mass amounts of information being thrown at them.  Web3 can help journalists with:

  • Immutability
  • Transparency
  • New business models
  • Community ownership
  • Decentralization
  • Security / Trustless Communications

Please don't take me too seriously.  Do you own homework and see what works for you.  Also my opinions do not reflect the JournoDAO as a whole.  The JournoDAO is a diverse set of individuals, each with their own ideas and opinions.







