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Serie A 2024/2025 Team Of The Season So Far, Starring Ademola Lookman, David De Gea & Marcus Thuram (Clip From Ep. 482) image

Serie A 2024/2025 Team Of The Season So Far, Starring Ademola Lookman, David De Gea & Marcus Thuram (Clip From Ep. 482)

The Italian Football Podcast
1.8k Plays2 months ago

As we approach the end of 2024, Nima Tavallaey and Carlo Garganese do a Serie A 2024/2025 mid-season review, naming their teams of the season, signings of the season, best coach, best U21 player and much much more.

This is an extended clip from this week's free Monday episode of The Italian Football Podcast which is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts.

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Introduction & Episode Overview

Welcome to the Italian Football Podcast. hello everybody and welcome to the italian football podcast the official podcast of football it italiania i'm carla gargganeszi join as always by nimer savati as it is christmas coming up unfortunately we're we're unable to bring you our usual review of the of the the last city yeah weekend before before Christmas, apologies for that. um Instead we have a um a couple of ah set episodes or a couple of segments as you'll be listening, if you're listening to this on on the on the on the main show, and which will keep you entertained over the over the Christmas period.

Selecting Serie A Team of the Season

and The first
Both myself and Nima will will choose our Seria team of the season so far as well as our kind of like best of the season in in various categories. um And then the second part will be ah myself and Nima will choose our worst Seria team of the season so far with um the worst of the worst in the main categories as well that we'll discuss. So that's how we're going to do things just to to give you guys something to to to consume over your your Christmas turkeys if you celebrate Christmas um and and then after after Christmas and often the year we will we will return to our too well ah usual programming.
Okay, um let's get straight into it then and We will start off with Nima the Serie A team of the season so the way we're going to do this is um we'll We'll go through each department of the pitch, so we'll start off with the goalkeeper and then we'll start off with it the defense, then we'll start off with the midfield, then we'll go to the midfield and then we'll go to to the attack. I will um tell you guys who who my pick is or picks are and then Nimr will come in and and and choose his for for for each department because we're not going to have exactly the they're the same team. So if we start off Nimr with the goalkeeper, who has been the best goalkeeper,
um Of the Serie A season so far and we're judging this I should say we're judging this based on Serie A performance. So we're not we're not Including, you know Champions League performance or or or copper Italian this is this is based purely on on on Serie A so my goalkeeper is David De Gea of Fiorentina we're recording this on early on Sunday and David De Gea was signed by Fiorentina on a free transfer. He was a free agent, hadn't played for a whole year. I don't think many thought that he still had it. And he certainly does. Six clean sheets in 12 matches. and At the time of recording, Fiorentina conceded the least goals, the fewest goals in the league this season. Best safe percentage in the league. um I think he has been the i think it's been fantastic and the and the the best goalkeeper in Serie A this season so far.
Yeah. And he's got an assist as well, which is um which is pretty cool. ah He's now look, he's ah he he really has been the surprise. suddenly I mean, no one expected this. He hadn't played football for a year and a half. um But I can't I can't. So I do have him there about. But for me, like, if I look at the, you know, Vanya Milinkovich Savage in terms of how many goals he's prevented, how many crazy saves he's made. He's been truly, him and Karanasecki have done some unbelievable things. I mean, ah you need to also mention Di Grigorio and, you know, they've been really good. But for me, I just, I think Vanya Milinkovic Savage is so criminally underrated. um So I have De Gea there as well. ah But I'm going to go with Vanya Milinkovic Savage because I think he he rarely gets the,
the the recognition that he deserves.

Defensive Lineup Discussion

Yeah, absolutely. and if we If we move to the defense now, um and my laptop, which I have all my my team on, has just decided to shut down, um so I'm having to to load it back up now. So my defense, um right. So let me work out, how should I go on about this? Right, I'll tell you,
ahation Well, my information is 4-3-3, so I'll tell you my right back. My my right back is Giovanni Di Lorenzo of of Napoli. I think he just beats Dodo from Fiorentin. I think Dodo has been really good as well. and But I think Di Lorenzo has had a comeback season. He was really, really bad last season. of Terrible last season for for Napoli. And he's, I'm not going to say he's back to his best. ah He's a little bit older now. He's 31, but I think he's been very good.
He started the season at right centre back in the back three for Conte. Then when Conte switched to a 4-3-3, he's gone to a right back and um Napoli have the second best defence in the league. and But he's also been very good going forward as well. He's got three goals and an assist. He also scored, I think, a couple for Italy as well. So he's he's lucky he's been very good this season as a as an attacking force. So he's my my right back. Are you going for a back four or are you going for a back three?
I haven't decided yet because I think I'm going to go with a 3-5-2. Okay, well in that case just stay silent for a moment and come when I get to the centre back sections you can you can tap then. ah My left back I'm going to go for Nuno Tavares of Latte. I thought DiMarco has been really good obviously more of a wing back or plays a wing back in in the the formation that they play and but Nuno Tavares has been, well, he he has the most assists in Serie A, eight assists. For a while he was had more assists than anyone in the whole of so whole of Europe and until he got an injury in November and he missed a few games. He's been overtaken since. ah He's been like such an unstoppable force at left-back, bombing up and down that flank and and he's been brilliant. and Such a bargain as well, I think six million or so or something like that from Arsenal.
is is the loan, is the obligation to to sign him, something like that. It's ridiculously low. And so he's been he's been superb. So he's my left back. Actually, you may as well do, if you're gonna go for a back, but if you're gonna go for a back three, you might as well tell me who your wing backs are then. and And then we'll move on to the center back. I've got, i've um because I want to have oh both of them. This is the three people I want to have. So I want to have Tavares in my team. So I'm moving him to the right.
and I'm putting DiMarco on the left because I think DiMarco has been simply unbelievable this season. I don't think you can you can like remove him. um And Tavares as well has been um fantastic. So I'm moving Tavares to the right and I'm putting DiMarco on the left.
Okay. Okay. Yeah. I mean, DeMarco definitely deserves to be in, in the team in some way, which is, I could not leave out Tavares if I'm playing at bat four. I think he's been, he has been. I mean, I um i just moved Tavares as a right wing back and I put DeMarco on the left where he's been. Oh, okay. You've shoehorned him in. Yeah, right I've shoehorned him in, literally shoehorned him in. Crowbarred him in. A dynamite blew up and they shoved him in there.
Let's go to the centre backs then, so you've got three centre backs, I've got two. I've gone for Alessandro Bonggiano from Napoli. um superbly. Napoli's second best defence in Serie A but he um he I think he's been he's been he's been fantastic. He's um made such a big difference to that Napoli defence. Just remember how bad that Napoli defence was last season after not replacing Cooley Bali. He has finally replaced Cooley Bali. He hasn't been perfect at times but but he's he's like overall has made such a
ah such a difference. so You notice the difference when he's playing, when he's not playing. He didn't play in that first game of the season against Verona when they lost 3-0. As soon as he came in after that, they had so many clean sheets. and he's yeah He's a great box defender, great in the air leader, well yeah organized his defense, and he's formed a good partnership with Rachmani, who's been much, much better this season next to a player like Bongiorno. He's improved as well. I think he's been twice, he's been player of the month for Napi. He might even be three times actually. So Bongiorno definitely. um And then my other one, I've gone for Pierre Kalulu. I think he's been really excellent.
um Juventus were setting so many defensive records at the start of the season which people forget about and and he he was a big reason for that and he he um and One thing that has been good about you answers this season has been the defense and he's been I think consistently really really good started it right back then it sent then it sent it back after the injury to Bremer and I think it's yeah already a Milan are going to be regret. If we've seen how bad Milan have been, we'll get to the worst scene of the season. and There's a couple of Milan defenders I have in there. I think Milan have definitely made a big mistake getting rid of Calune. So those are my two. um I've got Bonjourno in the middle, Bastoni to the left, um and I was Gatti or Mario Gila to the right.
Oh, Gila. Yeah, it's a good shout. Good shout, Gila. I think he's been very, very good. But one of the two, I really couldn't tell you, I think they've both been excellent. um But yeah, I mean, Bonjour and Bastoni pick themselves, really. um I think

Midfield Selections

they've been outstanding. I think Bastoni is unbelievably underrated this season. He has been, he has so, we know that he's going forward, he's world class, and he has been for many years.
But the last 12 to 18 months, he has systematically and slowly but surely his defensive side of his game. And I think now he's very much in contention as one of the best defenders in the world, if not the best. I think he is definitely up there with your Saliba's and whatever. I think he's been absolutely fantastic.
um And Gatti, I think, deserves to, because of the the season he's had, playing for one of the best defences in the league and in Europe. so yeah sheets so Yeah, I think the events has definitely deserved ah deserve recognition for their defence, I think, in his team. So I think it's right that we both have a have a Juventus player in because there isn't any Juventus players elsewhere in the team. That's for sure. I do want to give a shout out also to, like I just thought about my wing backs, Patrick Dorgou, I think from Lecce, who scored three goals. It's been very, very, it's been good.
Yeah, he's played he's play hasn't really played at wing that much. That's the only thing but yeah, he's the if I just want to give a shout out and I think the deal or answer deserves a shout out as well I think this has been a good season where for him so far where he's kind of you know, you know reemerged from the dead as as I kind of expected he would under content, but I think those two I want to give a shout out to Yep, yep. I'm in full agreement there. um Let's move on to the midfield then. um So I guess we're both going to have a midfield three, aren't we? Because you've gone 3-5-2 and I've gone 4-3-3, so this this is easy to do. um So my midfield three, I've gone for, and I had to have someone from Inter, so i've I've gone for Nicole Operella, because sometimes, you know, you just kind of
he just used to his brilliance and and and that and then I thought about it hard and I thought, well, he has to be in it because you know he he has been in his best midfielder, I think, this season and and also he's got three goals, two assists, he's contributing.
and and two of the goals were ridiculous as well like the Lazio goal and that one where he where he the war was more of a pass that was great but it was a great finish with the Makaterian pass so yeah I think Barela for sure then um I'm going for Tijani Reinders from Milan. I think that he's broken out, really exploded this season inner in a struggling Milan team as well. Four goals, two assists and I think he's definitely been Milan's best player. and yeah So I've gone for for Tijani Reinders and then the other player
I was almost going to go for Scott McTominay because I think he has had a really, really good impact and he's been very important for Antonio Conte's system. But I just went for Nico Paz of Colmar because he's playing for a but not a very good team, not a very strong team.
And he's just been he's just been unbelievable. Every game you watch him, he's he he's just incredible to watch. and Two goals, three assists. He's got an incredible left foot. He's got a huge future in the game. um And um yeah, it's unfortunate for comment because there's no way he's going to be there next

Forwards and Offensive Highlights

season. I think Real Madrid will.
activate the clause to bring him back. They might sell him on. There's talk of Inter that are interested in signing him next season. Zanetti went to watch him in Como's game against Roma. ah Paz is a magical player. He's a magical, magical player, and he's only 20 years old. So I've gone for Paz, but he could quite easily have been McTominay. I think this is the most difficult category to pick players for. There's so many players who I think have been outstanding. McTominay, you mentioned Ricci, Yasin Adli,
Reinders, you've mentioned, you know, ah this if this is this is the one I struggle the most with. um But I i think ah if I'm going to play a midfield three, um I have to pick Ederson, I have to pick Barilla and I have to pick Reinders. I think those three in those roles have been other level.
ah genuinely unbelievable. I think Ederson is just ridiculously good. Barilla is world-class, again, one of the best, if not the best midfielder in the world, and Tijani Reinders has been simply unplayable. I mean, it's it's just, this this is the most difficult one to pick. Yeah, I think i think you could pick Ederson. I think he had a quite a slow start this season. He was actually quite poor when Atalanta had that start season, but then once he got going,
But there's so many. I think Gendozy has been great. I think Rovella has been phenomenal. I mean, this is such a difficult category to pick from. This is really the most difficult one because there's so many arguments you can make. Kone, even Kone has been fantastic. I think it's really brilliant. I think when he's played has been really good. I mean, there's so many.
Well, even Bovet before before and Catality, I mean, Fiorentzina's midfielders have been really good. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's really difficult. This is really, really difficult. And even Angoui Saas, he's come strong in the last weeks as well. I mean, the last two games, he's he's he's really come strong, isn't he? so Yeah, i was I was just about to say him as well. um And no, it's it's been it's been difficult. this it's good It's good to see, because it's good to see that there's a nice nice little conveyor belt of sentiment fielders in the league. and And if players leave, there's others to come in and take their place.
so yeah yeah um yeah i mean that if you pick the Edison, that's the first Atalanta player in my squad, which is pretty mad after they've gone, as we're recording this, 10 games, 10 wins in a row. But that, I'm definitely gonna correct that when I pick my forward line now. So front three three for me, two front two for Nima. So I have two Atalanta players in my front three. I have Ademola Lukman, who is just unbelievable, what a player. I mean, this guy is just, this just this guy is,
Honestly, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say I think he's what he's playing at a world class level now. He's he's every game, whether it's. in Serie A, whether it's in the Champions League against big teams like Real Madrid. I mean, this guy is is such a threat every time he gets the ball. And he's contributing eight goals, four assists. And he's formed a brilliant, brilliant partnership with Matteo Letige, who I also have in my team. He's top scorer of Serie A, 12 goals. He's also got three assists. And he has actually gone through a little bit of a bad run from November november into December. but
that the number of goals he scored before that in the first few months of the season is just an absolute machine and yeah he's he's made such a great impact since joining Atalanta and then the the third player in my front line is is Marcus Turan. I think he's really been the guy that's, well he certainly led the attack because Lautaro has been a little bit disappointed in this season and he's taken his goal numbers to a new level, 11 goals, he's second top scorer in Serie A. He's also got three assists, but his importance to the overall play for Inter as well, like how he carries a line and and his overall strength and his pace and he's turning into such a complete attacker. and Yeah, I think, yeah, these these three definitely for me are the front three.
I've got Mateo Retegi and Marcus Taram in my front two, because I think those two are just... I think the the what done, it's not just the goals. I knew he was going to score lots, and that's why I had him as my couple, cananieri when before a ball was kicked. But the fact that he has shown a side to his game that no one had ever seen before. the the winning the The fact that he can play with his back against the goal, the fact that he can press, the fact that he can link up, the fact that he can put others into play. um His finishing we know is great. he's He's always been an aerial killer, like he's as strong in the air.
But um i've I've been so impressed with the other sides of his game that he's developed under under Gasperini. ah And he's be you know for large parts of that, now he's slowed down a little bit, which happens. But he he he really elevated his game for most of, well, so far this season for 70%, 80% of where we are.
um And I think he's he's he's been the striker of the season so far. Marcus Taram, his movement, his link up, his technique, his dribbling, his ability to be his man, um you know he he's and and of course his finishing. He was very wasteful last season. This season he's not. And he you know he's he continues to grow down that step and he talks about how Adriano is his role model and all that.
you know, hes he's really, really taken steps too. I think those two are just, you know, in terms of strikers, central strikers, those two are just, they pick themselves because it's not even a competition. um Since I don't have any wingers, I think Lukman, I mean, there's so many, you know, you want to mention, Adam Ola Lukman for one is unbelievable, has been unbelievable.
Charles de Kettler is another one who I think has been outstanding. yeah um Tati Castellanos has surprised me. Mois Ken definitely deserves a shout out. He's got 9 in Serie A, none of them penalties. If he could take penalties he'd have more.
and you know And if they didn't take them away from him. Well, he actually he's missed a couple as well, I think, but yeah. yeah But ah no, Pulisic I would have as well. Pulisic started the season really well first couple of months, but he's he's he's yeah he's drifted off the last couple of months also. i want to give a look I want to give a shout out to Lorenzo Luca as well, who I think is is is continuing to grow. Santiago Castro from Bologna. Morata, who I think in in in in in open play is very, very important for for for Milan.
um no There's so so many, there's there's quite a few. i agree we Can I yield this as well, who's been a joy at times in bursts to watch? I agree with all of those, except for Maratta and yielders. They've not done enough for for me in terms of overall consistency, but I agree with that i agree with you on the others. If we if we go just just through a few categories now before we we finish off on the the kind of like the best of the season so far, and let's start off with who has been the best player of the season so far? Who has been the best player in the first half of the Serie A season? I am going for... I'm going for Ademola Lukman. I'm going for Lukman. If I'm thinking of an individual that has an impact on his team, but also has that kind of what you look for in terms of star quality, I have to go for Lukman. I think he's been absolutely brilliant. This is difficult.
I don't know. it's ah yeah i'm um I'm balancing so many from my team as to who to pick and um what

Best Coach Candidates

who not to pick. But um for me, I think I have to go.
with I'm going to go with the the the player who who has ah surprised me the most, um who I didn't expect or didn't think had this in him, and and that is Rategi. I think he has like the development that he has shown, I did not think he had it in him. I did not think that he could be the complete st striker that he has shown that he is.
So for me, so far it has to be him simply because of the fact that I think he is the one that has improved the most. Look when we know what he is. we we we We, you know, he's played at a very high level, but I think Rettigy in terms of improvement, I don't think anyone has improved individually as much as Mateo Rettigy has done so far this season. And so that's why I'm going to go with him.
OK, let's go for coach of the season so far. I mean, I think there's a lot of potential candidates here for for coach of the season. For me, I think it's out of three. and I mean, Simone and Zaghi, I guess we take for granted now. Maybe that's a little bit unfair on him, but but I think it's out of Gasparini at Atalanta.
Marco Baroni at Lazio and Paladino at Fiorenti. Maybe that's unfair on Conte as well. Again, we probably take Conte for granted. We're taking Zagin Conte for granted, and but i you know if I had to pick, I'd pick out one of those three and I think I'm going to go for, I think I'm going to go for Gasparini.
having to having to reinvent the team again after what was a really horrible summer. lu Losing coop miners, ah losing to keep your best defender and your best striker to to ACLs and to still be able to do what what he's done and with what Atalanta has done. I think that's and incredible I think that's an incredible job. After a transfer market that most people weren't really that impressed by either. I was, if you remember, I said I thought they landed on their feet. You did, you're one of the very few. So I think i actually think that they they are... How many of their new silences have really done well, really great, other than Rettigy? I mean, none of them are really... I think Samaditch has been good.
Yeah, but none of them are first-team players. Well, they play so many games, and Retiki's been rotated as well, so they have to rotate. That's i mean that's why I think it's and on Gasparini's then, I think is amazing. No, I think Gasparini, but only Paladino is fair, but I do have to throw in Konta there, because um I... ah the way you know the people say that they don't play well and they don't create enough and it's not sustainable and they're absolutely right they haven't been playing really well and it's not sustainable to keep thinking you can do this for 38 games but what I feel a lot of people are missing is that when you play badly and win
That's a sign of strength. That's a sign of mental growth. That's a sign of of that you are bigger than more than the sum of your parts. And content teams generally, from February onwards, that's when they hit their form. So I think it's unfair to to say that Napoli are not going to be, you know, that this they're going to fall away. I don't think there's, you know, I think we have to wait and see before saying anything. But the fact that they are in a title race,
with a team that qualitatively, individually, player by player, shouldn't be, um is is truly is truly a fantastic feat by Antonio Conte. And in it's typical Conte. This is what he does. um But I have to, you know, you can't. Well, Baroni, Paladino, Gasperini have done with with, you know, you also have to take into consideration how much they net spent Napoli in the summer and they net spent quite a bit.
Gasperini, but only in Palatino, not so much. um so you And also, if you look at what they've done as well, no I it have to go with Gasperini because you know, they shouldn't be, you know, the losing Koop miners was was a disaster for them. They they had to rehabilitate Lukman after PSG unsettled him. And, you know, these are not easy things to do. And he managed to do that. And now Lukman's firing ah on so on all cylinders better than he's ever been. yeah um no great I want to give a shout out. You have a Rittige that's improved as much as he has. You have a Samarzic that's come in and slowly taking steps. You have an Edison who's unbelievable. You have a, you know,
Belanore was looking all right, you know, they've brought in, you know, Ray Ruggieri. I mean, it's just kind of sick. It's just, it just continues. so So I have to go with Gasparic. Yeah, I agree. I do want to give a shout out also to to Italiano at Bologna Fit for their Serie A performance, not for the Champions League, although I don't think you anyone could have expected them to go through, but they they probably should have performed, should have got more points anyway. and But I think he's done a great job for Bologna. I mean, they level as we're recording, they're level with Juventus.
um and they've only lost two games all season below below and they're actually like they're in good form like that they're built you can see they're improving they're building now and so I think he's done a great job for a team that has lost like they lost all their best players and heart and over half their team.
and you know so and again not too many people were that impressed by the transfer market either ah many of whom are not even playing so is is i think he's done a great job i think diverse has done a really good job ah although they're starting to slow down a bit now uh emply um and costarunjic i think has done a very good job as well uden i agree as well I think he deserves a shout out. I think Roberto Daversa definitely deserves a shout out. I think Gianpaolo since taking over at lecture deserves a shout out. So yeah, look, there's quite a few. Even Patrick Vieira has done well so far, but we're still in the new manager bounce stage with Gianpaolo and Vieira, so I don't want to conclude anything with that.

Standout Youngsters & Transfers

Yeah, a lot of impressive coaching performance in Serie A, as there always is, because it is the best league in the world. Best league in the world. for yeah Right, let's move on then to the worst of Serie A. We need to do best youngster and best transfer. Oh, yes, we do. We do. Yes, we do. So, best youngster under 21, Niko Paz. Yeah, can't be anyone. Like, for me, I think there's a few, but he he's been just...
He's played well beyond his years, so to speak. Is Conseil still 21? Or is he 22 now? I don't know. I can't remember. I think he's been around for... He's been around, but he's still young. He's 22. Okay, so he doesn't count. And yeah, Niko has for sure. He's been brilliant. Komuzo though has been also very, very good. He pushes him quite close as well for Fiorentina. I think he's done really, really well. I think he looks like he has. Kamutsa's been really good. He's 19 and he's a mean bastard. I like that. This young defender that is a mean bastard. I like that. I'm tired of these flarey people. You need to have a, you need to have a mean SOB. No, these, these, these, these, these, these kind of these flarey, these flarey positive attacking defenders. I want to have a mean SOB in there that
that stops the fans. These Dean Huyssens that come out like... Well, Montero, you know, a prick. No, no, I mean, but Dean Huyssen is like the nude breed, isn't it? Like, comes out all, you know, fannying about and, you know. Yeah, no, but he's exactly... he's a mean player, like he's a player that strikers don't like to play because he gets under the skin, he's physical, and I like his read of the game, I like him marking um you know, the old school Italian central defender that but knows where the line and bends the line the the the law doesn't break it. And I think Komutsu reminds me a little bit of that. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Okay. Best transfer? Yeah, last one is best transfer so far. So that there's been quite a few, quite a few to choose from and as always, but I can't look past retagie really, but tavares, retagie or tavares, I think it has to be one of those.
As always, I agree with you on that, but it's like, how much did they pay? How much did he cost? Do you know what I mean? If you take these factors and how much were they needed? How much were they needed? You can't look past Tavares at that point because it's a very ridiculously low deal.
like cheap if you the only but yeah the only thing that is that i think arse will have a massive sell on clause like it's about 40 percent or something like that which obviously you know when they sell him yeah theyrere they're not gonna but even regardless of that you know six million if you get like one season out of him for six million and then sell him on for 30 and sell him you know take like 20 million of that or something that's still great business isn't it so i think they've done yeah they've done great Yeah, no, so reticure Tavares for sure. But I think if you look at the financial aspect, then it has to be Tavares. Yeah, fantastic.