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C3 Episode 5 Hunting the Commander Chapter Two image

C3 Episode 5 Hunting the Commander Chapter Two

Eberron Renewed
470 Plays5 months ago

The team has found their target, but how easy will he go down?

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.


Introduction and Cast Overview

correct with the car
or D20 Radio, your game is roll.
Hello and welcome to ever underneath an actual play podcast set me up on campaign setting. I'm your game master, Eric. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. Welcome to another episode.

Recap of Previous Episode

What happened last time, everyone? Maybe we took a full dutch bus ride. No, we landed. The Eagle has landed.
got caught, lied about a job. I guess we're actually still doing that job. and are I mean, we're not not doing it, but just because it's a good... We're here to kill Krast Woke, finally. and but Also fix the agricultural woes of the

Finding Krast and Planning

world. And we finally found him at the end of the last episode. He is in the basement of the building we're currently in, and we are about to go and meet him. And we didn't really talk about this between episodes, but Like, we're not just jumping off as soon as we see the guy, right? That would be insane. that's That's our job, right? Yeah, but like, we should wait until she's upstairs and stuff. We gotta have some finesse to it. We're going to assassinate. Let's just see what happens. Alright, so. Ninja Star! That's my weapon. Hello! I think we have to call them Shuriken. Okay. Well, I'm gonna rewrite that, though.
We have a lot of fun here folks. I also have a change of clothes. hey Great for you. Good. I'm wearing my brown pants. So red shirt, brown pants. Let's do this. Okay. So

Approaching Krast's Location

you all are following Adela downstairs and she gets to a door that based on your internal geography is going to be one of the interior rooms. So not one of the windowed ones that you saw, but you see doors leading to those more exterior rooms as you're walking, uh, the basement, it It seems to be very administrative, whereas the upper floors would be for guests. This is very clearly a space for people that are working at the elder elderberry. And she gestures to a door that is slightly ajar. And she says, he's waiting for you in there? Thank you.
When we're in the hallway, do we notice any of those exterior doors, a jar that we can see the windows through? Pick out some exits. Give me a wisdom check. Okay. I think we'd all do it. Not just have Madison do it. Oh, this time just Madison. Okay. Nine. What do I add to that? Plus one for your level and then your tab and worker plus one. So, so 13, right? Two for wisdom. Okay. 13.

Encounter with Krast

Okay, so you don't you do spot some of the doors that are jar and you see light coming through those cracks indicating that like the early, not early morning, the late morning sun shining in. So you feel like you have a decent beat on a direction to go if you need to make a hasty exit. Okay. All right, walking in. Yeah, who's going first? You two are absolutely going first because he might clock me really quickly as being from another army. I don't wanna ask, he doesn't care, he's going to first. I love saying he's going first for sure. Okay, V, then Alyssa, then Callum.
All right. As soon as the three of you open the door and walk in, you see behind a large ish desk, a like early thirties man sitting behind his desk, taking some notes and he looks up at the three of you and you see that it's according to your dossier, who you're looking for. And he's like, ah the saviors from the Capitol, please come take a seat. Well, good morning, Lieutenant. It's your story. Thank you. We will have a seat. Come on in your weirdos.

Gameplay Mechanics and Banter

As soon as you all enter the room and begin to head towards the desk, the door that you all came through slides shut and you hear a mechanism activate and brilliant light fills the room, like unnaturally bright light fills the room. So I need each of you to give me a saving throw and I need a refresher on how those work in the system. So give me just a second.
Is it magic? Because I'm resistant to magic. I know that. I remember it. Just like, generally, you're just resistant to magic? Because that's a hell of a... That's the Arcanite thing. That's a hell of a thing to have. yeah Well, it's not resistance in... Basically, V has advantage on all same heroes. Okay. And it's still great. Doesn't touch me. Doesn't exist in my world. I'm sure. Magic who? We're not gathering. I don't like you. I care about you. Did you watch the World of Warcraft movie? What? The World of Warcraft movie. It's not war? World of Warcraft. A world of Warcraft.
You think it was War of Warcraft? Well, I didn't watch it. My point was I was about to, and I said, I don't know, I should ask my friends if they like this. I did not watch it. I heard it was very bad. Okay. Have you seen the the Chris Pine Dungeons and Dragons movie though? It's stellar. Yeah. I was wondering if it was like adjacent to that. I think I haven't seen it, but I could say it is not. It is not fun. Like, no, it takes itself very seriously. Okay, there you go. Yeah.

Battle with Lantern Archons

Just like World of Warcraft players. Got him. Got him.
Yeah, I don't know. if our I'm sure we have some listeners who play Warcraft. I've never played it. I shouldn't speak to it. I've only played that. Power wash simulator now. I finally got her to try a video game. Power wash simulator. ah mean some game tender ask me And she loved it. It was very fun.
I got on Tinder today asking me if I would play Smash Brothers with them. I said, well, here's the deal. I love playing Smash Brothers. I do not know how to play. I just smash buttons. And my friends get mad at me when I beat them because all I do is smash buttons. And he was like, yeah, I would get pretty mad if you just beat me. I'm like, I'm just lucky. I was just like, which ones do I push? and What do I move? How do I work this? I've never held a controller. Power washing? Yeah. is that what like Like a sidewalk. Well, mine was a whole cruise ship that I'm power washing.
there is a game simulator that I got for free with go figure whatever PlayStation Plus subscription or whatever and I decided one day when I was just sitting around bored to give it a try and I have not stopped playing it is so good it's it's very zen but also like it every level is divided into like micro sections and everyone when you get it clean it like dings at you and that just hits the dopamine receptors in my brain so hard i love this game i i it's i'm almost done and i'm already like i'm gonna have to buy the dlc there's power washing too
I'm looking for paint spray or simulator now. Come back over. That could be fun. It would be fun. A little more artistic. Unbelievable the amount of things I need to get done and yet I'm pretending to power wash other people's things. Well, if my room's dinged every time I clean them, maybe I'd clean them. Exactly.
You need your bathroom to do that. I need so yeah i mean need someone to set up a series of treats for me for all of my tasks because I am an idiot. Okay, sorry about that. We're back in. Figured out? Yes. So I need each of you to make a normal save. So that so the way saving throws work in this system is there are no modifiers. Saving throws are just a representation of luck rather than skill. So you roll a d20, and since it's normal, you have to roll an 11 or higher. Trevor, since you are an arcanite mechanically, you get to roll two d20s and take the higher of the two. Okay. I mean, all three of you take that one. Lots of three. 17. 17.
eight Wow I didn't do it. It's cuz I was first sure I sacrifice you know when you sacrifice some of your skills get you know mm-hmm not as good Okay, so V, you take five points of radiant damage. How fun. You two are fine. Great. If not a little blinded. I don't love it. we We're curious, I think. As your eyes readjust after the blinding light hitting you, you see that there are two, Crass Woat is gone from the room. Or rather the image of Crass Woat is gone from the room. And you see two lantern archons.
in the room with you all, which are angels, basically. One of which has a bow and the other one has a big sword. And I need you all to roll initiative. I got an 18. Jeff. It's 21? It was low 20s. Trevor. Nine BB. I rolled an 18. So it would be 22, actually, if that makes a difference. You are up first. So you have these two Archons in front of you. ah Weapons. Drowned. Yes. And pointed. Yes. They seem to be focused on V, especially. That's the hair.
Okay, I mean if I'm first and they've got weapons drawn at us, I guess I'm going to fire my crossbow. Alright, I, much like last time, looked a little bit at the SRD, there is a first strike talent that raises the crit range to 18 to 20. So I'm going to do that on your first strike. on my first strike And I'm going going to aim at the bow wielding one. Oh god, what do I add? Raise attack?
Dexterity. Okay. So that's plus three plus one for level. Yes. Okay. So that is a 15 total. Okay. So I don't crit. Do I hit? Can you hit? do You do hit. Okay. D8 is my dice. Do you add anything to hit dice? I don't have a character sheet. I'm just playing by the seat of my pants here. To your damage rolls? Yeah. Just straight D8. Whoa. That's the best you can get. I can't do better than that on this dice.
what What's upside down so I couldn't tell. We really need visuals for this show. Ranger, ranged weapons. plus your Dexterity modifier. Okay, so that is an 11 damage to the bow wielding angel. You rolled a 15? To hit, yes. To hit. Okay, so you noticed that kind of the ethereal light around them negates some of the damage that was coming in, so you're gonna love that mechanic. Every guy we fight's gonna be like, you didn't rely enough to really hit him. I have made zero monsters thus far. It is all from the core documents, thank you. Okay.
The one with a sword is going to rush up to V to strike at her. I don't think so. I don't remember it that way. 17 plus eight yeah is a 25. That got me. Still off of armor class. Yes, armor class. I got my gal.
Okay, so that is going to be six damage. I'm hurting. but Now it is Alyssa's turn. I might need some help, because I don't know what I can do. You got your spells as a wizard. So what spells do you have prepared on your shield? Apparently I have Blur, Magic Missile, Ray of Frost, Shield. And then we had put Confusion, but then when I was looking through stuff earlier, I said level three was Confusion. OK. So maybe need to change that out. Yeah. I told her not to tell you that. I said, Eric said you could use it, so you can use it. We are all learning the system together. Thank you, Madison.
This is how we learn by having our own mistakes. i ru the off person So it was blur ray of frost magic missile and shield. Okay, so you't were you looking at the SRD when you saw the can the the website? When you saw the confusion? So confusion is a first level spell in the second edition rules. It's such what we built your character off of. so I will write that back down. I i do have those now. I shared them in the one dry with you. Did you? Okay. I just, I got them off the Kickstarter. I hadn't had a chance to look at it.
Okay. So I should probably look and see what all those do. You have blur ray of frost. What else was it? Magic missile shield and confusion. Right. Ray of frost would be a solid one. Cause it's just a straight attacking. Like you hit a ray of cold at, at a target. Okay. So, and it's an at will spell. So you can do it as many times as you want. So you're going to roll a D 20. Okay. And you're going to add your intelligence modifier. Well, five with the intelligence modifier. Plus your level six.
Okay, which one were you aiming at? just Going after me. Okay, you're not attacking their AC, you're attacking their physical defense, which might be different, might be lower, we'll see. It is lower, but not that low. Okay, yeah. So, the Ray of Frost, does it do damage on a miss, because a lot of things do. Well, shoot. Not to you, it's like you you still have the ability to hit them. Okay. Miss ah damage equal to your level, so they take one point of damage. Wonderful.
Just because you don't like them. Yeah. The cold still hits them. Just doesn't absorb fully into into them. OK. It is now the archers turn. So the archer is going to aim at. Let me just wave at him. It's going to aim at the air. I did fire. Yeah. gun and He's got a bow, which means.
range is crazy. So he's got to be a disadvantage this close, right? I played D and&D. This is just a different game that I don't know how to play. So I'm shooting for things. It's a 25 to hit. I don't I don't have the character sheet in front of me. So I have to consult the seven damage. Okay. And I know I don't know how much I'll keep track of that. No, but how many hit points do you have on your sheet?
at 30 total right now I have I don't know that's right 19 I think you would have 22 as a wizard at first level okay with the way you built it because it's con times con plus one times three right like con modifier plus something times three total hit points six plus your constitution modifier which is a one so six plus one is seven times three so 23 21 okay And you have 30 hit points. Yeah. Well, now I have 19. It's gone. Well, you're max though. I have seven plus con modifier times three. So right. Take what your constitution is yet. No, let's just make it. So I have one less. I have a plus one left, right? Yeah. It's perfect. 24 points. Perfect. Wonderful. Okay. So but you take seven damage damage and that is going to be it for its turn. So V your turn. How do I institute one of these talents? Which talent?
Well, I don't remember what any of them do. I've got Emperor Killing Punch, Diamond Focus, Spitting Willow Style, Original Venom, and Dance of the Mantis. Emperor Killing Punch is so cool. Yeah, it's just one target though.
well okay there's only one Once for battle, so this. At the start of your turn, ah you can name a foe as your mortal enemy. As long as the mortal enemy remains in this battle, you suffer a minus four penalty on attacks to all other enemies in the battle. We're making opening attacks with those forms that we talked about where you have your opening. yeah When making opening attacks against your mortal enemy, your crit range expands by one.
When you make a flow attack against your mortal enemy, your crit range expands by and by two. When you do a finishing attack, your crit range expands by three. That's the Emperor killing punch. Yes. I feel like I was mostly drawn to the Dance of the Mantis. What was that one again? So Dance of the Mantis is your flow. So you can do... Oh, I need to do one before that. So are your it's the whole... so So you have your opening attack, your flow attack, and your finishing attack underneath the Dance of the Mantis umbrella.
So you can do your emperor killing punch, say the guy that up here is fighting you, is your mortal enemy for this battle, catch cut and then do your opening attack, which is the springing mantis strike. But you have to start your turn unengaged to start that one. And I'm engaged. He's engaged with you. What's your other diamond? Diamond focus. Original venom? Was that the other one? Yeah. Which is has to do with poisoning them, I think.
Original venom you could do the opening attack for that one because you don't have to be unengaged or anything. Let's do it So do you want to declare the guy with the sword your mortal enemy with your and an emperor killing punch? Well, he tried to kill me. So yeah, okay. No, what does that look like when he does that what you say? Is it something I have to edit? Yeah Well, no, I didn't say it. So, you know, I started to say it these are imaginations folks you can't edit those What does it look like when V declares somebody her mortal enemy? Oh, man. Everything I'm thinking of is real lame. I think that, wow. What's the, what's the equivalent of like, I mean, she can't like go into a rage because that's not a thing that she does, but. It can't, it's up to you, like what she does. The kinds of like demure assassin version of a rage. Okay.
because Wright didn't have us and we were like bulk up and like or like it was kind of like a like super saiyan type situation. um Hob could engage his bracers and kind of get stronger but yeah yeah okay he's very jameer very mindful she came to work it's a cute scene this is all three of you just had a thing that i was outside of and that was very i mean like normal but also that one was felt weird it's on tiktok it's tiktok yeah got it yes i do not have I mean, I see the ones you said. Look how I did my makeup for work today. Very demure. Very mindful. Very cutesy. I showed up to the interview. I'm doing a lime green cut crease because I'm mindful. Okay. Lately my TikToks have been banana bread bro related because I looked it up twice in the last 24 hours. I saw probably 12 references to that before the actual original one came on my feet. Me too. Yeah. And I was like, oh, this is what we're talking about. It was just all the comments. Yeah. Okay. So Emperor Killing Punch.
so now you get to go into your original venom form is what it's called form forms yes so remember your jabs are 1d6 your punches are 1d8s and your kicks are 1d10 yeah so do i do all three of them no so for your opening attack you punch like you kick and you kick like you shoot the original venom form you target one enemy which is the person in front of you it's your dexterity plus your level is your attack so go ahead and roll your d20 the dex modifier yeah dex modifier plus level Wait, what am I rolling? Sorry? D20. Oh. Did I have one of those? The big one. Nope, that's a 12. I didn't get one. I mean, you've been rolling checks, so I hope that you've had one. Otherwise, there's a life everything. It explains why they're sold. But you had a D20. I know. I've changed eyes. You did, and you didn't. I have two. Two de de de deeks. That's a D20. Skidded it back. Sure is. All right, okay, what did I do? I don't need you. Even though I look so long for you.
That's a three. Oh, okay. Three. I don't want you. Three plus. I didn't count. I didn't have the right dice. Yes, it did. You rolled. I think that's subjective. So three plus what? Your dexterity modifier. Three. Plus your level. One. So seven.
I didn't do nothing. That is not enough to hit. No. And unfortunately with this, the original venom form on a miss, you take damage equal to your level because the venom backfires. How great. You take one point of. Wow.

Players Rally and Strategize

Look at me. Just a real strong showing out the gate here at the Paris Olympics. All right. Now we're at the start of the second round, which means the escalation dice comes into play. Look at that big boy. Big D6.
It's made of foam because the real big D6s were like 80 bucks. Yeah. So that means I can pick one for you out of wood. That'd be cool. That'd be pretty cheap. All of the rolls that you all make now in the battle have a plus one to it. Whatever's on the escalation die. I think we get one of those like elementary PE sized gymnasium dice. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I feel like this one and then like pop it, a big dome on it.
Okay, I will fire again. I have the one that fired at me, because it hurt me and I didn't like it. Cool. Let's get some hits in. I am going to engage the talent that is... Basically, I drop down from a D8 to a D6 as my hit die, and if I get a natural even, I can take a second attack.
Oh, nice. That's my first one. Well, that's natural even, it's a miss. So I get to take a second try. 11 plus dexterity, so 15 again. Okay. And it drops down to a six. Eight points of damage. And I know that it didn't hurt quite as much as I needed it to because... You are correct, sir. Because they're so holier, whatever. Holier than thou.
Certainly. Alrighty. I'm trying to make a hole with your arrows. Get it? I'm gonna put a put a hole. See, I'm gonna shoot. When you shoot an arrow at a guy, there's a hole in him. I'm a little busy. Getting rekt. It's about to get destroyed. How many hit points do you have left? Twelve! No, eighteen. Okay, the guy with the sword. Gonna attack you. Sure. Twenty to hit. Not good enough.
Liar. How come yours is good? It's just a random number. Yeah, it's probably me. This is good. This is good. Like my dad is good. All three of mine have been bad. Why though?
It's weighted. There's an eyeball in it. It's true. It's because I rolled it first. They got all my luck. Yeah, that is probably factual. Six damage to you. Six? Now, a rule in this game, Trevor, importantly, is something called recoveries. Yeah. And you can do that on your turn where you... I know about that. as I was about to say, please keep going. I see recovery roll. I can roll to recover.
Yes, so the way that recoveries work is I look it up real quick. It's called rally. So once per battle, unless you have something to let you do it more, you can use your standard action. So instead of attacking to spend one of your recoveries to roll and regain those hit dice. So it's a way of like taking a breath, stealing yourself for the fight, and then continuing on. But you're sacrificing doing your attack to do that. Yeah. Got it?
Got it. um If you want to rally again in the same battle, you make a normal saving throw. And if you succeed, then you can rally again that turn, but it uses your quick action. So just something to think about. And the that guy, he's doing OK. He's not going to do the thing, Alyssa. So ah you have your ray of frost that you could do again. You also have magic missile. I was about to ask what that one is. So magic missile.
Very good to use these same little spells. I can be getting used to them. So you can do this. It's only a quick action to cast. So you can do it and then cast another spell on this turn as well. But you can only do it once per battle. One nearby or far away foe, which would be either because they're not up against you.
Sorry, they changed magic missiles as we added it to your sheets. Okay. i'm just Right. Yes. That's also why I didn't know. That's not your fault. Yeah. it's all like we We simply can't blame you. I think they changed a lot of the stuff. Okay. Yeah. First time you cast this spell in an arc, which is this roll one D two. So roll a D four one or two is a one three or four is a two. What's a D two look like a coin?
Yep. How do you roll? You flip it. It's the pyramid one closest to you. This one? Yep. Okay. Give that a roll. Okay. So one. So basically that's determining how many rounds you get to cast Magic Missile. So since you rolled a one, it's just this turn. If you would have rolled a two, then you could do it this turn and the next turn. Okay. You are firing one missile since you are first level and Magic Missile always hits. So you deal five damage. So who are you dealing five damage to?
the skeleton that's shooting Callum or the skeleton. Oh, sorry. That's the template that I'm using. Archer or the sword guy. That's i feel like, he needs the most help right now. Okay. A baby. Also, in fact, magic missile ignores resistances. So deal damage. Remember that. Okay. Okay. Write it down. And since that was your quick action, you still have a standard action that you can take to cast ray of frost blur.
Blur, you can cast on an ally so you could cast Blur on V to make her harder to hit. Basically for the rest of the battle, attacks against the target miss 20% of the time. Okay. Let's do that one. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that's, I mean, you can do this because you can downgrade a standard action to a quick action, but that is only a quick action to cast as well, just for future reference. If you'd rather, if you want to do that, totally fine. Or you could do Ray of Frost. Let's do Ray of Frost. Okay. So get rid of them.
Yeah. That was a 15. What do I add to it? Your intelligence, modifier, plus your level. 19. 19. And this is against their physical defense. And you're going against the sword one or the archer? Sword one. Sword. Oh, it's going to be a chilly swordsman. That does hit. I'm losing my mind. I should have known if my phone buzzes and yours immediately buzzes. It is not something I need to look at right now. I'm TikTok from Brad. He's asking me about that car that I'm not selling.
Ray of frost deals how much damage 45 not not yet yeah one day 3d6 so that could be 45 literally impossible if you want to roll those you got additions look at the other side i think that's a six might be a one Okay. while on the other side So 17. Nice. I believe that's the most potent hit we've seen so far. Yes. Yeah. By a decent margin. Yay.

Defeating the Archons and Discovery

And you can only do it once. ah You were you were attacking the cobalt warrior.
art That's the soldier that was attacking me, right? Yes. What are they? That's the craziest thing. They keep shifting every time. I'm wondering, this is so hard to hit them. These cobalt skeleton angles. The bright light flashes. They don't have lantern archons in the 13th-age Beastiary yet. Oh, cool. And even if they did, they would not be first level. Maybe you shouldn't be using them. Yeah, no, we would be absolutely dead if we were running two. Maybe you shouldn't have put them in here then. It's like a lesson you learned today.
That was a very, very potent hit to the point where this guy is now staggered, so he is beyond halfway down on his hit points. Great. Awesome.
And now it is time for the archer to go. Gonna keep playing the hits. Give it to me. That is a 19. Yeah, it hits. Oh my gosh. Seven damage. Down to 10. Oh my gosh.
Should I heal or should I fight? Mia, it is your turn. I know I'm asking. Should I heal or should I fight? I have 12 hit points. I thought you had 12 last time. No, I had taken 12 last time, which now I'm at 18. So now I have 12 left. It's very math is confusing to me too. Don't worry. Can you heal as a quick action? Rallying is a standard action. Rallying is okay. I couldn't remember. What can I do as a quick action? I think I just have to decide if I want to hit him or if I want to recover.
You know what? Let's go for it. Let's hit. Okay. Should we go for it? I mean, I guess what? So I still have to use my talent, right? Or no. Or I can't now. What do you mean? The original Venom.
That, that would be your standard action. So you either have to do that or heal. Oh, okay. Then I'm going to do that. Okay. Come on, baby. Original venom roll. G20 roll better than you happen. Well, that's a six, seven, eight, nine, 10. So I think that's worse.
You deal one point of damage to yourself because the venom backflap. Wow. Oof. Oof, I do. This archive is just wrecking you. You know, man. I'm trying to help you out. Oh, no, you didn't Caspler. Never mind. I should have Caspler. You should have just got me out of the room. Is this it? Probably. Just leave. We'll handle it from here. You just take a breather. Get out there in the hall. Go talk to some more soldiers. Oh, plus one, so 11.
which doesn't make a difference. So but we're now on to the next round which means the escalation die is now up to a two. Cool cool cool. Callum. Crossbow at the guy, the one he's hitting me. Okay. With his arrows. Same thing with the double. That first one misses and it is not a natural even so I am going to just like fire at the wall. Are you sure it misses?
It's a nine. After your modifiers? Yeah. Okay. Plus two? Oh yeah, so it's 11. Still misses. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Important to litigate. Because when I said 15 you had to check for a second, so I was pretty sure 11 did that. But I missed, so I do one damage. Okay. Scare that guy. Oh. He is now staggered. Yeah. He just remembered. That's what hit me and it sucked. The sword guy is going to continue to attack me. That is a 21 to hit. You have not rolled less than a teen.
I rolled an 11. That is a teen. Well. Say the word. It's after 10. That's not how teens work. It's two numbers. Are you on a teen when you turn 11? Usually when it's a word. Say the words out loud. Say the numbers out loud. It's been a long week. A tween, I think would be the, I have not rolled lower than a tween. You have not rolled a not double digit number. How about that? Lower than a 10, I think would be the easiest way to say it. You know what? You know what?
that there's I'm running on a McChicken, give me a break. um
This podcast brought to you by McDonald's. I'm down to five, ladies and gents. I thought you had 12. Oh, but you took a black for weird. I'm just going to write that I have five left, so I remember, because I've forgotten how to math. Well, I never knew. listen Okay. and Can I use blur? Yes, there's a quick action. Uh-huh, wonderful. Okay, what do I do for that? I think it just happens, but I will double check. Okay, I feel like it's time for that. Yes, I think you are correct. Blur, ranged spell. You are one nearby ally. Yep.
attacks against the target miss 20% of the time. So I think I just roll the percentile and if it's 20 or lower, then the attack just misses V, regardless of what they roll. And that's your quick action. okay Standard action. What do I have that are standard actions? Ray of frost. Wonderful, let's do that again. 11 plus your intelligence. Plus intelligence, okay, 14. Plus your level. 15 and then 17.
17 does hit. So 3d6. Wow. How do you kill the Archon with the sword? a e Okay. With a ray of frost. All right. Well, we hit it with the ray of frost straight up turns to ice and then just shatters. Nice. Love it. Outstanding. Okay. And that one. I had him. Well, get the other one because I hurt it. You guys are both being almost guys getting shot with the arrow. Speaking of the other one. Yeah.
That is a, that guy is pretty hot. I know. And it's staring at me. 13 is what I rolled. Wait, 13 on its own? No. Okay, it's okay. 21 to hit. yeah yeah What? yeah Seven damage. Wow. V. So you could do your mantis one now because you're not engaged if you want to. Your mantis form. Let's do it. Because I think the mantis form doesn't damage you if you miss. Correct. Cool. so When you start your turn unengaged, you can move before the attack. Oh, you could have done dance of mantis this whole time. Wow, so you just hate me.
I don't know the rules either. I'm also learning them with you. So since you're starting your turn and engage, you can move before the attack as part of the standard action for this attack. So you have a bit more movement. So target one enemy, dexterity plus level. So go and roll. Wait. Okay. 12 plus three and four, three and one. That's four. So that's 16, 17, 18.
that will hit absolutely it will so you get to roll your jab which is a d6 plus strength all right which is plus three seven All right. And now that you've successfully done an opening attack, you can move on to a flow attack. Perfect. Which deals a bit more damage. Monks are really cool in this system. It takes them a while. I think that's a slow start. I think that's user error more. We're now to the start of the next round. Escalation die is now up to a three in Callum. I have one guy to fire at. Yeah. So I'm going to fire at him. 12, 15, 16, 19. That's a hit. Good.
Oh, that's 12 too, so I get to do the d6 and shoot at him again. So that's 4 damage. And then my second shot, a miss. That's a neat one. I don't think it's a go twice. I appreciate your excitement though. Maybe it feels good for a such productive or helpful. I just find this room that's going to get us killed though. So I feel like I helped a little. That's fair. Alyssa, it's your turn. I need you guys to kill him or I'm dead. Me too! Well, ready for us it is. Here we go.
Throw that ice in a circle. You guys ever turn up? Okay. Three. Five. Alyssa, how do you kill this? Yes. I mean, I think it's kind of the same thing. Turns to ice and explodes. I helped.
and you look and see these two about to fall over. yeah And I'm perfectly fine. Yes. As the dust settles, the the lingering light still fades from these two archons.

Episode Conclusion and Listener Engagement

V, as you're kind of catching your breath from this hard fight, you see a symbol etched into the back wall of this room that you recognize as being a mark of Lady Vol, kind of an indication that she was involved in this somehow.
and that's where we're going to leave v's prologue okay I wanted to kill, everyone's all still so mad at me from when I gave him a piece of my mind. That was Gerald I gave him, nevermind. He was worried about Krast because you all were neglecting him. Thank you all so much for listening. If you want to be part of the podcast, no, sorry, you can't. Careful. If you want to be part of the conversation surrounding the episode, you can find the link to our Discord on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. and We also have a YouTube, that's, where slash the geek pantheon we're gonna leave where V's prologue. I do TTRPG videos.
We also have a Patreon, patreon slash The Geek Pantheon, if you want to financially support the show, you can do so there, or you can buy some merch at Thank you all so much again for listening. I'm the Geek Game Master Eric. I'm Trevor. I'm Madison. I'm Jeff. We will see you next time.