Episode 160 - Is accredited investing a glass ceiling, or a necessary protection? Interview with Mike Rabinovici image
E165 · Eureka Street Crypto Podcast
Episode 160 - Is accredited investing a glass ceiling, or a necessary protection? Interview with Mike Rabinovici
Episode 160 - Is accredited investing a glass ceiling, or a necessary protection? Interview with Mike Rabinovici

In this episode I speak with Mike Rabinovici on the subject of accredited investing.  Is the status of being an accredited investor just another glass ceiling that perpetuates inequality and creates a glass ceiling?  Or does it protect the innocent from all the scams that run rampant in the newly emerging web3 space?  Mike sheds light on the terms and the current situation in the web3 space regarding this subject.  We also zoom out and look at how this affects topics such as web3 ID and DAOs. 


You can find Mike on Discord in the BanklessDAO server at ComeBackKid#3480

Twitter: @mikerabinovici


2 Plays
1 year ago

In this episode I speak with Mike Rabinovici on the subject of accredited investing.  Is the status of being an accredited investor just another glass ceiling that perpetuates inequality and creates a glass ceiling?  Or does it protect the innocent from all the scams that run rampant in the newly emerging web3 space?  Mike sheds light on the terms and the current situation in the web3 space regarding this subject.  We also zoom out and look at how this affects topics such as web3 ID and DAOs. 


You can find Mike on Discord in the BanklessDAO server at ComeBackKid#3480

Twitter: @mikerabinovici

