Episode 143 - Christoph - The Culture of Twitter image
Two for Tea with Iona Italia and Helen Pluckrose
Episode 143 - Christoph - The Culture of Twitter
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9 months ago
General: Find Christoph on Twitter @Halalcoholism https://twitter.com/Halalcoholism?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor References: Johnathan Haidt on the podcast. https://www.stitcher.com/show/tea-for-two-with-iona-italia-and-helen-pluckrose/episode/06-jonathan-haidt-and-greg-lukianoff-the-coddling-of-the-american-mind-57029667 The Rise of Victimhood Culture by Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning. https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9783319703282?gC=5a105e8b&gclid=CjwKCAiA3KefBhByEiwAi2LDHCYRp7wprYJObCLEvQSjckvGmR1-nEU52lW-n-_j6kurXNE3JhvSfRoCOcoQAvD_BwE Campbell and Manning on the podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/04-bradley-campbell-and-jason-manning-victimhood-culture/id1417717946?i=1000421234132 Tomiwa Owolade in Unherd. https://unherd.com/2022/05/black-british-lives-dont-matter/ Timestamps: 01.06 Introduction. Some descriptions of Christoph from Twitter. Iona and Christoph discuss how he moved from blogging, via Facebook to Twitter. 22.02 How online culture functions and the way in which extreme views can be the most visible. 25.23 Iona discusses her own behavior on Twitter and our impulse to protect our reputations. 40.10 Is “woke” still a useful term? Victimhood culture and the idea that disagreement is harmful. 52.12 How both the right and left wing behave online. The left’s obsession with managing speech instead of addressing more complex, meaningful problems. 1:00:01 Class, including the way it relates to Indian nationalism and the caste system. How the left is eating itself instead of fighting common enemies. The American-centric nature of online discourse. Modern British leftist distaste for the white working class. 1:15:20 How “woke” can get in the way of more meaningful change. 1:25:02 What are the positives of Twitter? Some iconic tweets. 1:33:30 Thanks and outro. Sound engineering: Justin Ward Shownotes: Nicola Muir