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C3 Episode 8 Castle on a Hill Chapter One image

C3 Episode 8 Castle on a Hill Chapter One

Eberron Renewed
346 Plays7 days ago

Vouk and his crew find themselves staring down a tower that was not there yesterday.

This episode is brought to you by the generous donations of our amazing Show Sponsors: Laura Pickrahn, Irene Viorritto, Darrell DeLaney, Charles Compton, Deviouspoptart, Nastasia Raulerson, David Scrams, Elizabeth Clark, Rebekah Gowman, deviouspoptart, Eðvarð Arnór Sigurðsson, Michael Clark, Jerry Theuns, Mark Stanley, and Shelby Johnson.

threatenly with a coach or D20 Radio, your game is roll.
Hello, and welcome to Eberron Renewed, an actual play podcast set in the Eberron campaign setting. I am your game master, Eric. I'm Mia. I'm Phillip. I'm Jeff. And welcome to another episode. What happened last time, everyone? Who remembers? Was it? It was Madison. Madison's? Okay. Yes. lot We really, really ruined a party.
And we made sure that nobody at this party was going to have a better time than us. And we did not have a good time. No, specifically in the last episode, though, we did have a ah battle with two people from Greenland, right? No, no. One from Greenland, one from Aaron. Oh, OK. There we go. And we ran away. We cut them to run away and then we ran away. And that's what happens. True. You did kill one of them.
Oh, that's right. I sucked the life out of it. It was a hard attack like heart heart heart attack. It was a heart attack. I stared at the microphone. is The undead elf had a heart attack. Yes. I mean. Look, man, there's dragons. Who knows what can happen? His heart might have attacked him. But yes, now we are picking up with Mia's prologue or character. So, Mia, remind us who your character is.
my character Valk is a silvery here thinned oh goodness what is this is the long description the the race is at the very end there we go Valk is a will we change lane standing at six three silver hair gray skin verbal eyes looks like he's kind of put together for the most part but kind of gave up halfway through probably had some sort of panic attack in the process of trying to make sure he's presentable and then just ran out of time and now it's it's time to leave. Fair enough. He's a fun, fun changeling who is having a little bit of an identity crisis right now. So unlike changelings. Love it. We also have a couple of other ah participants, the NPCs that are part of Valk's backstory. So would you all like to introduce your characters as well?
Sure, I'm Ozda, the human fighter. The direction I received from Mia was that Ozda is your stereotypical, ambiguously brown, fierce Scottish woman.
accent not required because Mia doesn't know me very well and so that's what Azda is except she's obviously not Scottish because we're in Eberron but she's gonna be Scottish yeah no ah she is a ah very tall woman with a sort of nut brown skin and ginger red hair she has because we're Depending on when we started where where this is going to begin, assuming we're beginning on a job, she's got her game face on, which is to say that there's war. ah She carries a fairly plain but functional long sword and wears tartan kilt. You know why Eric is shaking his head? People in other worlds can also wear tartan kilts, Eric. Yes, we're being inclusive, Eric, please.
Um, I'm just excited to hear your groundskeeper Willie for this. Um,
Jeff. Okay. And I want to be very clear since this is a time and and dimension hopping campaign, I am playing fair. Oh, yes. Not, yes not, not Thorin. I did not clarify. Valk is an occultist. Yes. Make sure we get the class out there.
which is one of the 13th age classes that really has no analog for any other system that I've come across, which I really dig and enjoy. So thanks to Mia for playing it. I am playing Theron. Theron is not Thorin. Theron is a wood elf cleric. That's all I've got about him, because I was building all the things that we need for the stats parts and none of the fun parts. Let's say he's 6'1 and cool.
love that to interpretation surprisingly surprisingly short hair for an elf that'll be his one thing this is one unique thing you know are there any bald elves just straight up like i i assume an elf could shave their hair off yeah i just don't you don't you don't see it there's an iconic is there an iconic bald elf from a video game franchise that everyone loves names coming up at the end of the month Dragon Age. They have a bald elf. Oh, OK. A very polarizing egg. I was like, you know I'm sure there is eyes. There are lots of girls on Tumblr right now, Philip, that are my character punched him and it was the most satisfying thing I've ever been allowed to do in a Dragon Age game was punch solace in the face. I'm ready for round two.
Yeah. Just thinking of like the domino meme where it's Jeff asks about elf hairstyles and the big domino is Philip punching an elf. So yes, Jeff, you could have a bald elf. Sure. Theron's bald. Wait, okay. Is Theron not bald Mia? No, it's okay. Oh, good notes. Tell me. You have a bald elf. Again, inclusive, inclusive. Get that egg head out here right now. All right. So we have Asda and Theron and Valk going on a job. So.
You all are headed out into rural countryside of, because you all have been hired to go investigate what's happening. um Basically a um tower appeared of nowhere. And that is obviously concerning to the people that live near or on the land that this mages tower appeared.
Um, so Mia, you, you tell me what organization or individual would have hired Valc and as Dan Theron to go investigate this.
because they're they've known each other for a little longer. They've kind of banded together outside in your kind of generic fight scenario. Everybody needs to join in and protect everyone. And these were kind of the outcasts of for that larger initiative of protecting. They probably would get picked up by Honestly, I just think whoever is leading or the leader of the nearby town city, they are probably looking for someone who, or a group of people who would be willing to go to a mysterious building where nobody knows what's going on and it's potentially pretty dangerous in there. Um, everyone else probably was like, no.
It's not, it's not for us, but this group will do it. Cool. So yeah, you all were, I guess it would be much more of a, there was a general request to put out there for adventurers from this town to go. Um, this random tower that appeared out of nowhere.
Um, pulling up a map real quick to see which town Gail Spire. That's the name of the town G-A-L-E-T-H-S-P-Y-R-E population of 3,900 people. That's a much bigger town than I figured would be out in the random part of, but you know, it's fine. They got money. like you So.
Google wants to know if I mean Gareth Spoyer. I don't, right? We're not going to visit Gareth Spoyer. No, you're not going to visit Gareth Spoyer. OK. Really, me this mia would Valk in this group have gone to Gail Aspire to like ask about the appearance of the tower, or would you just gone straight to the tower to do the job and the the money and I guess credibility that comes with the job?
I think at this point, it probably would have been a split a split decision. and There is one more character who is not yeah present as playable, but there's another sorcerer, ah Z, who who likely would have done more of the intelligence gathering and then come back to the group and be like, we have something for you and you're just going to go do it and just go to this direction.
OK, we don't exactly trust her, but you know, she's a little scary at times. So fair. I mean, the Valk's not going to, you know, fight against her. But so this is this is definitely the more of the go do this thing because I've said so. Gotcha. So the only notable thing in any kind of intelligence gathering that would have come about is the night before, like basically the people woke up and this tower was there the next morning.
i there are are reports basically of everybody in Gail Aspire having a communal dream about this tower the night before it appeared. Interesting.
Do we would we know if it was like a shared dream or was everyone in their own individual? It's it's more along the lines of people were having a normal dream And then the tower was present as part of the dream they were.
So you all, as you traverse the plains of Breeland, see right on the edge of the woods near Gala. So you're traveling east, or sorry, west from town. You towards the skyraker forest, you spot a yeah, a mages tower you would estimate is probably between eight and 12 stories tall. So not a small tower. And also remarkably, just from this vantage point, it, it looks
It was not constructed to be a singular piece of architecture. Like it it wasn't built to be a tower in the middle of a field. It looks like it should be part of a greater cityscape. Interesting. Um, whenever I'm looking at this tower, am I getting any calls or whispers? Is it, does it feel familiar to me in some sort of way? Give me a wisdom check. okay you're the If you have a background that you would like to pitch to be relevant, feel free. No, that's a three. Pleasure wisdom. Yeah. Wait, no, four. Pleasure level. Five. Yeah, still a failure. Not anybody. You have a strong sense as you're trying to listen to your own thoughts and feelings and kind of internalize as you're looking at this tower.
um You get a sense this tower potentially is like displaced through time, almost like the architecture, everything in every sense that you can get about it. You have no familiarity with it, even as a point of reference. Like it's not like, oh, this tower is clearly from this nation or something or this culture. It seems to exist outside of those concepts to your mind with a five. I love that. Valk is going to turn to the group.
very anxiously kind of mess with the tail coats that are not tucked into his pants because he did not he just doesn't have a care at this and he's just going to look at it and then look back at the group and then look back at it and just obviously this doesn't belong here it's it's not of this time either. I'm not extremely well traveled, but I don't recognize any of this architecture at all. it's This doesn't feel right. it It appeared out of nowhere, I mean, obviously, but you know, it's just, it doesn't feel like it it's out of place in time, almost. Does that make sense? Am I rambling to myself?
What do you mean it's out of time? You're asking me to elaborate on a concept that I think is pretty straightforward. It doesn't belong here in in this time, in this year, in this month, in this day, this hour of day. doesn't it it Please don't do this to me.
But why not? Wait, doesn't it belong here? It is here. Stressing me out now. I'm gonna, I'm gonna start walking. I'm gonna go towards the, start going towards the tower. Okay. That just looks nonplussed at the other, at the other companions and shrugs, follows. Valk. Yeah, Theron goes as well, because Valk seems concerned and is walking towards the thing that concerns them. And I feel like I should be there. Okay. Everyone give me i a wisdom check. This is to like notice specifically of the arcane nature. So if you have a background that might be relevant to that, you can let me know and I'll let you know if I accept it. I'm sorry, it's a what? A wisdom check to notice something magical nature.
Dirty 20. Nice. 16. Oh, sorry. Dirty 21. I didn't have my level. 21, 16, and then 10. 11. Got to add your level. And then I also have, I don't know, my general background is exposed to Zori yet. So just kind of. Okay. yeah Do you have other backgrounds as well?
So what plus did you give yourself to that background? Was I supposed to give myself a plus for that background specifically? Yes. So the way backgrounds work for 13th age characters, you basically i I think you have three points to spend in backgrounds. If I'm recalling that give you a plus. Oh.
That's the plus two that is floating above there. Ah, yes. So you you can come up with another one that is a plus one as well, if you like. Yeah, they were there. They were just not labeled as. Gotcha. I'll allow your plus two exposed to Zoria to apply to this.
So Theron 21, Valk 18, and as to ten eleven Asda Asda, you're walking, you're following, you're you're here. um But Theron and Valk, you both notice that there, as you are approaching, you see the grass of the plains once you get within about 40 feet of the So this is like you're seeing the grass ahead of you is blowing in a different direction than the wind and the grass that you're currently walking in. And you can see a pretty distinct line that looks like a large circle around the tower.
Um, and Theron, because you got above a 20, you also notice kind of an odd, like the faintest shimmer of almost like a bubble exterior that lines up with this like circular line around the, um, you all haven't passed through it yet. You notice before you pass through it, but that's what you notice as you.
So all of us noticed that, but none of us rolled high enough to make heads or tails of it, other than wind be different? As did, did not notice. um Sorry, sorry. two two yeah Valk only noticed the grass, different directions. You're the only one that noticed the the shimmer. Okay. Okay. As does just staring at the tower, trying to determine why it doesn't belong now. And it's just, just walking along, contemplating that mystery of life. goodness I mean, I'm sure I make and i make a, well, that's odd, or maybe that's pretty. The directions there of the grass, of the blowing the wind, that's, I don't know about out of time, but that's certainly out of the way it's supposed to work naturally. Just forget, just forget about the out of time. Just don't worry about that. Falcon's gonna reach down, um like at the, where,
there's like the split between the normal grass and then the opposite flowing grass. He's going to just like reach and touch the grass, but very, very like his body is is as far away as possible. Like laying on the grass and like reaching. Yeah. so So Theron holds out as me. Do you want to use this? It'll make your arm longer. It's too late. It's fine.
So as your as your fingers break the plane to try and touch the grass that's blowing the other direction, um your your hand has a bit, not fully weightless, but kind of a lighter feeling. Not that there's less gravity, but that you're your hand itself has less weight to it.
Like, you're not gonna float or anything, but it definitely feels lighter as soon as your fingers break the plane. And Theron, because you're the one that noticed it, you see Valk's fingers, his his fingers break the plane of that shimmery, bubble-esque surface. And that's what you feel. So they break the plane, but nothing happens to Valk? What about your pronouns? I'm sorry, I've been guessing at it. Any! Any? Okay. Yeah.
I've been them in just in case, but okay, got it. You're good, you're good. Yeah, Valc, you're the only one that notices the sensation of your fingers and and how that. Okay. But nothing bad happens. He's still going to immediately pull his hand. He's going to make a face of General, which might be confused for his normal face. General. And he's going to look back.
And he's going to pause because he's already confused as to. So are, are we close enough that it would be a thing where I would grab the hand that went through the shimmery stuff that I saw and check the fingers real quick? Like, are you okay? Are we close enough that that would be a thing that I think Terry grabs your hand that he just saw a break of the plane of the shimmeriness just to make sure the fingers are still there. Do they still look, you know, like, do you need healing basically? And it looks fine. Her hand looks as, as good as it did before it went through. Yep. Okay.
I feel fine. I mean, I i don't, I mean, I feel fine in general, but... I feel the same. I am unharmed. We can't tell if your fingers have been possessed or had their mind taken over. So I suppose we'll just have to continue. That was not something I knew I needed to be worried about. It did feel different. You know, wind's not supposed to blow in two directions at once.
very true keen observation yeah say what say what you want about him he's not wrong i guess if i think if as does she hurt as does a woman sorry as is a woman yes sorry asda i've decided tell me if i'm wrong yeah ah is from the eldine reaches and learned druid things when she was young but none of it stuck ah which is why she's not like a ranger or a druid or a barbarian. She's a fighter. She learned how to use a sword really well, but none of the druid stuff stuck. So anytime she gets something like that, it's very important to her to point it out. I love that. Anything about the natural world. Valk is just going to just be careful. We should all be careful in general. I know that's something that we kind of struggle with. Looking at Asda, but I think we'll be OK.
I think we'll be fine if we just. What felt different? You said it felt different. Yeah, I felt then normal. This is going to take a little bit to explain. All of you are just what went through. Just what went through understood my hand. and like it And like you weighed less. You felt like your hand weighed less, not lighter in some more abstract sense. Yes.
There are emotional burdens. Yes. it Physically, I felt, my hand felt lighter. So there is going to be some sort of shift. It is not our, it's not our normal world that goes back to the concept of out of place in time. And we're, we're ignoring that part. So just be careful. So do you mean it's a piece of a different world right here or.
It's a piece of our world that used to be right here. I actually don't know, but you are getting closer. That I'll tell you that makes a lot of that was good. I could see as the internalizing. It was good. Yes. Yes. Yes. Right. All right. So we go in there or what? Well, you kind of have to. I don't think we can go back going in. So.
Valk is just gonna swallow his nerves and just full-body step in. Okay. Can I? Nevermind. Great. You gotta be the anxiety. I was gonna cast a quick ah quick spell du before we walked through the thing, just in case. Valk, as you step through the barrier, your whole body, similar to your fingers and your hand, feels lighter.
You're not having ah any difficulty walking, but it almost feels like imagine if you're trying to think of the right way to describe this, it's like your body doesn't have any material mass to it, but it still exists. Like there's no weight to your body, but you can still walk and like interact with the world just fine. You just don't feel like you weigh anything weightless without the floaty effects. Yes. Asda walks through and immediately jumps ah Exactly what I was going to say. What, okay, what is Asda expecting when Asda jumps? Asda wants to know, Falk said that it felt like he weighed less when he put his hand through here. And so Asda figures, if I weigh less, I should jump higher. Okay? And you said Theron also jumps, Jeff? No, I was going to say that, but now what Theron does, now that Asda has, Theron's dumb thing is he's going to walk in and feel the weightlessness and immediately try to swim in the tall grass.
okay just He's going to lay down and see if he can swim in the tall grass. What does Theron expect to happen when Theron does this? Well, since he gets on the... In order to do it, he has to go all the way to the ground. I think he realizes it's not weightlessness, weightlessness, weightlessness. And he either tries to swim twice and stands back up or managed to slither snake-like along the ground. You tell me what happens. Okay. So, Asda, you jump about six feet in the air before coming back down softly. Theron, you just wriggle around on the ground without anything.
Darren rolls around, sits up and goes, whoa, your thing was cool, hasn't it? Too right. Why is that your immediate? what You said I weigh less. Wait, which one of us? I'm not so much concerned about you. as why are you on but Why are you on the floor? When we're outside, it's called the ground. You're correct. Astute observation, Asta. I have the same feeling of buoyancy that I do in the water.
And I like to experiment with things, so I thought, perhaps we can swim. We can't. We can't. But we know now. And he stands up and he presses himself off. I don't see the problem. That's such a large logical leap. There's a giant tower that wasn't here yesterday. I've left logic.
Is Azda continuing to jump as they're having this conversation? Yes, absolutely. As soon as her feet touch the ground, she's back up. I understand why Z tries to come to these things now. Does Azda attempt to jump higher or is Azda content with the height? Azda would like to know how high she can go. Okay, the second jump, you managed to go about eight feet.
Oh, OK. Asda sets her sword on the ground and tries to go as just throws everything into it. Go for it. OK, please. At what height would Asda get scared of how high she is? Is it apparent that the impact of her landing is increasing? Like, is she is there a point at which it's becoming concerning that landing is going to injure herself? No, because that's the ceiling.
Wait, is there, if she can are we at a dome or a cylinder? If she can continue to land safely, she's going to keep going. So there's not a height that like there would be you to pop out the andchant a concern of like, oh, what if this goes wrong? and thing No, no. OK. I have a follow up. Yes. Is there any windows or openings? Yes, the tower does have windows. Yes. Yeah. I mean, as do you eventually hit a point where you launch yourself
30 feet straight up the air and you break through and kind of realize that the weightlessness is gone. And you feel and you start to fall back. So at that point as to panic and like she's falling.
ah Well, I mean, she actually starts falling, right? Yeah, so she she has to panic. She's just OK. So as the breaks the dome and then begins to free fall and then as you re into the dome, you continue to free fall. Oh, about.
about like maybe five feet above the ground you realized the weightlessness feeling did return though and as you hit the ground full you like appear about five feet outside of the bubble the direction that you ended entered and your sword is back on your hip like your sword is no longer on the ground and you look like you did before you entered can i see them on the other side Yeah. Wait, so he jumped out and landed outside the bubble with the stuff he left in the bubble? Well, I landed inside the bubble, but because I hit, I appeared outside, like a dream. Some some might say outside of time, because your stuff's back. It's too much. She's going to To your perspective, Asda fell, hit the ground, and then immediately disappeared and appeared outside of the bubble.
But there is full visibility outside the bubble, just like there was the other way. Yes, you can see her outside the bubble. Can you, can you come back? Are you, wait, sorry, are you? The cleric. I think, I think so. And she walks back. The weightlessness. So we're not going to do that. Not, not at least not that.
Right, there's some kind of there's some kind of ceiling at the top that I about right through. Can we look up and see if it is a, like, well, is there a dome? Does it stop at the height of the tower all the way around its perimeter? Is there any way we can tell? No, it's kind of like, like I said, you saw the circular barrier and it kind of goes up into, like, almost a rounded cone. Like, I think the cone heads, heads. That could be shaped. With a pinnacle above the top. Yes. Okay, cool, got it. You can jump much, much higher as we get closer to the tower as to...
that's good to know don't encourage the behavior you know i i i figured not fun to watch i figured i could i could just pick valk up and just throw it right through one of those windows no no as wee as you are no doors doors entryways there are there is a large Isn't that what I'll expect though? I guess we don't, we don't know we're in for a fight. We just know this thing's weird. what is What does the door look like that without is going to try and gain as much distance. He's not picked up. Have you tried jumping? you A lot of distance that way. As the, as the absolutely does now take just like a two or three step start and then just jump forward and go for distance.
Just jumps straight at the tower. Just smacks the tower. I guess where is Azu trying to land? She is jumping for the wall of the tower. Like, she wants to see if she can reach the tower in a bound.
Yeah, you find flying towards the. You kind of get it, do the sense of weightlessness, a lack of control as as it doesn't know how to like jump this high and this far mechanically and so fluid dynamics. is that prettyly ah So you're you're aiming for the wall and you kind of realize that you are traveling rather quick because it was like, hey, I want to hit the wall of the tower. And so your your mind and body are granting you that desire and you fly with speed towards the tower and you realize you're going to hit it rather hard unless you do something.
You can't trick me. When I landed on the ground every other time, I was absolutely fine and it didn't hurt. So that part of a jump Doesn't work here. Splat. I start reappears outside the bubble. I was going to say, and so I'm going to, I'm going to honor this because I was going to say it, even though she reappears outside the bubble, as soon as she jumps there and sees what's coming and starts taking off towards the tech, trying to keep pace with her because he assumed she's going to need intervention. And so that kind of takes advantage of the weightlessness to do kind of a bounding run tries to keep up.
So kind of a weird thing, Theron, you try to run because you see a need in front of you that you're going to try to fill and you try to do a bounding run and it feels like your feet just weigh a lot and you have a hard time gaining speed.
So you're moving. So I am experiencing weightfulness. You still feel weightless. But I mean, it's it is that like so i'm running I'm running in a dream trying to get to something. Yeah. It's that sensation when you try to run in a dream and yeah it doesn't feel right. Yeah.
If Valk is walking towards the door, is he maintaining? Yes, two large double doors, wooden doors. Yes, if you're walking normally, yeah. Asda stands up and checks herself. Yeah, you got everything. It says, Asda, come carry me. I can't seem to move. As soon as you stop trying to run towards Asda, you can move normally again. Right, right, right.
Yeah, she gets inside, takes a couple of steps and throws herself forward, again, trying to judge the distance better and and basically just catch up to Valc. Okay. Theron takes out a a quill and parchment that he keeps on himself to do his daily devotion notes and starts to write. Purpose-driven quest every morning.
and so And so I'm trying i'm trying to write something. Valk is just rubbing his temples. He's just not having a good time. I'm working a hypothesis here. Am I writing legibly? Am I able to read what I'm writing? Is it? No, it's nonsense, yeah. I land at the foot of the tower? Yeah, with Valk, yeah. All right, this is real keen. I like this. but I'm gonna try it up a different way. and but And just looks up and just runs, tries to run up tower.
Valk is at this point just in fetal position just like this is not he's built for this I'm going to say this doesn't work because there's no reasonable, there was a reasonable expectation that you would be able to jump by because you felt weightless. Walking up a flat surface, I feel like is running brand sprinting up a flat surface, a vertical surface. Yeah. And so what it is, is she starts to do it with all of the confidence of certainty that it will work.
Yeah, and so, like, not tries to, like, kip up it to climb it, but tries to run up it, and so hits that first brick, throws her weight backwards to run, and just just falls straight backwards. Yeah. Why doesn't that work? I don't know why you thought it would work. that The leaps in logic, the leaps in logic right now. I hate doing all sorts of leaps.
I think, I try to, I intervene for a second. Can I ask a favor of both of you? i'd like fun I'd like for all three of us to take just a second and try to make a loaf of bread appear. Just think about that. Just think about it for just a second. in Think about how much you'd like some bread. Asda goes into her pack. no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Everyone hold your hands like this and think about how much you'd like a ah loaf of bread. Do any of us make a loaf of bread appear in our hands? Because is this is not our dream. just Asda's just staring at her hands trying... Asda does not visualize well. I'm humoring them. If you're legitimately trying to make a loaf of bread appear, give me a check. No backgrounds applicable here, just... Six, no. Eighteen. Eighteen? Yes. Asda does not know how to begin to try to make a loaf of bread appear. Fair enough.
I rolled a natural 19, so I think that's a 23. Wait, 17 plus three or plus two? 17 plus. If it your your score is 17, your modifier is plus two. Plus three. Plus three. Okay, then I rolled a 23. Plus your level. That's 23. I rolled a natural 19. Okay. Yeah, Valc and Theron both make loaves of bread. How are you how are your loaves of bread?
Why did we do this? I won't. I want vo to have just like a really stubby baguette. I think there is is big enough to share with Azda because he had it. I know she has plenty of bread, but the amount of faith in that working is this is equivalent to the size. That's funny. I have as the pulls out of just like hard hard tech biscuit just.
There it goes. Great. We all did it. I'm not eating this and then I'm just going to hand it off. Why? We don't need it. It's not for sustenance. I'm working. ah I believe that you have to need it. Well, I thought I thought we might have to go to the door and try. OK, I mean, then I'll shut up if you're not listening. I still don't understand why we did that.
I thought we might be in one of our dreams, but unfortunately... You're not asleep. and some I know, I know. I was gonna say the same thing. We're all awake. Again, we are... How will one of my dreams be sitting here in the field while I'm awake? I must say doing that's up my head. I don't.
no That a primary concern of mine is why would this dream state be outside of our heads while we're awake? And I, I, I, I tell the two experiences. Wait, you think we're in a dream? Like, and then, and that's when I share the experiences that I had of the very dreamlike molasses run and the inability to read or write a language that I am very good at reading and writing it. Things that happen in dreams. When you dream, you're sitting at a desk writing.
No, but occasionally when i when I dream, there are things that should be read that are illegible, like signs or perhaps a newspaper. I have very fun dreams. I haven't had a dream in a while in real life, so I'm trying to remember what dreams are like. I haven't actually been in an instance where I've had to read in my own dreams. I'm not going to lie to you.
Is this Mia talking or Valk? Yes. Oh, okay. Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, yeah. No, that's totally a thing. Genuinely, you guys have never had dreams as Philip and Mia. where I am a woman of action. If I'm dreaming, I'm going.
In your dreams. I got it. You do not read. The freelance artist currently spent hours recording a podcast just said, I am a woman of action for talking about dreams. that's That's a genuine thing. Yeah. to So to to to put it to to you guys, that a genuine thing is that there is it is extremely rare that one can read real language in a dream or write in real language. It's symbols that in your dream make sense to you, but it's not actual language.
yeah So or I guess it's not actual symbology would be yeah a better way to put it. So that is- And you can't run in your dreams. I have anxiety dreams where the object of my pursuit is always out of reach and that does occasionally manifest itself in my inability to run as fast as I need to.
while i was watching very fast and really so While I was watching you catapult yourself toward a wall. Let me repeat that. As I watched you catapult yourself towards a wall, I tried to get there. Well, it, hmm. I'm going to continue. I tried. I'm going to be right through that window at the top. we shoot But what about when, what about when that great Wolf's tree chasing you?
How do you get away with from it in the dream? Oh, as soon as he says that, I start looking around for the great wolf. He just conjured because we're we're making dreams happen here. I freak out. OK, now there's no great wolf. Oh, can I make it? Do you think if I made it happen? I could finally know we shouldn't try and test then it wouldn't happen happen anymore. And we should as soon as he conjures a great wolf, I'm conjuring some sort of contraption to hide. I want to conjure this door opening.
so Go open it. Let's do this. I was just trying to figure out what we're working with here. Is it a handle? And I appreciate it. I just i i also want to get inside the tower. 100% with you. There's a window right up there and any of us can jump. If you can make it to the window, we will go through the window. As it just launches herself up and tries to grab the edge of the window.
Uh, yeah. I mean, as do you were able to grab the window. Can you get in the window as the lifts her head above the edge of the window and looks inside. You see frosted glass with like metal framing throughout the glass that you could try to break and get in, but there doesn't appear to be, it's not a window that like shutters open or anything. Seren, chuck me that cudgel kitty.
Uh, I throw my mace up towards the, I mean, I assume I can get it there because I want to, and we're dreaming. So I toss my face up towards us and then I move out of the way. Asda catches the mace, holds the window with one hand, rears back, smashes the mace against the window. Darren realizes what she needed the mace for and goes, Oh God, Oh gods. I wouldn't have done that. How, how high did you go up to a window? Cause there are windows all up this, like how, how high did you seek to go up?
Oh, I didn't realize there were more than one. Yes, there are four windows. You would guess on the second, fourth, sixth and eighth stories of this tower. Eight? OK. Yeah. As soon as smash the glass blasts outward towards you and you a a screech ah as the chatters and
a creature comes barreling out of the window. Oh. But it's friend shaped. I'd be friend shaped, but yeah yes. Sorry, I'm pulling it up. Special creatures.
Actually, I have, going off of Theron's theory, can I, or can Valk, take a step in the air and stand on the step? Give me a wisdom check to see if I can get a certain level of will that you have to exert. 10. You try, and it's like, no, that, why would that work, kind of thing, after you try. We love, we love.
um Yeah, so a being comes launching out of this window as to right over your head. Give me a dexterity save, a regular dexterity save. So this is an 11 or higher is what you need hit. Hold on.
A dexterity 15. Okay. So yeah, you managed to kind of duck your head and hold onto the edge of the window as this being flies out over you. This looks to be. Draconic in shape, but it seems to be kind of a Frankenstein's dragon that like you see different colors for the potty parts and you see clear stitching as it's like somebody has taken pieces of a dragon and stitched one together.
out of it. And the head is white. And I'm going to need initiative. We didn't even get inside.
You made that deal. You said go try the window. i you know You made a huge mistake, which was appease the dumb guy. Dumb lady. Dumb guy is a genderless term. I think I apologize. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Okay. I got a remind me what we add for initiative. I'm sorry. Is initiative is your dexterity modifier in your level. Okay. Oh, cool. That is when I get to roll twice. Cause I was a human. The first one. Oh my gosh. Theron gets a natural one on his, if I was Dex, I'd still be going first plus one 19.
19. Asda. 21. 3. I roll a 1. My Dex is bad. I'm level 1, baby. That's why I couldn't swim. My Dex is bad. That's clearly what it was. First up is Asda.
So I need some idea of the situation. So you are hanging from the ledge of the eighth story of this tower. Yeah. So probably about 60 to 70 feet ish up in the air. um We'll say maybe just around number 10 foot ceilings in the tower. Makes sense. And.
The dragon busted through the window. We're going to say it's like 10 feet out from the tower from you at this point, or we'll say five feet. Like it's it's within range that you could take a swing at it while still holding onto the window, although that's kind of an angle to be attacking from. But you could say it's flying. It came through a window. How big is this? Bigger than you would think could fit through that window. But, you know, the glass was shattering. You can make sense.
I feel like that- We're all mad. Okay, okay.
Um, Val, I just want just in general analysis of the situation. i would he's He's starting to panic, because number one, just like the bee, that thing shouldn't have fit through that window, but also there is now a dragon thing.
so So there's two contradicting problems here. Oz does very, has a very high physical intelligence and knows that fighting this thing while hanging off the side of a wall is a bad way to try and fight thing. However.
If she just goes back down to the ground, this thing is 80 feet above her and can fly and do whatever it pleases, which is also bad. So what she needs is for this thing to go to the ground. And she understands there to be no limits on how far she can leap in here. So Ozda's going to.
and not try to like wrap herself around the neck of this thing. She's going to try and wrap herself around one of the wings and like try and collapse the the tendons and stuff that keeps the wing out and bring this thing to the ground where she will have help in dealing with it.
OK. Yeah, that sounds like a strength. Yeah, skill check. So don't give me a strength.
Okay. plus love Plus level for this sort of thing? Yes. Okay. Then a dirty 20. Okay. Yeah. You managed to launch yourself and bypass its physical defense and grab onto a wing. Okay. So that is your action. yeah so do that Her objective is just to keep the wing from flapping so that the thing has to go down.
Um, your intention is to get the dragon down to the ground. Yeah. She's just trying to keep the thing from flapping the wing from flapping. So that the dragon has to land. Okay. It, it appears that the dragon cannot effectively flap its wings. So it's flight speed hindered.
It is your turn. Okay, Valk is still... the brain is taking some damage. He's going to take a... well, I mean, he can't really do anything. He's just going to... center himself. So he just takes a moment to just pause. And during that he's going to gain his... and that all I can do...
Mia, do you want to take a second to explain to the listeners what gaining focus means since the occultist is a unique class? Yeah. So during my turn, I have to gain my focus as a standard action. And what that does in general is allowed me to take a interrupt action or cast any of my spells um during difference. So I have to have that in order to do any sort of attack.
um And while I am gaining my focus during my standard action, it does draw an opportunity attack if someone is available, if an enemy is like within range of me, but. But they are not. But they are not. Cool. Awesome. And real quick, just for my edification, Mia, which feet did you? I think... Is this the right one? I took the adventurous feet on brain melting secrets.
Okay. So all of my spells, love yeah, will do additional damage. Oh no, no, no, no. All of my, if I attack anyone with a spell, they cannot attack me during its next turn in battle. Unless you're the only nearby enemy. Yes. And with the feet. So was that the talent that you took the adventurous feet for it? So also,
Okay. Yeah. Normally it's only ones that deal psychic damage, but this is any spell. Gotcha. Okay. Cool. Good to know. Thank you. Okie dokie. So rock you have centered yourself, gained your, and you still have a quick action and a movement action. Anything that you would like to. Um, how far? Oh, well, I guess that I would actually have to just wait until it falls. I said, no, I'm not going to do anything else. Okay. Just prepare myself.
Cool. All right. So the dragon is unable to use its flight effectively. So it begins to drop towards the, so was near the ground. So it is going to try before it quote unquote takes its move action and fully falls.
It's going to try to bite at as on its wing. So we'll say it has a minus two since as does on its body. Just it seems difficult to do.
As to that's a twenty five to hit. No, was that hit. No. Liar. Not in dreams and dreams. He is 30. Gotcha. Five.
And it's going to try to make it's going to try to as it's biting you, try to grab. So it's going to make way I could have bitten it when I grabbed it. I didn't know I had that option to do. That is a nine against your physical defense. No. OK, then it does not. It bites you. It hurts, but it can't get you off of its wing. So.
It takes its movement and falls to the ground, um, kicking up dirt. It is, it is nearby for both Theron and vote now and as it is with it. And is it's turned. Uh, real quick clarifying near nearby is that within.
There are three ranges. There's engaged, nearby, and far away. So like for a ranged attack and certain spells, it'll say like an enemy that's nearby or melee attacks, they have to be engaged. Close quarters would be engaged. Yes, a close quarter spell is what you cast was while you're engaged.
I have a quick question for Mia, since we have fought together before I would know, what does, does Valk use weapon attacks or are they casting? I'm going to do an invocation. One of them does weapons and one of them is casting. And since we've got one of each that I know about, what do you do? Whatever keeps him the safest. I would say probably casting a little more. Okay. He doesn't want to pull out his sword too much.
All right, then I am going to, for my first thing, I'm going to do an invocation, which is a cool thing that Clares can do in this system. So for the remainder of this, but I'm doing an invocation of strength as my standard action. For the remainder of this battle, me and all allies deal triple damage instead of double damage if we hit critical with a engaged attack. Okay.
It says melee, but I read somewhere that that's changing to engaged for, engaged, if a caster's engaged. I need to see if I can find that again really quickly to make sure, but. Okay. I guess, does melee mean weapon? It does, right? Or this. Yes. It means it's Marshall. Yeah. Okay. I read that. Yeah, I think I'm gonna do that still. So I'm helping Asta with buff on Asta. Okay. So if you crit, yes. You get to triple instead of double your damage on it with your next hit. Or not your next hit. Cool.
and no i was reading this spell i'll be very honest as to how badly were you hurt not very badly okay then i'm gonna hold off on doing any heals with quick action
And I think that's my whole term. I don't need to. but You have a quick action if you want to take it or movement. Remind me what I can do with quick actions. If, it aside from what it says is a quick action for my spells. Like what are the. um
You guys are going to believe when I play my own character that I've actually worked on how much I know about this game. It's going to blow you away. I don't think there are any, I'm not. There's not a lot of clear quick actions that I i saw. ah These are acts like drawing a weapon, opening on lock unlocked doors, picking something up off the ground, reloading a light crossbow. There's there's a huge party that wants to run over and see if that door is unlocked and open it. I thought, I think it might be hilarious, but also might kill us. So I'm not going to do that. I think I'm just going to forfeit the remainder of my turn. I'm going to do that indication and then wait and see what happens. Cool. So now that's the end of the first round of combat. So the escalation die is now on a one. So you add a plus one to all of your D 20. Um, all of your skill checks and your attacks. So we're back around asda.
Okay. So it's on the ground. Yes. Cool. Asda is going to get up, sweep out her sword and attack. Um,
and all right. Hey, where's my mace? Did it drop with them? Is it on the ground? That'd be great. Yes. asza would have Asda absolutely let go of it when she jumped. Makes sense to me. 18 to
The AC. Is that what you're? Yes. I'm sorry, 19 because. 19. Escalation. Oh, that does it. Cool. All right. It is. That's a good roll. Going to take 14 points of. Nice. And I'm using the grim intent maneuver, meaning that the next time I miss it, it will still take weapon.
Nice. Okay. Voke, did you have any interrupts that you want to do there? Cause it's about to be your turn again. I am not in engaged with it. So I can't do any of my spells. Cool. Now it is Voke's turn. I was on that slide. Um, uh, Voke is going to move just ah within range to be engaged.
OK, he's also going to pull out his sword, his sword, short, nice short sword, just in case. And then do wait. No, I guess. No, I'm going to hold. I'm going to hold off. I'm not going to use anything. I'm going to wait this round. So he's just in position. OK. Are you able to maintain your focus like you don't? I haven't used any.
And it does say that I lose my focus unless I've casted. Unless you do your karmic rebuke and then yeah regain it. Okay. you knowke Then it is dragon's turn. So it going to and bite. So first against 18.
Against your AC. Just hits. Five more damage. And then Valk. Eighteen again. Yes. Five damage. So it begins slashing and biting at the two of you who are engaged with it. This is the part where it gets weird. I want to use Moment of Karma. So this is an interrupt because I was hit with an attack. Nice.
So I'm going to roll against Mental. Okay.
Whoo. Okay. And 18. 18. That succeeds. Okay. Oh God. Oh, I got to pull up the pack. I didn't realize. Three, three D six plus wisdom, psychic damage. Put that one away. I'll just roll one of them again.
ten 14 plus oh what is my wisdom psychic damage your wisdom modifier 17 plus nope no plus 17 damage nice that hurts it okey dokey now and that expands your focus so Real quick, just for some flavor, because I don't get cool effects. on um boiler point magic ne um As you kind of see like a shift in the moment. It almost replays itself.
where stop is going er the dragon is going in for a slash on Valk but then there is almost like a skip in that where you visibly see him take damage but then it also kind of almost reverses back to the dragon so you can't quite explain it. It's almost like a deja vu. That's cool. Remind effect. And I think that's all I can do because I don't think I have the thing where I can try and get my Focus back on the same terms. So that's my turn Mia. Do you recall how that retain focus thing works? Because that spell has a range of one to five to retain your focus and i'm trying to remember last thing I think I roll but I don't I don't remember what I roll Let me go back to the occultist page. We had talked about this. Did I put a note on it or is it on my spell book? It is not
Cause there's a lot of things referencing when you were taking your focus. Oh, okay. So when you make the role to cast the spell, the intelligence plus level versus their mental defense, if you roll so low, if you roll a one through five, you retain your focus because you really beefed it so bad that you didn't even lose your focus trying to cast that spell is the idea. So I'm good. Yeah. i still want it You've used your focus because you did well. Um,
That's awesome. Okay. vouch That was on the dragon so and the dragons. dragon does have a quick action to take. So then it is turn. I'm right. Yes. You were nearby. Okay. I am going to attack with a spell called spirits of the righteous. Okay. It is a 19. Against what? Oh, sorry. I have melee defense.
19 against its melee defense that succeed. Okay, great. It's 46. Holy damage.
17 points a day. Nice. And my nearby alloy with the fewest hit points gets a plus four bonus to all defenses until the end of my next turn. So I'm guessing fewest hit points is going to be... I have 20 now. I'm going to use Valkalf.
19. All right. So, Val, you get a plus four bonus to all defenses until the end of my next turn. Yippee. Does that mean a plus four to AC? Is that what that means? Yeah. All defense and mental defense. Yeah. Amazing. Thank you. All right. Now we are on to the next round. So Escalation Die is at a two. OK. OK.
As I am going to attack it using the carve a maneuver is enrolling that a lot. Twenty one because now the escalation no that. That hits. That is going to be 11 damage. OK, and now I will create on a 19 or 20 the next time. Just what carve a path does it cumulatively expands my crit range.
and Until I. Valk. It is your turn. And. um
I'm going to use my standard to get my folks. And. Which causes the dragon to do an opportunity attack against.
yeah Or is it a new... Engaged.
The target can't attack you during its next... Oh, next turn. Okay. Okay. Let me look at the wording. I was like, I don't know if next turn includes Attack of Opportunity because it's technically my turn. Right. Brain melting.
I'm going to say that the function of that, it should say until the end of its next turn rather than during its next turn. Cause otherwise, yeah. So, okay. Nevermind. It does not take an opportunity. Okay. Going to get my focus back. I'm okay. No, I'm just going to about is going to shuffle behind as, um, and then just give a good pat.
on the shoulder and say, you gots. Nice. Also, what is your... yes It should be taking one ongoing damage because of your humor of truth ability when you hit an engaged enemy with a spell.
Yes. You cause a small amount of extra harm to that foe with your weapon. The target takes ongoing damage equal to your melee attack, miss damage, which is one. So it takes one point of damage at the top of its turn ah because of the humor of truth. And it is going now.
that it's really up against it and it has stoked it up long enough, use its breath weapon on all three of you. boy So ah this is the third round of combat, which means it has gone three turns without using it. So the crit range on this is 17 to 20. That's that 18 versus each of your physical defenses.
Yes. fifty Yeah. 18 hits my physical defense. It did not roll a 17 naturally. So it not crit, but yes. Oh yeah, for sure. Okay. You each take eight cold damage. hey Do any of you have 15 or fewer hit points?
Eight. Yes. Then you are stuck where you are standing as your feet are frozen to the ground. It's wing. Yes. ah So you are immobile. That's fewer than how many? Fifteen? Yes. Save ends. So the end of your turn, you will make a saving throw and if you get 11 or higher naturally, you don't add anything to it. Then the stun ends. All right. And it going to.
Then yeah, that's it. That's all it can do this trick. So Theron. Well, Theron has 16 hit points. And realizes that if it can hit him here, it can hit him when he's closer. So he's going to run up. So move actions in this or movement in this. Can you split it or does it one time? Like if I have X number of movement or is that not a thing in this game? It's just one move action. I can run to it. And then you basically take the move action to move from nearby to engage. We yeah, it's not that and we don't do the granularity of feet.
with this system then but if you'd like to do something while you're moving narrative it's a narrative well i i mean i need to use my quick action to grab my mace as i run at it because i'm about to do that totally fine yes that that is that is acceptable okay then that's what i'm gonna do i'm running at the dragon from where i'm standing my mace is between the two of us because tell me why it's not and so i'm going to i run at it and i'm going to kind of dive towards it using our fun weightlessness. Swinging my mace, because I think it'll look neat for Valkadazda. And let's see what happens. That is a natural 19. Nice. So that would be a total, escalations at two? Yes. So 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 to hit. Yep, that definitely hits. Great. It's not a ton of damage, unfortunately. I'm gonna go ahead and
add on, better yet here, which triggers when one of your allies hits an enemy ah with an attack. But I want to make sure that your damage is calculated first. I'm going to do seven damage, and that is it. Okay, and then better yet here. Right, which I'm pretty sure it's the same intelligence plus level, so that's against mental defense.
You roll a d20 and add your intelligence modifier and your level to the roll. Okay. Okay. That is a 11 plus, what, my intelligence? Yes. Four. So that's 15 plus one is 16. Plus the two for the escalation, escalation die. So 18. That's why I wanted to do it. Hang on one second. I may have done more damage. keep You guys keep going. I'm going to read. Sorry. I apologize. I just, I have something to say when you're done. Against mental defense. Yes. Yes. That hits.
Okay. So the target takes two D six plus wisdom extra. Yep. From where did you do seven plus my, was it a modifier? Yep. Which is 10 total 10 extra. Nice. And Jeff, you said you did extra damage. Well, I might, what's, where do I find my crit range for a cleric with a mace? It's always 20 unless there's something that. Unless it does say it otherwise. Okay. Well, cause I rolled a natural 19 and I currently have a spell where all melee attacks get triple crit. Sure. I wanted to make sure I didn't expand my crit range. Like I could have with a different invocation. Otherwise that would have been 21 points of damage. Uh, okay. So with that additional damage, that with what does the better yet here look like Mia as Theron runs up and hits the dragon with its
And visually, it duplicates the mason. So you almost hit the one that actually goes, the physical one, and then there is almost like a spectral second one that also comes down.
Okay. Theron sees the spectral him and freaks out and starts attacking it. It's just we've gone through this, we've gone through this. No, that one's thrown. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Every time. Never gets easier. And that drops the dragon to zero hit points. So the combination of Theron and Valk, take it out. So yes, the the dragon slumps to the.
And we are going to call it an episode there. So thank you all so much for listening. If you want to be part of the conversation surrounding this episode and all of the prologue adventures we've had leading up to the start of the campaign proper, you can join our Discord, the link to which is on all of our socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter. ah We also have a YouTube channel, youtube slash the geek pantheon, where I post TTRPG videos. Phillip, plug the other...
We have a YouTube channel, Laughing Tree, where you will find another actual play starting up soon ah called Blades and Banners with Eric as a player. There's already a campaign over there and there's stuff about me prepping in the campaign. So more TTRPG stuff over there. Yes. We also have a Patreon, patreon slash the Geek Pantheon. If you want to financially support the shows, you can do so over there, or you can buy some merch at the Geek Pantheon. Thank you all so much for listening. I have been your Game Master, Eric. I'm Mia.
I'm Philip. And that's Jeff, who had to take a call. We'll see you next time.