S1-E32 : Tactics Tuesday! City, Atalanta and A little look forward! image

S1-E32 : Tactics Tuesday! City, Atalanta and A little look forward!

S1 E32 · Daily Arsenal
15 Plays10 days ago

It's Tuesday here on the Daily Arsenal podcast, and this week we're discussing the stats behind our trip to the Etihad, having a quick look back at our opening Champions League fixture, and looking forward to our run in the cups!

Due to a slight technical issue, Josh Duncan's audio only recorded the last 15 minutes, so if you hear any slightly jumpy moments we apologise, but he makes it back in for part 2!

Host : Josh Vince

Guests : Jamie Patterson, Josh Duncan

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sports podcast network work Hello and welcome to the Daily Arsenal Podcast, brought to you as part of the Global Sports Podcast Network. A little bit of a precursor to this episode before we get it underway properly. Unfortunately, due to some technical issues, we lost the first 18 or so minutes of Mr Joshua Duncan who came on and discussed his feelings towards the Manchester City game. It's a real shame because it was some very, very good stuff. so
If the episode sounds a little bit choppy and changey it's because we lost his audio but we're going to make the best out of a bad situation and he will be in the second half, don't you worry. um So please listen and enjoy to what we have to say on today's edition of the Arsenal Daily Podcast.
Hello and welcome back to the Daily Arsenal Podcast, brought to you as part of the Global Sports Podcast Network. It's Tuesday, and thankfully, myself and Jamie Patterson have calmed down ever so slightly after the Monday review show. they Now, and I know fully well that myself and Jamie spoke about the Arsenal Man City game at length of this day. However, some time has passed, and I've gone full up to Vince Mode, as ah Esmond christened me a few weeks ago, and looked around for the most interesting stats about the game.
I want to put something to you. Now bear in mind, this is a PG show because when I saw the full clip, it brought me to a rage that had me saying very non PG things. What do you make of the moment?
where Erling Harland approached Miquel Arteta and spoke the words, stay humble, a before then confronting Gabrielle Jesus, who was just trying to back up our manager and calling him an effing clown. Looking at that, and you also mentioned it yesterday, I only just saw the footage today of Harland throwing the ball at Gabs. Are we in their heads a bit? Oh yeah, absolutely.
100%, we have shaken, rattled, yeah, we've we've done, we've we've frustrated City now. we We really have frustrated them and you know what, I like it. I like that we've frustrated them. I really do appreciate the fact that we've gone to the Etihad, we've like, we've gone full blown here and we've rattled them, purely rattled them. We we just got to hope now that they that they just go mess up against Newcastle now.
Well, I mean, hopefully there will be definite changes to their form. We'll discuss that later on with a certain individual not being around potentially. But I was having a little look at the stats today, diving into them. There were only three Manchester City players who did not have a shot.
I believe three of them. So they had 33 shots. ah The only players who didn't have a shot for City were the injured midfielder, the goalkeeper, and the 90th minute substitute, which I find slightly baffling. i Now in terms of touches on the ball, we had 332.
They had 837. ah And their highest player with the highest amount of touches was Diaz with 135. Ours, who would you reckon had the most touches for us? Do you know what? I was actually going to go to sleep. It was David Ryer. Oh wow, yeah. Do you know what? I can't lie, that would have been my second answer. With 43.
That was the player with the most touches for Arsenal in that whole game. 43. Last thing I want to talk about the City game is something's been happening more and more recently. Arsenal have been employing the dark arts, so to speak. Now, City fans have been getting a bit moody about this. I'm sure you've seen this all over the place, Jamie, on social media. They got proper moody about Arsenal slowing the game down.
So in terms of the average time of delays this season, there's three teams right towards the top. Wolves, on average, waste 30.9 seconds with every sort of like delay. Arsenal, 33 and a half. Wow. Tied with Villa. Obviously it's a new facet of the game that we has come along, especially since Arteta came in. Jamie, are you a fan of it?
50 50 to be honest with you 50 50 because look it can work in our favor it can work against us completely I think what was it ah do you guys remember maybe not last season season before I think it was Newcastle at the Emirates and I think it was was it nil nil or something and the amount of time wasting new castle had on the ball during that game i can't remember off the top of my head roughly but i remember towards the end of the game getting so frustrated because the time wasting behind new castle was ridiculous but the thing is it is pretty much been an adoptive thing in the premier league and like i said it can work against you and it can work for you but
You know, for Arsenal, I think you look at yesterday's game and we try to waste as much time as we could clearing the ball out, going long, you know, trying to maybe even get it into the corner flag, you know, sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do in these type of games.
yeah Yeah, it can be frustrating to watch, but it's certainly proved. I mean, it's an irritating tactic, but it works. And that's why the teams use it, isn't it? It does work. So I think we're going to let our blood pressure simmer down now. We've got it out of our system. We're going to take a quick break. It's going to be a quick message from our sponsors at Zencast. And when we come back, we're going to discuss the Atalanta map. So we'll be back just after this message.
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And welcome back to the Daily Arsenal Podcast. We have just got City out of our minds. Now we're going to have a quick look back to Atalanta. Our first game in the Champions League this year ended up being quite a tight 0-0 at the end of the day. um The bar that I work at doesn't actually show sports. We have a computer on the back bar which can get um perfectly reputable streams of every football game.
nothing was there whatsoever and much like yourself i had trouble watching it but i have a feeling i would have had trouble watching it anyway because the bits i saw were terrible. Jamie did you get to watch a full ah full display of it? Well i just about i think i I did a, debate basically since I'm preparing for the marathon march, I walked to Emberley and back and as I'd got back I was shattered and I'd got back about quarter past eight and
watched the game but i just i don't know interrupted by the way just to point out but um but i just i don't know i i didn't i kind of didn't recognize that the team that was playing i didn't recognize arsenal really there wasn't much ebb and flow and you know there was the odd few chances where quadrado really kind of poised but I mean, listen, it's the Atlanta game. We can't, we cannot sit here and not talk about that David Rhea save. I mean, we right I mean, again, I said it earlier, but it just gave me flashbacks of Villa. It really gave me flashbacks of Villa. And I put a poll out on our, um, on our socials just to see like what every everyone kind of thought. And surprisingly, a lot of people voted for the, for the Atlanta save rather than the Villa save.
I think obviously the villa save was very impressive, but I think the reflexes to get across, he was getting across more, I think the Atalanta save and a proper scoop off the line. Let's, let's add to Jamie's poll in that case between the two of you, which did you prefer the villa save or the Atalanta save?
Well, um, Do you know what I really couldn't pick and I can't lie on my when I when I voted I actually voted for both but if I had to really pick one I would definitely go for I'd probably go Atlanta because the reflexes were just Unbelievable and I mean bear in mind this was what was it deep into the second half? I mean, you know if it weren't for that save I And if they if they did score, then goodness me, it wouldn't it wouldn't have been looking too great. To be honest with you, I was watching it and...
I was like, he's going that way. I was like, he's going that way. He's going that way. And as soon as he dived, I was like, I knew it. I was like, one of them, I told you so moments. I was like, I told you so. I knew it. I told you. And the fact that you got it back up and like quickly reacted to the second, I thought, wow, like what a keeper we've got here. 27, and just to know just to point out, 27 million we paid Brentford. I mean, wow. ah Wow. Absolutely bargain.
Even in the city game, I think he paid alright in the city game as well to be fair. Yeah, pulled off some good saves in that city game as well. Yeah, I think he did everything right man. Even when he came and collected the ball and I think Gary Neville said, that's what you want your keeper to do, you know, go in there and and get it and, you know, command the box. That's it. He did he did ah he did a tremendous job. He actually made nine saves, 82% of the shot space. So he did incredibly well. He did, he did. um I want to ask a little something about one of our new players.
Josh, do you reckon Arteta trusts Sterling? Because I know it's still early days. He really hasn't introduced him much into the team at all. He's played 11 minutes in the prem, 18 in the Champions League. And that's kind of all we've seen of him so far. Do you think there's a problem there? Maybe fitness, maybe confidence, or do you think he just needs the right game to really kick on?
I think it's probably more sharpness because he wasn't really playing much games with Chelsea. I mean, the manager didn't even know what he was doing. you know He could have been in his back garden playing, kicking the ball around. He wouldn't have even known. So I think it is still early days. I think he's probably still getting up to speed. I don't think he walks into the team just like that. you know i'm I'm not Sterling's massive fan, but one thing I do like about Sterling, he works tremendously hard. And he's one of the ones where, because he used to actually live around in Wembley, he grew up around here.
yeah he did and i think he's uncool even though he wasn't the best player he's one of those guys where you could tell him something and he would go out there and just do it he's one of those guys he's just he'll just understand certain things so I do like the side and I think he's decent. um I think it just is getting his early days. It's given time. Let him adjust into the team. He doesn't walk into teams straight away. Again, he's just, he's literally a better Nelson. He's an upgrade from Nelson, but he still doesn't start or he's a guy that comes off the bench and maybe might do something.
He also strikes me as like you say, he's a very intelligent football player. He's one of those who he doesn't necessarily have the physical strength. He's got the speed and he's got the intelligence to know where he needs to be and what he needs to do. And I reckon we'll probably see more of him going forwards. The last question I want to ask in this section, it regards our creativity.
Because especially in the Atlanta game, I think it was really, really lacking the bits of the game that me and Josh were able to suggest that we're missing odor guard, like a hole in the heart is ten percent Jamie.
If we're looking for somebody to fill that spot, we've tried Trussard in a couple of games, didn't go brilliantly against City, let's be honest. Yeah. Who would you want to see really step into that position of flourish? hoogie No one's going to touch Odegard for quality. No, of course not. But who would you like to see there? It's not easy because the thing is,
You could have Kai Havertz there, but the thing is, yes, so I see straight away, for those who can't see Josh's reaction, JD is just straight away nodding his head. And i I do agree with you. I do agree. I just don't think he's that guy that can hold the role down nicely. It is difficult because we haven't got that back up. We we did kind of say off air yesterday that we could do with the Smith row.
We really could do we we could have we could have done with Smith Row now. And you know unfortunately, you look at the midfield options. A lot of our midfield options are either CDMs or centimids. There isn't a ah midfielder that can play centimid or a cam roll. And you kind of see it in Atlanta. You kind of realized it the other day with City.
We're really missing Odegard and the thing is we need to we need to find a solution quickly because the fact that we're now losing him for 2-3 months, we need we need to find a solution as soon as but for me I can't really name a player that could fit that role unfortunately and that's why I think we're going to be experimenting with Trossard or Haberz or maybe even a I don't know but I just yeah I just I think we really are stuck on that one we both so much about depth but now that when push comes to shove where's that depth in in the cam now JD would you be tempted to recall Fabio Vieira
No, and he's still injured. So no, no. For me, yeah I probably, even though he's still young, I probably would put maybe a year in a few couple of games. You know, I think in the threatening game, when he came on, I think he looked all right. You know, I don't think he can do a job as an older guy. I've said in other podcasts, older guys are coming to the brain. off You know, I think he's more vital than I can in the brain because we've got nobody else really who can be his replacement.
So for me, I think maybe Ranier is the only person I can see that's that I've looked on there, even though it's been a short spell that I'm like, yeah, he doesn't get me nervous on the ball. He can pick up the pass. He looks very comfortable on the ball, but it is a big ask for a 17 year old.
It's huge. I think now that the two big games are out of the way, we'll definitely see more of him. I think it's probably, like you say, a big ass to put him in. I mean, he only briefly ah appeared for the Tottenham game. Didn't yeah actually feature for the city game, but now those massive games are out of the way. I really do hope we see more of him. So that's it for the second section. We're going to be back in our third section for a brief look forward at how we think a couple of the cups and the rest of the season are going to go. So we'll be back just after this message from the global sports podcast network.
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Global Sports Podcast Network, every club, every day. And welcome back to this final section of the Daily Arsenal Podcast brought to you on the Global Sports Podcast Network. I briefly forgot the word podcast. Looking forward this week, the Wednesday game is what we're going to briefly look at. We've got Bolton at 7.45 in the AFL Cup.
I would quite like to see, as we kind of alluded to just a moment ago, some of the kids starting. Jamie, is there anyone else? I mean, you said yesterday, Jamie, how much you enjoyed Lewis Skelly's getting in Harlan's face. yeah Is there anybody else that you'd quite like to see start? Yeah, Miles Skelly, Ethan Wanyari.
i would may i'd give I'd give an opportunity to a couple other prospects as well. i mean It's a game where no disrespect to Bolton, but you know we can use this game as a time to kind of rest key players, especially with Leicester coming up on the weekend. It's just good for players to kind of kick back and relax a little bit.
and the next time we may be we may not see him we may not see him until maybe new year if maybe even luck but maybe not i wouldn't say if at all but again depends on who we get in the cup as well but um yeah i'd i'd maybe even like to see sterling start you know i think someone like i could maybe see like sterling starting and maybe even martinelli because i think we kind of touched on it in a previous pod but his confidence has seemed to really not shine through and i think
For someone like Sterling and for someone like Martinelli, a game like this where if they could assist or even score could boost their confidence. Yeah, I think you're absolutely right there. um Just a quick question for both of you. Are you that bothered about the EFL Cup? Because it has dropped a lot in terms of it its recognition, hasn't it? JD, will you be heartbroken if we get knocked out on Wednesday?
Well, no, not to this bowling team. there's no There's no Kevin Davis or or Campo there or J.J. O'Kocha, so definitely. You know, I would be a bit shocked if he did lose, but if he did lose, would I care? Not really. um You know, it's just another comment. There's so many fixtures now.
you know, and we've been to Champions League with more fixtures going on. The players get tired. You need to have score rotation. So, yeah, get the kids, get them running around. The guys that, you know, not really starting, they need a bit of confidence in there. Get them starting. Hopefully, they should guard them, you know, try and prove a point why they should be starting the first team, even if we ran the area or even Sterling. And, yeah, it's going to do your best, really, you know. Just go out there and smash it.
Absolutely. I think you're, I think you're bang on there. And the second thing that I wanted to ask JD in particular, and Jamie, you'll, you'll understand why I'm asking him. go It sounds as though from reports that come out today, Roger is out for the season. He's done his ACL. Do you think this makes city weak enough for us to really, really go at them?
Well, I don't know if it makes ah a weakness for us to go at them, but it's a massive L for um for C. I mean, Roger, let's face it, you know, this Ballon d'Or nomination is probably the weakest it's ever been, but on my hit list, on my nomination, probably I think Roger wins it. You know, it's one of the Premier League, it's one in Spain, it's an amazing the season. He should have won PFA player, not not folding.
ah hundreds so Oh, yeah, definitely. Oh, you know, with Roger not being there, he's just he's Mr. Consistent, you know, I mean, just just he just he just he's just brilliant. He's really good. like I don't want him to his own horn, but he's just he's just amazing. So him being out when I saw that I went, yeah, like yeah, come yeah. You know, obviously, I don't know if the players get you know injured. You know, not i I've had injuries myself. You know, I don't want to hear players get injured. But You know, I'm happy he's gone. It makes our life a lot easier, doesn't it? Let's put it that way. on it I was talking to a couple of Arsenal fans yesterday, on Sunday.
I think he's arguably the most influential player in the world. I don't think he's the best player in the world, but in terms of the influence he has on that city team and the importance to that city team, I'd argue, I don't look at other clubs and say they cannot do what they do without that player. And I think Roger is so important in there, so vital. um The last thing that we're gonna talk about now is the Champions League, the upcoming game. So we've talked about Atlanta. Now, Jamie, coming up,
PSG at home, Shaq Dar at home, Inter away, sporting away, Monaco at home, Zagreb at home, Girona away. Seven games. It's a lot of games. It is, yeah. A lot of games. The next one, obviously, PSG, but at the Emirates. Do you reckon we'll take much out of that?
Do you know what? I think I must have said it to all of you guys on the group chat. But I think looking at the games that we've got, we've actually been quite lucky in a way. Because to get PSG at home, especially a PSG team that haven't gotten back pay, I don't see why we can't go at them. I really don't see why we can't go at them. The run of games that we've got now in the Premier League are quite favorable before that PSG game, which does help.
I think Inter Milan away at the San Siro, that will be and a marvellous occasion there. I mean, we we've got good history. I know like we we like to allude on history, but you know, we have got good history at the San Siro. So I don't see how that can't be a problem. Sporting will be the interesting one for me, because, you know, I think it's just one player you look at is Victor Yorkrez. And, you know, if he turns up at the Emirates, I mean,
Oh, I don't even want to think about it, let alone let alone dream. But, you know, I was at the last sporting game and that was when Saliba went off injured and yeah, that that kind of explains the rest. But overall, looking at them games, we should be, I'd be targeting at least the top eight, I'd be targeting around a 16 spot um rather than a knockout phase. ah the The games are favorable and they are, you know, I don't see why we haven't got enough quality in our squad to go and take on a PSG or even ah or even an Inter Milan. Yeah, I think that's fair. JD, are you happy with the pool as well?
um Yes, I know. I mean, we could have had an easier teams. But, you know, I don't know if you've seen PSG's pictures, like every team they have is like a really tough, tough game. So in that boat, I am happy with what we've got. The problem I have some things there is that the last couple of games, you know, defensively, we've been brilliant, you know, I can't say anything bad about the boys defensively. But going forward,
Really strong. you have We've struggled. we struggle And that's where i I'm a bit worried a little bit. You know, with no older God being there and no one really, you know, suckers, you're not really scoring goals. You might not know he's not scoring goals. Habits are definitely not scoring goals at the moment. So, you know, it is a bit of a worry, but what I like about this Arsenal team, even though we've not we not been our best this year so far,
We've not really made any chances, but we still score goals and we still get results. You know, we weren't beating the season so far. I mean, you've got to give credit with character. Is it luck? I don't think it's luck because again, I think defensively we've been pretty solid. So I think we've just got enough, maybe just to push getting one of the eight spots there, but hopefully I would've got to come back in time. You know, it's a miracle. Yeah.
you know I think that's a very hopeful way of looking at it, and hey, Invincible's 2.0 is happening year. Well, that is it today for the Daily Arsenal podcast. Did you like what we had to say? Be sure to let us know on our social media, follow us wherever you get your feeds, and share the pod.
We love all of you who listen in, but share us around. Let's grow this family. um I've been your host, Josh Vince. A massive thanks, as always, to Josh Duncan and to Jamie Patterson for joining me. And we'll be back tomorrow with our Wild Card Wednesday episode. We'll see you then. And until then, take care. Every club, every day. The Global Sports Podcast Network. work