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Sails - Part 3 (Luke 4:42-44) image

Sails - Part 3 (Luke 4:42-44)

FBC CTX Sunday Messages
12 Plays4 months ago

Sunday Message recorded 27 October 2024
by Senior Pastor Victor Morrison
First Baptist Church - Columbus, TX, USA
1700 Milam St.
Columbus, TX, USA 78934


The Gathering: Praise and Worship

Thank you so much for being here today. Appreciate you always gathering to worship the Lord. It is him that we praise. And this morning, once again, the praise was so full and meaningful. And it was just great to lift his name

Jesus' Journey and Challenges

up together. And that's why we're gathered here, is to lift up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, the terms wind and sail are not mentioned in Luke chapter four.
But forces were moving all around Jesus and pushing against him and attempting to pull or to push him away from the chartered course the father had entrusted to him. So regardless of the opposition, Jesus consistently, consistently and skillfully, perfectly steered his life on track with the father's plan.
Luke, who was the human author of Luke and Acts, used the word sail two times in his gospel. We see it in Luke 8, 23, and 26, but he used it 28 times in the book of Acts. There was a lot of sailing going on in the Bible.
You know, in Luke four, we've observed five winds of resistance. Remember when we were looking at these, we've been going through Luke chapter four together, verse by verse. Today we're going to be at the last three verses, but we started in chapter four, verse one, and we saw that sometimes we face a headwind of persuasion from Satan.

Setting the Sails: Navigating Life's Winds

He's trying to persuade you. He's trying to trick you to go with him.
We went from there to seeing another wind that blows sometimes in our lives, the winds of popularity. Maybe right now in your life, everybody is so excited about what you're accomplishing. Maybe they're so glad you're on the team, you're in the school, you're ah on the team at work. you know No matter what it is, people are really glad. So sometimes the winds of popularity with the crowd are blowing, but if we're not careful, they'll blow us off course. rather than keep us on course. And then, of course, there could be pressure, peer pressure against Christ. That's what we saw in Luke 4, 22 to 24. There was peer pressure against Him. And they were trying to say to Him, look, you're not the Messiah. What do you mean, claiming that you're the Messiah?
And he noticed there was prejudice against Gentiles that was there among the Jews. And so that was verses 25 to 27. And then we saw one more wind that can suddenly blow up and it's not from the outside, but it's from the inside.
some kind of wind of passion. We have to be careful with our passions. We have to make sure that our passions are for Christ and that originated with Him. And so it says that these people there in Jesus's hometown became really angry. They actually came enraged against Him.
And so maybe that can happen in your life. Maybe people are fine, but suddenly you're talking about Jesus, you're talking about a biblical standard, and now persecution is coming out of those same people that at one time were so excited about you.
This has been my point all along, is that we cannot change the wind. But you know what we can do? We can adjust the sails to reach the destination the Lord has for us.

Authority of Jesus and Scripture

You see, it is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind, that determines which way we will go. That was a quote by a man named Jim Rohn.
But if we examine closely verses 31 to the end of the chapter where we're gonna end up today, then what you'll find is you'll find there are certain favorable sales. If you'll learn in your life, no matter what's coming against you, no matter what wins are circulating across your life, if you'll learn how to set the sales, these sales, the same sales that Jesus set in his life, then you're gonna be okay.
The first cell we saw in verses 31 and 32 was adjusting to the precepts of Scripture, adjusting to the principles of Scripture, the promises of Scripture. You know, it says in 31 and 32 that Jesus was teaching in the sabbath on the Sabbath. He was teaching there in the synagogue in Capernaum, and they were astonished at his teaching for his word-possessed authority.
There's great authority and great power in the word of God just by itself. Just getting in that word every day is going to help you to set your sail in the right direction regardless of where the wind's blowing. It's going to help you.
If you drop down to verses 33 and 37, you'll see that someone just suddenly broke out and began to speak loudly in the synagogue that day when Jesus was in there. But it was no problem for him. You know why? Because he is over all power and all authority, every throne, every dominion. It's no problem for the Son of God. All power and all authority have been entrusted to him in heaven.
and on earth. And so it's no problem that whenever you need power over Satan, when he's trying to come against you and attacking your family, just go to Jesus. It's not a problem for him. It is a problem for us if we try to fight in the flesh. But if we fight in the Lord's power, it's not a problem.
We also see that he went into the home of Simon, and there Simon's mother-in-law was sick. She had a high fever, and we saw last time how a fever is not a problem whenever you have the presence of the Savior in your home.

Aligning with God's Purpose through Prayer

Am I promising that everybody will be healed, that everybody will always get better? I'm not making that promise because the Bible doesn't make that promise, not on this side of glory. On the other side of glory, there's no more sickness. There's no more pain. There's no more death. But on this side, sometimes the Lord does intervene and sometimes he'll take that fever away. He'll take away the illness or the sickness and so forth. And so definitely if we say, I don't know what he's going to do, just like the three that were thrown into the fiery furnace, they said, you know what? We know our God is able.
We know He is able, but whether He does it or not, we don't know, but we are not going to bow down to all of your idols. So I just thought, man, there's something about going into a fire, like we sang, going into a fire with knowing Jesus is going in this with me.
But I want to introduce you to three other sales before we wrap up this chapter today. They're found in verse 42, 43, and 44. I think another sale that we're going to see that's favorable, if you'll set this sale in your life, you'll stay on track with what God has planned. It's to spend time with the Father in prayer.
Spend time with the father in prayer in a quiet place, in a secluded place, in a place where there are no distractions. It's not good to watch college football and try to have your quiet time, you know, because you're just going to be distracted. That's all I'm saying. But then verses 42 and 43 remind me of the purpose for your ship.
the purpose for my ship. Do you know that God made you with a purpose? And so whenever we're not moving in his direction, we're going to have a headwind from God because God's going to be saying, that's not what I have in mind for you. Don't go this way. And so we're wondering why is life so difficult if God loves me?
Life is difficult because maybe, I'm not saying for everybody, but maybe we're headed in the wrong direction. And the Father's saying, I'm not going to affirm you. I'm not going to give a tailwind to help you go in that direction. That's not my purpose for you. Do you know the purpose? Why God made your vessel? Why did God make you the way you are? What is His plan? We're going to look at that today.
But then also, I believe we'll stay on track as long as we'll remember that as the people of God, as disciples, as the church, our calling is to proclaim the gospel, to proclaim salvation. So we're going to look at lastly, how important that is.
But all of this, remember, Jesus is a wise, skilled, seasoned sea captain. And he has already navigated his life through all the waters that we are currently sailing. And he has encountered the same kind of winds. So here's the thing we're doing in Luke 4.
We're watching Him. We're learning from Him. We're following Him. We're going to listen to Him. So would you stand in honor of God's Word? Let me read these last three verses, Luke 4, verses 42, 43, and 44. And when it was day,
He departed and went into a desolate place. And the people sought Him, He came to Him, and would have kept Him from leaving them. But He said to them, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well, for I was sent for this purpose.
and he was preaching in the synagogues of Judea. Let's go to the Lord in prayer. Oh Lord, I thank you so much for this church family. I love them. I know that you love them far more than I do. And I thank you so much for sharing your love for them into my heart. So I thank you so much for all the good things that you're doing in our midst.
But we do want to pause right now and just say, Jesus, you're the head of the church. You're the foundation of the church. You're the heart of the church. ah You're the joy of the church. You're what really brings us tremendous joy. So speak to us today. Someone here may need encouragement. Someone here may need hope.
Someone may need direction. Others may need correction. I don't know what they might need, but I know that you can meet each one of us in this room, including myself, at the point of our need. So take the living and active word of God and really minister to us through your word. Let us see how valuable your word is in 2024. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Thank you. You may be seated.
So let's look at the adjustment of the sails through prayer and seclusion, through prayer and seclusion. Did you notice what it says in verse 42? And when it was day, and when it was day, it's referring to when the sun began to come up, when the sun came up, what was Jesus doing? He was spending time with the Father. He wasn't spending time with the disciples. He wasn't spending time with people.
He was spending time with the father. Do you spend time at the beginning of your day saying, Lord, I just wanted to vote the day to you. I just want to give you the day and say that I want this day to be all about you. Now, maybe when you read verse 42, you would say it doesn't say anything about prayer. And when it was day, he departed and went into a desolate place. And so maybe you'd say, I don't know about that.
Well, look at Mark 1. There's a parallel verse in Mark 1 35. You're going to hear it say almost the same thing, and it's going to add one more thing, one more detail at the very end of Mark chapter 1 verse 35. And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place. Here it comes. Don't miss it.
And there he prayed, and there he prayed. Are you actually taking time on a daily basis to pray over your day, to present it to him? I just encourage you to do that. I believe that's why Jesus could navigate through all those five storms of resistance.

Dedication to Prayer: Lessons from Susanna Wesley

How could he remain in that position, that posture of obedience to the Father? How could he stay on track with all of these winds trying to blow him off track?
He could do that because He spent time with the Father every day in prayer. Even before, if you go if you get an early start, just get an earlier start with Him. Because it said when it was still very early and the Son was just going to come up, when the Son came up, the Son of God, He was already up. He was on His knees and He was praying in this desolate place.
Which makes me think, you know, it does say he departed, doesn't it? I think that's an important word that is put for us there in Luke 442. He departed and went into a desolate place.
I know that each one of us in this room have important responsibilities. We have important priorities. There's some things we can't change. I understand that. But all I'm saying is you are to say, you know what? I have a higher priority than anything else that's written on my calendar for today. And that higher priority is to spend a little bit of time with my Heavenly Father and commit my day to Him. So I am going to pull away, I'm going to depart, and I'm going to find a desolate place where I can meet with him. I understand that it's hard. Let's just take, for example, a mother.
Do you know that there's a lady named Susanna Wesley? She gave birth to John Wesley, Charles Wesley, great preacher, a great hymn writer. But between 1700 and 1720 in Epworth, England, this lady, Susanna Wesley, she homeschooled 10 children. Let's see you do that and come out with sanity in your head, you know? But you know what she did in addition to homeschooling her 10 kids?
She said, you know, every week I'm going to let each one of you know that you're so important to your mom that I'm going to make an hour out of my week and I'm just going to be with you. I just want to hear what's going on in your life. If you've got heart aches, if you've got joys, I just want to know what's going on. I want to know how I can pray for you as your mother. So every week Susanna Wesley, in addition to homeschooling her kids, said, each one of my 10 kids, she actually had 18, but eight passed away. And so that would be a hard thing for her to go through. But Susanna Wesley is known for two things. One is her tremendous organizational skills. The other one would be her prayer life, her prayer life, organizational skills and prayer life.
And so I thought to myself, wow, you can see how she organized her day. She taught her kids classical education and biblical education. I thought, wow, but you know what she also did? Maybe you'd say, well, with 10 kids, I'm sure she was constantly responding to, you know, mommy, mommy, mommy. You know what? Two hours.
Listen to what I'm saying. Two hours every day, Susanna Wesley told her kids, mommy cannot be disturbed during this two hours. How will we know when we're not supposed to disturb you, mommy? She said, I'm going to make myself a little tent out of my apron. And she would put an apron over her head, and she would have her private time right there in that house. I'm sure it wasn't a large house.
You know, how big were the homes in the 1700s? More than likely it was a very small home. And so that's all she could do. The point is, will you do what you need to do to pull away and to say, you know what, I'm going to be there for you, family. I'm going to be there for you, job and career. I'm going to be there for you, you know, spouse, whomever. But you're going to say to the Lord, Lord, there's going to be some time.
I'm just going to be here for you because if I'm not here for you, I'm not going to have anything to to give to them. And so take time to be with the Lord each day. But also notice that he dedicated, he was dedicated apart from the demands of his friends.
Do you always do what your friends want you to do? Are you always a yes man, yes man, or a yes woman? Are you always saying whatever they want, I will always do it. Your life is going to be driven. You're not walking by the Lord, you're you're driven. Look at what it says about Jesus, and when it was day,
He departed and went out to a desolate place and the people sought Him and they came to Him and would have kept Him from leaving them. You see, the problem was God's will meant that He was going to have to leave them. He was going to have to depart. And so I just thought to myself, look at how popular He was still among the people.
says they sought him. Do you have a lot of people seeking you? Do you have a lot of people texting you? A lot of people sending emails to you? A lot of people were replying to your social media. There's a lot of people maybe seeking you. But do you ever just say, you know what? I'm going to set my phone down. I'm going to set the computer to the side, and I'm just going to say to the Lord, you

Understanding and Fulfilling Life’s Purpose

know what? I'm not driven, Lord, by all of them. I'm called by you.
to do what you want me to do. And they were, he was pulled by the people. So they came to him. They're wanting him come. It says they were persistent. There was persistence among the people when it says they would have kept him. They would have kept him. So they wanted him to come do what they wanted.
Here's the thing, private time each morning with God enables us, that's me, that's you, it enables us to withstand contrary winds of public opinion. I don't know about you. I'm not gonna be driven by public opinion. I wanna be driven by the Spirit of God, called to go after what God has called me to be and do.
Let's look at the next adjustment of the sales. Are you adjusting your sales in your life to the purpose of your ship? The purpose of your ship. Do you know, Paul said in Acts 20, 24, that I may finish my course. I may finish my race.
Are you finishing the course that God has for you? Or are you just so distracted going here and going there, so wandering all over the place? I found something very interesting in terms of life and when life begins. And does life have purpose even when we're in the womb? Look at Jeremiah chapter one and verse five in the Old Testament. I'll read it to you. But Jeremiah chapter one, verse five says, this is God. This is God talking to Jeremiah, a very young man. And he says to him, Jeremiah one, verse five,
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Wow, that's that's phenomenal, isn't it? Let me read it one more time. Take it in real slow. Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. That tells me God's got a plan, doesn't it? You keep going in the verse and he says, before you were born, I consecrated you.
So the child has not even been born yet. And yet God says, you know what? I've already decided what I want your life to be like. And he said, I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
You know, I believe that God has that kind of a plan, specific plan. And so notice in Jesus's words here in Luke chapter four and verse 43, when he says to the people who are saying, you got to come with us. You got to come right now. You know, it's always urgent, right? But notice what he said. I must.
I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well, for I was sent for this purpose." I want you to freeze on the first two words. I must. Doesn't that say something about necessity? Whenever you must do something, it's not I can, it's not I should, I must. I must do this. If I don't do anything else in my life,
I must do this. And so Jesus said, that's the way it was for him. There was another Old Testament prophet named Jonah, and he learned how important it is that God's will is not like on that old game show, let's make a deal. You can pick whichever one you like best. God's not saying that to me and he's not saying that to you. He's saying, this is what ah I've called you to be. This is what I've called you to do.
This is necessary. This is necessary. You're going to have to do it. But notice, because it's a necessity, it also becomes should become a priority. What was the priority that Jesus had crystal clear in his mind, crystal clear? Anybody that's going to follow Jesus, this is where he's going. OK, here's what he says. He says ah in this verse 43, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God. I must do it. I must do it. It must be a priority in my life. So he's moved from the necessity of it to the priority of it. The priority of people at your work
People in your family were coming up on Thanksgiving, and after that's Christmas, you ought to be thinking, Lord, give me a strategy. How can I bring up Jesus? How can we bring it up? Can we just say at the table this year, what are you thankful for? You know, how can you get it started? Be thinking ahead of time of how you can share the good news of the kingdom.
Luke is gonna share the kingdom of God, that little phrase right there, kingdom of God, 32 more times. You know why? I think it's important. I think Jesus knew it's important and we should know it's important, but also the locality, the locality or the territory that's within the purpose. He said, you know what? I'm not just called to Capernaum and I'm not just called to Nazareth. Those are the two cities we've been looking at. First Nazareth, now Capernaum. But he says, you know what? I can't just stay here in Capernaum. I'm not called to just stay here and heal people all the time, you know, in Capernaum. He said, I must preach the the gospel of the kingdom of God to the other cities also.
So he knew there was a specific place. Are you blooming where God has planted you? Do you know that this is where God, I know that this is where God wants me. I know that this is what God wants me to do. Are you where God wants you? Are you doing what God wants you to do? You know, in Acts 16 verses six through 10, you can see it's ample evidence that God has a specific place that we should serve him.
Remember when you know Paul tries to go into Bithnia, Holy Spirit says, nope. He tries to go into Asia, Holy Spirit says, nope. And then he goes to, ah where did he go to? I forgot the name of it. But anyway, he goes to another place and he says, Lord, where do you want me to go? And he has this vision of someone in Macedonia saying, come over to Macedonia and help us. And that's where it was. And so I just want you to know that God has a specific place. He wants your light to shine.
Remember the Old Testament prophets? You know, I found it interesting that five of them were called to the Northern Kingdom. Thirteen of them were called to the Southern Kingdom. you See, God has a specific place. He wants you to be. He wants you to shine for Him.
But there's also the intentionality behind purpose. He says, I was sent, Jesus says, I was sent for this purpose. If you are sent, then you know what? There was a sender. There was a sender. And so it means he intentionally, he and on purpose sent you there to be in that area.
You know, ah Luke mentions that he was sent by the Father several times, two times in Luke, one time in Matthew, one time in Mark. Maybe say, that's not that often. Yeah, but you got to include John. And John said, I heard Jesus say, I was sent by the Father. Get this, 33 times.
33 times. Jesus kept saying, I was sent by the Father. I was sent for this purpose. I was sent. Do you know that there are six people in the Bible who learned that God's not really looking for us to show Him, you know, try to impress Him with our ability? I think what He wants most is our availability. And so isn't it neat that six times in the Bible, these particular people said, you know what?
Here I am. Who said, here I am? Abraham said, here I am. Moses said, here I am. Samuel said, here I am. Isaiah said, here I am. And Ananias said, here I am. Would you just say to God today, I don't know what your purpose is for me yet. I'm still learning. I'd like to know. I want to know God. What is your will? What's your plan? Why did you make me? Why I'm on this earth? Say to God, here I am. Whatever it is, here I am.
So what do you want? Do you want God's headwind coming against you and saying, this is not the way? Or would you rather have God's tail wind behind you saying, now you're talking, this is the way to go. So now you can begin to go forward with great speed, great power. You know, Ephesians 1.11 says, God works all things according to the counsel of his will. Ephesians 2.10 says, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand.

Sharing the Gospel and Focusing on Christ

that we should walk in them. You see, God's got a purpose for your life. You're not a mistake. None of you in this room are a mistake. God has a purpose that he wants you to fill out and let him to accomplish through your life. Well, let me close with one last adjustment of the sails, the proclamation of the gospel.
It's very important that if you're an American citizen, that you use your responsibility and your right to vote this week. I voted on Tuesday. I've already done it. But you know what's more important than exercising your right to vote? Verbalizing. Verbalizing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Telling people, this is how we get saved. Come to Jesus. This is what our country needs more than anything else.
Like I said, he could not stay in Capernaum and heal bodies while there were so many lost souls that were out there. And so I'm just encouraging you to say, Lord, help me to keep sharing the good news.
share the good news. That's mentioned here as well, right? I must preach the good news. So share it. I'm not talking about inviting them to church. I'm talking about telling them that Jesus died on the cross. He was placed in the tomb. He was raised by the father. He ascended back to the throne of God and he's coming back someday. That's the good news of the gospel.
But also I think we have to remember that when we're telling someone the good news, don't forget this part. You're inviting them on behalf of Christ to enter the kingdom of God. You know what the kingdom of God means?
surrender. It means I used to be the king of the kingdom, but I'm not the king of this kingdom. I'm coming to you, Lord, bowing down my knees to say, you are the king of the of your kingdom. And that's the kingdom I want to be a part of. So remember to share the gospel, remember to invite them to surrender to the Lord, but also search, search for the lost. He says, I must go to the other cities also. Wow.
But you have to start where the light is. He says, I'm going to start in the synagogues of Judea. It says in verse 44, and he was preaching in the synagogues of Judea. So start wherever the people are open, where the light is, and give them the gospel. Like I've said over and over in this series, we can't focus on preventing the wind from blowing against our ship. It's going to blow. Be ready.
But what we can do, we can continually set ourselves so that we're not distracted by the winds nor driven in the wrong direction. Do you remember Matthew and something he recorded in Matthew 14? The disciples were in a boat when a strong storm, a strong storm, maybe like a squall, blew in.
It says that their boat was beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them. Does that sound like your life? Beaten by the waves, strong wind of resistance get against them. And it says that Jesus came to them. I like that.
when When we can't go to where he is, he can come to us. He can come to us. And he came to them right there in the middle of that storm and they were terrified. They were like, oh my goodness. And he said, it's me. Don't be afraid.
And old Peter, he's always going to say something. He just says, Lord, if it's really you, then command me to come out there with you on the water. And Jesus said, come on. And he probably liked that part. So Peter got out there, but verse 30 says, but when he saw the wind, he was afraid.
and beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me. And Jesus immediately reached out his hand and he took hold of him. What's the problem that day, the wind?
The wind was a problem. That wasn't the problem. The problem that day, Jesus called it out. He said, the problem is your lack of faith. The problem is unbelief. He said, that's the problem. You see, we can't control all the winds. But listen, Peter could have adjusted. He could have set his sails to focus on Christ, not to look at those winds, not to look at those waves.
The last two Sundays, we've observed six points of sale. I'll give them to you one more time before we cast the invitation. Precepts of scripture, stay with God's word. That is going to help you stay on the right track. You come to Jesus, you're going to have the authority you need, all the power you need over whatever Satan comes against you with.
The third one, just invite Jesus in your life. By faith, say, Lord, I trust you. By faith, I'm turning from all my sin and doing things my way. I want to follow you. Lord, I invite you to come into my life with your presence. If he's in the room, there are no challenges too great for him.
But also, we must learn to pray and to pray in a place that's private and quiet. We must learn what is my purpose. Why did you build my ship, Lord? Why was I placed on the face of this earth? What's my purpose in life?
But then also, whatever it is, keep on proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Would you stand with me? I want to give an opportunity for people to respond. I mean, we're going to sing a song called, I surrender all.
Man, good things can happen whenever we say, I surrender all. Would you surrender all today and say to the Lord, please God, I just want you to take my life. I want you to lead my life. So let's go to the father in prayer. Lord, thank you so much that you left heaven. I think about what you surrendered when you came down and entered this world as a man. It's amazing.
And Lord, to think about all that we did to you while you were here. you You loved everybody. You taught the truth. You ministered, you healed, you fed people. So many good things. But Lord, we we put you on a cross. We used a whip and we whipped your back. We placed a crown of thorns on your brow, on your head.
Lord, forgive us for the way we treated you when you came into this world. But Lord, if we will simply say, I surrender all, I give up my personal throne, and I invite Jesus to come and sit on the throne of my heart, on the throne of my life. I want to surrender my life to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Lord, that's when mighty things can happen. And that's what we pray today, that everyone here would make sure that they're ready to trust Christ, that they've trusted him, that they've following him, they're learning from him. Oh, please Lord, let this invitation be a time that we can respond to you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
This is a ministry of First Baptist Church, located at 1700 Milam Street, Columbus, Texas.