But what is your assignment? What is it God wants to do in your life in 2025? You know, I believe that we need to say, Lord, you want to use every one of us, but we have to prepare our hearts. We have to be ready for whatever it is God wants us to do. So I want to ask you as you go through 2025 to say to God, Lord, please help me be ready. so that you can use me in 2025. Let's all stand together. We're going to have a time of invitation where you can respond. And so maybe the Lord has said to you, hey, you know, one thing I've skipped, I've never been baptized. I'm a believer, but I've never been baptized. Maybe you'd say, I'm not even a believer yet. But I would like to be a part of something like that. Maybe you would say, you know what? I'd like to be a part of this congregation, to go forward with the Lord and to help you, you know to be a part of that team that carries the workload. I'd like to do that. Or maybe God's calling you to service. Maybe you'd say, you know what? Just like God called Alyssa Bray, now Alyssa Litzler, just like God called Jacob Tice, and he's serving the Lord, there may be a call that God has in your life.